Sunday, April 17, 2011

Live Blogging Sprint Cup Series From Talladega (ESPN - 12PM ET_

There is an elephant in the room. Racing at Talladega this weekend is a tag-team affair. A single car racing alone or a big pack of cars racing together cannot compete. Only two cars, running tightly together, will produce the fastest lap speeds. The picture above is the view from the NASCAR on FOX broadcast booth of the finish line.

The challenge for FOX is clearly to put this item out front to the fans and TV viewers quickly. This is not racing. FOX knows it, NASCAR knows it and the fans know it. It has to be sold as competition by FOX even though drivers have been saying all weekend long this event is nothing more than an exercise in two-car drafting.

Chris Myers, Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond are up first from the outdoor infield stage. This week, it is located at the end of pit road. Waltrip will move up with Mike Joy and Larry McReynolds to call the race. On pit road are Steve Byrnes, Krista Voda, Matt Yocum and Dick Berggren.

There is no opportunity for change, so Joy has to get used to offering information in groups. There will be no leader, but a two-car team leading the race. There will be no individual passes, but one two-car team passing another. The scoring ticker at the top of the screen is meaningless.

FOX director Artie Kempner has been in love with in-car cameras this season. In this race, the roof cam of the pushing car has been the favored view. The bumper cams are not going to show anything but another bumper for the entire event. It should be interesting to see how Kempner cuts this event.

The stories of pit road will include teams coming in together under green and who is going to be forced together when the race restarts after pitstops under caution. The pit road reporters are going to have to frame their comments in a completely different manner.

Accidents have been a big part of this new drafting tactic. The second car simply cannot see ahead and as a result there have been numerous incidents of the first car being spun or even running into cars ahead as the closing rate is so high. Any way you cut it, this is going to be an interesting telecast from start to finish.

This post will serve to host your comments on the Sprint Cup Series race from Talladega on FOX. To add your Tv-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting.


  1. Hi folks, this should be a rather different telecast today.

  2. "It's different, but it's exciting different!"

    So, it's official. Darrell Waltrip loves Talladega two-car tango.

  3. I won't bother to watch the "racing" today. I'll check in periodically and hope to get a quick look before the next commercial.

    I will follow this blog and twitter...again periodically...

  4. JD...if it's a NASCAR decision, DW will love it. I wonder how much they dock him if he disagrees during a broadcast..."secret fines"?

    NASCAR is becoming a joke. I won't just complain, I refuse to watch the broadcast. It's become a waste of time.

  5. Unfortunately JD I hold no hope that Artie will chage his tune, I fully expect not to be able to see the strategy or racing. It will be all bumper cams and speed shots and no way to see 2 cars set up other groups. I'll settle for timing and scoring, pit command circles, Twitter, Pit Command scanner for my driver and the regular scanner is case I need to pick up the other half of my drivers pair. Kind of sad don't you think.

  6. Watched NASCAR Performance, good program. Just finished watching the F1 race. FOX could get a good education on how to show a race by paying attention to them.

    The DVR is my friend so I'll tune in later today for Dega. Can't stand how many commercials they show. Just have to ignore DW.

  7. Lots of folks saying this race is going to the DVR! Hmmm...

  8. Edwards, he gets it

  9. Mr Editor -
    I'll watch, but I won't listen mute button works, so I'll rely on Barney Hall and MRN crew to know what happens at the track ...hoping against hope, but maybe MRN audio will sync-up with FOX video (worked well w/ESPN for NW race) ...IMHO - LarryMac has lost the insight from his crew chief days, DW has lost his insight to his ego and Mike Joy has lost the fight to do PXP without DW running roughshod over the broadcast ...42-car packs or two-car pairings, it's still 'Dega ...never know what will happen

  10. No offense to some of the contributors here, but aren't you being pessimistic way too early? Its 12:20, the race cast starts in 40 minutes, green flag falls in an hour. I think its a bit disrespectful to give them the boot 20 minutes into pre-race coverage.

    I don't have DVR, and as a dedicated fan of NASCAR for 16 years, I watch the telecasts and always will. I can put aside the problems that Marty Reid and Darrell Waltrip have (Waltrip's over-dominating presence and Reid's lack of knowledge in anything. It's Talladega, DVRing it would be the worst thing to do. Yesterday was one hell of a race, despite the bad result. I can't see today being much different.

