Saturday, April 3, 2010

Live Blogging Nationwide Series In Nashville, TN (ESPN - 3:30PM)

Saturday afternoon brings a Nationwide Series race to ESPN. The series is in Nashville, TN as part of a doubleheader weekend also featuring the Camping World Truck Series. The truck race took place on Friday night.

Allen Bestwick will kick-off the coverage with the NASCAR Countdown pre-race show from the Infield Pit Studio at 3:30PM ET. Joining Bestwick will be Dale Jarrett and Brad Daugherty. Rusty Wallace has the weekend off.

Jarrett will them move up to the broadcast booth. Marty Reid will be calling the race and with Andy Petree also off this weekend it will be Ricky Craven moving to the analyst position for the first time. The team on pit road will be Dr. Jerry Punch, Vince Welch, Jamie Little and Dave Burns.

Reid has brought a new energy to the ESPN presentations. Jarrett has come alive and having Craven in the booth should bring yet another new wrinkle. Friday, the truck race quickly transformed into the high dollar teams pulling away from the mom and pop teams. It wound up being a boring affair.

Over the last two years, the Nationwide Series has also been a case of two different groups. The "regulars" slug it out trying to make a living while the teams connected with Sprint Cup Series owners or drivers run up front and rule the day.

Nashville has the potential to allow ESPN to tell the full story of the race or once again just concentrate on the Sprint Cup Series drivers who are "stepping down" to play in the Nationwide ranks.

This is a fast track and rain early on Saturday has washed most of the rubber off from the track surface. Weather may also play a part in the race itself. Either way, the Nationwide Series gets the spotlight on this weekend.

This post will serve to host your comments on the Nationwide Series coverage on ESPN. To add your TV-related opinion just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to drop by The Daly Planet.


  1. It should be really interesting to see how Ricky Cravin does in the broadcasting booth. From what I've seen of his TV appearances so far he should do good, depending on the supporting staff around him. I was excited about last nights race when it started, but it really was not that good. Hopefully today will be a lot better. And it's a Waltrip free zone, that's the best part.

  2. Since the practice and qualifying wasn't on tv, I thought I could at least monitor the qualifying via live leaderboard on but that's not even working today. Hope it won't be a snoozer today.

  3. No, it's pretty clear that could care less about trucks and NNS.

  4. Many of us have been hoping for a long time that Craven would get a shot in the booth. As Ricky himself is fond of saying, timing is everything - and given the overall performances of FOX and SPEED in the past week, Craven now has an even better opportunity to show what he can do.

    That said, this is his maiden voyage (not counting a few guest appearances a few years ago), and it's fair to expect that he'll have some sort of learning curve. I'm hoping for great things from Craven, but am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as he learns the role. As JohnP implied, let's also hope the supporting cast for this broadcast is up to par.

  5. Craven's input will be interesting. Will his work in the studio transfer up to the booth?

    JD - I rarely visit anymore. The clean format is overloaded with junk and still confusing to navigate. Their Nationwide & Truck coverage is a joke compared to Jayski.

  6. Hmmm. The top 5 starters today are full time Cup drivers. Expected, but boring.

  7. Excuse me, 5 out of the top 6. Sorry.

  8. ESPN on the air early. No clue why. Change the channel.

  9. Thanks for the update, JD. Mike was watching boring golf. Why only 40 drivers in the line up today too?

  10. If we get to see a race and not have to endure a Waltrip or a Wallace, it can't be bad. I hope Ricky does well and his learning curve will be quick. I think it is time for new talent in the booths or all three series.

  11. @JD--which is an absolute shame :(. The site is a hot mess to begin with and they don't seem cover the rest unless they "have" to :(. They might as well rename it All Cup All the Time. Even the Truck Series site isn't what it use to be years ago :(.

    Oh No! Mr. Alligator has the in-car curse :(

  12. I'm still not seeing any pre-race on ESPN2?

  13. Well I guess ESPN is still working to keep us NASCAR fans jumping. Been listenig to MOJO Nixon, waiting with GREAT anticipation for the 3:30 start of Nationwide coverage.
    But what do I see at 3:25 when the tv changed channels? WOW, an interview with Kevin Harvick, is what I see, I jump to my trusty Daly Planet and I see JD is as confused as me.
    At least we're all in the same boat.

