Saturday, February 6, 2010

Live Blogging The Daytona ARCA Race (4:30PM ET - SPEED)

There has never been as much build-up for the ARCA race at Daytona in history. Normally considered a crash-fest, this season ARCA got a big boost in popularity with the arrival of Danica Patrick.

SPEED will televise the race live beginning at 4:30PM ET. Rick Allen will call the action with Phil Parsons and Darrell Waltrip joining him in the booth. Wendy Venturini and Jim Tretow will be covering pit road. will be streaming Patrick's in-car camera with sound on the website during the race. Expect the focus to be squarely on Patrick.

This post will serve to host your comments on the SPEED coverage of the ARCA race from Daytona. To add your TV/media-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is not a fan site and we are also fan-friendly. Our focus is the TV coverage of motorsports.

Thanks for joining us today.


  1. I am proud to be the one of the first to comment and may I start with a big congratulations to the folks in The ARCA series for the really great boost they are getting with a the Danica hype! Good for them, they deserve it. ARCA is a very competitive series and at times more enjoyable to watch than Cup.
    Now, the speeds they race at are fast and sometimes may be close to the Cup cars. But wait-
    Todays Cup speeds in qual. are about 3 MPH faster than last years due to the larger plate. Why is NASCAR flirting with disaster on this new plate rule for 2010? (amazing the track record set in 1987 was 210.364 MPH) WOW!
    Maybe it is the pressure that they are receiving form fans with the combination of Danica helping put ARCA on the map. Either way, both series' Daytona races should be interesting so get ready for the fireworks!

  2. Now that is two announcers. Squire and Despain! Much better you will notice than a bunch of has been drivers or crew chiefs, that are wanna be comedians trying to pronounce words that they cannot even spell. This will be a great race with good announcing.

  3. OPPs, spoke to soon. I now see that Rick, Phil, and DW will call. So that's not too bad a line up. DW may keep it straight with Rick who is a great announcer probably one day he will be the main dude!

  4. Glad I don't mind green. Bet that's all I see today.

  5. Okay, Arca has slick mist as a sponsor on a superspeedway?
    Not the best name I'm guessing.

  6. I'm just looking for a good race, not a wreck-rest. We shall see..

  7. I wouldn't doubt they'll have one camera isolated on DP, like you see with the Kentucky Derby.

  8. Lots of newbies in the field other than Danica today. Look out.

  9. has a live in-car streaming online of Danica during the race today. Seriously....

  10. Fast tracked the next year---- and Danica wins the race, marries Dale Jr. while in Florida, goes to Disney World for the Honeymoon, moves to N.C. and learns to enjoy hunting, BBQ and cold beer, then masters the traffic on Interstate 77 by going from Mooresville to Charlotte in a record 5 Minutes.

  11. As Schrader would often say while broadcasting the Daytona ARCA race, this is a race where "they're doing their best to wreck". There's been a few times they've run out of time due to so many cautions.

  12. Anon, that might get her hubby's attention for sure. LOL...

  13. Jimmy Spencer slammed the ARCA guys on TV today. Called them stupid and just a bunch of crashers. We are about to see.

  14. Here we go!!! This should one fun afternoon/night

    Hi to all

    Is that Milka girl in the race today??

  15. Then the marriage is upset by news that JR. is having an affair with a woman in Argentina. LOL

  16. Milka Duno starts 41st

  17. They need to sort it out and ride. Get the car sorted out.

  18. Jimmy Spencer is stupid and a crasher. Not the first time he has stuck his foot in his mouth. Ask Chip.
    Hope he gets spanked by Speed/NASCAR media Group for that remark.
    Yall Join the Club, spank Jimmy dot com LOL

  19. Spencer has a new TV talk show on SPEED that starts on Monday night a week from this Monday.

    8:30PM and he is going to be talking about issues. OK....

  20. Speed's been taking (bad) lessons from ESPN - Far too much in-car camera already!

  21. Present and accounted for also.

    Milka Duno (or as my hubby calls her "milk'n donuts") is in #90.

    Just found the link to Danica's radio on


  22. DW and Phil Parsons working very well together.

  23. JD, glad I made you smile. You need to smile more.

  24. 74 Danica references in two laps.

