Sunday, November 1, 2009

Live Blogging The Sprint Cup Series From Talladega (12PM ET - ABC)

There is a new post up for race comments on ABC at Talladega. Thanks.

Here we go with what could be a deciding race in the Chase. Allen Bestwick has a crowd in the Infield Pit Studio for the one hour pre-race show.

Ray Evernham will join Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty as the panelists. Daugherty has a strange fascination with accidents at Talladega and this is not perhaps the best place for him to be a cheerleader.

ESPN has been in love with Jimmie Johnson since the Chase began. Trying to keep a balance between the Chasers and the racers has been a downfall of this TV coverage since the Chase began.

Talladega's truck race on Saturday showed that by using few in-car cameras and keeping the cameras wide the race can be tremendously exciting. This is the challenge for the ESPN Producer and Director, who enjoy tight shots of single cars and extensive use of the in-car cameras.

Pit stops are going to be important, but green flag stops cannot take up the entire TV screen as they have during the ESPN coverage. Split-screen is mandatory so fans can keep up with the action on the track.

Caution flag pitstops need the triple-video split to show the top three cars. Losing that effect to go full-screen for Jimmie Johnson has often caused the ESPN crew to miss the race off pit road.

Jerry Punch has to keep it exciting on every lap. Silence is not a effective way to relay to viewers what is going on in the race. Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree should be on their game, as this big track is tough for the TV crew to see and they will be jumping back and forth between the TV monitors in the booth and the view out the windows.

On pit road will be Shannon Spake, Jamie Little, Dave Burns and Vince Welch. In the Tech Garage will be Tim Brewer. Using Brewer live during the race had better be presented in a split-screen. Action happens to fast for live tech features.

This post will serve to host your comments on the ABC coverage of the Sprint Cup Series at Talladega by the ESPN TV team. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for stopping by, let's go racing!


  1. Won't know how the "boys" are doing until I read it here! Don't have any high hopes it will be any different.

    I will be watching HotPass with MRN. My guy is back on this week and will watch until he gets caught up in big one, engine blows, rear end falls off or what ever may befall him this week...LOL!

    Didn't watch pre-race, although will probably FF looking for Wendy & Hermie on Race Day.

    Watching F1...our oil money at work! Love the track...beautiful design. And of course the announcing is A1. Oh, and they aren't even at the track. How do they do that?! Are you watching/listening ESPN.

  2. Re post from raceday blog, day late and a doller short, but here it is.

    Bunch of stuff to say so will do it here instead of over on truck post.

    1. thumbs up to KB for saying 'it just happened' in VL for Jeff Gluck. Another one for social meadia in NASCAR. Twitter was the first thing I thought of when KB said that.

    2. I retweeted ppistone seconds after he put up that stupid tweet about negative fans told him to read TDP bet he didn't.

    3. Was terrrified ESad would forget to keep his legs crossed on Trackside last night. Very funny.

    4. Think it is great that Spencer and KP are keeping the heat on, and says to me that SPEED has their back. Feel even more sorry for Larry Mac now.

    5. Having to put up with ESPN ruiening the race for me today, I am glad for as much pre race as I can get. The most fun I will have all day as far as racing goes. Frustrating and sad.

    6. SPEED puts on THE best racing on TV period.

    7. What the f*ck do Helton and co think they are doing? you can't race without bumpdrafting, how in the name of sam hill are they going to 'controle' it and not expect to get dumped on by everyone especially the fans. Do they just not understand how deep they have dug this hole?

    I now return you to your local raceday programming

  3. JD HELP! I think we may have a problem. KGTV ABC10 in San Diego, CA is NOT airing NASCAR Countdown. I am seeing an infomercial at the moment on this ABC station. Whats going on here?

