Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunday Morning Show Comments

The new start times for the Sprint Cup Series races have forced a little reorganization where NASCAR TV is concerned.

The Sunday morning TV starts with NASCAR Now on ESPN2 at 9AM. Nicole Briscoe hosts with Marty Smith reporting from Atlanta. This one hour show continues the ESPN formula of basing the shows in Bristol, CT and sending reporters out to the events. ESPN packs lots of information in this fast hour.

Over on SPEED, the disorganized and faltering NASCAR Smarts show airs at 9AM. I have no clue where SPEED is going with this program or what it accomplishes. The original sponsor,, is long gone. Remaining is a ridiculous format and some bad TV. NASCAR in a Hurry fills out the hour with a video recap of Friday and Saturday at the track.

RaceDay rolls in at 10AM on SPEED with momentum building. Kyle Petty has been a breath of fresh air for this program. Now, the challenge is for Kenny Wallace to stop shouting. He got into this bad habit because of Jimmy Spencer's antics. With Spencer long gone, the one thing that Wallace should never say again is "Let me tell you all something!"

Wendy Venturini and Hermie Sadler continue to be the heart and soul of this show. Their ability to effortlessly handle any situation inside the track makes RaceDay worth watching. While they may have very different personalities, they share a solid knowledge of racing and a wicked sense of humor.

Petty is still trying to define his relationship with host John Roberts. These two both like to have the last word and it has made for some interesting moments. Petty is not afraid to let his opinion be known, but unlike Spencer does not need Roberts to step-in and sort things out once he is done. It's time for Roberts to go back to hosting and let the opinions come from the panelists.

NASCAR Now and RaceDay combine to offer three hours of pre-race coverage that leads into another hour of pre-race from FOX. As we watch the shows roll by, look for how many times the same guests promoting the same topics are interviewed. It's not uncommon to see the same person three times before the racing starts.

We are going to use this post to open comments up before, during and after the morning NASCAR TV shows. There will be a new post up for the NASCAR on FOX telecast that begins at 12PM ET. As we move through the morning, let us know what you like and do not like about the pre-race shows.

To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for stopping by, make sure to join us for the live race chat Sunday afternoon.


  1. Too much pre-race, not enough post-race. It boggles my mind how for events like football, baseball, etc there are post event shows on networks such as ESPN and FOX yet when it comes to NASCAR anymore, the post-event coverage is quick, or delayed until many hours after it is concluded. 3 hours of pre-race is just unnecessary!!!!

    How about providing 30 minutes of post race with an hour, maybe an hour and ahalf of pre-race between RD and FOX?

    RD has some excellent strong points and its unfortunate it can get you all excited for the race only to have the FOX pre-race ruin it with 60 minutes of fluff, dated pointless antics, and commercialism.

    May catch part of RD towards the end. Will use FOX pre-race to get my morning chores out of the way though.

  2. All these pre race shows have become a joke,throwing footballs thru hanging tires,playinig catch with baseballs,Martinsville hot dogs,a Goober(R.Wood) interviewing other Goobers,etc.If this is supposed to get me excited for the race,it actually does the opposite.A GOOD reporter/announcer only needs 1/2 hour to set up the race.

  3. Well its 1:51am Chicago time so I guess you would consider this a "before" comment, anyways just wanna say since this is a noon start in my neck of the woods I will not be watching any of the pre race, but after what I've seen from FOX so far the prerace aint worth it. I always watch RD but since its so early and its already so late I wont be up to caught it. Well its off to bed only 10 more hours left till the green flag, I can not wait!!!! Ill be back when the green flag is boys are set loose in Atlanta

    I know I know youall cant stand DW but so looking foward to BOOGITY BOOGITY BOOGITY lets go racing boys!!!!

  4. a question: where's nascar performance on sunday?

    beyond that, nothing fo rme until the green flag, thank you.

  5. I'll watch most of the pre-race stuff (minus the "game" show--what a waste). but here's another vote for most post-race. To hear reaction after the race, you pretty much have to search it out. That's a shame.

  6. I would watch a pre-race show if it was 30 minutes and dealt with the race itself. Analyze the strategies for the track and give team information for that race. No cooking segments, hosts acting like clowns, juggling acts, actors, cartoons, etc.

    I know it's a radical concept but how about treating the sport with some dignity?

  7. Unfortunately, many Cablevision subscribers in my area probably will not be able to see NASCAR Now, because ABC has gotten into a dispute with them, resulting in them pulling the cruel negotiating tactic of pulling channels from the system.

    Good thing I switched to DirecTV after Time Warner vs FOX.