  11. Thing to watch today is if Artie decides to show the breakaway of 2 car drafts or show the pack 20 seconds behind them. Yesterday ESPN only showed the 2 car drafts, I expect whichever pack has Jr and Kyle Busch to be the one FOX shows. Dont know if were watching a race or a college football game today. Lots of college flags in the background on the pre race. Go Vols!

  12. The Editor of this Blog may not understand that the Race Broadcast is called by Barry. Not Arte, so back your Bus up and run over the correct person responsible for whatever it is that you do not like. You are confusing the Bloggers by grinding that axe. Arte like the rest of us just do as we are told.

  13. Has Harvick always been considered "the best closer in the business" or is this something that has been picked up in the last two or three weeks?

  14. Almost an ESPN College Gameday atmosphere with all those college flags and signs in the background.

  15. some of this food looks great! Pizzi..not so much.

  16. I don't have time today to devote 4.5+ hours to this style of racing and coverage. Nice weather outside, and a lawn needs to be mowed.

  17. This has got to be the pre race show of all time! It seems like a race to find out how low they can portray the infield and its fans.

  18. How hard is it to produce a pre-race show that has interviews with drivers and crew, discussion or the racing news of the week, and other pertinent information? Instead we just get pre-produced vignettes that do nothing but make a joke of the sport, with the occasional driver interview sprinkled in. Thanks FOX.

  19. Not too sure what you mean about the Barry comment.

    During the entire time of this telecast, the producer will not call even one camera cut.

    He will direct the replays and determine what information to offer in the telecast as it goes forward.

    FOX has been telecasting NASCAR for ten years and this season is the worst in terms of in-car cameras, cutting to drivers involved in accidents before window nets are down and providing nothing but "hyper-tight" coverage.

    The ratings are in the toilet. Any other sport and this entire production team would have been cleared out long ago.

  20. Erik, for the fist time in a long time, that temptation is also calling me. We will see if I can hang in there for the entire race.

  21. Looking forward to the race, may not be the most exciting but is still fun for me to watch. Sorry so many hate it but, it's still racing. Always a chance here for a fresh face in victory lane.

    Long Beach after qualifying has the potential to be a good show as well. Especially with the double file restarts.

  22. jerry, it's not hate. The NNS race yesterday was a joke. There was no racing, just pairs figure skating.

  23. So what is more insignificant, the TV ratings or the sport of NASCAR?

  24. First time I have almost zero interest in watching the race today. Definitely using DVR and HotPass.

    DW on twitter yesterday doing his very best to sell this two car deal. Didn't work for me.

    Even Kyle Petty said "yes"in answer to tweet saying if it was people who were resistant to chance. Come on! I like you Kyle, but you are so wrong.

    When is two cars hooked together going around the track "racing"? You can debate old RP racing, but sorry this is "stupid" to quote Stephen Wallace and "crap" to quote JR.

    I am not usually a conspiracy theorist. However, DW and KP "pushing"(pun intended) how exciting this racing is makes me believe that NASCAR sent down the orders to repeat after me "this is exciting racing".

    Sorry for rambling. I am so frustrated. Hated the race yesterday. FF'd through a lot of it. Of course listening to booth was part of it as well.

    So much for my attempt at trying to be more positive this year :-(.

  25. Wonder how Pizzi got back into the mix? Looked like a lost boy among NASCAR fans. Just making fun of us again.

  26. Anon, I don't understand the question. Can you put it in a different way?

    Five year ratings have trended down horribly. Check Jayski.

    The sport has it's own agenda for survival and it revolves around sponsorship.

  27. I really wish the networks would understand that the majority of fans want interviews with drivers and crew chiefs and spotters instead of this pre-packaged crap (and DW running his mouth).

    I can't be the only one who feels this way ... can I?

  28. resistant to "change" not "chance". I really did reread my post. Yikes. Too upset...LOL!

  29. To nice outside to waste it watching this garbage. I will DVR it and fast forward through it later.

  30. I don't blame Speed and Fox for hyping the race,but thought they over did the wrecks over the years in the pre race. Actually, I thought the Speed and Fox pre race shows were really boring. Most material was replays of what was shown on the various shows all week. Kenny Wallace and Chris Myers are a total waste. I don't expect much until the last 10 laps. We'll see.....