  4. once again no nascar countdown in pittsburgh, pa. i guess i go watch some nfl pre-game

  5. As I mentioned in the previous post, I do not have the pre-race show. I'm in Fargo, ND and my ABC affiliate is WDAY. This is the 3rd time they've scheduled their own programming rather than the pre-race this year. They did the same in 2007 and 2008. Previously it has always been the 6pm news that has pre-empted the pre-race. Today ... it's a church program (local church).

    Luckily I found someone who is streaming the pre-race online so I can see it somewhere.

  6. Exactly! I'm in San Diego also and no espn on @ 9am!!! Someone screwed up somewhere!

  7. What happens when driver A backs off of driver B before the turn? Chaos ensues behind them. Unintended consequences.

  8. I'm going to take a drink today everytime JP mentions the phrase "big one".

  9. LET THE BOYS RACE! Helton/Nascar now wants to keep Jimmie Johnson "safe" to win the 4th Championship and get the media's headlines in sports pages!! It's Talladega...not bumper cars..Stop It, Nascar..You are ruining this sport. If Gordon pushes Johnson into the corner for the win today, will Nascar really throw the black flag??? Really???

  10. I just talked to someone at KGTV San Diego, She says she is trying to contact the programing director to get this fixed. Hopefully this will be fixed soon...

  11. instead of showing nascar countown on WTAE in Pittsburgh, pa. they showing cartoons instead. i guess The Emperor's New School get higher ratings than NASCAR countdown in pittsburgh

  12. missed everything up to Countdown, woke up just in time for the story about the young lady who was hit by debris last time here.

    Great story. Now a tech segment. Not so great

  13. Its interesting that KGTV isn't even showing cartoons at this time, but rather, an Infomercial. So they can't use the mandatory FCC cartoons excuse this time...

  14. So, it's San Diego, Pittsburgh, San Antonio and Manchester, NH not showing the NASCAR pre-race.

  15. Awwwwwwwwwwwww David, that is going to creep me out for hours.

  16. yeah, we get to see TB's manicure again when he bores us with showing us the restrictor plate.

  17. After 21 years, do we really need an explanation of a NASCAR restrictor plate ??

    I think that proves that some of the ABC / ESPN producers are new to the sport.

    An interview with John Darby would be very much needed today.

  18. Daly Planet Editor said...
    So, it's San Diego, Pittsburgh, San Antonio and Manchester, NH not showing the NASCAR pre-race.


    Please include Fargo, ND in that list (WDAY).

  19. why are they talking about the corner thing like it's new? They've been telling them not to do that for years (didn't they actually paint lines in the corners at some point to show them where they're *not* supposed to push/bump?--either here or Daytona?) I'm not saying that I agree or disagree, just that it's not new. The only thing that will fix it is lowering the banks, and too many fans enjoy this kind of 'racing', if that's what you call it.

  20. This is going to be an ugly race today.

    Sounds like they are really going to go over the top to police something that someone is GOING to do to win the race. Well Regan, you aren't the last guy who is gonna get a win stripped from him...

    Sorry JD. That was just ironic lol.

    Great piece about Blake though. Credit where its due.

  21. What about the blocking issue? Was that addressed?

  22. Hope to see Mike Helton, John Darby or David Hoots in this show.

    Need an official point of view other than the drivers meeting footage.

  23. With all the talk from Nascar and drivers mentioning it, it's been tried before and nothing ever changes. Look at the big meeting Nascar had to drivers/crew chiefs way back when, and the only thing that came out of it (that I know about) was double file restarts.

  24. I don't think it is a coincidence that Nascar/Helton come out with this subjective, gray area, no drafting into the corners rule when they also show that girl who was hurt in the Edwards crash last year. Perhaps it's Nascar's way of avoiding a bigger settlement by claiming they are correcting issues (fence, 1/64th restrictor change, no draft into corners, etc.) With Nascar, follow the money. You will usually find your answer.....I hope that young lady is recovering well and wish her the best...just sayin'


    On the "4-Hours of pre-race" post I said that NASCAR COUNTDOWN was up against the NFL pre-game shows.

