Saturday, February 6, 2010

Live Blogging The Bud Shoot Out (8PM - Fox)

Let's go racing boys! Here we go with the warm-up for the Daytona 500. The Bud Shoot Out has a wild field of all kinds of drivers. It may be fun to watch and the weather is windy, but no rain.

Fox is entering the tenth season of covering NASCAR. On this telecast, the cast is the same. Chris Myers will host from the Hollywood Hotel with Jeff Hammond alongside.

Mike Joy will call the action with Darrell Waltrip and Larry McReynolds with him in the TV booth. On pit road are Krista Voda, Steve Byrnes, Matt Yocum and Dick Berggren.

Fox is ready to go and NASCAR is ready to race. This event may go a long way toward erasing the painful memories of the final ten races and the endless emphasis on Jimmie Johnson and Hendrick Motorsports.

Before the Fox coverage, RaceDay on SPEED marks the debut of Kyle Petty. Let's use this post to include comments on the RaceDay show.

To add your comments on the Bud Shoot Out and RaceDay, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.


  1. I'm rooting for Schrader tonight!

  2. Nice to see Kyle Petty on TV again. He's a cool, level-headed commentator. Unfortunately, Kenny Wallace is still acting like a clown.

  3. I get so tired of Kenny's schtick!

  4. Well, give him some time to adjust to Kyle. I think he can do it.

  5. ok, i'm over kenny wallace. hope kyle petty steps up and yanks control away.

    (and how long will it take me to get past 40 characters thoughts here?!?)

  6. A real big coup (sp?) would be for DP to show up on this show!

  7. someone needs to get control here. any idea who that's supposed to be?!?

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  9. I'm just happy to see Spencer gone - Uncle Kenny is Uncle Kenny and, yes, good to see Kyle.....

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  15. KW saying we need to get back to fights. That's too far. Yes, we need more emotion, but it should be *on the track* not in the pits.

    KP wisely points out that the sponsors aren't going to put up with fights and would rather see them do things on track.

  16. I done until the green flag. KW
    has already ruined the show. I'm
    sorry for Kyle Petty and JR being
    put in this spot.

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  30. Why is everyone picken' on Herm? What the h e double l would raceday or nascar tv be without him or DW?

    I am a happy camper, King BF might just have pulled his head out of his....oh, you know.

  31. I wish there was a way to set up a digit maximum on this sometimes.

  32. Me too Vicky. It's gonna drive JD to FB for raceday & I'm not gonna like that as much..:(

  33. PammH, not so crazy about FB either. I hope he doesn't do that.

  34. Geez, I had to keep switching the channel so I didn't overdose on Danica during the ARCA race and I'm doing the same thing to avoid KW's nonsense. Just act like a normal human being, Kenny, why be such a fool?

    Go Schrader!

  35. They can't be paying Kyle enough to put up with KW. It's a shame because I was looking forward to watching him on RD but KW just whips me.

  36. oh great, the numbers dummy is at it again.

  37. Anyone understand what the flooding is about? Is it something cool for kids to do or what?

    Still not making any sense to me to put all that time and effort toward nothing.

    Sorry for the interruption, folks.


  38. Apparently some idiot wandered away from his village.

  39. kenny wallace has become a mouth with a body attached.

  40. Good one @sally! JD, fools will be fools, they don't need a reason.

  41. Kenny is one of the reasons I use the DVR for Raceday, he needs to cut it waaayyy back. I was hoping spitting him and Spencer up would help but so far no

  42. @Red -- a mouth with a body and NO brain.

  43. is it just me or did home depot give out blank sign boards for folks to customize?

  44. what was with JR saying 2010 bud shootout next on SPEED? simulcast for snow-coverage markets?

  45. I had forgotten how much I dislike Chris Meyers. He almost Makes KW look smart.

  46. It means that Fox has moved the coverage to another station or a HD sub-channel. It is a "must carry" show.

  47. Fox here in Phila just switched over to the shootout coverage. I'm now having to listen to DW kissing up to Jr again. Almost would rather listen to the weather coverage, over and over and over. Yep, we got over 2 feet of snow here where I am, but really do i need to have 24 hr coverage of it?

  48. I tuned in for a race, not a concert. I wonder how badly the anthem will be performed tonight...

  49. Real TV question here.
    How come they continue to interview drivers in the trucks as they go around the track. I've been to tracks where the driver is talking to tv type in truck, it's irritating, as he goes by and absently waving at the crowd, and talking.
    If you pay to go to a race, that maybe the only time you'll see that driver all weekend. I know the TV needs stuff, but why not before or after the truck lap.