  31. Hate to agree with DW but he's right. The last 5 laps are the most insane thing in sports.

  32. Man, I have been chatting on Facebook and Twitter.

    Lots of fans passing on this one today due to the racing.

    I wondered what the fallout was going to be and it will be interesting if after a couple of wrecks we wind up with six or eight teams of two-cars on the track.

    The numbers of folks in chat and on my social media sites right now are less than one hundred.

  33. Being only a casual fan of NASCAR I would imagine that the TV ratings would represent the sports overall decline and not the way it is televised. It has traditionally appealed to only a small fraction of Americans and in my mind the only way to increase viewers is to make it more entertaining to all.

  34. Roland, you think it will be the same with two-car teams?

  35. Maybe I'm hearing things but did DW just say for some folks reality TV is a bunch of Sh!t?

  36. The pre-race has been so far a BIG waste of TV time. The Pezzi spot was useless and the DW Kyle interview had nothing to do with racing and what is really in his head. Who decided to play the Newlywed game? Waste of time.
    Why does Barry continue to pound the comedy into the broadcast and not good racing information?
    Mr. Editor, you have a good point, but around here it is "do as Barry says" or you are out. He is a loose cannon to say it nicely. They already tired once to oust Arte and they needed him back in the truck because no one else can tolerate what is coming from the chair.
    The rule is by the Iron Fist and lot's of anger on a daily basis. No one can take it anymore. But,what can we do? We all want the broadcast to change but the powers have to play to the egos of the announcers and attempt to make them appear to have personalities by being funny.
    As for the shots, again the camera guys and truck folks all have to do as ordered. A 16 tear old kid in his basement could produce a better show!

  37. JD, Think the weather may have something to do with it, or lack there of actually. East coast was awful so people are either cleaning up or doing today what they couldn't do yesterday. I know it poured here all day and now he's out doing yard work that would have been done Sat. Me have allergies in spring so I stay inside so here I be

  38. DW actually said a bunch of sitting around a campfire.

    He was trying, in his own crude way, to fire a shot at Survivor!

  39. Even when it was large packs of racing you still had to have a partner. It's still pack racing guess it's not big enough packs for some people. Some fans hated the other way too, who knows.

  40. Hey Foxhole, why is it that I am hearing the opposite?

  41. Hey Jerry, the ARCA race had a single car move to win and the NNS race did not. So, who knows?

  42. Yes even with the 2 car drafts the last laps will be crazy. Saw that in yesterdays race. As for the other 180+ laps, who knows, may be a snoozer.

  43. Mr Editor -
    OMG ...flyover was ill-timed and FOX had the nerve to replay the flyover ...they just don't get it do they? ...DVR operating ...bright, sunny and breezy in SW Virginia, but just the right time to take the dog for a l-o-n-g walk

  44. History says: Bring a young kid
    to the track ..and lose the race ..
    Gordo and JJ -- brought the kids
    with them. We shall see.
    AS for Fox: Mike Joy has been
    talking way way way more than he
    used to. Exactly what we dont need.
    And what the heck was that
    command from the coach ? Not a good
    start and the Anthem was horrid

  45. sorry, but I'm with Jerry. I didn't like the packs and I didn't consider it 'racing'. Richmond is racing, this is just a unique thing. Not saying I love it, but I don't think it's not 'racing' any more than the freight trains for 3 hours.

  46. I will be watching/LISTENING to the Reds since I enjoy that better than SCREAMING at Fox's horrid bumper mania/tight shot camera work.

    Artie needs fired imo. As baseball gets going, hope NASCAR enjoys the waning interest.

    I will also check here & a bit on twitter. Otherwise, I'm just going to ENJOY BASEBALL & my fave radio team.

    Will DVR the race but whether or not I watch will be determined by camera comments made HERE.

    ESPN seemed a bit improved on the last 24 laps I caught live yesterday except for ONE in car cam that missed the big one..but after that seemed to learn their listen.

    Unlike Arrogant Fox that does what they want. We have same issues with ballgames on Fox (cutting off END of games to go to next game, prematurely. Heidi moments, anyone?
    but at least I have free local radio to fill in the gap & I prefer it anyway.

    I look forward to TNT.