    It IS - according to my local COX listings, which have it as JD posted from ESPN: 9am Sunday on ABC.

    NOT in San Diego! I get an info-mercial.

    Well, I didn't care about the pre-race anyway :-(

  26. Last Thursday I got the better half a HD Tv for her office. She is at work so I am in her office and going to watch this race in HD. Only saw a race once before in HD earlier this year in a bar.
    Espn better stay away from tight shots at this track. Speed showed Espn how to do the telecast.
    Espn will have to talk about all cars and not just those in the Chase.

  27. WOW @ KGTV... one infomercial actually ended and then they air local commercials. That would have been the perfect time to switch to ABC. BUT NOO! yet ANOTHER INFOMERCIAL!! who knows if I will even see a race in 30 min. :(

  28. hey no JP in the booth for now??? Hmmm wishfull thinking or not? Just DJ and AP

  29. Obviously something got screwed up because of the time change. This really blows!!! I'm not a fan of espn, but I still like to watch all the pre-race shows!

  30. They stopped using JP in the pre-race a while back. It was a sudden switch, but a welcome one.

  31. Ignore my last post: I didn't read the comments above :-P

  32. Dannyboy,

    ESPN also advised NN was at 10AM ET in their weekly update. Not.

    NN was at 9AM ET, so lots of fans missed it.

    This day is off to a very weird start.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Please clarify the "penalty" for bumping in the corner... or is the penalty going to be different depending on WHO is doing the bumping ???

    NASCAR really needs to clear this up.

    A penalty "could be" called on each and every lap.

    Question for NASCAR.... if this same rule was instituted for yesterdays NASCAR truck race, would Eric Almirola been pentalized for bump drafting Kyle Busch in that exciting finish ?

    Come on ABC/ESPN.... NASCAR need to answer to this issue and clear it up. If NASCAR declines to comment any further, we need to know that too.

  35. Good piece on the wives/women, haven't seen one of these in a few years.

  36. Ken that is my point.

    Its going to happen. The guys will do whatever it takes to win. And if/when it does then what will NASCAR do about it? Ive never seen the 2 car breakaway cause wrecks, Carl/Brad was a blocking wreck which is what causes wrecks here. Rapid lane changes are why they wreck, keep that in check and you'll have a heck of a show!

    ESPN with a decent pre-race?

    Prepared stuff isn't too bad thus far

  37. We've already seen Christmas commericals on local channel during pre-race show. I better get my shopping started.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. JD - you're going to have to get that delete button working a lot today.

  40. Come on, I have young kids and families on here. EZ on the language please.

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Ken-Michigan..You are exactly correct with that point. According to this new rule, Kyle and Almirola should have placed 4th and 5th! I know rules don't apply across series but you'd think the "theory" would have been questioned. I, myself, would have loved to see the driver's questions about this issue from this morning's driver's meeting! Now, that, would be worth tuning into the ESPN/ABC pre-race for!

  43. young kids and families.

    good one.

  44. Let's run over it again. This is a TV blog. We watch the TV coverage of the race and comment on it.

    ESPN is in the third year of a TV contract that got NASCAR over a billion dollars in revenue.

    We want your opinion, just ask for no profanity, hateful speech or deragatory comments.



  45. According to Twitter truck race would have been ok because they hooked up after the turn. I need to see it again but I'm not so sure about that. I'm not so sure we're not all going to Po'd after this race and not just about ESPN

  46. Telling the drivers NOT to bump draft is like telling an NBA player that he can no longer touch the rim on a dunk.

    Like telling an NFL defensive lineman that he can no longer sack the quarterback... he can rush the quarterback.. just dont touch him.

    Careful NASCAR, you're on the verge of losing even more viewership & ticket sales.