    I, as always, will not tune into this race until 1:00. Thank God and NASCAR for the 1/3/7:30 rule.

  8. Well, I watch it all...and DVR the ones that overlap. We miss Steve Burnes. He isn't on as much as he used to be. He could take John Roberts place, sometimes, and that would be refreshing.
    Yes, alot of shows are repetitive. But I LOVE 'NASCAR Now'. Marty Smith is really great. Race Hub is pretty good, through the week. We love RaceDay and Kenny Wallace is AWESOME...everyone loves his funny ways. All of the guys are really good on that one.
    I don't see the Race to Fame going over...and NASCAR Smarts is pretty boring.
    DW is awesome...everyone would like him to hang around all year!
    Also, we miss TWIN on SPEED...Burnes and Waltrip were a hoot and answered alot of good questions, with their first-half update, and last 30 minutes of preview for the upcoming race.

  9. I watched NascarNow. Liked the piece on RCR, pretty biased though since I am a Jeff Burton fan. i do like to hear from Marty Smith as he usually knows his stuff.

    As a woman, Nicole needs to brush her hair though. ( My mom comes out in me when I see stuff likes that. lol)

    I usually do watch Raceday, but not all of it as I can only handle Kenny Wallace in little pieces. I do love the replacement of Jimmy Spencer with Kyle. Much less agenda going on there.

    I do not watch the Fox pre-race. I can't handle DW at all so I do my best to avoid him. His disemnation of wrong information to the "New Nascar fans" is a travesty. Most of the new fans hear only the history according to DW which most is wrong. (ie: Hoosier tires, history of the tracks that they are at any certain weekend and the like)

  10. After seeing all the info packed into NASCAR Now, it should be interesting to see what RaceDay has to offer.

  11. I guess I'm unusual - I don't watch any of the pre-race shows (don't watch any of the pre-game stuff in football, etc. either) and all I want out of the post-race show is a full field run down and the current point standings. Beyond that, it all gets to be a bunch of noise.

  12. ummm-why are they talking about points already? geez, I HATE the chase!

  13. @tracij....too funny about Nicole. My first reaction, before reading your post was.."where does she get her clothes". Went back and checked her hair...I agree.

    As a woman, I normally don't like when people focus on these things.

    However, woman should dress and have hair/makeup done that doesn't make you even focus on it.

    Thinking ESPN doesn't have as many women as men in front of camera, so don't have makeup/hair people that specialize in women.

    Still like Nicole!

    As far as NN vs Raceday. Find myself watching all of NN...FF thru raceday. Like humor and fun...not goofiness and low brow humor.

  14. Can't believe that RaceDay led with points......

  15. okay, now they are gonna stir the "wreck the teammate pot". come on guys, you are better than this..:(

  16. Race day is a usually fun show to watch. Wendy and Herme are very good with interviews, and it seems the drivers appreciate it. They probably could do plenty in an hr. but Kyle helps make the show for the extra hr. Kenny is ok, but as was said, he is too loud. Also not really funny, so he needs to tone down a bit. You may as well watch paint dry as the Fox pre-race drivel. Go and have a good meal instead.

  17. Can't believe RaceDay led with points and is not trying to get something out of the Montoya and McMurray crash.

    What is up? This the old ESPN?

  18. David - Amen to that.

    I ususally spend the FOX pre-race at the gym. Time to mentally and physically prepare for a FOX broadcast.

  19. Kyle sure brings a much needed view point to RD.

  20. Well just got home from my ordeal at the grocery store and missed the shoe but I sure like the picture of Marty Smith.

  21. Lot different than Jimmy. Fun watching Kenny try to figure out just how to work with Kyle.

  22. "Race fans, let me tell you something! The late, great Dale Earnhardt once told me that if you don't like a particular driver, such as Jimmie Johnson, you should throw away the first Amendment, and drink our Kool-Aid! I will tell you what to think, and if your opinion differs than mine, I will make you feel like an idiot, because hating on Jimmie Johnson is the same as hating on The King when he was winning all those races!"Kenny Wallace has to go. And John Roberts with his equally bad, "What's next? You don't like your favorite ice cream?"
    Guys, I will tell you here on this blog, and if I see you, straight to your face:Don't ever tell me what to think, or who to like. Raceday has ran it's course with Wallace and Roberts. Inject some life into the show, and have Wendy host the show with Petty, and send Roberts and Wallace into reality TV land. Oh, sorry, David Hill. I meant "lifestyle programming." Sheesh.

  23. Garry, Kenny and John Roberts are not having a good season. Kyle changed a lot of things and Wendy and Hermie are hitting it out of the park.

