Saturday, July 25, 2009

Live Blogging Nationwide Series Race on ESPN

ESPN has split the announcing teams in Indy and tonight is the Nationwide Series race from O'Reilly Raceway Park.

NASCAR Countdown is up at 7:30PM ET. In the past this pre-race show has been hosted by one of the pit reporters. Last season it was Dave Burns. This year, Jack Arute is being joined by Shannon Spake and Mike Massaro on pit road.

It will be Marty Reid calling the race with Rusty Wallace and Randy LaJoie alongside. This trio has been on the air today from ORP several times and they have been having a lot of fun.

The truck series race on Friday night was outstanding, so perhaps this is a night when the Nationwide Series can match the excitement. There are only four Sprint Cup Series drivers in the field, so hopefully the Carl and Kyle show will have some real competition on this short-track bullring.

Pictures at night from ORP are great. The audio works well from the in-car cameras because the drivers are working the throttle and brake all night long. There are no tricky camera locations or fancy gadgets, just good old short-track racing at night.

This post will serve to host your comments on this topic. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. How many ExTenze commercials did Kevin Conway sell ESPN tonight?

  2. As many as it takes to make men think they're inadequate "in that special part of a man's body".


  3. Oh, those of you who enjoy adult beverages should start the Enzyte drinking game. It's going to be a long night....let me rephrase that!

  4. Must be weird for fans with small kids watching at home.

  5. And let's hope that ESPN doesn't make the broadcast the Carl & Kyle show. I wonder if Marty will notify us of the S&P'ers when they leave the track.

  6. @ JD

    Women don't really care how long the "night" is.


  7. The story is those guys coming from the back. The guys who subbed in to qualify those cars did not even bring them up to speed. NASCAR was ripped.

    That is how confident they are with their ability to dominate.

  8. I'll be in the drinking game --- but it will be sweet iced tea.

    Well, the Kyle hype has started. *sigh*

  9. If you Google around the Internet, you can find how they work the Enzyte scam. It's amazing.

  10. I'm tired of this Kyle emphasis already.

    All this is serving to prove is that Kryle is a putrid crybaby excuse for a man.


  11. Oh boy, another interview to plug Joe's book.

  12. via their Twitter page: ExtenZeRacing is pumped about ORP this weekend!! The ExtenZe display will be set up Fri & Sat. Come meet Kevin & the ExtenZe girls & get a free swag pack!

  13. It's another attempt by Gibbs to justify his continued employment of Kryle.

    Sorry, I'm not buying it.


  14. BTW, whomever came up with the "Kryle" moniker is brilliant. It's the best I've heard yet.



  15. Would be cool to see Ron Hornaday take his Vlasic Pickles KHI car to Victory Lane and sweep the weekend at ORP.

  16. Nice to hear someone like Jason Keller say he'd be happy to race another ten years in this series. For all the discussion about the state and status of the Natiowide series, it's guys like Keller who keep me interested.

  17. @Karen, reporter even asked JG how he justifies his Christian walk & having drivers like Tony & Kryle. He completely blew him off w/his answer, imo.

  18. How hard can it be for a CUP driver to mow down the NWers?

  19. Dot, but I thought Leffler's hair looked better tonight.

  20. asking Jesus to help drivers "get it on"

    now i've heard it all

  21. turned on tv to another bad anthem.

  22. OK guys, focus tonight is on Rusty Wallace working with Randy LaJoie up in the booth.

    That should be the TV element to watch as the race goes on.

    If we could try to keep the focus on the TV coverage tonight I sure would appreciate it.



  23. @ Jo, the mute button, the mute button.

    @ VickyD, Leff is the in race reporter. His race is doomed.

  24. Between the invocations and the anthems, this sure has been a weird year. And all of it live nationwide.

  25. sounds like extenze is using the enzyte playbook.

    give the product away then charge the cc and don't answer phones

    Are they connected other than the same business practice?

    another shaky NASCAR sponsor thats being investigated. wonderful.

  26. The TV networks will run the commercials, so the cash will flow.

  27. If Randy LaJoie plays the booth like he plays his sub role on The Morning Drive on Sirius NASCAR Radio 128, this should be entertaining. I'm looking forward to it.