  47. Be interesting to see how they work the in-cars when every car is in a two car draft.

  48. Hey Earl, if that adage is true then look out for Dave Blaney!

  49. I enjoyed the radios from Daytona story. I thought it was very good. I also liked the fans and food feature. I have never been to this race and it looks fun!

  50. WAZ UP everyone lets get this Talladega party started woohooo this should be fun :P

    GO JR or David Ragan :p

  51. Hi all - ready to mute, & DVR if it gets bad.

    2 Computers fired up & set - Twitter, MRN, Pit Command & lap page going & this blog. Yup ready to "watch" race.

  52. Add me to the list of DVRing the race. I just don't care for the pairs racing. I'll watch some of it now, but once IndyCar comes on, I'm out. Nascar and Fox have major issues and until they start listing to fans like us on TDP, I'm not committing to the race or telecast like I used to.

  53. Fans at the track tweeting about how many cars dropped back to find team mates. FOX still showing the leader.

  54. Geez, Reds off to dreadful start 4-0 & still first inning. Made the mistake of turning on Fox and it's NOTHING but Bumper cams/& changing cams too quickly or the totally lame fish eye cam.
    Click. will listen to Reds game instead.

    The camera work after 4 laps on Fox? Like BB's bouncing a round in an empty railroad Box car :-(

    Who will sit thru 500 laps of this rubbish? Not this former NASCAR lover.

    ESPN did better yesterday didn't they? I FF thru race in 30 minutes & watched last 24 laps live. better than what I saw in 5 laps on Fox.

  55. We did get a nice overhead wide shot, wish it lasted longer

  56. the overhead shot showed plenty of empty seats, plus banners over the turn one area of the grand stands.

  57. Like watching the 17&31 race together. They put on a show last fall @Talladega. Loved it. More fun watching this at the track.

  58. From good old Pete Pistone: Friend who covers Cubs just called from Denver to say "what the hell am I watching at Talladega?"

  59. 8 laps race 5 of commercial = long day @ Dega

  60. I think there are banners at both ends of that very long grandstand(?)

  61. it does look to me like it's forcing them to show it from more high shots...then just as I say that they go to bumper cam...

  62. Looks to me like they are not really racing but just trying to get their laps in.

  63. The Original Crank it It upApril 17, 2011 at 1:37 PM

    Tooo damn much chatter over and
    over and over again dance partners
    Shmance partners ...Crank it up and
    shut up !@#$@#%#^#&$&$*

  64. Tagline for JJ and Junior running together:


  65. Does DW realize lane choice is not the issue today?

  66. PP also tweeted earlier he was listening to the radio, not the TV.

  67. Editor, why the reverse? Because you have great points. You are are just blaming the soldiers, not the Dictator. He's the BIG problem. No one will address it. He came up from nowhere after Neil left and does not have the people skills to get the job done right. It reflects in the broadcast because everyone in the Compound is afraid to breath much less speak out. I did and got fired.

  68. I think with the weather getting better and after the storms the past two days, there might be a lot of competition for Nascar TV. Palm Sunday too. Lot's of family stuff goin' on too.....

  69. With FOX's choice of shots to show us, I have no idea what is going on. Thank goodness for MRN and in-car audio.

    I'm about ready to head back to the kitchen to finish up my lemon bars. I can bring my laptop w/ me to hear MRN.

  70. nascar needs to put a stop to this 2 car crap, maybe a 10 sec rule or something... You cant bump draft w a single car for more than 10 sec. LOL just a thought probably a dumb one but oh well. Will this 2 car stuff change in 2013 when the cars wont all be the same??? Isnt it eaiser to do this 2 car stuff when everything lines up perfect

  71. Foxhole, I hear what you are saying. I just said that I heard the opposite. BL was the flunky and AK called the shots. That's all.

  72. Under the old racing you could tune at lap 100, lap 200 and lap 450 and it would pretty much look the same. I'm just not getting how this is s worse. Cars would drop to the back to avoid 'the big one'. You had to have 'help' to pass. We could avoid 'the big one' all together except that there will be restarts & Waltrip is in the field. J/K.

  73. A little late with this comment because we spent the night out of town and were driving home during the pre-race. MRN pre-race is so professional - giving us information, good interviews and NO comedians (or those who think they are.) Drove into the garage just as the anthem started. I agree with the "D" rating. Now taping the race for watching and skipping through commercials later.

