Sunday, June 5, 2011

Live Blogging Sprint Cup Series From Kansas (FOX - 12:30PM)

It certainly is going to be fun to watch NASCAR on FOX today. Chris Myers has to walk Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond through the Richard Childress and Kyle Busch mess from Saturday before he can move to today's race preview.

As veteran fans know, FOX always has an interesting perspective on this race which is the final event for the network in 2011. It's often more melancholy than upbeat, especially for Waltrip who has actually teared-up in the past on the air.

Waltrip will continue on SPEED's RaceDay covering for Kyle Petty this summer while Hammond will work for RaceHub and SPEED's at track coverage of practice and qualifying. Myers will continue to host Inside NASCAR on Showtime for the rest of the season.

Mike Joy will call the race and other than some Barrett-Jackson auctions he steps aside after this event. Larry McReynolds moves on to TNT as the strategy guy working from the infield.

Steve Byrnes and Krista Voda continue working for SPEED, while Matt Yocum moves to TNT for the summer. Only Dick Berggren ends his TV run after today. Berggren is having a tough season and this break is coming at a good time for him.

FOX has dumped Pizzi, moved the pre-race out to the fans and got into Twitter and social media. On the flip side, they continue to use tight shots and in-car cameras to show random groups of cars instead of stepping-up and showing the actual racing on the track. The finish line struggles have also continued.

Big networks make plans well in advance of how to televise major sports. FOX carried out the plan this season and has changed nothing since Daytona. While ratings have crept up due to the better racing storylines, the network is now going to step aside and watch TNT and ESPN take on the challenge of finishing the season.

This post will host your comments on the FOX coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from Kansas Speedway. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.


  1. jeff gluck's at home, watching the race with us today. hope he joins us here!

  2. Good afternoon (or good morning depending on time zone). Looking forward to it.

  3. Red,

    Jeff runs his own live blog for SBN.

    Hey folks, here we go!

  4. Wow, kyle took off his sunglasses.

  5. anon @12:34: he took them off to make a point. "no black eye here!"

  6. Shows you how much of the reporting last night was off base.

  7. jd, not sure i'm following here: what was off-base reporting last night? only piece i haven't seen confirmed by non-participants is what may or may not have been said.

  8. anon @12:34:

    He did the same thing in his interview with Wendy. Apparently he's read he got a shiner, and wanted to make sure everybody knew his pretty boy face was still pretty.

  9. Make up...for the first time FOX didn't do a tight shot.

  10. Remember Ray's tweet from the garage? Kyle got whupped, has black eye and will be in sunglasses today?

    See earlier post!

  11. Another Jimmie Johnson interview...(yawn)

  12. point taken, jd! forgot about that early tweet from dunlap! thanks.

  13. Red, you got to start actually reading my blog! ROFL.

  14. i do, i really do, i promise. i think i was just diverted by trying to do a kabillion small tasks before watching the race today!

  15. I haven't watched any pre race due to the French Open final. Looks like it will still be going at the start of the race so I'll go back and forth.

  16. Personally, I think no matter what NASCAR does to Richard, the bottom line is he took Kyle out behind the woodshed and whipped his butt. Something that was bound to happen. And, right or wrong, I think it means more that it was done by a car owner, who earlier told Kyle not to mess with his cars again or he'd do what he did. And I'll bet there's a lot of people in the garage who are quietly thanking Richard. Now, whether Kyle gets the message, time will tell.

  17. is it just me or is the pre-race about almost everything BUT racing? granted, this is the first pre-race i'm sitting thru this season but i'm still perplexed.

  18. The FOX deal this year is personality driven and revolves around DW. Made that way since Daytona.

  19. Richard will probably be fined $50K, (big deal) put on probation for four weeks (then go on an African safari for four weeks)

  20. So if DW gets into the Hall of Fame will they stop beating us over the head

  21. One of the best things about this season: No rainouts so far!

    It looks like another beautiful day today as well.

  22. It never ceases to amaze me the mindless approach to media that NASCAR continues to present to race fans and the world.
    This morning the Sport is on top on Natinal Njews and the Media Brians at NASCAR cannot even come up with a one paragraph statement about the Richard and Kyle fight.
    All they needed to say was some Bla Bla Bla and be creative about it as to further create some Media feeding frenzy. But oh no, this is NASCAR and it's a gentleman's sport and we will not talk about it as if it a reality series.
    Too bad that they have not come out of the Hauler with the news.

  23. not gonna lie: i'm smiling just seeing that STP logo on the screen behind them.