  28. Dang, the FoxTrax leaderboard isn't working tonight. It's still showing the final results from Gateway.

    Is there another good one? (This means I'm not talking about the one at


  29. Have Chapman, Davis or Lawson parked yet? How does one qualify 5th and (I predict) park by lap 50?

  30. @ Anon 8:26, you are correct. What man is going to complain about not getting "that" product.

    Can someone explain to me the wacky pit stall selection this week and last weeks start? ??

  31. Just a little side note.
    Last weekend I was out of town and went to the Barking Frog Bar/Restaurant in Augusta, Mi to watch the Nationwide race. They had pictures on the wall of Nascar stuff, Karaoke was going on. About 20 plus people were in the bar and I was the only one watching the race. What made my day was I got to watch the race in HD. That was a first for me. What a beautiful picture and having it a night race made it even better.

  32. Good thing I'm not indulging in adult beverages for the Extenze drinking game.

    I'd be half-way under the table already.

  33. Subtle commercial for a family themed program - yup extendr or whatever it is - how many times will that commercial air tonight, over/under anyone? I got 2 dozen even.

  34. OMG@ another nite of THOSE COMMERCIALs

    I said earlier we would see 9 commercials JD..but

    have any of you on talk radio (course mine is local) hear the Zencor man! Yowser! It's cringeworthy with the sexy girls pontificated how it, um, grew their mens plants and removed the weeds!

    not sure if I can take this TV booth all night and MRN only does Cup series in my back when I change computers

  35. I've seen some barking frogs earlier in my ESPN career on the road.

    Hard to understand HD until you see it. What a difference. And you can plug your computer into it directly.

  36. That top ten start to the win stat will change tonight when Weed wins. :(

  37. no drinking games for me...I had a second glass of wine while cooking my dinner. that's my LIMIT.

    Look for lots of deletes.


    Honest, JD

    As Foghorn Leghorn would say "That's a joke son"

  38. As I said on Friday, I love the racing at this place, and it's going to be even more fun as this is the first time we'll DFRs on a short track.

  39. I think I'm going to have to flip to MRN. Mike Bagley and the crew at MRN trump Rusty on all counts. Sorry LaJoie, as entertaining as you are, I can only take Rusty in small doses and ESPN has been on all day long.

  40. sheesh is that the quickest wreck caution


  41. Rusty channeling JP, sailing. Preview of the CUP race.

  42. I see my choice to throw in another load of wash and burn some popcorn (it's smelling really bad in here right now) was actually a good one. I can FF through the apparently steller anthem and all those comercials we all love.

  43. Anon 8:15PM,

    If you remember last season, Randy and Rusty disagreed a lot on the air.

    That is why I was pointing to this race, which is a high profile assignment for both.

    Remember, Rusty got the boot from the Sprint Cup Series booth so he certainly has something to prove.

  44. You won't see fake debris cautions at this track because the racing is always close. I'm assuming something came off of the 20 car, or from that contact.

  45. I must say that blimp shot is fantastic.

  46. hey gang: multi-tasking at its best -- have the race on my laptop and "night at the opera" on tv.

    this could be interesting . . .

    and there's the first 2 S&Pers mentioned: good job.

  47. Thank you, Marty, for the S&P report.

  48. "Made it Lap 9" for Kertus and Mark Green S&P. That's what we need/want to hear.

  49. Once the sun goes down this is going to make for some good NASCAR TV.

  50. ESPN on mute and MRN playing. Radio is a tad behind, but tolerable.

  51. Wow, I was 40 laps off on that Cook prediction. How in the heck do you qualify 5th and then just park it. Car should be good enough for a longer distance than that. Not that many of the non-qualifiers were there to put in any real effort either.

  52. Did anyone understand Rusty?

    It won't go away until it blows up?

    How is Randy keeping a straight face?

  53. The ones that have to be upset with the S&Ps are the tracks. ORP has to pay out part of the purse to these guys that were only in the show for 10 minutes. And we expect the tracks to pay more in purse money?

  54. @red

    You mean real Opera or the Marx brothers movie A NIGHT AT THE OPERA! (Marx bros aficionado)

    I love classical music...some opera except for the soprano's that hurt my ears.

    ok my count one Extenze commercial so far...8 more to go for my guess as to how many...per JD's ?

  55. "he didn't say 'Go Daddy!'"

    I love Lajoie...

  56. Terry Cook S&P from a top 10 spot. Thats pathetic. Nice to see them being mentioned and being addressed with the correct name. And short track racing. Got to love it.