  74. "It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his own."
    Herbert Hoover
    The FOX Broadcast is a great example!

  75. Ironically quite tedious, this racing. Remind me again how it suddenly came to this at the plate tracks? Or better yet, why all-knowing NASCAR decided shrinking the plate again would accomplish anything of value?

  76. Love ya DW but shut up bout your brother.

  77. To me this isn't quite the racing I'm used to at Dega but it's better than those 30 car packs!

  78. Stelar camera work! Replays to get the action on track, we can just sit here for them to give us a replay

  79. Anon, you can take a nap. We will wake you around 4PM.

  80. VickyD:
    Maybe that would be true if, also ironically, the "two car tango" didn't have even bigger potential to have half the field KO'ed by race's end.

  81. I agree. The blimp shot and the slo-mo clearly showed what happened. I don't think Kenseth got touched. I think Mikey is talking so much that it makes the car go faster. Don't worry, Mikey will probably wreck

  82. Editor, That is cool. All I am saying is let's blame the real person. He is a problem, FOX will not address it. He treats everyone like crap and acts like a TV Guru big shot. He throws his weight around like a Boxer and will cuss anyone out in a second. The Headsets would sometime melt on our ears from the abusive language.
    Once he leaves, if it ever happens, the Broadcast will change for the better overnight as then the creative folks can do things they only dare to bring up now. Everyone is scared of him. Have you ever seen him in action? i'm on a different project now because of opening my big mouth just to ask some logical questions about what we were doing next. No one ever knows what to do until the cars take the green then it becomes a bigger mess.

  83. @Rambo M:

    NASCAR's way of thinking is that they're not picky about who watches the races. With restrictor plate racing, they get to make money off the ghouls who love watching solely for the wrecks.

    It's all about the lowest common denominator...

  84. Any chance the in cars are part of a sponsored element? they always seem to do the "Your Sponsor here In car Camera".

  85. Foxhole, thank you for that info. I will make sure to get a response from my friends on the TV team.

  86. Hey Blaney Poster : Did you happen
    to see how our old friend - Sam
    Hornish did yesterday in the Nationwide race ? hee hee picking
    up where he started last week. LOL

  87. I pretty much have MRN & tv synced up. I hear something like "diving to the bottom to take the lead" on the radio, look up and see an in-car shot. Wha???

  88. The in-cars allow the sponsor decals from the car/team to be on-camera.

    Specific in-car deals are sometimes announced on the air, but most are not.

    Broadcast Sports Inc. (BSI) has an outstanding Facebook page with great pics and info about that technology.

  89. Well that doesn't explain the good of a smaller plate, but then again, that's kind of a trick question these days...

    Scrub off the manufacturer decal to line up the bumpers better? Oh cool, now the manufacturers have a reason to hate this racing! ;)

  90. The camera shots are good but the racing makes me sleepy. We don't have Marty Reid to keep us alert with each lead change, caution, lead lap car, and last top 5 finish

  91. saltsburgtrojanfanApril 17, 2011 at 2:03 PM

    Hey umm Sophia

    I agree with your earlier comment on the Fox baseball heidi game like moments.

    TV networks seem to forget about the Heidi game.

    Sometimes they cut the final seconds of a game for infomercials of all things.

    There should be a rule in all sports, not just the NFL, for all sporting events to run until it's conclusion even if it runs past it's scheduled off time.

    60 Minutes has not a problem waiting until a doubleheader game is completely over, so the same can be said with other shows.

    So popular sporting events that are televised should run in it's entirety until it's conclusion, no ifs ands or buts about it

  92. One camera on a pack of cars racing (shocker), the other on Helmeton's front nose cam, with no cars in front of him...

  93. Buschseries61 yeah didn't you get tired of all those stats Marty was rattling off yesterday? I had to keep on drinking coffee to stay awake.

  94. Come to think of it, watching Mikey plunge to the back and hearing that Gordon's pole speed was the slowest in track history... would the smaller plate not make matters WORSE?

  95. Our pal Mikey Waltrip is apparently having a meltdown.

    No one would run with him, including Reuti!

  96. But we got to watch history being made...

  97. @JD:

    Apparently, the other drivers want to actually finish the race in one piece...