  50. I just heard 1 minute on trackpass, so we're about to go racing!

  51. I think they just sang the anthem in every key possible.

  52. Thank you Bevo. I thought the same thing.

  53. @bevo i thought it was fine. lord knows we've suffered thru worse.

  54. Lets get it goin folks!!!!

    Nuff about Danica, debris cautions, Chris Meyers, etc! Lets get this racing fix out of the way its been 2 months too long!!!

  55. Nice job on the national anthem.

  56. either larry mac lost a bunch of weight or he found an incredible tailor in the off-season! he looks great!

  57. @red- I'll give you it wasn't exactly the sound of a strangled cat but I still like music that's in tune :)

  58. red, I hadn't noticed before you said that. Maybe it's the suit.

  59. @red
    He lost all that by having NASCAR and Roush chewing on his arse for telling it like it was.

  60. @Red
    yes Speed has tables with blank orange poster board and markers at the speed stage so you can make a sign to hold during the broadcast.

  61. I guess I was just impressed that they didn't improvise on the anthem, like so many of the Idol contestants like to do. LOL

  62. @boyd: first outstandingly funny observation of the new season!

  63. Anyone ever seen Dick Berggren without the hat?

  64. @brad: thanks! i like the folks who turned it over & used the white side: rebels w/a cause!

  65. bevo-heard DB never takes it off except to ride motorcycle!

  66. @bevo
    Yes it was about 25 years ago during a rainstorm at Knoxville. The wind was howling and there was a tornado warning. He didn't even try to chase it down.

  67. Good start and such a relief that the whole ESPN JJ thing is over...for now.

  68. @Pamm- My Holy Grail from this moment on... take his hat off and get a picture!

  69. i'm thinking if they have to explain the rules so much, perhaps it's a bit . . . contrived? forced? artificial?

    just sayin' . . .

  70. @boyd- Thanks! Would have been fun to see it

  71. I'll have to remember that the next time I'm at the track -- I hate having to try and bring a sign when I am flying somewhere

  72. @jd " . . . we don' need no stinkin' rules!"

  73. ok, digger cam already overused and we haven't finished the first lap.

  74. Did DW just say 192 or 193 in a tight draft. I think they'll be over 198 in the draft.

  75. boy you can really see how rough the track is. Cars really bouncing around. How about some wide shots guys? or are we still just doing commercials one care at a time?

  76. After listening to DW during the ARCA race, I just now realized what it is about him that I find so irritating. He spends most of the race telling us how the drivers should drive their cars!

  77. Looks like an ARCA race might break out at any moment.....

  78. Kind of bummed. Waiting for the new ExtenZe ad with coach Jimmy Johnson. That is going to make for a great

  79. Yeah, JD, it has that look to it! I hate RP racing - it makes me nervous.

    @Sally -- you know that's a good point, I hadn't thought of it - DW does do that and it is very annoying.

  80. Already did it once on Twitter, the Hendrick guys did not think it was funny. I did....

  81. Great camera work! It's so very very very nice to see wide shots again. FOX, unlike ESPN, realizes that HD means you can have 10 cars on the screen at once and still identify the sponsors.

    Also, it's nice to hear these announcers again. Their combined energy, even more than the camera work, really makes or breaks the race. I think the NFL may not be the only reason that the FOX races pull much higher ratings than ESPN's.

  82. Not too hard yet. They're probably saving it for the last segment. Smart thing to do.

    FOX goes 10 laps to a commercial. Compare that with TNT's 2004 Shootout, where they were to go the whole first segment without commercials, unless there was a caution.

    Not too much Digger. It's fine if they at least tone it down.

  83. OK, those last couple of "close" camera shots just gave me the willies.

  84. I like this extended Crank It Up.

    Very cool.

  85. Yep, the big boys are back. I wonder what Danica is thinking.

  86. I'm tired of the Lowe's in car already though.

    they just got a little more spread out there just now.

  87. Great camera work & shot selections tonight. The cars look awesome under the lights. Just enjoying the wide shots.

  88. Okay, I don't hear any announcers. What's going on here?

  89. I have plenty of announcers here. What channel are you watching?

  90. Oh, MAN! Poor Mikey gets taken out just before the yellow!

  91. JD, I read some comment DP made about having a car with fenders -- well, yeah, but all the other cars have them too and they have more experience with using them AND the bumper.

    I hope she doesn't get TOO cocky with it all.

  92. They came back mid-sentence on Lap 25. Very odd.

  93. Man it sure was great when the live racing was split screened with the replays during the green flag in the ARCA race. Shame that the "big boys" in the Fox truck had to take over for this race :(

  94. Didn't care much for starting the final lap with a replay. After all, FOX OD's with replays.

    Waltrip spinning and McMurray challenging for the lead just made my day, but it won't really be made until I see how this one ends.