    Marty is such a great announcer. Always have enjoyed him.

  57. I keep trying to make the S&P an issue, but SPEED did not want to play. Marty is the first to really go at them on the air.

    The best part is Rick Allen called some of the S&P guys as they left the truck race last night.

    Rick and I have been going around and around about that issue.

  58. Just think, if these guys who need Flomax took ExtenZE, they'd have to stand on their heads.

    @ Patrick & Mike C, I agree with you about the S&Ps. We all understand why they're are short fields in these times. Why not just start 36 cars to begin with.

  59. My goodness, not sure about how much Rusty I can take. Every @%*&*$ cliche is back in his vocabulary!! Ugh..

  60. Bummer for Scott Lagasse Jr. Good attitude, to bad he doesn't have the night to go with it.

    Typical short track racing.

  61. And what is Rusty saying sailing into the corner like Doc says. Almost got the pace car that time.

  62. Commercial number 2 for XXXXXXXX

    I think Mike Helton or Brian France should have to speak during these commercials. to tie this dreadful product to NA$CAR

  63. @ PammH, He's trying too hard to upstage Randy.

    Gee, how dare Bayne slow down for the caution. As a driver, isn't the easiest view what's in front of you? This is the only time I like Rusty in the booth. When Steven's in a wreck/on track shenanigans.

  64. I agree with Marty. The drivers have to suffer the consequences because of NASCAR's mistake?

  65. Maybe the pace car is battery powered.....too funny!!

  66. Is this an example of 'consistency' when it comes to enforcing rules?

  67. @sophia: marx brothers, of course.

    and just when did the cup drivers become "double duty drivers"? what about hornaday? wouldn't that silly definition fit himas well? how 'bout we just call them "cup drivers"?

    S&Pers should be pointed out in each and every race. anything less is a dishonest calling of the race.

  68. and THAT'S exactly why i detest the free pass: mcdowell was 3 laps down, gets the pass three times and is now on the lead lap. just wrong.
    but credit to booth for pointing that out.

  69. red, but the double file restarts do not allow him to race for his lap back.

  70. Is the commercial bumper department low on music files? Second time they have played Daughtry.

  71. Marty -obviously the producer- using his pit reporters - compare this to tomorrows race - last two years Cup ESPN pit reporters were absent and I hope it has changed.

  72. @red

    I have Marx bros movie on while I have LR and two tv's side by side. Love Groucho's delivery and Chico's piano playing.

    Animal Crackers,Cocoanuts, Monkey Business, Horse feathers, some of my faves with lines and music. And Day At the Races.

    I have heard more races for the Brickyard on local radio than I have ever heard..maybe it's because it's only 2 hrs away..hear the ones for Sparta as well..90 minutes away.

  73. Rusty has to be happy, his cars are running great and getting plenty of TV time.

  74. @ red, the wave around drivers still have to get around the other guys. I don't think there's an advantage. I've always hated the leader starting 14 back. I like the new DFR SOS.

  75. @jd: agreed but ya know what? i've been against the idea of giving a racer a lap back from the start. either race it back or don't but the "gimme" just feels wrong.

    it'll never change now, i know, but it makes me crazy.

    so, how about a compromise? a car gets ONE free pass per race?

  76. Credit to the ESPN guys, they are not killing us with the in-cars and staying with the racing.

  77. STOP the BUMPER CAMS! We can't see the car on the outside!

  78. and there's a great PxP moment: reid telling us WHY they're sticking with the battle away from the lead: b/c the leader isn't being challenged. that's respectful and informative and i appreciate it.

    (and i'm giving up on "night at the opera" b/c we're actually getting to watch a race -- and i have all of the marx brothers films on dvd!)

  79. lot of tradin paint and door to door racing tonite

  80. Anon 8:50PM,

    The music and bumpers under green flag racing are just fundamentally embarrassing. Great point.

  81. I'm overwhelmed with all this racing. It's been so long since we've really seen any door to door type battles. Granted, we see more in the NWS than we do in the SCS, but this is just great!

  82. Where's the penalty for Keselowski being over-aggressive tonight??

  83. Wow.

    Sorry this is a little off-topic JD, but...

    Turns out Massa not only suffered a skull fracture in front where he was hit by the spring, but also at the base of his skull.

    I wonder if the impact of the spring compromised the integrity of his HANS device and he suffered the skull base injury when he hit the wall?