  24. I think RC might get the summer off. NASCAR noooooot happy.

  25. Another pathetic attempt at the anthem...Give me Kate Smith and "God Bless America", anytime...

  26. Why wasn't Brad K suited up in pre-race?

  27. I bet Randy Jackson of American Idol is thinking he should have copyrighted "in it to win it"

  28. Now where did put my can of Boogity® Brand DWBeGone™?

  29. JD's lead-in to this race blog a few minutes ago brought a smile to my face. Did you notice how he chronicled where Larry,Petty,DW,etc. would be working for the next few months? When I was in the Corporate world,the management reorganizations were announced almost weekly. I called it the "stick on the side of the birdcage" approach to Management. If you hit the side of a cage filled with birds,they'll flutter around before settling down on different perches. The number of birds didn't change...just where they landed. Did anything really change with the coverage of Nascar Sprint Cup racing?Nope. We still have DW, Petty, Larry,etc. They're just on different perches! Sorry,but I couldn't resist!.

  30. Lois Lane, 12:58 PM
    Not a very nice thing to say about a Man that is getting older and trying to hang in there.
    Or about anybody for that matter.
    After all, he is a 4 time Champion and a racing legend.
    I can respect that.

  31. pammmmmmm, i believe he just had the top of his firesuit unzipped and pulled down to his waist b/c of heat.

    nadal looks poised to take french open in 4 sets, if anyone's wondering.

  32. Kate Smith!! Lois're dating yourself...and me too! I was about 6-7 years old when she'd sing about 'the moon comes over the mountain...'

  33. I think NASCAR's priorities are messed up. Intentionally wrecking someone (Busch at Darlington, Edwards at Atlanta, etc..) is no big deal, but punching someone is unacceptable? How many people in this sport have died in a fistfight? How many have died in high-speed wrecks?

    They should be encouraging these guys to settle things like men instead of using 3400 pound race cars as weapons.

  34. This anthem thing is starting to bug me again.

    Is there a national anthem singer shortage I did not know about?

  35. Darrell's shirt looks like it was washed in the same load as the shop towels.

  36. i'm just wondering if RC will really miss being at the track in the middle of the summer.

    nascar is undoubtedly unhappy with his actions but i doubt he gives a hoot about that. he had a point to make and he made it. there's no reason for him to do so again. after all, it's not as if he has a history of being physically aggressive.

    or stupid.

  37. Loved that Chris Myers didn't know which camera was on during the movie promo.

  38. Hey Wisconcin. When I was racing if Happy pulled one of his bone headed moves on me, I'd wreck him AND then kick his a** if he was able to get out of the car. How many times have we seen Harvick go 'postal the last 5-6 years?

  39. I've always wondered where they keep the Hollywood Hotel after the FOX run ends. Hammond's back yard?

  40. I know Childress has a great staff of his own, but he should appoint DeLana Harvick to make decisions at the track in his absence.
    Just because that would be entertaining (and she does handle the business affairs for the Nationwide team).

  41. As a lifetime Dale Earnhardt fan, I wish he was still around to get in on all the spoils of being a 7 time champion like Richard is. Oh well...

  42. i think i may wear out the "mute" lettering on my mute button today.

  43. i wish they would quit bothering the drivers on the pace laps. week after week they interrupt the drivers and crews talking about pit road speed. if your going to interview the drivers interview them in the pre race show.

  44. 45 minutes in and we finally see the pit reporters...I think this is what annoys me most about FOX.

  45. The Hollywood Hotel usually gets a New Graphic wrap and goes to work for other networks and such during the off season.
    Game Creek Owns it and keeps it busy most of the time.
    Fox simply rents it for the shows.
    They need to eliminate it and fire the 2 announcers in it as to freshen up the broadcast.
    The pit location is a good start.

  46. I could barely hear Dick Berggren over that music bed. Turn it down or turn him up!

  47. Tell me why does FOX ALWAYS use extremely annoying background music anytime they talk to the pit reporters??

  48. See you in February, boys? If only that meant DW was leaving now instead of polluting this race.

  49. Looks like someone awoke the Giant (KB) and he's angry.

  50. Once again this season, DW will be doing RaceDay on SPEED for Kyle Petty during the six weeks of the TNT races.

  51. Decent thing with the split screen since this is a big track. I'm using trackpass again, just to keep up.

    BTW Anon, DW is a 3X Winston Cup champion and I agree that it is time for him to retire from the booth. He would be far better in the Hollywood Hotel IMO

  52. commercials already, wow. I gave up on Raceday long ago - so DW can talk all he wants, I'm not watching. I hardly ever watch Trackside either and that used to be one of my favorite shows.