  95. I'm going to have to go back and re-read the twitter posts, JD, so I can find the Extenze thing. Too bad that the HMS guys didn't think it was funny, people need to keep a sense of humor a little more. Loosen up, isn't that the new NASCAR mandate?

  96. @GinaV24: I don't think DP is likely to get too cocky, but I expect that within 3 races somebody is going to beat on her enough times to get Kezlowski'd in return.

  97. Digger just made his first commercial-break-ending appearance of the year.

    And that makes it the perfect time to explain that it is ironic that a gopher serves as a mascot at a network that shares its name with an animal that will occasionally eat a gopher.

  98. right, DW, the car "jumped" all by itself. Excuses, excuses.

  99. @anon 8:56 -- you don't think Danica is already cocky?

    Once people start the whole payback thing, it can get out of hand.

  100. @Gina - It's his little brother. I'd make excuses, too.

  101. I've been around racing a long time and I never have seen tear off blow off on a car going around. It looked weird. What was up with that?

  102. Did Hammond just say "pasties" for Stewart's car?

  103. LMAO @ those 14 team members rushing that sharkfin out to the car. Did they ever bust Guantanamo?

  104. Must have left a bolt loose. Someone got some 'splaining to do!

  105. Nice coverage of the 14 team guy running back to the pit with the wicker. We need more stuff like that.

  106. @Andrew -- you are so right, its easy to forget that part sometimes.

    Pasties? For the office depot car, wouldn't that work better for the godaddy car?

  107. @spider in re: tear-offs on waltrip spin: i was wondering that as well. been pondering and can't come up with an answer.

  108. Bevo, Hammond doesn't know half the time what he is saying with his Minnie Mouse voice. The tanning booth lights take away what intelligence he has left.

  109. @Gina- Good one, guess I just misheard it.

  110. somebody forgot to check the box, tight screw!

    it was funny watching that guy hoof it down pit road, like brokenfield running.

  111. @gina24 wonder if he was yelling "outta the way! shark fin coming through!"

  112. Someone said Larry Mac looked like he'd lost weight - I agree! He does look thinner.

  113. Red, JD, notice that the announce team blew if off also. It looked like they were coming off the back but that's impossible. Those tear off are glued to the front windshield really tight. I have never seen it after 19 years of being in the business. Maybe I missed it before. I dunno?

  114. @red, cue the "Jaws" theme.

  115. Loving the long shots with all the cars in it.

  116. the 1 car is looking racy

    OK, that camera shot just gave me vertigo

  117. @spider. i could stand to see it again but it didn't look like tear-offs to me at all. not sure what it was but i seriously doubt the tear-off explanation. and you're right: they latched on to that answer right fast.

    of course, they might be right but it was . . .unusual.

  118. I've seen them come off at the restrictor tracks before, especially with all the turbulence. But especially when they turn around. That's how they get them stuck on the radiators.

  119. RyanMcGeeESPN: NASCAR officials have penalized Darrell Waltrip one lap for his tie.

  120. "Stuck in the sucker hole!" You'd never hear THAT on BSPN!

  121. Nice solid coverage tonight. Big relief.

  122. I think that Kurt hit Mark, not the other way around.

  123. Watching Kurt, makes me appreciate what Danica did earlier.

  124. JD, Roflol: DW's tie. Who found that sucker? Amazing creature.

  125. JD, funny. Plus, what the suits tonight? Looks too stiff especially in the HH.
    Oops, cue the paint the grass logo guys.

  126. Crap, that was a scary looking crash. Blew the hood right up onto the windshield. Not enough room between the 2 and the 5

  127. danica saving it early was VERY impressive.

    bummer for Kurt just cant see anything like that. amazing how a dip in the grass can do that much damage.

    been a helluva race so far tho!

    need more wide shots and less taillights though.

    id like to see a kurt on board...

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  129. @David
    That budget was spent on Danica earlier, couldn't afford it.

  130. yeah, I agree, I think the 2 came down on the 5. Lucky there weren't more cars in that

  131. Do all the drivers have a vendetta against the Daytona grass?

    Scary looking ride for Kurt.

    Not bad coverage tonight.

  132. If what happens to Busch happens to all Penske drivers for the rest of the season, you can kiss your Chargers goodbye.

  133. I hope they replay it sometime. Here in Virginia all I am getting is hour 23 of the Big Snow Storm. This sucks! FoxDC doesn't have a clue!

  134. most honest thing DW has ever said. Mikey didn't pit so he would get tv time. Love it!

