Saturday, April 16, 2011

Live Blogging Nationwide Series From Talladega (ESPN2 - 2PM ET)

This week it's Rusty Wallace on vacation. Allen Bestwick will host the infield pit studio with Dale Jarrett and Brad Daugherty alongside. Jarrett will then move to the TV booth and work the race with Marty Reid and Andy Petree. Pit reporters are Dr. Jerry Punch, Jamie Little, Dave Burns and Vince Welch.

ESPN has added Hendrick crew chief Chad Knaus as an in-studio analyst for this telecast. The network is searching for something that can add an element of interest for viewers since the series once again this season is dominated by Cup drivers.

Talladega is still recovering from some severe weather yesterday that shook up a lot of folks. The Friday ARCA race was run at 9AM and Sprint Cup Series qualifying is just finishing up.

Racing in the Nationwide Series should not feature the kind of total two-by-two drafting we have seen in the Sprint Cup Series. The bumpers on the Nationwide Series cars do not line up for bump drafting.

ESPN continues to use the Sprint Cup Series cross-over drivers almost exclusively for interviews and information. Despite NASCAR's attempt to develop the credibility of some Nationwide Series regulars, ESPN simply wants the big names on TV.

Talladega is a huge track and TV has plenty of options in covering the actual racing. In big packs, in-car cameras are effective but only for a short time as the overall perspective is lost. Low angle speed shots work to establish the intensity, while aerial shots are great at the runs down the backstretch with cars jockeying for positions.

This post will serve to host your comments about the Nationwide Series race from Talladega on ESPN2. To add your TV-related comments, just click on the comments button below. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hey everyone, interesting day in Talladega.

  2. And an 11-0 blowout. I forget ... are there 7 or 9 innings in women's softball. I think it's 7, but not sure.

  3. Will the Scanner be available at for this race?

  4. Yes, the free scanner is up today at

  5. ESPN is searching for something it already has, Ricky Craven.

    On a side note, Im a huge Tennessee fan, and the pitcher for the Vols is pretty easy on the eyes. But seriously ESPN its a freakin blowout, show some pre race.

  6. Happy Race Afternoon Planeteers :)

  7. Is anyone else getting static on the pre-race show? Or is it just my cable company?

  8. audio is messed up. I hear a hiss sound.

  9. @Becky

    Im getting the static too. Im on Dish Network

  10. My SD channel doesnt have audio static but my HD channel does.

  11. ahh time for our weekly ESPN Carl Edwards sit down interview.

  12. With Chad in the pit studio, Brad is far more out of place than usual.

  13. Brad is a fish out of water. His money cannot buy credibility. He is a great fan, but this has never worked.

  14. Too bad they couldn't loan Chad a coat and tie :)

  15. The morning race today was awesome. The coverage was really good I thought and I am at the track. I am getting to like ARCA more and more. Ty Dillon has some mojo, but I wanted Kimmel to win; he has gray hair, you know. But after he got bent up it was somehing he got p2.

    Today is the most perfect day for racing I have ever experienced here at Talladega -- yesterday not so much. But tgetting up, having coffee and cooking breakfast while there is racing going on (start was a bit after 8am local) is something I have never before experienced and will surely never forget.

    I hope the remaing runs are as good as the ARCA.

  16. Jerry Punch looks a little bit off his game. Hope all is well.

  17. I kept track of pre-race interviews (hopefully I paid enough attention to get the count right). Shows ESPN is more focused on Cup than Nationwide (sad).

    Cup drivers: 7
    Regulars: 3 (Stenhouse, Sadler, Bayne)

    They need to even that out to prevent *further* alienation of fans ... IMO. Not to mention, it would be nice if they cut out some segments and interviewed more drivers.

  18. Hi, everyone! Pouring rain here in NJ, so thought I'd sit down and try and watch the Nationwide race with all of you. Still skipping the prerace stuff - they just don't offer enough for me to spend my time watching.

    Ancient -- you are at the track! Awesome.