  47. Espn - Everytime you have the feeling to use a car cam, use the Goodyear blimp shot. Just try it, we will like it.

  48. Got some good pics from SPEED of the Truck Series TV crew. Will post them after the race.


  49. Hmmm dosent look that packed??? Not good

  50. just to clarify...they didn't tell them they couldn't bump draft. They said not to do it in the corner, and not to continue pushing through the corner. But there's still gonna be a big one.

  51. Good info on strategy form Ray, may not like his perosnal life, but he certainly adds a lot to the show, wish he were in the booth more

  52. For those that may not remember, these 2 car drafts have gone on for a long time.

    Most memorable was back in the mid 80's when Bill Elliott's #9 Melling Ford found himself 2 laps down during a Talladega race.

    Without a caution flag, Elliott hooked up with Rick Wilson's #4 Morgan-McClure Chevy and Elliott made up both laps under green flag conditions.

  53. I agree on the shots from the BLIMP.

    Many of us would prefer a blimp camera shot over a rear bumper shot today.

    I dont know why, but i am holding out hope that the network can bring their A-game today.

  54. Great anthem we need them every week.

  55. Come on Ken, there A game???? Has Espn even came close to a C game the past 3 years that the've on the air??? Nope! Good luck

  56. Let's hope Jr overcomes being the in car reporter like Denny did last week. Would love to see him win.

  57. It will be interesting to see what happens with the race coverage today. SPEED did such a stellar job yesterday keeping track of most of the field and what was happening all over the track that I felt very involved in the entire race. I'd bet I'll be doing chores off and on during the race today.

  58. How about this from Jenna at the track:

    JennaFryer Former Mayfield attorney Bill Diehl at 'Dega and says Mayfield has not paid him for work he did.

  59. There seems to be a lot of open grass in the infield. Anyone hear anything about ticket sales for this race?

  60. Didn't get up to watch the 4,000 hours of pre-race. Just caught the last 10 of RD and have had MRN on for the pre-race.

    My friend was streaming some old races saw the '86 and '93 'Dega races :). So slept in a bit :).

    Will be listening to MRN and using JTV for pictures. My friend who does the Hotpass is sick is he's not up.

    Will check here to see what I'm NOT missing by not subjecting myself to that hot mess!

    @ri88--yes I also let our friend Pete know not to hold his breath for much positive while there are *some* positives it's overshadowed by the negatives.

    Interesting command

  61. Yea, that command is going to open a new door if NASCAR permits it.

  62. Ok, TV on now, mini fridge stocked will watch and listen to TV today, then next week three days at TMS.
    If posts become intelligible, you know the drinking game is lost.

  63. I hear a lot of talk about MRN radio... yet my area, in a top 30 market, doesn't have a single MRN affiliate! What can I do?

  64. JD, are you really shocked by that report?

  65. @Jonathan--Mulhern tweeted that it looked like they shipped fans in from Cali in the form of empty seats :(

  66. I just had to share this comment from someone I follow on Twitter.
    stevedrees 1 reason NFL > Nascar. NFL doesn't change the rules right before gametime.
    2 minutes ago from TweetDeck

  67. NASCAR has always been strong on keeping the command the same for exactly that reason.

    Otherwise, it will get twisted to high heaven by each sponsor.

    I bet folks are working on that right now for next week.

  68. Anon, click around a bit and you can get a radio station that streams online. ya know?

  69. @The Daly Planet
    Nexts weeks sponsor is Dickies...
    I can think of a thousand starting commands!

  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. Missed the command what happened???

  72. Boyd, Boyd, Boyd. Shane on you. I'm with you though. :)

  73. Becky, links are bad!

    Alright, I'll post if things get interesting otherwise I'm going to keep my focus on the race

  74. Wow, this sour economy has really hit Talledaga hard

  75. @boyd--needs to come kidnap me :)

    @anon 1:13--do any of the affiliates have an online feed? When Crazy isn't up (since HP is doing the MRN/PRN audio this part of the season) I listen via Trackpass. I don't think they do it any longer but eons ago you could get it free by having cable internet.