  98. Reuti won't run with Mikey because of all those stupid Aarons commercials he has to do with them.

  99. Slander - yeah history being made! Yawn!

  100. Soundss like atrocious grammar isn't his only failing.

  101. JD, that was priceless, lol. He thinks he's still in Texas, I guess....

  102. Editor, you are so welcome. Please do ask for a response for the TV team.
    I'll bet no one can say anything nice about him. Most are too scared to speak up.
    If he goes, the Race broadcast will improve overnight. That is all they need to do to help turn around the ratings. Come up with an "all new" promotion, new production team announcements and throw 75% of what they do now out the door. It's simple and easy. Move the current person to Football or Baseball as that is all he understand. All in all, there are probably only 20 people in the FOX compound that even care about racing or have any knowledge of it. many treat it like a redneck useless sport that is only a paycheck to them. Many make tasteless jokes about it and negative comments about how boring it is to them. The head honchos are among them. Please do ask.

  103. Vicky, it was annoying and amusing at the same time. Could have been worthy of a Dr. Punch style drinking game with cars sailing into the corner. Its sad how bad Marty has gotten that he can be compared to Punches play by play.

  104. Why is Elliot getting a pass unless there's a legit reason for jumping out that car?

  105. Had dinner w/a girlfriend this wk who I turned on Nascar racing. Mentioned something about following on Twitter during the race. She only watches on TV. She said "they sure don't show much of the race these days." I was kinda shocked she said something negative about it. Goes to show ya, people are noticing the crappy camera work.

  106. A "sailing" flashback. Ah, I miss that 56 year-old young man in the TV booth. Enjoyed the silence.

  107. We have Jr's HotPass so we aren't really seeing much of the rest of the cars, or is FOX just showing Jr and his pusher?

  108. Not sure what to think of this 2-car tango stuff. Just feels like phony racing the way they have to keep swapping who's in front of the other.

  109. yesterday wasn't the sentiment that we should leave the blowout softball game for the pre-race. why the change?

  110. Drivers were saying they are not racing. Just pairing up and then losing mo when they have to swap.

    All of them are just trying to stay safe until the end. Lot to lose with this new points system in an early crash.

  111. No, ESPN does not leave a live event in progress. The NASCAR TV contract stipulated green flag to checkers must be live, but not pre-race at all.

  112. JD, the F1 race was great today compared to this!

  113. The F1 race was awesome. I'd love to see the BBC get the call to cover NASCAR instead of the Two Stooges. As long as they cover it the same way they cover F1...

  114. One guy just emailed that the Indy Lights race on VERSUS is more interesting right now.

  115. 'Drivers were saying they are not racing. Just pairing up and then losing mo when they have to swap.

    All of them are just trying to stay safe until the end. Lot to lose with this new points system in an early crash.'

    JD, how is that so much different than getting shuffled out, making your way back, or hanging out in the back till the end, which we've seen for years? There have always been some who tried to 'stay safe' and miss the big one. I get that this stuff is very different, but just not seeing that it's worse. Jamie said yesterday he liked it, Dale Jr said he didn't. I think there are differing opinions amongst them too. But the point is--what is NASCAR going to do to change it (which I'm sure they would if they could?) As Gordon said, now that they know it, they can't unlearn it. What could be done to change it? If the answer is nothing, we had better get used to it.

  116. They should do this race in 10 laps segments. the winning pair moves on to the finals. Then pick the top 5 pairs and have them race with 5 laps to go.

  117. Because they cannot do it alone Glen. No chance for one car at anytime today to pass another alone.

  118. I'm not a fan of the changing speed graphic on the ticker. Show me the last lap speed and be done with it. I don't need to see updated speed as they pass a scoring loop. Does nothing to enhance the ticker.

  119. You want to go back to pack racing and can't unlearn it?
    Go back to Dale Sr.'s last win, add a roof spoiler and a wicker bill.
    I preferr watching the race from a highly poilished hood pin myself, that only takes two cars!

  120. From Jeff Hammond: "Even though we've only had 1 caution, we're going to have a lot more as the intensity builds throughout the race."

  121. JD, when was that true? They have nearly always had to have a partner to pass (unless it's the last lap or someone had an extraordinary car.) They were just all closer together at the time they did it. It's one of the things I always disliked about drafting like this. Again, not saying I love this racing, but I didn't like the packs either.