    Getting close to hitting "mute".

    Anonymous- I didn't want to say it, but I could see Danica & Jr getting hitched, becoming the first couple of racing, a marketer's dream & any sane fan's worst nightmare.

  25. Too much DP already. STOP with the in car cams. sheesh

    more wide shots.
    Disappointed to see speed/fox messing up the flow already.
    Good grief

    If this is what DP does to the racing on tv, no thanks

  26. That what happens when you have no money and have to buy cheap brakes. Really!

  27. Big crash gives us a time to catch our breath.
    Which is more annoying? Danicamania or Darrel Waltrip?

  28. Nice replay, hard to miss the first one of the season but hey...things happen.

  29. That's why I was a little concerned with over-showing DP. I was afraid they'd miss action that took place elsewhere on the track. But it looks SPEED handled that wreck well.

  30. That Danica ad was very old. I wondered what inventory we would see in this race. Guess they are holding the new ones for the Super Bowl and the Daytona 500.

  31. That ain't racing---------
    That's ARCA!

  32. boyd i dont mind both... I dont know I just have this feeling Nascar and stock car racing is going to benefit very much from her and I enjoy DW! btw just read his book its great

  33. ARCA is coming to Palm Beach raceway to run a road course this year. That should be interesting.

  34. Announcers are great; DW and Phil Parsons are a good match.

  35. A.R.C.A.

    Always Race Car Accidents

  36. Hello planeteers! I'm refreshed for 2010.

    So far it is the typical ARCA race (demolition derby). Drivers had the same issue last season - they forgot where the brake petal was.

  37. I'm surprised. Phil and DW are good. Phil keeps DW from going off on a tangent.

  38. Palm Beach raceway? Where is that located I never heard of it.

  39. Aw jeez, Wendy, do we really freakin' need to hear about Danica's conversation on the radio. The channel is about to be changed soon...


  40. these ARCA kids NEVER learn..if there is a wreck ahead. START to slow down.

    then again, not sure how much I'll watch if SPEED keeps up with the constant Danica in car cams. Like andrew noted, ESPN like cam work :(

  41. Google Palm Beach International Raceway. Used to be called Moroso Dragway. They revamped the whole thing.

  42. mika. lollers.

    good to hear alan and parsons again tho.

  43. JD - I agree. I like how Phil & DW bounce off each other. DW seems more tolerable than his brother so far.

  44. Seriously though what did you guys expect??? I knew going into this it was going to be all Danica but people I dont think its a bad thing so hush.

  45. It's not Phil keeping DW in check JD.
    It's the fact that he doesn't have to grandstand over the regular Fox crew announcers who try to be funnier than him.

  46. Danicamania is more annoying, boyd. And it's just the start. I've got a bad feeling about when she hits ESPN...we've already seen how much they love her.

    That wreck was almost as bad as the one at Daytona that Billy Venturini got hurt in a couple years ago because the first wreck happened & the backmarkers piled in because evidently they didn't pick up on smoke meaning wreck.

  47. I;m LOVING DW in the booth!!!!


  48. Jonathan, we don't tell others what to do, think or say here...OK?

    Danica overload gets lots of reactions and everyone is entitled to their opinions.

  49. You guys should see the Danica PR stuff I get in email. Not sure how much of this hype is her and how much is her "handlers."

    Either way, must be a weird way to live.

  50. JD, I see now. Palm Beach International Raceway would be a fun place to go for a race. Nice area. Make sure if you go to eat at Sailfish Marina. Awesome place!

  51. Do you think that the cars have run thru debris with about 10 cars in the wreck?

  52. Spider, that's a good point. Weird to hear Chris Myers struggling today with names and details today.

  53. They have some good YouTube vids up. One is a nitro Harley drag racer. Those guys are nuts!!

  54. guys, these other cars just piling in is nothing new. happens all the time thats why anyone can get cleared to run ARCA.

    its pathetic sometimes and these backmarkers are jokes.

    sometimes i wish arca had S&P rather than start, run off the back, and blast into a wreck wide open.

    won't be the last time.