  76. What is the over under on how many times we will see "Hollywood" show us a tire change during green flag laps or going to a commercial during green flag? I say 3.

  77. Rich, I think the sour weather did not help.

  78. @haus14, add that to the drinking game.

  79. @David - Really? Hmmm ... link works for me. It's what I'm using to listen to the MRN broadcast.

    Does this one work?

  80. Im sure theres around 100,000 today. Still not bad for the economy, the NFL has had a lot of scares of blackouts, and the norm there is 50,000 so Nascar has to be somewhat pleased I guess.

  81. Man I am multi tasking looking for band pics to send to graphic artist on a deadline..just got call today they need some pics. Yikes.

    of all DAYS ON DEGA! I can't even turn on MRN yet as I am trying to focus.

    Liked the prerace with the injured girl...MAN how horrible for her..hope her pain goes away.

    very strange the rule changes before this race.

    I will be checking HERE for the information.

    Maybe being pre occupied will keep me from getting annoyed with TV since I am staring at laptop.

    THANKS for the blog JD so I can be informed until I can handle another sound (MRN!!)

  82. I haven't read the previous comments, but I must say I am concerned about what Helton said about potentially DQ'ing the winnner and 2nd place if they "push" too much on the last lap. Are you kidding me? Would that only happen if Jr or JJ crossed the line 3rd?

  83. is calling this a parade JP's way of swiping at nascar?

  84. I'm picking up on things that'll be repeated endlessly by Punch today....the smaller plate and the higher fences

  85. becky, i meant no to posting links...MRN is not supposed to be accessed online for race coverage...

    JD dont wanna get in trouble

  86. A few more laps w/o bump drafting and it will look like Pocono.

  87. no one going to tell us what happened to Jamie?

  88. JP look out the window. How can you not be excited!

  89. Trouble and we see bumper cams?????

  90. well, THAT didn't work so well there: "trouble in turn 2 . . . a coupla cars up against the wall . . ." and we're still seeing the pack.

  91. Do the guys in the truck just not listen to the talent?

  92. Caution. Menard & Nemechek. What a shame. Joe was going to race today, not S&P. Now how does ESPN miss that when the whole field (minus Kahne) can be in a single shot (if you don't zoom in too tight)?

  93. Great call for trouble and they change cameras to a BUMPER CAM??????????????????


  94. Whoa JD use that talent term a little loosely aren't you?

  95. Looks like the Hendrick chasers are going to run at the back. They are slowly moving back.

  96. @David & JD, sorry about that. I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to post that link. I just wanted to help someone out.

    Sorry. :(

  97. Hey Pete Pistone, now you know.

  98. wow we hear "oh trouble, trouble on the race track" and it takes over a good minute for them to even switch to the camera that showed it" ESPN COME ON COOMMEE ONNNN!! Lol thats just like i dont know im speechless WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! And someone talked about A coverage lol so so so looking foward to next year and Fox! Heck they can even bring the lil digger w em I wont mind it will be much better than this crap

  99. Show a bumper cam and not the wreck even though the guys in the booth called the wreck in progress.

    The race so far doesn't have the excitment like the truck race had.

  100. This is already pathetic. It took them a lap-and-a-half to mention that Kurt Busch had taken the lead and then what must've been 20 seconds to get the wreck on camera and identify both drivers.

  101. I have MRN on so didn't hear the beginning but I saw a tweet from the SPEED Freaks sounds like the boyz needed more than an extra hour of sleep? No excitement at the start from even Mr. Petree or DJ? Wasn't holding my breath for Doc

  102. 1st scream at the TV today. Missed everything!