    I've only seen a still picture of Massa from the front after the accident. I don't want to see the whole thing.

    Makes you appreciate the windshield in a stock car.

    Get well, Fellipe.


  84. Daly Planet Editor said...
    Credit to the ESPN guys, they are not killing us with the in-cars and staying with the racing.

    July 25, 2009 8:54 PM

    They're saving them all for tommoeeow.

  85. Are they actually showing where the racing is? Is this BSPN?

  86. Thank you Marty for explaining that the action we're seeing is the best battle on the track and the leader is still Wimmer uncontested by over 2 seconds.

  87. @dot: but when a driver is three laps down and only gets those laps back b/c of the free pass, that's just not right. it's happened with my driver and even he thought it was stupid! but as he said: "they made the rule; i'm just following it."

    as i say: it won't go away but can't we at least keep it to once per race per car?

  88. A couple of the usual S&P suspects (05 and 70) still on track and on the lead lap 71 laps in. Good to see.

  89. Actually, ESPN is doing a fairly good job. I have big gaps in the audio though where my brain automatically blocks out the sound of Rusty's voice.


  90. Patrick, glad you caught that. Exactly what we cannot get from JP.

  91. Dave, did they get a sponsor or just tires?

  92. I cut off my own previous post. Do you think, maybe, a couple of these teams are making more of an effort because ESPN is now calling them out when they park?

  93. @JD - Not sure. I just think it's a positive thing that they're still out there.

  94. @dave on okc: we can only hope.
    but if it doesn't happen across all three series, the effect is minimized.

  95. @ red, Remember when Weed got all 5 of them during a race a few years back? I forget which one. If only Gymmie were here.

    Your rule makes sense. One and done. Earn the rest.

  96. I'm actually enjoying a race on ESPN.

    Randy is talking and not letting Rusty run all over him.

  97. Dave - The #70 has never Start & Parked. Foretravel Motorcoach is their sponsor.

    The #05 races based on purse $ and the number of tires needed. Since ORP doesn't require too many sets of tires, they will race.

  98. @Anon- Thank you for the correction.

  99. Another drink of iced tea ---

    How many are we up to? Anyone counting?

  100. kbaskins

    WOW! I have not seen an article about brainstem injury but wondered about that..when googling agitation and concussions..said it happened with the brain stem area was affected.

    I saw the obvious blow to the head..then wondered about the head jerk in a video replay.

    I've gotten the feeling since earlier this is MUCH more serious than we've been told since the get go. Though when I woke up this morning the first thing my room mate said to me was "Felippe Massa was in a bad wreck and . . ."

    Open wheel wrecks scare the hello out of me.

    I hope it's not an injury that totally changes a person's happens...

    Ok is this three commercials for XXXXXXX, I hate this commercial with the "cautions out beginning".

    I can NOT believe Conway does a commercial for this stuff.

  101. @dot: yep. and there have been so many examples like that. regardless of who gets the advantage, it just feels wrong and i'd love for nascar to review it for '10.

    maybe i'll start putting that in my fan council survey.

    (and i still am saddened by this n'wide earnhardt family commercial not having dale sr as part of the montage.)

  102. without lucky dog you have racing back to the yellow which of course has been banned so there is no real safe way to get lap back.

    Now of course that was before double file restarts shootout style which has changed things a bit.

    Only other way is to have leader slow down before start/finish line and thats just as bad.

  103. Thanks for the info, that makes sense.

  104. Minor but positive point - Nice to hear Rusty give ten seconds to Travis Kittleson. A lot of casual fans have no idea who some of these drivers are. Any background info, no matter how little, is helpful.

  105. Nice exhibition of emotion from Spake. More of that, please.

  106. Somebody grab Shannon on pit road? Good broadcast - Marty is a joy to listen to he's got the energy ESPN & Nascar needs for these races.

  107. @dot

    I believe it was a road race. Maybe Infineon when he got all the free passes. I'm 98 percent sure it was at least a road race.

  108. Did they actually cut the commercial break short to come back for pitstops? Perfectly executed. showed us the pits LIVE, recapped why we're in a caution, then continued the commercials. That's how it should/needs to be done.

  109. Sophia,
    It was a basal skull fracture involving the brain stem that killed Dale.

    I'm praying for Felipe's recovery.