  135. That quad-split on the pit stops was so was the race off pit road...

  136. IS this the same camera, director crew that did DanARCA race earlier today?

  137. @texas lady, heck someone has to keep repainting the grass and the walls, too.

  138. Told it was not, Boyd. Nice quad split. I would be happy if they use that this season.

  139. What a relief, no DP. It is nice to be able to watch the TV. Really enjoy the Fox crew.

  140. JD, just one of the many 'amenities' that I'm sure Nascar did because the fans asked for it!

  141. @rusty'sgal, I was afraid that was all we were going to get in Phila too - snow snow and more snow, but they did switch to racing.

  142. I forgot they redid their fences when Dega did, so the morter, flashing lights flag stand is a brand new thing.

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  144. Wow. watching those splitters dig in when the cars go thru the grass...that can't help a bit.

  145. That was really violent and could have been big. Glad Kurt is OK and the car did not make it to pit road.

    I was told the new flagstand has yellow lights built in but have not seen it on the coverage.

  146. JD its a giant LED board so I imagine they can have it be any color they want

  147. Ok, the new Flagstand is sponsored by ExtenZe.
    Is that politically correct?

  148. yeah, all the tracks need more crap in the infield so that fans can't see the whole track. Big improvement for everyone and JUST what the fans wanted.(sarcasm intended).

    Like at Martinsville, where they put in a jumbotron and a short scoring pylon -- let's see, the track is half a mile around, who can't see without a TV that now blocks the view and an inadequate pylon.

  149. Luckily, NYC dodged the snow, all except for the borough I live in, but no one else could give a four-letter word about Staten Island, right?

    (Except for the time they tried to put a Richmond-like short track in Bloomfield, but Millville, NJ is a much better place.)

  150. JD
    I noticed them toward the end of the DanARCA race.
    They do green, yellow and red.

  151. @Anon 9:33
    That is so it gets longer every time something exciting happens.

  152. In WDC the race is being shown on channel 20 so fox5 can tell us about the snow

  153. I can live happily without Chris Meyers for the rest of the season.

  154. So for some people really against the Danica hype, I am amazed they keep mentioning her....

    The ARCA race is over...

    14 and 99 slugging this out but now Tony has his buddy Happy...

  155. so the flagstand is like Pinocchio's nose, it gets longer on command? It can be like a BS meter.

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  157. i'm liking the short. concise pit reports: coupla lines & out. feeling old school.

  158. Don't remember this kind of camera work at the end of last year.

  159. OK, is ti just me, or did Edwards move down into Montoya?

  160. looked to me as if JPM tapped him and got the 99 squirrely. nice job of saving it by edwards.

  161. Red, I think it has to do with who is on pit road. Krista is great. The Bobsey twins didn't make it to the Duel.

  162. Chris Meyers is the consummate announcer. Fox sometimes tries too hard to make him look knowledgeable of racing which he will admit he is not.
    He is a hard worker, got a great voice, and probably needs to be be in a role more suited with racing, just like Fox does with him in football and baseball.
    Plus, for what it's worth, he is a heck of a nice fellow. One of the nicest on the team and really the only racing "outsider" there tonight.

  163. @sally i thought montoya tapped him & that caused the 99 to swivel into JPM. i don't believe edwards cut down in front of him but w/o a better replay? it's all speculation on my part.

  164. Wow the long shot from 3 down the backstraight.
    Bobbing and weaving looks crazy.

  165. Red, that's what makes watching racing fun, isn't it? We can all watch the same race and see different things!

  166. Mark said it shut off...running now. may have hopped out of gear. lost draft

  167. Why are we comparing the new flagstand to ExtenZe and Viagra? Didn't JD call this a "family-friendly site"?

  168. @sally: absolutely. and it's why i try not to get too committed to what i think i saw w/o replay opportunity.

  169. Chris, ExtenZE is a NASCAR Cup sponsor this season and Viagra used to be Mark Martin's sponsor.

    The new ExtenZe TV commercial features Jimmy Johnson who says he uses the product...but it's the coach, not the driver!

    We expect to see a lot of that product this season starting next week. We thought it might be this week.

    Guess all of us are trying to figure out how to handle that product this season in Cup.

  170. I can tell you that a big one is coming!

  171. JD, don't tempt me like that. Talking about how to 'handle' Extenz...I've got my hands behind my bakc not to comment.

  172. It does have that smell of a big wreck as opposed to a power move to win.

  173. Hey that's it! Just like Arrons's sponsored the Lucky Dog, the Enhancement products could sponsor "The Big One"
    Someone pass that on the marketing please.

  174. Sally, we will probably have to agree to either just joke about it or ban it. One way or the other!