  103. Dang, the booth was looking out the window and the truck was sitting on their hands.


  104. so here's my question in re: helton's darfting instructions with drivers 1 hour before racing at talledega: did he not know they were coming to 'dega today? could he not have discussed it with drivers in the weeks leading up to today so that all sorts of scenarios could be discussed and explained?

    throwing this at them 1 hour out is not only wrong, it could be dangerous for the drivers: now they have to be wondering what they can/can't do when they're racing 3 or 4 wide at speed at the end of a straighaway?

    yeah, THAT's smart, helton

  105. Becky, no probs. It did not open btw. Hard to post in this Google format.

  106. Add missing action to the drinking game. And, when they play Slow Ride.

  107. ESPN the Leader in sports!!! How about ESPN we lead the way when it comes to killing the broadcast

  108. JP all smiles in the 48 pit WTF. Did you not just watch that stop, Chad dropped the F bomb on the scanner and Ron Malec obviously PO'd and they lost tons of spots.

  109. @ TRL, can only sit on hands, no room left with their heads there.

  110. I think that I'll try out for the PxP next week at TMS.
    You know that I couldn't do any worse.

  111. Rich, accorcing to JJ's radio, that wasn't the plan, it was just that the inside lane stopped moving so they went with it. Jimmie wanted to lead some of those early laps. Now they are talking about hanging in the back with the 14 and 39.

    By the way, even though my driver isn't on hotpass, I pulled out the second tv and put hotpass on that tv so i could have the MRN audio. My main TV is MUTED!

  112. Here in San Luis Obispo, CA all we've had on ABC (Charter Cable) for the past half hour is pixels and no sound. Can't tell if the race is on or not.

  113. did you see the crew guy shake his head. they were LIVID in the 48 pit.

  114. This is awful, just awful. What is with the Jimmie Johnson obsession? Showing their pit stop in detail, the 'happy crew', radio communications. Speed did not have this obsession with Ron Hornaday yesterday

  115. We are watching MM hotpass and those guys are enthusiastic!

  116. Yeah speeds broadcast of the truck series was lightyears ahead of this!

  117. Just joining our coverage,
    Beer opened, taking it in.

  118. Anon, use your Google to look up the local cable TV number and let them know.

  119. They are racing rocketships now-according to JP.

  120. Ok it just dawned on me this JUMPING TO IN CAR/BUMPER CAM sounds like a GIANT MOSQUITO on my tv..and it's annoying just like that.

    Miss SPEED already...hope to get to MRN in the next 30 minutes.

    I am very concerned about this last minute change on this track. Ignorant and stupid.

  121. Just how wishy washy is NASCAR? Rule change 12 laps in.

  122. Are you noticing no in-cars right now? Already got burned.

  123. ok, tried just tv for 10 whole laps and now i'm back to mrn and 2 "social media" sites. oh! and not one but 2 leaerboards b/c each one gives different info that i like to see.

    hey pete pistone? how 'bout you try watching the race on espn and see if you can figure out what's going on?

  124. Watching Kurt Busch track pass - MRN radio - can't begin to understand what they are showing on tv ...

  125. woohoo MRN is on hotpass thank God!!!!!

  126. wow. you are all missing the conversation on hotpass from directv during the commerical on abc-tv. got a through the field.

    just something we just don't from espn

  127. Can we consider kidnapping the ESPN in booth people and production crew and force them to watch - say for 5 straight days - some of the older races so they can learn how to do it?

  128. They did cut down on in cars and now showing more pack racing.

    You listening PPistone? I said something nice.

  129. and in a first, i've now even done away w/the mute and have just turned the volume down to "0" so i don't have to be punished by the close captioning.

    and it's the eagles on commercials . . .

  130. I agree NASCAR should not have made the bump draft rule 1 hour before the race. The yellow line rule has enough technicalities, why make things even more confusing and complicated?

  131. Did I miss it? What is up with Kasey Kahne?

  132. I am watching in HD comcast maryland

    is anyone else seeing motion artifacts on wide shots in HD?

    looks choppy and tiled

  133. Official: #66 OUT "Vibration".

    Car WILL shimmy a bit when you're going 200mph, right?