    (as a side note, we need Alan Bestwick, Randy Lajoie, and MOJO Nixon in the ESPN pit studio)(media person, 2 time champion driver, and a FAN)

  14. Nice long piece on a Cup guy. Would have been nice to feature a NNS driver. Just sayin...

  15. Glen, they had a high school hoop game end 20 min early. Rather than go to ESPNEWS, they came to NASCAR for bonus coverage.

    Bestwick reset at the bottom of the hour, but doing that is always weird.

  16. 10 minutes from opening ceremonies and really haven't seen much in regards to today's race.

  17. Hope the race is better then the anthem.

  18. On good grief, what rendition of the anthem is this????

  19. that was the worst anthem I've heard in some time. And they can sing, it was just a dreadfully horrible arrangement.

  20. You would think they could do better with the singing in Nashville. AWFUL!

  21. Music City can't find someone who can sing the National Anthem to save their lives ... Yikes!!

  22. Good grief. If you are going to sing harmony, LEAD singer needs to be good! & Harmony for anthem is possible. Parts were good, others bad!

    Sick of hearing anthem butchered. STICK to instrumental traditional versions. Oy vey

  23. Had to mute the anthem for sure. I'm really concerned we won't see any NW guys on the telecast.

  24. That anthem was painful. As painful to listen to as it sounded like it was for them to 'sing'.

  25. you know, I go to a lot of high school events and have heard anthems done by kids--alone, in groups, in choirs, in bands of various types, actually, I've heard teachers too. And they do the Canadian one a lot too. And they're all better than these 'recording artists'. I get that recording artists usually have more potential/personality than high school kids. But you wonder why these track promotors can't get that.

  26. Gymmie - I knew about Alligator being the IRR earlier in the week ... They posted it on the Penske FB page ... ;-)

    WHY won't Disney get rid of BradD?? I know he's a team co-owner & all ... But, Geez Louise ... He adds about as much as a ball of spittle ...

  27. Had to walk out the house for the anthem. Couldn't take it. I'm back.

  28. The command to start engines was pitiful --- glad I missed the anthem.

    Almost didn't change stations --- B-J auction has had my attention. LOL

  29. What is the over / under on the number of S&P cars today?

  30. Oh my it hurts so much to hear an awful anthem song by people trying to make it in the music business. I couldn't get off work to go today, so I'm at home now, wishing I was taking up an empty seat

  31. When you hear recording artists do live performances like the anthem, it really showcases the amazing job the producers do to make the artist sound great on the finished recording that we hear on our ipods, radios, etc.

  32. @Seattle--I miss a lot of FB apparently! I didn't see that one :(

    They need to find someone to do the Anthem & give the command. They could have called Gummy's hubby Randy :).

  33. See - if you follow the racing you will see why there is a caution.

  34. Now that was cool, the first time I've seen a camera in the turn.

  35. great effort by Collin to miss that. They need a finish.

    I forgot Craven was doing this race, so far I like what I am hearing!

  36. Good thing it was the opening lap so we got to see it live. JWT strikes again.

  37. I sure hope people don't believe that the anthem they hear at the Super Bowl is actually live ... They spend a week in the studio "perfecting" it with multiple takes / editing / sound boards / computers ...

  38. S&P prediction: #61, #87, #73, #49 and #90.

    Not certain about #05, #04 and #10.

  39. MV, Nemecheck is running every NW race this year I am pretty sure

    The 61 has been trying to run too

  40. @David - Got confused with Nemechek, he does S&P in Cup when he doesn't have a sponsor.

  41. I think there is 4 S&P this week. #49,90,56,04

  42. Yeah, hopefully he doesn't tumble this year like last

  43. so far Ricky & Dale seem to be working well together...valuable comments....

  44. Yahoo! I am watching the race and enjoying it!

  45. @rhyno182 - I believe you're right about the #73 not being a S&P. I think the #04 will go all the way though.

  46. @glenc --- I was thinking the same thing. Ricky just slips right in with pertinent comments.

  47. btw, tiamatsrevenge, Carrie Underwood did it live this year. In performance it wasn't good, but someone leaked the rehearsal footage on Youtube--it was awesome. So I'm guessing they'll go back to taping, lol.

  48. I'm enjoying the booth noise so far today.

  49. JD, I thought I heard you cheering.

    Isn't it wonderful to actually see racing?

  50. glenc1 - Nope, CU didn't do it live ... It was a PR stunt ... No one ever does it live ...

  51. Nice call by Marty Reid to let us know whether or not there had been any parkers yet.

  52. Amazing how much more involving it is to watch arace with lots of wide shots, isn't it?

  53. Put Joey in an underfunded team with sub-par equipment/crew/crew chief ... then tell me how good he is ...

    He ran 1 or 2 races for Hall of Fame ... and stunk ... then pitched a fit in the garage over how bad their equipment was ...