  55. I know it's gimmicky, but I kind of like the hotrod grill.
    Logged on to look, but no prices!

  56. Spencer said this was the only Daytona race where he worried about someone getting hurt.

  57. I didn't think it was odd to hear Chris Myers struggle. He really doesn't know much about our sport. That ST show will be just awful.
    Good coverage of the wreck by Speed, imo.

  58. I see DW is going to be on the Truck broadcast this Friday. Also, worth noting, all 25 truck races this year will be on SPEED....there's not going to be 2 on Fox like they've done in recent years.

  59. JD, Chris never struggles as you know so that was unusual. He is always rehearsed and prepared. Probably no writer there like a David Black and maybe a green teleprompter. Who was in the chair upstairs?

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Thanks Mike, that's right. DW has been trying to do more TV. Remember how they add him at Homestead?

  62. Attn. Phil Parsons: This is the first restart for many other drivers besides Danica. Just sayin.

  63. must be overloaded right now because despite reloading the page several times, the 'Danica Stream' is keeps 'waiting . . .' and will not load.

  64. Nice driving by Danica to avoid the 83! Too bad we couldn't see it on the in-car camera.

  65. fine ill leave sorry to bother you all so much hope everyone enjoys the rest of there night

  66. A.R.C.A.

    Accidental Racing Car Association

  67. 47 of last year's 80 laps were run under yellow. In '07 46 laps were run under yellow. So, this race has a tendency to have more yellow laps than green laps.

  68. On twitter lets trend #JohnWrecksWeekly

  69. Is Danica in this race? Gee....its all Danica all the almost killed Indy racing and it may do the same for Nascar

  70. Last accident:

    DanicaPatrick: "Whoooa, I accelerated out of there as friggin' fast as I could. I've seen those videos."

  71. I like piling on JWT but he was clean this time JD

  72. Is there an ARCA race during this DP - GoDaddy Commercial?

  73. The allDanica video stream switches back and forth between incar and what appears to be a dedicated camera on her going around the track.

  74. I am having bad memories of ESPN & Jimmie Johnson at Texas last November.

  75. @Squid - Well, there's an ARCA Demolition Derby in there somewhere...

  76. Hearing from many that the Danica cam is overloaded and will not connect.

  77. Anyone got a count on number of Danica references in the first 20? I know in she was mentioned every lap 1-5 then the wreck took the attention.

  78. JD there is audio, i had it up earlier, but the tower cam does not have sustained pickup of audio. the in car has audio just fine

  79. Ink,
    I've had no problems uploading Danica's live stream.

    The AP reported in today's paper SpeedTV would live stream not only in-car camera video but audio of her communications with the crew. So far there has been no radio transmission, only the sound of her car engine. Just wonderting, has anyone heard any radio conversation? Maybe the team changed their mind about streaming the audio.

  80. Well if that's getting overloaded at, you can see why they're showing her so much.

  81. Got it. Thanks for all the input folks. This next segment is going to be interesting.

    SPEED keeps getting burned on the in-car cams.

  82. some of these GoDaddy commercials are pretty bad.

  83. I only have engine noise for audio. No radio chatter.

  84. Jeff GLuck & others seem to be hearing Danica's scanner. Is it because they're at the track?

  85. Recently got home and fast forwarded through the coverage. Every time I stopped it was all Danica all the time. This is getting old fast. Just let her race and quit kissing the ring.

  86. DW says "I" more than any other two annoucers combined!!!! Isn't he supposed to talk about the race, not himself, and you toss in Danica every third word and my god, the Texas boadcast last year is starting to look good.

  87. JD,
    Check your e-mail, sent an article.

  88. Adding on about the amount of caution laps in this event, the last 5 Daytona ARCA races have had an average of 43 caution laps, which is obviously over half of the 80 laps they run in this race.

  89. @Pamm - Probably so. I'd bet that either Danica's crew decided not to have the scanner so widely available or killed it to save bandwidth and make the video more available.

  90. JD, ARCA live timing and scoring will not load correctly anymore. Definetly a lot of interest in this race. This is the first I've ever had problems with the ARCA site.

    Well it kinda loaded, a bunch of numbers but no names and about 1/2 of the page is missing.