  24. I agree, John. I know my sarcasm can lend a hint of anger, but, we have great shows that cover NASCAR all around, it's just that why do they feel the need to dumb us down?Raceday can be informative, but if you are having a three hour pre-race show, why can't you interview all 43 drivers? Yes, including S&P drivers. I just don't like being told that I'm anti-American if I can't stand Jimmie Johnson.

  25. I just love the fact that everyone is giving GB his due w/the bobsled team. And the team showing up to the race is just awesome! Wendy was sooo excited to touch the medal. I mean, who gets to do that? Not many folks..

  26. Same thing we have seen in the race coverage we see on the pre-race shows. Either you are in the chosen few or out.

    RaceDay covers a lot of old news and has become masters of the obvious.

    Go get some fresh stories!

  27. Pam, would have rather had that as the lead then season points after three races!

  28. Me too, JD. I like these history pieces alot. Show more of that kinda stuff, please.

  29. Good memories.. Speed just showed the joint win of Terry and Bobby Labonte at Atlanta in 96. Not shure where they are going with this though.....

  30. Watched the piece on the history of Atlanta Motor Speedway. Nice, to the point, emotional (2001 Harvick win), informative. Hmmm, what's that feeling I have? Oh, I feel good because I was treated like an adult.

  31. ?? Where did that come from. I can't stand JJ either. So be it. But never been called anti-american. Lol. Sports fans love to dislike the best competion. All sports. Back in the 90's I could not stand "america's team", the Cowboys. It's fun, part of the sporting world. Lighten up.

  32. That's the first time I've seen a Hagerty comm'l aired when the BJ car auction wasn't on. interesting..

  33. JohnP: I know they never said it, but I can read between the lines. When John Roberts says, "What's next? You don't like your favorite ice cream?" That's close to saying "Basball, apple pie,etc."
    O.k. o.k., I know I can lighten up. Just have a little trouble with people telling me who to like.

  34. Catch yet that is being rebranded ESPN3 ?

  35. Claire B. is interviewing Wendall Scott's daughter on Sirius. Speed needs to do more along that line, imo.

  36. Yep, so that kills ESPN Classic becoming ESPN3. Guess the future really is online video.

    Where was the daughter for SPEED? That's just not right.

  37. For the first time this season, I have tuned in to see RaceDay.

    So many topics that just don't matter.

    Kyle Petty & his constant stuttering is unwatchable for this broadcast professional.

    Kenny Wallace...well... He seems to think that "his" opinions are priceless, kenny.... they aren't !

  38. no daughter-we get KW telling us we need to like JJ-ugh.
    ~veri word~ chinalph...just thought it was funny.

  39. I may be behind so would someone please help me.
    What is the deal with the stripe through the 45 on Kyle Petty's hat?

  40. Gary, I got ya. I can't stand it when the media talks down to us either. In the Nascar world they do it all the time, like we are idiots. NFL does not do that. Most of us know more about nascar then most of broadcasters. But they have a camera in there face and a microphone so I understand what your saying. Jeff Hammond constantly says "if you didn't like that, your not a race fan". That speaks of total and complete arrogance. I understand what you were trying to say. And nobody better say to me, "i better like it or else I'm not a fan". If I do, I do. If I don't, I don't. Period.

  41. Did NOT watch any of it ...

    Because it started at 6 AM on the West Coast ...

    Missed Truck qualifying and part of the morning Cup practice for the SAME reason ...

  42. Raceday could be a good show if they could just put a lid on Kenny Wallace. The rest of the crew are very good but I'm afraid Kenny is chasing people away. Too loud and just too silly.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Anonymous said...
    I may be behind so would someone please help me.
    What is the deal with the stripe through the 45 on Kyle Petty's hat?

    just catching up since i can't sleep so:
    the black stripe thru the #45 on kyle petty's cap is in honor of his son, adam, who died in a wreck during practice at loudon when he was 19. adam drove the #45. the victory junction camp was adam's dream that kyle and patty petty fulfilled in his honor.

  45. Here are my pre-race show feelings:

    1. First and foremost I don't watch any more of any Fox racing broadcast then I have no pre-race viewing of their boring garbage for me.

    2. Kenny Wallace is horrible and in my mind really has no business telling anyone what they should/should not like.

    3. John Roberts seems off his game to me this year for some reason.

    4. Wendy and Hermie are the cream of the crowd that roams the garage.

    5. Being a long time Kyle Petty fan I'm sad he's not racing any more but I think he does a pretty good job on Speed. He does need to brush up on his speech patterns but he's still new to this type of show. I like that he says what he thinks. That's a breath of fresh air.