  110. @anon @9:06: i've heard that school of thought but nascar now has scoring loops that determine who is positioned where at the time the caution is thrown so there would be no need to race back to the yellow.

    reagrdless, as you point out, the double file restarts have eliminated that as well.

    so, we're back to "once per race per car."

  111. @ Sophia

    It's about half-way down.


  112. Like to see more live race coverage from the blimp.

  113. @VickyD --

    ROTFL -- I thought the same thing. Somebody goosed her. hehehe

    Good to hear emotion from pit reporters.

    And from the booth.

  114. Dot - Watkins Glen Cup race in 2007

    Gymmie is partying in Philly ...

  115. @red

    I've always wondered about Dale Sr not being in those commercials, too...could that be because of Teresa not wanting to grant the rights of his image? Just mind boggling he wouldn't be featured in that commercial since it speaks of it being in the famil for years....and you are the first person I've seen comment on that.


    Yes I remember Well Dale Sr's injury..wasn't into NASCAR then but heard about it in the news.

    Then when I got into it in 2004, my brother, a HUGE DALE Sr fan, explained it to me and the HANS devices.

  116. Dot - Edit that ... it was 2006 at the Glen ...

  117. TRL - I didn't really want to use that word on the blog so I said grab instead.

  118. @ Dot

    That's what makes it so scary. For some reason, Massa's HANS device failed, because basal skull fractures are exactly what it was created to prevent.

    NASCAR ought to be following this closely. Unless Massa's HANS failed due to being compromised by the contact from the spring, this is kind of scary for all those drivers who think they're immune from basal skull fractures.


  119. ya' know, this is a great broadcast tonight. reid sets the energy level at high but doesn't forget to keep us up to date with the details and he seems to know who's in what number car. randy seems to be holding his own with rusty and rusty is . . . well, rusty but toned down a bit. pit reporters are getting solid tosses and providing information as opposed to "the young man comes from . . ." that we had for so long.

    solid camera angles (altho' i agree about under-utilization of that blimp shot!) and a minimal use on bumper cams and in-cars.

    hearing all these "whoas" makes me smile as it reminds me of wally and kyle over at tnt!

  120. I think this is the most energy the ESPN booth has ever had since it returned in 2007.

  121. @tiamatsrevenge

    Thanks for clearing that up! I was on the wrong side of the country.

  122. @ Sfar & tia, I knew it was a road course, just didn't want to mistype. Thank you.

  123. @Anon 9:15

    You are so right. This is one of ESPN's best races.

    High energy from the booth right down to the pits.

  124. Anyone have the race stop several times - we're on DirectTV and it's starting and stopping.

  125. "3 of our top 5 are double-duty drivers"???? hornaday raced already this weekend. so, wouldn't that be 3 of 5?

  126. I wonder if Marty is auditioning for the Cup booth in '10.

    Even if he isn't, he's made this a very enjoyable telecast so far.

  127. @ Vicki

    Must be DirecTV.


  128. @VickyD --

    I used goosed because I'm an old lady. hehehe We're allowed.

    No problem with DirecTV here in East Texas.

  129. He could say "while all this is going on" a bit less, to be fair.

  130. Kyrle is leading again??? Crap...

  131. @ Dot / sfar

    Kyle had lost those laps because he was in the garage ... and there were no other cars a lap down ...

  132. Let's hope JP is taking notes.

    And now, back to the Kyle & Carl Show.

  133. Marty and Randy are doing a great job.

    Unfortunately, the racing is following the script. ESPN didn't even need to manufacture it.


  134. @sophia: according to a statement i read when it happened, mrs earnhardt refused to permit her late husband's image to be used. sad.

    massa's injury is worse than first reported and now the conflicting reports swirl around whether is has been merely sedated (with a grade 3 concussion? hmmm) or is in a medically-induced coma which might speak to brain swelling. impossible to get a clear answer to which it is.

    as for the n'wide race: these guys are really beating and banging all over the track and i, for one, am loving it. racing as it should be done -- and shown!

  135. Randy, "one figure salute"


  136. @patrick: yep, that was my point earlier. hornaday is pulling double duty this weekend but i guess only cup drivers merit that designation . . .

  137. do not care for the "double duty drivers"

    wouldn't Hornaday be one?

    why is double duty ONLY Cup/Nationwide?

  138. @ tia, yeah, I remember that. I think that's when Weed's sense of entitlement started.