  53. Did we just miss SIX green-flag laps at commercial? Pity the folks who don't have HotPass.

  54. Anyone having issues with the scanner audio on trackpass? I can't get it to work.

  55. This from hard-card guy Jeff Gluck who is watching from home this week. This is on commercial #1.

    "It's very uncomfortable knowing that there's green-flag racing going on right now and I can't see any of it. Makes me anxious."

    Where has this guy been for the last five years? Oh, in the media center...that's right.

  56. Branden, I have mine on and it seems to be fine - I'm using pitcommand just FYI

  57. Scott Riggs just took his car to the garage. Wasn't he the guy that refused to start and park in 2009 and left the Baldwin team over it?

  58. I just saw the 43 car for the first time this weekend. Good to see those colors again (between commercials).

  59. JD, boy, I feel SOOO sorry for Gluck having to watch it at home like the rest of us. Maybe he'll get a clue and understand why we complain about the coverage.

    Esp since we are in commerical AGAIN and they are going to take forever to come back to the races. oooh look a bumper cam!

  60. Wow, that is one PINK car that Robby is driving.

  61. Now would be a great time for "Through the Field"

  62. Oldnewengland - I thought it was esp great that he was running up on Jr's bumper, too!

  63. Hammond noticed the Twitter comment about the hair color!! HAHAHAHA!!

  64. Told it was a sellout, but only about 80% full. Thinking fans might not have come due to the heat today.

  65. Debby, we are trying to get him to tweet during the race. I guess hair is a good place to start!

  66. Thanks Gina, I am on both pitcommand and raceview and I can't get any of the audio to work. Must be a problem on my end then.

  67. anybody else having trouble with scanners?

  68. I know it's early, but does anyone have any idea who gets the task of hosting the 6 p.m. SportsCenter tonight?

    Tennis and Nascar . . . might not get to baseball until 6:20.

  69. Nascar proven right about moving the 2nd cali rave to race....attendance is far better than i expected

  70. Jeff Gluck's reaction is just symptomatic of why the in-crowd are removed from those of us who aren't. They don't walk in our shoes.

  71. From Jeff Hammond: Thanks for all the well wishes it's been a fun season on FOX going to miss you all till Feb. and to the comment about my hair color NO!

  72. Hammond does need to Tweet more during the race. Only wish he was in the booth and DW in the HH.

  73. robbie, he will deny it and argue about it as well.

  74. I still think that all the NASCAR management should be forced to watch the races on TV, they'd get a whole different perspective if they had to and would then stop wondering what we are complaining about.

  75. Getting ready for the first horse show of the season and got back just in time to mute DW. Did he get as sappy about this race being the end of his season?

  76. Fox loves green flag pit stops.
    One tight shot of the leader and one tight shot of a car pitting.
    Easy, easy.

    Forget about the other cars on the track.

  77. I told DW to watch his races in real time with the sound up to see what we are talking about.

    Don't think that happened.

  78. NO Sally, he was all fired up about the passion RC and Kyle have for the sport!

  79. Gina, do you really think Nascar management gives a rip? BZF is seldom at the races, and I sincerely doubt that he bothers to watch them on TV. Not interested, just counting the $$$.

  80. JD, somehow I'm glad I missed that, too. Was he feeling sorry for poor Kyle? (sorry AR).

  81. LOL, JD, DW lives in his own world of delusion. Having to deal with the facts would only mess up his wonderful world.

    DW was fired up about how passionate KyBu and RC were about the sport? Amazing.

  82. Commercials again? Dayyum. Nap or coffee, coffee or nap?

  83. Sally,

    He was at the Indy 500 as a VIP and got the royal treatment!!

  84. Sally, no I don't think they give a hoot except when it comes to the $$. I'd just like them to experience OUR world when we are seeing this hot mess on TV.

  85. Wow. I'm glad DW explained Kevin was upset for losing spots on pit road. Whoda thunkit?

  86. JD, note: BZF attends an Indy car race, but NOT Nascar events. That tells you something, doesn't it?

  87. Sally, he blew off the Coke 600 for Indy because he likes the atmosphere.

    That is the NASCAR Chairman.

  88. JD, as I've said many times, Nascar is just his cash register. He has no love of stock car racing at all.

  89. How is it that you can watch an ARCA race and have better camera work then Espn or Fox.

    It sure isn't the equipment. Wonder what it could be.

  90. trackpass shows a caution on the track, debris according to the radio traffic

  91. Fox goes to commercial and a debris caution comes out.

  92. OK, that is a strange commercial for cialis. Are the bathtubs a metaphor for something?

  93. @Gina...I'vealways thought it was the guy soaking in cold water because he had one of those 4 hour plus erections.