  134. Man, these announcers are just confused right now and they are not even calling the race.

    Guess because JJ is in the last pack.

  135. John --

    Forgot to log in before so my comment from San Luis Obispo, CA was anon @ 1:33 pm (it was 10:33 am out here in California).

    Per various suggestions, I called our local ABC station [KEYT/3] (which happens to be down in Santa Barbara) and reached a recording for their viewer tip line. Left a message that someone may eventually listen to Monday after this is water under the bridge.

    Cheers (not) --


  136. @jay--I know! I was watching some Classic races last night and they managed to be able to interview people WITHOUT doing it on full screen. Pit reporters were informative and told us things that would EDUCATE us. IF they had freshly manicured hands we didn't know because that's not what it was about. It was letting us know the why/how things happened. No need to talk to us like we're 5 and no Captain Obvious segments.

    And it was great hearing and seeing Mr. Jesus as a contender :). And others who some think have "forgotten" how to drive like Schrader and Kyle :).

    @red--:( I wonder if the poor CC folks can figure out what's going on?

  137. Single file already. I should look at the honey do list until the last debris caution.
    Naw, just kidding.

  138. JD, these guys have been confused for years. Send them a copy of NASCAR Broadcasting For Dummies. Can you tell I'm getting testy already?

  139. Daly Planet Editor said...
    Did I miss it? What is up with Kasey Kahne?

    actually, believe it or not, i did hear the answer to that from the pit reporter for espn!!

    and i quote:
    "it's still a bit of a mystery."

    i kid you not.

  140. sorry Nick, I hope you hammer them. Imagine doing this during the NFL or MLB playoffs?

  141. Is this what NASCAR really wanted? Single file until 10 to go?

  142. I hope Mascar is happy with the 'racing' their new rule has produced so far. Their point leader is hanging out at the back to avoid trouble. Gee, that's exciting.

  143. i guess this is as close to a drivers protest as your gonna get

  144. In case you just joined us, welcome to The Jimmie Johnson Show........


  145. Dot - Between the single file car parade and miserable broadcast, flans are changing the channel by the millions.

    Here comes Brewer!!!

  146. This is NOT racing! Terrible...
    Racing terrible, coverage terrible...

  147. Racing goes in the big window, people. For crying out loud!

  148. Tv broadcast froze for a bit there.


    they are in line how about a through the field. And now it's Brewer. Goo Lord what a mess.

  150. Hey Planeteers,
    We always ask to see cars back in the pack.
    Which is worse watching single car or 29th and 30th?

  151. Ummm ... WHO gives a rat's patooty about Jimmie and his foot whilst running at half-throttle???

    I missed all of the pre-race and got to the "Jimmie's Pitting" show ... Still haven't seen the first wreck ... LOTS of commercials on KOMO-tv ... No MRN on KRKO-AM (stupid football talk show) ...

  152. Can you hear the channels turning to the NFL games? Man, this is getting weirder by the moment.

  153. @ Dot 1:52...I think it's a secret plan to make the actual racing as exciting as the broadcast. :-s

  154. @ boyd, we're only seeing the 30th place car because it's JJ. When was the last time ESPN showed anyone that far back...unless it was them getting lapped by JJ?

  155. I guess this is the best Espn can do.

  156. its just like 2006 or 07 when they single filed out for awhile. they can race if they want to, no one wants to.

  157. tim brewer

    thanks captain nothing-ness

    how about explaining what a lean mixture aparkplug looks like?
    and, uh, exactly what "burns" in a burned piston ......can ya SHOW a piston??/ jeeez

  158. My god. With this rule change, NASCAR have neutered Talladega.

    The 'plate races used to be the highlight of my year. Not like this they aren't.


  159. Cowboys on Fox; Texans on CBS, Commercials on ABC

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. I wish they would have a bell with 10 laps to go to wake me up to see the end. I went to sleep twice during the truck race but woke just in time to see the last wreck and finish. Even Speed couldn't make plate racing interesting before the end.

