Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter Sunday!

Some time for reflection and family before we return to our day-to-day lives. Hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday.


  1. Happy Easter JD and the Planeter Family :)

  2. To you, too, JD. That is a beautiful picture of all the daffodils.

  3. Happy Easter to everyone!
    Hope that the Easter Bunny was good to all. :)

  4. Happy Easter to JD and the whole Planeteer family.

    Love the pic, JD.

  5. to those who observe it: Happy Easter! He is risen, indeed!
    to those who don't: Happy Sunday! hope your weather is as great as mine today!

    terrific photo, jd: nothing says spring to me more than daffodils -- what a beautiful field! where is it?

  6. Happy Easter to all of Nascar Nation! Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday

    Next Thursday I leave for Phoenix!!! oh yeah time for some racing in the desert :)

  7. I should have wished the Planeteers, happy Easter or happy Sunday (as Red said). It has been a beautiful weekend, I'm loving it.

    Jonathan, safe trip, man and I hope you see great races there in Phoenix with GOOD weather!

  8. Happy Easter JD and to all the Planeteers - and may you find all the eggs the Easter Bunny hid, before they spoil.

    It is good to be reminded that there are many things more important than racing.

    Thank you JD and all for all the effort everyone puts in to improve racing on TV.