  94. Anon, we don't really call people names here a lot. Love to have your views on Hammond and the race!

  95. well, i'm going to be multitasking from here on out: US women's national team set to kick off against mexico in last game before women's world cup begins. AND julie foudy (who IS now on twitter!) is in the booth.

    plus, it's less agita this way.

  96. Fox didn't show the "debris". Can anyone confirm it?

  97. Been asking about the debris issue for years. TV says it is not their problem. NASCAR says it does not control TV.

    Only SPEED does a good job with this issue on the trucks.

  98. Man, that is very un PC of BZF - go to Indy instead of his own company's race, but it just shows how clueless he really is.

    @Sally -- that's what it is! Now I get it.

  99. I guess as long as Nascar is fine with being made to look like they rig cautions, then TV doesn't have to show fans what's going on at the track. Fox certainly doesn't worry about showing most of the racers and Nascar is fine with that. It's just fans watching who have a problem with it.

  100. I think it really does come down to TV. It should be a mandatory part of every caution for debris to show the debris.

    Only TV can do it, radio can't so why not.

  101. Lets show a replay of good racing for 30 seconds while green flag racing is taking place after a restart. Here's a thought, work on finding the good racing and show it live. Crazy concept I know.

  102. TV doesn't really care whether we get to see any racing, do they? And if they don't care, why should we?

  103. I think the last time Jeff Gluck watched from home, he declared the telecast "unwatchable", REMEMBER? Be interested to see if his opinion has changed!

    DW only was a CHAMPION when he drove for Junior, in a car that won the title 6 times in eight years, he does his best when just along for the ride!

  104. it's bad when i've chosen to watch the playing of the national anthems at the soccer match over watching fox replay of a restart . . .

    (and not a singer in sight! pre-recorded orchestral pieces as always.)

  105. Yeah, I'm thinkin its time to get some other things done around the house while the race is on, I can listen to trackpass and check in with you guys to see what is going on.

    Did someone need a debris caution? Since tv didn't show us anything it always makes me wonder.

    It's a shame that TV has become my LAST frame of reference rather than the primary.

  106. From a credibility standpoint, I can't believe a Network wouldn't insist on showing debris...unless Nascar held a gun to their head! Maybe we should send Childress down to the production truck! Heck, a month ago, Kurt Busch brought out a caution and never touched the wall.

  107. This race for the lead is getting tight...

  108. James, he is already twitching...won't be long till he loses it!

  109. Why would anyone think tight shots and in-car cams show a race.

  110. Does Dr. Dick suck up to everybody?

  111. I agree Anon, I don't think the networks want to get the blame for mystery cautions.

  112. aarrrgh! chose to check in w/fox just as DW was saying "racing is alot like golf courses" or somesuch nonsense.

    back to soccer.

  113. on a positive note, the ticker is moving faster than normal

  114. Jerry, he has been having a rough year.

  115. Ok, sorry editor.
    I will call him Hollywood, the name he made up for himself and prefers being called by.
    But he still has a spray tan.
    Dyed Hair
    and a huge ego.
    But the ladies love him. Just ask him.

  116. Anon, we got tons of ladies that love him! We even joke about it.

    Weird that he opted for some plastic surgery this season, but I have no idea if it was because of eye troubles.

    He sure looks a lot different.

  117. sheesh, I had turned the TV on because the 24 car was on the screen only to hear DW nattering on about nothing. Back to mute.

    Gluck did declare it unwatchable - then retracted his comments.

  118. Roland, those dark colors just kill it!

    One color on the entire ticker would change it entirely.

  119. Funny to see the hard-car peeps like Gluck and Jenna Fryer try to watch even one race from home.

    Total freak out.

  120. I thought DW nick named Hammond, back in the early 80's?

    Mr. Editor the doc has had a real bad year, he's the only on TV talent I would not want to see back,but that's a different post.

  121. Yet they still can't understand why fans at home don't feel the racing is exciting? TV kills it.

  122. Heya Gluck, welcome to our world! The asprin is on the house.

  123. I don't feel sorry at all for the media that usually gets to go to the track when they have to watch the race from the "cheap seats" with us at home.

    They ought to do it more often, maybe they'd stop subscribing to the notion that the fans at home are just complaining about nothing.

  124. i have no ticker issues as far as color goes. looks good in HD. only problem i have with it is how slow it normally moves. if they would take the cars that are out of the race off the ticker and only show them once in a while that would help

  125. Junior Johnson gave him that nickmame when he worked for him! When Junior hired DW after Cale left the crew cheif, the ledgendary Herb Nab could not stand DW so Hamond got an uograde to crew cheif, it was more like car cheif then.