  19. Has anyone heard anything on the scanners yet? Or is not planning on turning them on 'til the green flag? I usually hear the officials well before green flag for the Cup races. So far silent for this one.

  20. They have been turning them on when the field rolls off.


  21. I just heard something on Dale Jr's channel. But still silence on the officials channel. I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to reboot my laptop or switch browsers.

  22. I didn't think they could do a 2 car draft in Nationwide?

  23. Gina, going to be interesting to see if they promote the 2 car bump drafting and then all we see is a normal NNS race.

  24. Had to turn off my firewall to listen to scanner. Don't have to do that on Sunday.

  25. JD, LOL, hope that we have a "normal" race such as it is at any RP track. I'm sorry that allen isn't calling the race.

  26. So the Cup guys are in packs and the others are dead in the water.

  27. I'm renaming this the "Noah's Ark" race. It's 2 by 2 all over the track. (and I'm not a fan of it)

  28. 9 laps til comml..just sayin'.

  29. Well, at least this type of racing isn't new. Used to have this paired-up style of racing at Cajon Speedway on a fairly regular basis. Of course, we called them something else...

  30. Hey JD, how's you doing on "Troll-Away™?" You want I should lend you a couple of cans?

  31. Where's the rest of the field? Did they just decide to park it?

    Personally, I'd rather see big pack racing than this.

  32. I hope we dont see this 2 car draf all weekend long but we will! Thats why I was digging the Arca race, they didnt over do the 2 car draft. save that stuff for the end when going for the win.. but hey thats just me I miss the packs

  33. Why they put a microphone in front of Marty,Brad and Chris Myers is beyond me. There are a lot of drivers with virtually no experience at Dega. Looks like Harvick lost a motor

  34. Jonathan, I read it as the 2 car "drat". LOL probably because that's how I feel about this silliness. That and the broadcast that is all Cup lite.

  35. I can't believe it - somebody FINALLY sat down and explained the Pit Out graphics to Marty - and he got it!

  36. Geez, couldn't they have found a firesuit that FIT Kurt? He looks even sillier than usual in that stupid commercial.

    I'll bet Harvick was really happy not to have to wear that ugly pennzoil yellow firesuit any more!

  37. Marty may not have it all together but he sure knows how many lead changes there has been.

  38. Mr Editor -
    Interesting today that MRN is synched w/ESPN ...usually a 30-45 sec delay on Cup broadcasts ...ARCA was 2-car show, too ...wonder what powers-that-be will pull out of their bag of tricks to stop that ...oh, give me the days of 42-car drafts ad 'Dega

  39. Unfortunately I don't see Brian Scott staying in his ride very much longer. ESPN coverage is so-so as usual.

  40. lol Gina! Its raining and yuck out in Alsip, IL here so I feel your pain... Hows everything with you?

  41. In a matter of minutes half the field vanishes.

  42. Busch damn near wrecks and no mention. Unreal.

  43. Busch goes below the line and saves it but the ESPN guys don't see it!

  44. If it were Fox, they'd still be fawning over it...

  45. Did someone tell Reid and Petree that Rusty is on vacation so they can stop patronizing Steven Wallace and Michael Annett?

  46. At least Andy has some sense of the world outside the booth.

  47. This is really boring-if my guy wasn't in it, I would sooo be taking a nap right now.

  48. Marty is having trouble because he can't tell what car is pushing looking at the monitor with the leader board.

  49. Scanners are OK, but I'm still having a tough time grasping that this is real racing.

  50. Mr Editor -
    Marty is just has trouble with cars that don't go in a straight line

  51. @PammH...I just woke up from my nap! Nodded off during pre race and woke up about 35 laps in. At least not too much bumper cam so far.

  52. I don't blame Jr for not liking this 'tandem racing'! This just doesn't sit right, having to have 2 cars hooked together. And it's WAY to easy to get out of shape just because a bumper is an inch off center.