  54. Colin's dad seems to be doing a great job keeping us updated on Twitter :)

  55. tia, put Harvick in that equipment and would it be any different? Equipment can make drivers just as much as drivers can make equipment. How often have guys gotten every resource for a team yet not achieved? Oh wait that is happening now in Cup...


    If your 25-40 horses under powered, good luck winning in the 1.5 mile era.

    Craven doing a great job so far...let us not forget JoLo can run you if he wants. Remember the Showdown last year?

  56. Wow, what a difference from yesterday! Marty has the play-by-play down to perfection: S&P updates, wave around updates, resets, etc. The camera is not hopping around to random cars, we see the racing. The picture on screen goes along with the booth.

  57. #90 O'Quinn out. Let's see when Marty announces it.

  58. I think your right about the 04 Martin Vincent, Clements has a sponsor

  59. @rhyno182 - When you see the Boudreaux's Butt Paste sponsorship on the car, it's Clements running JD Motorsports' car number on his own equipment.

  60. I was in the kitchen. Did they talk about the tires that came off the cars in this last pit stop.

  61. Looks like #56 Lepage is out too, you were right on that one, rhyno182.

  62. @MatinVincent no sponsor + Lepage = S&P

  63. another wreck caught live...imagine that!

  64. David - My point was that the media is constantly blowing smoke up Joey's hiney ... and creating the hype monster of "Joey's the bestest ever" ... They've never seen Joey with a sub-par team to see just how "good" he is ...

    Look at Biffle with the Baker Curb equipment ... It's not the best, but he can get it to run well ...

    Plus, it gets real old to constantly hear about Joey ...

  65. tia, BCR is using Roush stuff though! Is it pure Roush stuff? no but it has ALOT more tech support and resources than it did before. Lets just say when I was in Mooresville I saw the BCR hauler heading out of town mid week with NW teams off for Martinsville. They were heading from Roush...

    Very few Cup guys are in NW with subpar cars. Joey is a great driver, go look at the Cup Series because what he is doing in year #2 with the little seat time in those cars he's had is nothing short of amazing.

    There is a certain level of hype, and overhype, but the kid backs it up fairly well too.

  66. Last year at this time we were yelling at Jerry Punch and dreading ESPN's Cup coverage.

    What a diff a year makes.

  67. Good reports by the pit reporters today too.

  68. Is this a thru the field ~fainting~

  69. Breathe, Pammmmm, breathe. LOL

    I dont' know if I can stand this intelligent reporting from the pits. The booth paying attention and calling the race. Great camera work.

    Someone pinch me. On second thought, don't. If this is a dream I don't want to wake up.

  70. Is this the same ESPN that stank to high heaven last year? Wow. They really listened and stepped it up this year. Thru the field before 100 laps, S&Ps called, pit reports relevant...amazing! HEY. FOX. are you watching this?

  71. Where are all the annons that were complaining about our negativity?

  72. actual team analysis...I'm just giddy...

  73. They are like state troopers, never around when you want them!

  74. This might be the first race of the season where I am actually glad we are not yet to halfway!

  75. I'd like to think that all the 'negativity' is what finally caused Nascar to start listening to the fans and make some changes. For the better (for a change). Uniform start times. The death of the wing. Those are both things that lots of people didn't like...and we finally got heard.

  76. I wouldn't mind if this race lasted another couple of hours --- just so I could listen to the booth and the pit reporting.

  77. If you hit them with a stick, no matter how big they are, it eventually gets their attention.

  78. Wow, I got home just in time to see the start of the race. Nice to see Ricky in the booth with Marty and DJ. They are showing some good racing so far.

  79. Isn't this fun!



  80. Love the split screen for green-flag pit stops.

  81. Another live wreck! Damn, this is good stuff.

  82. Wow, they broke away from an pit interview to cover the race!

  83. Poor Ricky :( and I hate that Mr. Jesus is out too :(

  84. Based on what I've seen so far with ESPN broadcasting the Nationwide races, I'd like to see this same team do the Cup races when they take over in July.

  85. @JD - now we just have to "hit the Fox fools" to pay attention. Anyone got a big stick?

  86. So far, this is the best broadcast of the season. We can only hope it is copied.

  87. @Gina --
    Do they make a stick big enough to get FOX's attention?