  91. There's the obligatory showing of the other in-car cams so the other in-car cam sponsors don't complain because 1 in-car cam is being shown more often than the others.

  92. I am in love with Danica...the intensity of her eyes....her tugging on the belts...she is special

  93. Too many in-car cameras.

  94. Wow, totally missed that...


  95. Horrible camerawork. Completely missed that.

  96. The camera work in this race has been about as bad as an ESPN race. However, the announcers are leaps and bounds ahead of ESPN's, and you can tell they're watching the track instead of the monitors.

  97. They are really missing most of the wrecks today. Not an auspicious start.

  98. Only the robot cams got the flip. No human could get their equipment off Danica.

  99. Also: Holy crap. Hope Jill George is okay.

  100. They must have brought in the ESN production crew for this race but I suppose it is hard to watch the rest of the track when you have all the cameras on super B$$$$

  101. good thing james hylton wasn't racing this year...just wow.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. That car looked like Mark Martin's car flipping in the wreck he had.

  104. There's what I was alluding to before. They're so focused on watching what DP was doing with the cameras, that they had to re-focus the cameras on what took place on the frontstretch.

  105. If Danica is not involved, who cares??? All Praise Danica

  106. okay, that was an bad wreck & Speed completely missed it! and LOL at anon 5:24!!

  107. OK, 2nd time's the charm. Didn't finish the post. LOL

    Took far too long to get the cameras in turn 4 --- even with DW yelling.

    Glad to see the lady climb out.

  108. Are we watching an ESPN production with Speed announcers?
    I thought only ESPN could miss action by that much.
    Wake up the Director. Follow the announcers please.

  109. hmmm think I might actually watch the Go Daddy commercials if Jill was in them, hmm her an Mika, now that would make a commercial!

  110. Anon, we get it. Jump in with comments.

  111. Trying to figure out why it took sooooo long to get pics of the wreck.

  112. Well guys. This has become a theme for SPEED.

    Thursday Kurt Busch wrecks, DW calls it...nothing gets shown till late. Today, same thing.

    DW is ON IT! Yes he is talking about Danica, but facts are facts this is a script. whether we like it or not is irrelevant.

    Still, props to DW for analyzing when he has been asked to.

  113. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  114. JD,
    It's like I said, all the human resources were focused on Danica, so the operators or of the remote cameras had to cover it.

  115. Kevin Harvick on Twitter: all chances of @delanaharvick driving again just ended with that wreck. (The first wreck, that is.)

  116. not ONE DECENT camera on that horrible flip?

    Camera work STINKS on this race.
    Unless your name is Danica.
    Wow, SPEED is HORRIBLE today in cam dept. Just like ESPN.

    We thought Digger & JJ & KB hype was bad. Mama mia!!

  117. Seriously. Do you guys understand how she flipped her car on the flat by herself?

    What did she hit, a deer? A blown tire is not going to flip a car.

    Am I just missing it?

  118. Came back from Monster Jam at Izod Center in time to catch the first few laps of this race. The commentators are doing the best they can but the directors only care about one thing: a certain fluorescent green #7 car.

    You can even see they missed a couple of wrecks because of Danica Watch. One camera that had a clear view of the Turn 1 wreck panned off the wreck for problem-free Danica.

    The race isn't that good either. Every restart, there's another wreck. Sure cautions bring cautions, but this often? This long? Is the Port Authority of NY & NJ cleaning up the wrecks? (complete failures at cleaning up crashes)

    This race is an across-the-board FAIL. They should make up for this in the Shootout.

    This is the only thing worse than Digger. And I did see Digger today -- GRAVE Digger.

  119. I have zero clue what happened there. Did someone replace her springs with a jack-in-the-box?

  120. We all missed it because it didn't happen to Danica!

  121. Editor, can you explain why others can make comments about the bad camera work, but I can't about DW???? Both are part of the broadcast........and each just as annoying as the other....and my god,,,,,,try counting the "i"'s he says, you lose track quickly!