  162. Let's see how they handle the first green flag pitstops. Looking for split screen coverage.

  163. Daly Planet Editor said...
    Can you hear the channels turning to the NFL games? Man, this is getting weirder by the moment.

    well, i just gave up for the very first time: i've turned to the eagles on mute, mrn on laptop, TDP, twitter and 2 leaderboards.

    nascar's latest no bump ruling plus espn's poor coverage have moved me to watch football instead of racing. . . at 'dega . . . at the end of the season.

    never thought it'd come to this for me personally. i'm very sad.

  164. Alan, Rusty, and Brad way to go, at least someone with ESPN knows what we like to see a Dega!

  165. As this broadcast goes on I'm so glad I just don't give a **** anymore about ESPN.
    What great coverage, Full screen Jimmy and Chad, then Full screen Jimmy and Jimmy, then Brewer, all while MRN is out to commercial again.
    This is just plain bad.
    (all said imho)

  166. Do you think the drivers are afraid to race, not knowing how Nascar is going to call them for bump drafting? When even Brad Daugherty is complaining about the single file racing, Pete Pistone better beware!

  167. All the announcers are looking for the drivers to race so they have something to talk about. This is pathetic.

  168. I think Rusty and Brad have missed the point of what is going on...this is a driver's protest against the new rules....hope once they ave made their point (that no one even consulted the drivers before making the change), there will be racing again.

  169. This reminds me of some of the recent Daytona 500s.....everyone rides around for the first 75% of the race, and then let it all hang out in the last 25%. End up with a lot more cautions in that last 25% than there were in the first 75%.

    If these guys don't race, it's going to be up to the broadcast crew to try and hold the audience.

  170. Everyone came to watch a race and a parade broke out. Why doesn't ABC try and talk to Helton or Darby, get some reax on this? Is this the product they want to put out? 39 cars in a row?

  171. JD - ESPN did not get the split screen memo

  172. Espn doesn't care about green flag racing. Show pit stops in full screen. Guess they figure that is where the excitement is.

  173. I can't hear MRN, but I can't even see them making this exciting.

  174. man oh man

    this is pathetic

    a couple of hundred mile sunday drive
    leading to a 20 lap race......

    i'm off to the nfl for the next 90 mins

  175. Well this is 1 time I don't mind full screen pit stops it's not like there is all that much going on the track. Hello Nascar like your new rule

  176. With everyone running single file, the action IS on pit road.

  177. The transition between showing the pits and then showing stuff on the track is not good.

  178. I found out on twitter about these penalties long before T V said anything about them.

  179. In fairness to ESPN, which I still have on mute, MRN was having some difficulty calling the single file racing.

    Basically it was "still single file through 2, still single file down the back stretch, single file to the start finish line..."

  180. So, ESPN did something that you will never see on Fox, miss a wreck so bad at this track. WOW I cannot wait till the current TV contracts expire so that NASCAR Media Group takes over the broadcast with the obvious connection they already have with Speed and Fox.They also should appoint David Hill as the Television Czar and add pay for view for premium broadcasts. Fox owns Speed, they own Direct TV and it all make sense and will produce a better product that the production team at Fox already exemplifies race after race. Plus the Fox announce team is by far the best. NASCAR know fans are not coming out to the races as the trend these days is for people to stay at home for many reasons. Some being:Interactive coverage, save gas, save money on travel expenses like the gouging hotels, plus less chance contacting viruses and colds at tracks especially like Talladega. It is really nasty there sometimes. Good racing though.

  181. Tweet from Nate Ryan
    From ESPN #nascar tech RT @ttiana Producer asked if Mr. Helton wld tlk live on air. Told "They are real busy. This is a busy track." ie: No

  182. They are 2 and 3 wide again, yet we get a full screen pit stop for the #43.