  122. What does the bumper cam show.
    I know - the bumper.

  123. saltsburgtrojanfanApril 17, 2011 at 2:41 PM

    Erik Amarillo ROFLMAO JD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  124. This is a very different type of racing then we have seen and it is very difficult to watch. I may be going to get exciting at the finish but it is sure boring in the middle.

  125. Lower water pressure means that there's less water.

    Sounds like Durrl's channeling Tim Brewer.

  126. That's called "hold the audience" on Jeff Hammond's part. I understand why they're racing like this....I'm just not sure if it's compelling to the masses who might be watching.

  127. Jd

    Only 128 comments here during Cup Race. Is that a new low 1/2 thru a broadcast? I've not been here as much lately but mostly watching IndyCar or listening to Reds games :) Was 4-0 Pitts 1st inning. ouch. now 4-3 :) 5th

    It's nerve wracking sitting thru baseball...I forgot how much.

    I can be very forgiving of who is in the NASCAR booth if they GIVE better video. Have Great camera work in baseball

    Speed did well camera wise covering ARCA.

    Maybe more will comment here towards the end. Or lots fewer watching NASCAR live these days like the rest of us...shame.

  128. Just finished grilling some bacon wrapped filets, did I miss anything?

  129. Team mates spinning team mates. Nice. This ain't racing.

  130. You know Nascar and their broadcast partners are behind when they are doing side-by-side for commercials in the Indy Lights race.

  131. I hope they run the Hardee's spot a bunch more. Best produced commercial ever in my book. They actually hired Miss Turkey to promote Turkey Burgers. Brilliant.
    It is obviously not a FOX production. It's way over their heads.

  132. teammates have spun each other out bump drafting before, nothing new there either.

  133. 42 lead changes through halfway. Record is 88. Its amazing how boring this race is yet the numbers tell a different story.

  134. I know how to make this more interesting.
    At the start of the race half the teams draw from a hat to see who their partner is.
    You are only allowed to pair up with that car. If your partner is not there you either have to wait for that car or if your partner is wrecked you have to race by yourself.

  135. NASCAR was incredibly lucky with the timing of when the last TV contract was signed. Talk about cashing in at the peak.

  136. Don't forget Erik, that money goes to other parties than NASCAR just like the other sports leagues!

  137. Speed Dating - leave it to Fox to come up with a phrase that they think is "kewl" and edgy, and in the course of one race, over-use it to the point that attains cringe-worthy status...

  138. Their fish-eye camera is pointless. So let use it all the time.

  139. I wonder if the NASCAR brass, teams, and track owners have started to investigate how they can get by if the TV revenue drops by 40%.

    That guaranteed TV money is probably the only thing that kept the sport above water the past couple of years.

  140. Has anyone told us why Bill Elliott got out of the car or did we possibly miss it?

  141. Did Fox mention the driver change when it happened in the pits.
    Did they say why the driver change.

    I haven't been watching that close.

  142. Wonder why Fox does not offer up the radio feeds between diver more often? It's probably better than the announcers comments.

  143. for the second week, i'm not watching the race except now & again (like phillies make me crazynuts.) i'm once again "watching" on twitter.

    and yes, i blame fox broadcast for this decision as i simply can't tolerate the unprofessionalism any longer. i have too many choices & can listen to much higher quality broadcasts on other channels.

  144. What's funny is Fox then expects their cool phrase to be used by everyone in the sport. Yet, Fox won't acknowledge another network's cool phrase. For example, they refuse to use the term "lucky dog". That's because another network came up with it.

  145. How many lead changes so far.
    This must be a very important part of racing at this track.
    Nationwide mentioned it as often as they could and Fox keeps this number up to date.

  146. So, no racing and just drafting partners spinning each other out all afternoon.

    Wish I had a solution for this issue.

  147. I have the solution, and it involves bulldozers...

  148. JD said "Wish I had a solution for this issue."

    Replace the plates with a chicane on the backstretch...

  149. Did I miss something or did FOX just incite that yellow?!

  150. They have TV timeouts in college basketball. They should just admit it and have TV cautions.

  151. The announcers correctly stated that the metal debris came off Bowyers car. Maybe I missed it, bit I don't recall them mentioning it the last 15 minutes where you could see that rear bumper brace flapping in the wind.