  122. JD, it looked like her car came off the bank which unsettled the car then when it shot back up on the bank it took off like it hit a ramp. these cars are really aero light as is and that was just enough to send it tumbling.

    thats my best guess

  123. Danica..Danica..Danica..Danica. How much $ did pay Speed? There are other drivers with stories too.

  124. I wonder what's going to happen when Danica runs in the Nationwide will the cameras decide whether they should keep the camera on Danica, Kyle, or Carl? The one thing we know is that they will virtually ignore the 'regulars'.

  125. Anon, you can about DW but not the President. No politics please.

    We LOVE comments about the TV commentators. Thanks!

  126. Everytime I come here or refresh, LOTS of comments. :) Race isn't even halfway..

    I need a Coors Light :-)

  127. Wow, they finally mentioned Jennifer Jo Cobb and all she has done is gain 25 spots.

  128. hey sophia. nice little reunion we got going here. where is dot?!

  129. I'll make a guess right now, this race won't go all 80 laps.

  130. I bet there are way more comments on this race than usual for an ARCA race. Love her or hate her, DP IS the story.

  131. I like Sophia's thinking . . . cheers!

  132. Ahh.. Lynn St. James has been a winner more than once in IMSA so where does DW get off saying DP has more on them.

    It is time for DW to go to the retired racer's home.

  133. I need a t-shirt that says "I tuned in to watch an ARCA race, but all I got was Danica".


  134. Might have guessed it. Dish Network guy just came to install my dish, so no more hardwired cable for me. But, I can't watch the race while he works. It's all OK as it's gonna be a long season.

  135. @David
    She said on twitter she has to go to a baby shower.

  136. This seems to have become a Venturini Racing ARCA broadcast.

  137. thanks boyd. i am twitterless. i feel no need for it but thanks for the info lol

  138. I think Dot's at a Baby or wedding shower can't remember which. Can't comment much I'm only at the second wreck

  139. @spider
    You might have tv when the red is lifted. It's lasting long enough.

  140. @Anon 5:41 - I think that this is the very first ARCA post, so we probably wouldn't even be here if not for Danica.

  141. not such a good idea of them parking in front of the empty grandstand.

  142. Billy Venturini has 5 cars in the race. Wonder if there's a limit.

  143. RaceDay is scheduled for 6:30PM after this race. Wonder if they will cut the race short?

  144. Kbaskin, I take 2 of those t shirts! well our making them, add in "Nationwide", and 2 for "Cup", well, maybe not Cup, I think I am done with them anyway, too much of a bad taste in my mouth from last year......

  145. Why would they cut the race short. They have lights and time.

  146. We do a special ARCA blog in Feb and we also do the Indy 500 every year. Lot's of cross-over stuff.

  147. This is what we get when we trust Speed too much. They turn and give us the biggest scrap heap of race coverage ever. ESPN is not even this bad. Take a look at ESPN. Sure they have tight shots and Jimmie Watch, but this is the greatest amount of single-driver coverage I have ever seen.

    And these ads make me want to blow off a furious letter to the site's owner, especially the one with Danica and "Lola".

    ARCA cars and Daytona walls are not the best of friends. They seriously have to find out how to stop these cars from flipping into fences. Maybe a roof bar and a tighter plate can help.

  148. This must be Speeds nightmare, stop showing Danica for RaceDay or cut it short. Will be interesting to see which they pick

  149. JD, they would cut is short if it did not have DP in it and you know it.
    Raceday can wait.
    I'm now watching on Speed dot com while I get my dish installed.
    Great image!

  150. They HAVE to do Shootout intros at 7:30p.m. They've cut the ARCA race short before. I say this race goes no later than 7p.m. Eastern.

  151. SquidBuzz I think they would have to cut the race short because of the Shootout coming up later, Nascar has to get ready for that.

  152. @Newracefan 5:50

    I think Speed has to show this race. That's how these TV contracts with sports sanctioning bodies go for all networks.

  153. David & others,

    Great to see some familiar names back here during the race. I've missed the "community vibe" of everybody. :-D

    What the HECK is the deal with the DELAY on the fence? I don't get it. No close ups of what has gone on or anything.Odd

    OR the horrible camera work.

  154. Naaa this is not as bad as Jimmy watch at Texas, no field rundowns there, just garage coverage of him. We are in the same ballpark mind you, just not as worse....