  53. I don't appreciate the way Marty says, every time a 'regular' get up front. that they're running in 'rarified air', and not used to being up front. That's a problem for me. and condescending.

  54. The ARCA race was so much better today than this NW one, broadcast & race itself. Getting tired of so many cup guys racing trying to get experience for tomorrow. I wish the guys would look out the window instead of peering at their monitors too. Too many replays of spins.

  55. I'm waiting for Marty to blurt out, that driver is mashing his push to pass button!

  56. Not usre I'll be around for the race tomorrow. Maybe I'll tape it. Maybe not.

  57. Gonna be fun to hear what KW has to say about this deal on RaceDay tomorrow.

    Esp if he wins!

  58. Camera shots are ok, but the booth is so dull.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. What are the Vegas odds on him starting out by saying "You fans just don't understand!"?

  61. More like "Let me tell you something, race fans!!!"

    Rant then follows.

  62. This is the OTHER problem with tandem racing. When the 2nd car can't see while pushing, it isn't good. Ridiculous.

    @JD...I know that's the attitude, but they've never been so blatant about it before. If I sponsored a NNS team I'd be raising h*** with someone about it!

  63. Marty wasn't shown the graphic for cars leaving and pit road and instead of looking out the window and calling it, he says, we will get it next time.

  64. JD that's why I don't watch Raceday I can't stand KW yelling at me but I guess it runs in the family!

  65. @Charlie:

    That's because the cars were moving...

  66. How many leads changes Marty.
    You can read that off the monitor and you don't have to say what cars did it.

  67. There are more cars on the lead lap than the previous record!!!!! Is anyone else excitied or is it just Marty?

  68. Hey one good thing I haven't heard today from Marty - the meat in the sandwich!

  69. bumper cams do not show the race.

  70. One friend called me and said it looked like the final exam at the Petty Driving School.

    Show us how you can draft in teams.

  71. Alright Marty, Marty says lead changes are the story of the race.

  72. Mr Editor -
    Typical ESPN ...MRN callling a great race ...ESPN on break ...wonder how they'll handle this when they come back?

  73. That stuff has to get old sometime, doesn't it?

  74. This two car deal is a race killer. Watching with sound mostly off, and expecting tomorrow to be a waste of time until the last lap,

  75. Aw, have a heart, JD - our little troll tends to get a bit excited whenever he gets his AOL account reinstated...

  76. @JD, at least he seems to have figured out how to use spell check. That's progress, right?

  77. KW vs. Kyle Busch. This should be an interesting closing segment of the race.

  78. And the same commercials seem to be re-run over and over and over during this race!

  79. @Sally:

    I noticed that he still misspells herp-derp, though...

  80. Been a long time since dirty words got a rise out of me. I was a cop for a couple of years way back when.

    That was an experience!

  81. Vikcy I was just going to say the same thing! Shell, Extenze, Aarons, the bald guy on the Dove commercial, repeat.

  82. Mr Editor -
    Having been to 'Dega many times, I could see MRN's call in my mind's eye ...and JR was being pushed to the lead could hear the roar when he did ...AB did what he could, but they showed something entirely different on return ...great call by MRN on backstretch wreck

  83. UGH. This race has been as bad as my typing skills.

  84. Well, this is going to make the ending an anti-climax.

    I usually tolerate Dega, but this has really sucked from the start.

    Don't think NASCAR can try to spin me on this one.

  85. mean people really DO yell louder for Jr, and it isn't just the TV turning up the volume?

  86. Write another big check, Rusty!

  87. Wow. That's a real mess. This is worse than the huge packs.

  88. @Sally -
    yeah, and just like they did for his daddy back in the day ...oh, and the stands rocked, too

  89. @w17...I knew that, just wanted confirmation for the skeptics. ;-)

  90. Well with half the field gone, we could see a surprise winner. Would be nice if ESPN would tell us who made it through and who didnt so we know who the players will be over this final run.