    Good coverage from the booth. Now thru the field. Wow.

  139. Maybe DirectTV problem is sunspots here in Houston. It was close to 95 today and a clear sky.

  140. Don't forget Terry Cook with the double-duty guys - even though he S&Pd tonight.

  141. @dave in okc; hmmm. if he's a S&P, i can't really consider him as doing double duty b/c there was no intent to actually race.
    again, it goes to the definition of a S&P.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Not only is Marty calling out the S&Pers - he's applauding the crews who are able to make repairs and get back on track, albeit many laps down.

  144. @ red -

    I think they're only considering the "double duty" guys as those going back & forth between tracks ... Not Grampa (who's been at the same track all weekend) ...

  145. I think we are pretty well done with the Massa stuff, OK?

  146. This coverage is so good. Maybe ESPN will rethink their Michigan experimant without a PxP since they have found the right booth combination.


  147. I think Rick Allen might have talked with Reid about this issue. It's kind of new this season really.

  148. red said...

    @patrick: yep, that was my point earlier. hornaday is pulling double duty this weekend but i guess only cup drivers merit that designation . . .

    Didn't mean to steal your thunder. Thought I stole that from Twitter (@StirrupCigars).

    Although, Gramps only ran 137 miles.

  149. Makiki,

    My email is packed with folks who are loving this race.

  150. @red

    re:Massa, been reading many tweets and links and totally confuzzled. Just SAD. But yea, the brainstem thing has me worried....I have to say I found the photo of him after the wreck VERY DISTURBING and glad it's now being Tweeted with a WARNING GRAPHIC before it. The look in his right eye really shook me up...

    re: Dale Sr. Dang. Teresa would not allow his image to be used, that is very sad and petty. How long she going to cash in on a ...never mind.
    I wonder what Jr has really put up with behind the scenes over the years.

    This is a decent race tonight but I have NO HOPES of if spilling over into CUP. Never happened last year, won't happen tomorrow.

    Better camera work can mean everything and BSPN REFUSES to give it to us in CUP.

    And the lame finish with the weird came and 'sliding heads' to tell you of the finish.

  151. JD, tell them we fans appreciate being told the truth.

  152. @patrick: not to worry. i just wasn't sure i was clear.

    tiamatsrevenge: well, that's a point. but do you really think they meant that? i mean, that's a subtle point and somehow, i don't think that's how expn rolls, if you get my drift.

  153. We get a caution and there's going to be some exciting DFRs

  154. sorry JD

    was posting on "that subject" before you said enough.

    no more.

  155. Ok children puppetmaster JD says we can't discuss the serious injury of a driver anymore. Just comments to feed his ego.

  156. I see something flapping on the 20 and Rusty just mentioned it...hope something doesn't fly off.

  157. *sigh*

    Take another drink, folks.

    XXXXXXXXX is at it again. I keep thinking the caution is out for the race when that ad begins.

  158. Poor Kevin Conway, He looks SO uncomfortable in that commercial.

  159. Anonymous said...

    Ok children puppetmaster JD says we can't discuss the serious injury of a driver anymore. Just comments to feed his ego.

    If you weren't TROLLING and actually followed this blog, you'd know that he just wants the comments to stay on track in the post you're ACTUALLY in.

  160. the only extenze is going to increase is your credit card bill IMHO

  161. anonymous 09:30 comments entirely inappropriate.

  162. Awesome! Now I can be the citizen hobbyist puppetmaster. That would not fit on a T-shirt.

  163. TRL - I hate the beginning of that ad too I always thinks it's a big big wreck on the track.

  164. I can't believe I'm really enjoying the give and take among Randy, Marty, and Rusty.

    They are working together.

    Good job, guys.

  165. @Patrick-way to go w/the troll!! Can't be too bad tonite, since we don't have the veriword to content with. :)

  166. Maybe you could practice brevity and just use puppetmaster. That would fit on a tee.

  167. For those of you that hate the lame search on Twitter, I've used
    for all searches on Twitter. Works really well..can't speak for the rest of the site (not a download application like Tweetdeck)

    I've used it for months.

    Hate Tweetdeck. too many issues.

    Cars look nice at night don't they? Kyle and Carl...they need to fix the poinst so CUP guys can not win this series.

    just saying

  168. Daly Planet Editor said...
    Awesome! Now I can be the citizen hobbyist puppetmaster. That would not fit on a T-shirt.

    or a keychain!