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Mike Wallace having an excellent season so far

  90. By the way - Craven just re-upped with ESPN. I hope this is why.

  91. LOL @ Texasracelady-- maybe a telephone pole would be about the right size!

    Wow, it is so great to hear Allen having such fun in the booth and listen -- that's Marty Reid resetting the FIELD! Yahoo.

  92. I am really happy with Marty's PXP since he took over

  93. OMG this CANT be ESPN!!! They are ON IT TODAY!!!

    Right ontop of that wreck. Why the heck can't this be the standard every week?!

    Wow, poor Collin. Those 2 can't get a break.

    big wreck

  94. We've seen more live wrecks than we have seen all year on Fox.

  95. oh man, look at that mess! So did Steven just run out of talent?

  96. And ANOTHER live wreck!

    Be still my heart.

  97. This wave around rule is a joke but Bestwick did a great job of explaining it all. I thought cars under penalty were ineligible for it though, so why does Brad get to take the wave around? Would like an answer from NASCAR by ESPN if they're listening.

  98. JD@5:34

    which is why TDP remains so important.....


  99. JD...glad to hear your opinion of Race Hub. I thought it was just me that finds it has gotten inane and irrelevent. Especially now that they have a weekly segment with "Miss Sprint". What's with that?

  100. This was a good day for Rusty to not be in the booth. Steven may be hurt.

  101. Boy, Ricky Craven is one heck of an analyst isn't he?

    And they are going to send someone to the infield care center - good job ESPN.

  102. Steven Wallace limping. Time for Dr. Jerry to get to infield care and give us the right info. He can do it better than anyone! Another reason he's so invaluable in the pits!

  103. Sally,

    It's a political mess. Behind the scenes, even a bigger one!

  104. Thank gooness for NN. Our only source of real info on daily TV.

  105. Looks like they have red flagged the race

  106. JD, 1 word: RPM2Night.


    That is the biggest problem now though is that these shows used to be used for news, highlights, recaps, info which can all be found online much much faster so by the time the show airs it is old news to many people.

    It doesn't help that everyone sounds like a commercial now either..

  107. Those are the owners points as they run now btw.

  108. The broadcast has been smooth and professional like they have been aben together for years. The director anticipates where the potential problems are and has been showing it when the problem happens. The booth picks it up quickly and we get instant analysis. GREAT

  109. I second that comment - kudos JD -- a lot of the positive changes made for NASCAR TV has been because you started this blog and we, the fans, got to be able to discuss them in a rational, well sometimes irrational too, way.

    Your summary of the crazy way that Speed and others are covering NASCAR outside the races themselves explains why I have stopped watching most of it.

  110. you know....I think sometimes people go out of their way to blame the 66 for things not his doing (mostly...imho...because TV has done a poor job showing it...). Not to say he hasn't caused his share...but look how they followed through to show what really happened there.

  111. Was Brad D. just defending Steve Wallace during that replay? I don't know, kinda looks to me like Steve drifted up the track, but I don't know if he got shoved up a lane.

  112. Sally,

    Remember how bad NN was at first?

    Who would have thought a bleach blonde from SPEED and a pit reporter could turn it around?

    ESPN took a chance and it worked.

  113. And since I didn't say this before, I'm sorry that Steven was hurt -- I hope its not serious.

  114. Brendan caused the whole deal. Rusty car #1 just wrecked Rusty car #2.

  115. Gina, looked like he tweaked his ankle even on the in-car. He had his leg bent up high and was hurting.

  116. Jamie was outstanding in those interviews. What an improvement.

  117. Top 30 in owner's points mention too! Hope we get the post-race report on it too.

    It's nice to see ESPN stepping up to fill the void Speed Channel left after David Hill took his Fox wrecking ball to the network.

    Hopefully Hill will disappear soon so all 4 TV partners can be performing at a high level at the same time.

  118. Dr. J should have done those interviews. First boo boo by ESPN today.

  119. Well I was enjoying the race and SURPRISE the entire TV/Sat/sound etc is some how affected by a light switch. Who knew so turning off the fan and picking the wrong one would cause me to be totally in the dark. I guess the red flag couldn't have come at a better time

  120. Looked like Steven got knocked out momentarily.

  121. @Sally --
    Yes, Dr J would have been better, but I'm impressed how well Jamie came across.

    Vast improvement.

  122. Sorry, Glen, I should have waited for them to show all the replay before I pointed the finger at Steven.

    Sometimes though, he doesn't seem to use the best judgment.