  152. Just got my lemon bars in the oven. Did I miss anything? I did see the big wreck, but has anything really happened since that?

  153. I am actually watching the race live today but have been focusing on other things online up until now. I am finding the camera shots we are being given to be a little bit better than usual but that is really not saying much. I just think they are being forced into it due to the nature of the track and the style of racing. Some of the replays have been very good but that is no surprise since Fox is so well practiced at those.

    Aside from the usual other complaints including DW's useless blabbering, my main beefs with this race have to do with the on-track product which is best discussed elsewhere. Thus, I probably won't have much else to say during live blogging especially if the IndyCar race in Long Beach is interesting beyond the first lap.

  154. Bacon wrapped filets, lemon bars - I'm hungry.

  155. Bill Elliot got out of the car to watch Chase race somewhere nearby, according to something I read over the wk-end.

  156. Is this race fun or what.
    Maybe we will beat the lead change record. Can't wait for that moment.

  157. Its funny how a hand tightened lug nut is fine.

  158. I'm pretty sure the reason Fox doesn't use the term Lucky Dog is that they aren't getting any money from Aarons. Much like the title of the race for Fox is Sprint Cup Racing from Talladega, not the Aarons 499.

  159. Well, the good thing is that FOX broke out of commercial break. The bad thing is that it was for another team drafting accident.

  160. Wow - Burnt Toast, Lebron James and Father of the Year...

  161. Good: Fox breaking into a commercial to show the wreck.

    Bad: DW saying that he "did not like that combination" of Logano pushing the Shrub as if he knew the wreck was coming but had just never said anything about it before.

  162. KoHoSo - Hindsight is 20/20 guess DW goes by that!

  163. Mr Editor -
    Last 20 laps usually a mini-view of the other 188 ...never sit down for those "big ones" taking their toll, but suprising that many cars even make it to the pits, much less back in the race ...btw, good l-o-n-g race ...another DW-less broadcast ...thx MRN

  164. Anything that negatively affects Kyle, DW and the Fox boys don't like.

  165. that should have been 20 laps better than other 168 ...brain fade, I guess

  166. Vicky D...

    Not to mention that, with this style of racing and the design of the cars, I would not blame this on Logano. Looks like a racin' deal to me...JMO.

  167. NASCAR on Fox tends to kill brain cells...

  168. Even country music star Brad Paisley weighs in on Talladega.

    Brad Paisley
    Not sure about this new @NASCAR tandem racing at Talladega. I haven't seen this much adolescent bumping and grinding since prom.

  169. I'm not saying ...just saying, practicing now for last 10 laps ...who do you do it to, before they do it to you

  170. 490 miles of logging laps, and 10 miles of actually racing for a win.

  171. Next week the 31 will have a new sponsor - Extra-Absorbent BVDs.

  172. I think the folks actually here today are the hardcore hardcore fans.

    That's double-hardcore.

  173. If it takes over 15 million to sponsor a car, the drive for hunger must be getting a great return on their investment.

  174. One of the things that always ticks me off with these idiot networks is that you have pit reporters and you monitor radios. Did anyone ever think of climbing up the pit boxes of the #18 and #20 to find out what happened? Radio talk? Naw. Instead we get the three stooges in the booth with endless drivel! There are so many stories that get untold. David Reagan's problem is another example. What really happened? I apologize for venting.

  175. I dont think they are anywhere near done wreckin' yet.

  176. Now DW is sucking up to S&P cars...

  177. I've been here all day but I'm just not interested enough to post. This is not racing. It's more like a lottery.

  178. Mr Editor -
    'Dega has a way of producing unexpected winners ---Dave Blaney or Regan Smith, anyone?

  179. Menard 1-lap to the good on fuel ...from the crew chief's mouth to our ears ...what say you FOX?

  180. There's a caution for debris. This will help everyone on fuel.

  181. Considering the way Nascar screwed Smith out of a win a few years ago, I'd be happen to see him win. They showed video of Junior getting away with the same move in an earlier race. Oh! debris on the back stretch. Did they show it?

  182. I believe this caution becomes the caution that begins to breed other cautions until the checkered flag.

  183. Nope, just a bored NASCAR pit flagman.