  169. JD-it WOULD fit on a T-shirt, if you used both front & back!! ;)

  170. 3rd time the same Daughtry song is played over the sound of the cars. What is the purpose of the music?

  171. Anon 9:30. you are completely off base. JD runs one of the best blogs in sports period. Trying to keep on topic is not telling you what to say. JD usually lets anyone post their opinion good, bad or otherwise as long as you keep it clean for the most part.

  172. anyone here been to orp? it just looks like a great place to watch a race.

  173. Need a caution, be the caution.

  174. No clue, the cardinal rule use to be that music was only used under caution. The roaring natural sound of the cars was pushed full after the announcer threw to break. It worked great.

    No clue why the change, it certainly does not work under green.

  175. "dr feelgood goodyears"? whaaa?

  176. Sophia - why would they make a rule that cup guys cant win a NW race? wouldn' that be like fixing a race?

    People want to see cup drivers- if they cant win they wont race - if they dont race fans dont show up and tv ratings suffer.

    wont work - Now make cup drivers prohibited from getting points - unless they run full time NW would make sense as points mean nothing to them.

  177. Do we really need to keep hearing 'Sunoco' fuel?

    For what it's worth, that's the worst thing I have to say about tonight's broadcast. Great job, guys!

  178. This is going to be exciting right down to the end. I hope we get the wideshot and the flying headshots are gone at the finish. I know they were talking about that.

    On a short track like this, the headshots fly by so fast you can't see who finished where.

  179. @red,
    Yes, I was there in 1999. Did all 3 races at ORP --- Silver Crown, trucks, and busch. Tony Stewart and Kenny Irwin were there for the Silver Crown races.

    Then I went to the big race at Indy. Hubby was sure glad to get home. LOL

  180. Ok, don't try to tell me that "Baseball Tonight Next" poster wasn't planted. LOL

  181. Sophia I agree with you regarding the cup guys winning the NW championship but Nascar won't do anything. There's former series champions sitting in their lazyboys or in the booth watching the races when I think they could still be racing.

  182. Forgot, yes, it is a fantastic place to watch a race or 2, or 3.

  183. Anonymous @ 9:41 - From the mid-80's through the early 2000's, the Busch series was very healthy without 5-15 Cup drivers in every event. Plenty of fans still came to the track to see good racing & new faces. Sponsors still sponsored plenty of the Nationwide series regulars. The series can definately live if there was a cap on the number of starts a Cup driver can make.

  184. As much as I'd prefer not to see the Kyle and Carl show, I have to admit they're putting on a great show tonight.

  185. Will we have a pre-adolescent tantrum? I won't mention any names, but a certain someone (name rhymes with Vile Tush) isn't going to win.

  186. The Extenze commercials have got to stop. Not only are they unsuitable for 'family viewing,' they are really just plain silly, as is poor Conway. LOVE some of the comments here though!

  187. great line from randy: "he's complaining he has a vibration? well, he just drove it into the wall! of course he has a vibration!"
    excellent, just excellent.

  188. Red, I was at the first one in 1982Morgan Shepard won it. ORP is a great place to watch a race it was designed by Rodger Ward.

    Frank in Sebring

  189. but the kryle show - both of em are full time NW and past champions so whats the big deal?

    These guys will drive anything.

    Reutiman and Keselowski too.

  190. Anon

    never said CUP drivers could not win a race..meant the championship for the EXACT reasons you mention..they can not race for POINTs...just fun

    But only NW guys get the points :)

  191. @ JD re: your tweet

    Yes, this is the best ESPN race of the year. Even Rusty isn't bugging me as much as he usually does.

    And the picture are very pretty. I love night races.


  192. Gotta give it to Steve Wallace tonight. He's hung right in there.

  193. I think Rusty & Randy worked very well together tonight in the booth. After tonight, I wouldn't mind if Marty, Rusty & Randy covered the rest of the Nationwide races this season.

  194. @ red, re: Randy. Priceless. Also, his comments about Steven not losing his head. I love Randy.

  195. Hey red,

    Looks like McDowell gave back those three Lucky Dogs.

  196. thanks, trl and frank. once college is behind us, i have this idea that i want to travel to some of the lesser-known tracks and this one looks like a contender -- especially if i can see a race or 2 or 3!