  123. JD, who are the bleached blonde and pit reporter you're speaking about?

  124. Have not really heard a bad question out of Jamie this season.

  125. That's the way I like Tim B. Silent.

  126. SPEED had Nicole Briscoe (then Manske) on in their old SPEED Report where they were doing the Barbie and Ken routine.

    Mike Massaro was a pit reporter for ESPN before moving to NASCAR Now.

  127. I did see them show the in car of Steven with his head down after the wreck.

    Rusty must be real happy with both of his cars wrecked AND causing it.

  128. @JD - I checked the replay, even though Brendan drove underneath Steve, there didn't seem to be any contact between them. What I thought was Steve drifting up the track was actually after Jason Keller clipped him in the right rear. Keller and McDowell were both turning left, but the first contact was between Keller and Wallace.

  129. I didn't remember Nicole being a bleached blonde.

  130. Her hair has morphed from blond to brown, and it's getting blonder again.

  131. Wow, listen ANOTHER recap of things as they stand now by Marty. Gosh, I am just loving this race coverage. And the camera work has been great too.


    Gina, I have a theory...Steve was brought up too fast, and had to make a lot of mistakes in the spotlight, whereas other did it off the radar screen. His fair share of screw ups, and then every time something happens he seems to be there....I just think the jury's still out on his talent. I think his patience is better.

  133. For those that like listening to him: Eli Gold has the call for MRN today.

    Heard it in the car while I made a run for a drink.

  134. I'm just glued to the TV. Everyone from cameras to booth is making this fun!

  135. Karen, she was totally different looking and acting then she is now.

    Google her as Nicole Manske under the images button.

  136. look at that nice long shot of the field coming to the green and into the first turn!
    Wow, can I say again? Wow!

    OK -- I know someone already asked but, really, where are ALL those Anons today that say none of us have positive things?

  137. glenc1, has to be tough being Rusty's son, both publicly and personally. He showed maturity in that interview and I'm sure he's hurt worse than he acknowledged.

  138. just jumping in for a few minutes then off to other life tasks but:
    i enjoy craven's understated way of issuing information: clear, concise, factual and informative.

    DJ's on as well today: allows his booth partners to talk and adds to the discussion.

    reid is doing an excellent PxP with a few forays into commentary that doesn't interrupt the flow.

    there just seems to be better give n take today.

    also, i'm actually seeing wide shots! sweet.

  139. JD, how about getting rid of word veri for now?

  140. Glen -- I can agree with that thought about Steven. I was really surprised that Rusty pushed him into it. Nationwide has so many cup drivers in it that it is really a sink or swim issue for a lot of the less experienced drivers. I think its a shame.

  141. I thought the truck broadcast might have been lousy because the regular crew had the holiday off. Maybe today's broadcast is really good because the regulars have the holiday off.

  142. Just yell at me if I forget to do that!

  143. This booth combination proves that you can show excitement without screeching at people! Instead of trying to hype the 'excitement' by over reacting to things, we get real info that matters. Not much of the "...when I was racing/crew chiefing..." commentary. and no long, rambling irrelevent stories. This is good TV.

  144. Its nice to be on here today with the regular Planeteers watching a great race.

    I'm glad that this race started later since I was out and about until around 3:30, so the timing was perfect.

    I agree about Craven -- he has such a calm manner and is working well with DJ and Marty.

    Brad's the only fly in the ointment for me but even he's background. It is so nice to not hear a Waltrip!

  145. JD, I cannot agree with your description of Race Hub. Maybe not always, but I do find it informative and am convinced that many people in NASCAR will appear on Race Hub that will never get on N-Now. I continue to enjoy both, even though both dodge some subjects.

  146. First time we've missed an incident. But at least we got a quick report as to what happened.

  147. Not really a huge Steve W fan, but it just seems like every so often there's a driver who gets that kind of reputation, probably somewhat deserved but maybe exaggerated over time...Ernie Irvan comes to mind.

    I just appreciate the several follow ups by the booth (though the caution gave them time.)

  148. Lets make Brad the twitter reporter. He does try to act like a fan once in awhile.

  149. In listening to MRN's broadcast, it sounds like they're missing a turn 1 announcer.

  150. Richard, they prerecord it so they can control the message. Nothing is going to air that is a tough question to answer.

    If that is what they want, no problem. The real issue is that NASCAR Now is killing them.

    Earlier in the day and taking on the issues with tough questions.

    TV is subjective, it's can serve any purpose.