  155. Didn't they work on this stuff with Danica during the off-season?

  156. Thank goodness they're trying to show us how inept Danica is.

  157. I would like to see what happens on Speed if and when Danica wrecks.

    And the way this race is going, it is not a matter of if this race is going to get cut short, it is how short will they have to cut it. As slow as they are going now, that's the way it's going.

  158. I remember when Daytona had no lights.
    ARCA races were cut short all the time.

  159. Kyle Petty was so right, She is a marketing machine, that's all she is....

  160. Back in 2005, this race only ran 65 of the 80 laps, because of time constraints. So, they've done it before.

  161. Oh geez, now it's gonna be the "Danica Damage Watch™".


  162. I take it back , this is worse than Texas.................. 5 miutes of post pit stop coverage on a car running what place????

  163. Is there ANYBODY ELSE worth talking of in this race besides DP.

    MOST disappointed in SPEEDS excess ad nauseum Danica talk..though i understand the folks we love on this channel have no choice.(meaning talking heads)

    I never dreamed SPEED would be so disappointing..then again my fave Mon night show GONE.

  164. Camera work is horrid. Luckily I'm behind the live feed so I can fast forward through the Danica. But there's so much my hour behind is now down to 10 minutes.

    She's a female driver got it. She's been hyped since she covered the shows on spike every saturday. Got it. She won a race got it. But seriously, there is a race here. At least just show the damn cars. They've missed the wrecks so far today. To the point its taken one to two commercial breaks to find the coverage. Replay after replay shows straight up they missed it.
    The clearest shot they found is 'look in the distance you can see her'. Really? I need binoculars to watch a race on tv?

    How bad is your camera work to where you have DW yelling then Phil starts in to and you STILL haven't cut to the accident? The angles were so bad they didnt notice she mainly his a non safer barrier area.

    This is just sad for a group that does the truck races.

  165. Would think DP is the highest running female in this race.

  166. I heard some where that I think that queen B is hurting the 51, atleast I think that I heard that...IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DP

  167. If she's behind JWT she's toast. It's only a matter of time.

  168. Just line up until 10 to go. Come on guys and gals.

  169. I'm waiting for DP to cause something and hear if they try to absolve her

  170. What are the odds the track is green when TV comes back???

  171. Sally, You read my mind. I can't figure out how JWT got a ride with RCR. Is it another case of "money talks"?

  172. This sucks, I am all wound up and peeved and the Shootout hasn't even started yet...........Not a good sign!

  173. Zero percent.
    If Danica's not in it we won't see it either.

  174. LOL! This is the best Bud Shoot Out warm up act.

  175. Geez. Danica is driving a car not causing any trouble (yet any way). Why is everybody so hell bent on her failure? whether you like her or not she didn't cause anyone to loose their ride so why is it a problem for her to get a chance? If you think her running is not good for the sport then you just don't understand the business side of things. Why cant she get the benefit of the doubt until she gives you a reason to hate her being in Nascar? if your arguement is that she only won 1 race in Indy then you should eliminate about 2/3 of the nascar field that have either not won or haven't won in the last 6 years. If she cant do it she will go away and if she can well good. Enjoy the season wither way.

  176. Exactly. JWT has Zaxby business.

  177. @NorCalFan

    Money talks is exactly how he got the RCR ride. JWT brought the sponsor dollars.


  178. Kimmel has the worst luck in the Daytona ARCA race

  179. JWT to RCR is ALL money.

    ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm FREAKED out when the cup boys lined in in Dega last fall till late...why encourage it now?

    im all for lining up till late but i look at these races from the racer mentality rather than the fan lol.

  180. Wow, we even got to see it. Probably had DW yelling about it, and the Alan Parsons Project too!

  181. I see the pace of this race is starting to get faster. The wrecks are out of the way, so why not race till the end?

    I'll leave here and not come back until I see something I don't like.

  182. New marketing idea for a sponsor, buy all the commercial time and sponsor someone who stays goes slow enough to get the best fuel milage in the field. After 6 months, change the advertising to say.....Send me $100 and we will quit buying more commercial time.

    I'll be the rich!!!!!