  91. Steve Wallace tells MRN this is "the stupidest racing I've ever been involved with in my life." That's saying a lot.

  92. Mr Editor -
    Think the comment and racing is genetic?

  93. I failed to mention that the stands are showing a lot of fans watching the race so that's good for Nascar.

  94. @Roland They like showing replays. Who cares who is still racing.

  95. Yeah lets talk to a guy who wasnt in the crash instead of the guys who were.Espn is dropping the ball.

  96. What about Mikey calling out some folks on live TV?

  97. Good thing Vince Welch blew off Mike Bliss. Only Cup drivers are important.

  98. Wow Michael Waltrip always has a lot to say!

  99. Years ago, Rusty and his brothers took their families out to Montana. At a visit to the Browning Indian Reservation, the tribe's shaman placed his hand on little Steve's head and proclaimed the he would be henceforth known as "Dances With Walls."

    Rusty should have seen it coming a long time ago...

  100. gotta keep them bid dollar sponsors on the air, don't they?

  101. Yeah Vince make sure you only interview the cup guys!

  102. Nice cutaway ...McMurray didn't look too happy ...shame on you, ESPN, for not getting a followup on that shot

  103. Oh boy, where do these trolls come from????

  104. Marty thinking -
    Do I tell how many drivers are still racing or
    How many lead changes.

  105. @JD:

    The offer still stands. I have three cans, hardly used, still potent...

  106. But Marty can we find out who was involved in this recent wreck????

  107. so we're down to 26 cars ...ESPN might not realize that until post-race ...MRN catches comments re: Elliott Sadler waiting for McMurray

  108. lol Charlie, too funny!

  109. Yeah, Tim show us your hand signals with all that sparkling jewelry on!

  110. The roof cam is above the driver.
    Good to know.

  111. TB-Cars are made of metal. Back to you Marty.

  112. good to hear NW 'regulars' getting radio call up front

  113. 'The old guys' - Guess that's why Bliss didn't get an interview.

  114. Not too sure that this lovebug format is going to be a ratings winner tomorrow.

  115. Nationside Championship Chase, Marty? Since when did they get the crapshoot format?

  116. Wouldn't Nascar love to have Jr win this one!

  117. I've decided to pick Reds over NASCAR & been loving it. I DID enjoy ARCA telecast on Speed (Great WIDE camera angles, lost on BSPN/FOX)

    I tuned into the Dega race a little after 5pm. FF like heck, then heard there was big one & got caught up.

    I'd been so out of the loop I'd forgotten about this super lame 2CarTango junk. What a mess of a crash.

    I really want to still LOVE NASCAR but tv does not make it easy...nor does this 2car deal.

    Not as many comments here either.

    Still, I like to scroll thru here & twitter but today Twitter was for baseball & I just listened to the game.

    It's much more rewarding but yes a different animal than car racing.

    I will watch LIVE the Indycar Race on Sunday.

    Not sure how the in car cam was on BSPN today....not as bad as Fox but I HAVE FF thru a lot & EVERY commercial.

    Hope to read today was a better broadcast. I've now 24 laps to go to judge by w/o being able to FF ;)

  118. Bayne, Almirola, M Wallace, Nemachek ...who?

  119. There goes Marty with the stats....

  120. How many lead changes again Marty?

  121. Can't believe ESPN is showing the 2 old guys!

  122. Marty has beat that "lead changes" deal to death today.

    He is just out of his league on this deal. Wonder if ESPN will make the Bestwick move before Cup races start?

  123. Marty, watch that age refrence ...
    AP's 'time-bomb ticking' comment reminds me of Benny Parson's " accident looking for a place to happen"

  124. He just called them 'the old guys' for the third time. Really? It's like he wants them to irrelevant.

  125. Maybe when there is a lead change Marty gets an electric cattle prod on you know what part of the body in order for him to tell everyone.

  126. Some "regulars" are crashing the Cup boys party, so let's make fun of them. "That's a ticking time bomb pair there".