  151. great PXP from Marty there! And they are covering the race, not just what some script may have called for.

    Boy, do you think it IS because the regular truck crew is on holiday? I hope not. This is what race fans watching on TV should see every week.

  152. gina, espn has been on it all season. at times the pictures have been lacking but the actual analysis has been great. i can buy into that truck crew on holiday theory though. MRN has a full back up crew at the track

  153. @OSBORNK - What you're saying is Speed's "A" team for Truck coverage is their best crew and ESPN's "B" team for Nationwide coverage is better than the regular guys? I agree, it sure seems to be that way. Yesterday's Truck race was Speed's rare fumble and the Nationwide standalone races are where ESPN shines.

  154. great job today by ESPN!

    yea, where are all those anons that complain about negativity? in church?

    And yes, Steven got thrown into this too fast. They thought he was going to be able to move up as fast as Kyle Busch did. Steven never got to run a full season of Hooters Pro-Cup or ARCO. It was get a win and you're ready for the next level mentality. Only the wins came fast enough that he wasn't.

  155. Good camerawork on that whole thing and extra special booth commentary.

    I guess Leffler figured he had nothing to lose by the payback at this point in the race. At least he didn't try and kill the kid, just ruined his day. Risky on a high speed track though

  156. JD, when it comes to controlling the message, no one can and does do it like EESPN. I would never see N-Now if I did not record it. Neither show is perfect, but I believe both serve a purpose and I try to catch both.

  157. I've noticed a pattern with the truck broadcasts:

    1. Daytona (Good), 2. Atlanta (Poor), 3. Martinsville (Good), 4. Nashville (Bad)

    The odd races are great, the even aren't. Wierd?

  158. too early to notice a pattern with trucks. Hard to get in a flow when the first 8 races or so are separated by such long timeframes

  159. David -- I agree that the Nationwide coverage this year has been so much better than last year. It has been a pleasure to watch the races and I have mainly because of the changes ESPN made in the off season. JP is so great on pit road and Marty has done an excellent job in the booth doing PXP.

    I just hope that some of the positive changes will carry over when the - gag me with a spoon- chase coverage starts for ESPN. Cuz if it doesn't I don't think I will be able to stand watching the races especially if TNT does a great job before they hand off to ESPN.

  160. Brad D needs some glasses. Leffler hooked up from the back? Please.

  161. Well fortunately the Reid, Petree, Jarrett booth will carry into Cup and JP will be in the pits. The big question is the production truck. Hopefully they will keep it simple.

  162. Wow! Another useless punishment by Nascar for Mr. Great Clips...:(

  163. sometimes Brad is just "wittering" about nothing when he should be twittering!

  164. Why did they park Leffler? Really lame.

  165. You know one thing I really like about Craven's comments is that they are so measured - he doesn't have an agenda and he is just stating his points. Love it.

  166. I'd guess the "Have at it boys" policy doesn't apply to the Nationwide series.

  167. PammmH - yes, why bother? and what happened to "have at it, boys"? or does that only apply to the chosen few?

  168. I think the standard is when a wrecked car multiple laps down wrecks another car, they are parked no question about it which I have no issue with

  169. What I have and continue to find remarkable about Ricky is how well he can explain things - how understandable he can make them. His analysis from a driver's perspective reminds me of Ray E's analysis from the crew chief perspective.

  170. Have at it boys is for racing. Not for revenge.

  171. @David - I agree with your point, especially when the wrecked car running multiple laps down "mysteriously" doesn't handle just as he's passing by the guy that put him in the wall 100 laps before.

  172. At least, Leffler had the smarts not to admit it unlike Mr. Ed.

  173. Just sent an e-mail to ESPN congratulating them on great coverage today. Asked they continue the same especially during the Chase.

    I've sent them so many negative comments, hope positive ones will encourage them.


  174. How about mandatory white gloves for all drivers?? LOL ;-) Then we can watch their hands ...

  175. Carl was parked for rough driving and Jason was just parked.

    No double standard from my perspective.

  176. JD, well that is the theory, but it seems to me that NASCAR is applying the rules selectively, but its what they do best, so why should they change?

  177. Great KP tweet below!

    kylepetty GREAT BS answer by Leffler! Saying things like that with a straight face is harder than you might think! I know I've done it!!!!!! LMAO

  178. Gina, what that means is that you can beat and bang on the track. When you are off and you return just to wreck someone, you get parked. That is the best they can do.

  179. Jason was parked for aggressive driving as I recall. So what's the diff?