  127. P.S. Guess I've not watched at all much this year but ESPN's TICKER MUCH EASIER to read than Fox's loud colors!!!!!!!! Least it is today.


  128. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  129. You know, I'm not sure I love the love bugs, but I hated the packs more. Maybe all the people who love it (and I know there are many) are finally getting to know what it was like for those of us who hated it. Just saying. Lots of drivers have said the week following a RP race, 'now we're back to real racing'.

    What I find funny though, is that it must be driving NASCAR nuts. And it's kinda amusing to see something totally out of their hands.

    Marty has just been awful today. I hate the way he sort of laughs when he's talking as if that makes it more enthusiastic. DJ & Andy have been okay.

  130. Sophia, the ticker is faster here too, which is better.

  131. Mr Editor -
    trolls are out in force today, eh?

  132. FOURTY NINE!!!!!!!!!!

  133. I hope Mike Wallace just starts knocking the Cup guys out of the way.

  134. Walter, just one poor guy. Can't contribute, so he must disrupt.

    I got his IP address, but what do I really care?

  135. All I hear is Cral and Trevor, Carl and Trevor

  136. Yep ...thx for showing the ineptness ...if I may paraphrase Steven Wallace, 'that's the stupidest comments I've ever seen

  137. Marty: "We have an ecletic mix up front....we have Jr./Almirola, the Roush tandem, and the Gibbs pair"....ummm, Marty, don't you see that other pair of Wallace/Nemechek?

  138. Aaand that's what happens when you depend on your AOL browser's spell-checker...

  139. Here's the Dove commercial, cue Aaron's.

  140. Buschseries61 and Jimmy Johnson coming up!

  141. So, tomorrow we get 18 teams or so doing this for three hours.

    I just don't see it working for the fans or TV viewers.

    Got to be a better way.

  142. Awww, no Aaron's this commercial run.

  143. Like I've always said - knock down the banking, take off the plates, and let them race.

  144. Nascar is doing their dance for Jr to win !

  145. Will they mention Kenny Wallace fire. He did lead a lap.

  146. slander, they had the chance & didn't do it. I think because they just want that kind of racing for those fans that like it.

    they are repeating the ads a lot today, aren't they.

  147. Joe Moore had to mention last 4 races finished green-white-checker ...there you go

  148. Charlie glad Marty commented about KW but I guess cause he's an OLD GUY!

  149. Rusty makes another deposit at the scrap yard, they may need all the over times today.

  150. Timmy Hill has gotten through everything today.

  151. The only commercial that I've even noticed is the new Carl's Jr commercial...

  152. Vicky - The green car sometimes seen on the corner of screen.

  153. Finally - some crew chief love for Joe...

  154. Wow! They had tape of Joe winning? Amazing.

  155. Someone needs to confiscate his copy of "Grey's Anatomy".

  156. This isn't exciting, it's kind of sad. Can't get anything done without being pushed into forced pairings.

  157. looks like the 'old guys' didn't have a problem picking up pushers ...teammates collect each other, tsk, tsk ...two more chances to make a complete lap

  158. Marty is loving it...record # of passes, record # of him something to say.

  159. the back stretch looks like a drag strip!

  160. If ESPN does interview Sam after the race, they're going to have to wait for him to take a quick trip to the hauler...

  161. Timmy Hill gets through again, but gets no love from the booth.

    And AB brings him up as I type. Why is this man stuck in the infield??

  162. More stats that Marty can rattle off!

  163. ESPN - making history every single race.

  164. What a cluster****

  165. Don't tell me Busch is going to win this. A real joke.

  166. Mike Wallace flips but drives off!

  167. Wallace makes a Big E move, driving away!

  168. What is that term? "Jumped the shark?"

  169. Sound like the crowd is. Not. Happy.

  170. Oh no! Not my fav to win but congrats to KyBusch & 18 team.

  171. saltsburgtrojanfanApril 16, 2011 at 6:13 PM

    skander ESPN is making history that's for sure.

    Making history for the worst races ever produced