  126. And now time for your next regularly scheduled Jacques Debris break!

  127. Debris!! Big surprise there. Water bottle on the apron.. Probably been there for 20 laps.

  128. Plastic water bottle in turn 4! The horror!

  129. If Fox was told to show this race with the worse camera work they could come up with, would it be any different.

    A plastic bottle brings out a caution.

  130. just had to restart trackpass to hear Gordon's radio after he had the same problem as last week.

  131. NASCAR, just level with us all and call it a Competition Caution. All this lying is not making you any new fans. You guys are not fooling anyone but yourselves.

  132. oldest daughter tweeted me earlier that philly is the second largest nascar market. as she said: "who knew?"

  133. careful. They could give us non stop DW with only more occasional glimpses of the race.

  134. I'm seriously considering going out to run errands, if my guy wasn't running up in the top 10, i'd walk away.

  135. With all the cameras and the location of that water bottle at the entrance of pit road, I'd love to check the video tapes to see if some driver caused a Caution. I know, I'm a cynic.

  136. Remember the days when TV would show the replay and the driver would get a penalty? Oh....well...

  137. Maybe somebody can explain this to me. We've seen more than once, Carl Edwards and others throw their water bottles out and no caution ensues. But now we have a caution because of a water bottle someone threw out of their car. Why is that?

  138. I believe the ticker is faster this week. It usually take 4 laps to do a cycle through of the cars.
    Today it takes about 3 laps.

  139. Mike Joy...some good side by side racing there, and the camera immediately goes away.

  140. The meaningless cautions are worse these days because of the wavearound rule.

  141. I think today is worse then most Fox telecasts. Tight shots and in-car cams all the time.
    FYI tight shots and in-car cams do Not show the race.

  142. It's like Fox can't wait to be done with it for this year.

  143. I don't know. It looked like Ambrose could have avoided wrecking Landon Cassill. I can't tell you how many times I've seen rookies wrecked for no good reason.

  144. Let's see how this segment goes on TV. Here we go!

  145. Oh good, split pit strategies. Where's Marty Reid when we need him?

  146. Look at all the wild racing going on in the middle of the pack and they go to a tight shot on two cars.
    Oh, well.

    They do have replay if anything happens.

  147. One thing I will never understand is why they can stick with a pack of cars for more than3 seconds. They just showed the pack coming down the backstretch but as soon as they go into turn 3, they cut away. Then what do you know, the 42 which was in the pack goes up and smacks the wall..

  148. They never stayed with JPM, never showed the three wide and never let us see what was actually going on.

  149. Did you see it, did you see it - 5 cars in one camera shot.

  150. brief glimpses of racing action but destroyed by the ADD directing and in car bumper cam shots.

    bored now!

  151. FOX systematically denies us the opportunity to see incidents throughout the race...not just this race either. They are incrementally lowering the bar with respect to information they release during the broadcast.

  152. and we have the dirt cam and commercials. I think I'll go clean up in the kitchen

  153. TNT can't come fast enough. I can't believe I decided to watch this live or not listen to the radio. I really don't think I can put up with this next season.

  154. I haven't missed a minute of this broadcast-no kitchen break, no bathroom break-and I have no clue what has happened thus far in this race.

  155. There is no sports event that the camera makes so many changes from one shot to another! It honestly gives you a headache! How can they not know this? Have they ever gone to a track sat in the stands and watched a race? How can they show this!

  156. Sorry caps key got stuck but----

  157. KoHoSo said:
    "I really don't think I can put up with this next season."

    and another one bites the dust. . .

  158. Any word on an race buddy app for TNT's coverage?

  159. half time for the women so i'll watch the race for 15 minutes.

    hey fox? impress me and i won't turn back to soccer, 'k?

  160. we may not know what's going on in the race, but by golly we know when True Grit comes out on DVD on Tuesday, over and over and over again.

  161. It is quite funny no shots of RC on the transporter roof?

  162. Earnhardt Jr. spins out and Hammond compliments him for "saving it"?

  163. red...

    Yep, but I hate to think that way. I really, really do. I just wonder why I should continue investing my time and love with this when the TV coverage leaves me feeling like I have been cheated out of seeing the whole first half of the season and NASCAR is unable or unwilling to force changes.

  164. Just asking about RC, he is on the Bowyer transporter.

    No clue to how he is, transported from the TV compound to the hosp.

  165. Just think - we get to see two more years of this kind of coverage.

  166. KoSoHo: i feel for you because that's where i was last season. the result has been that i have yet to watch a race in totality this year. i've resorted to twitter and radio to keep me informed.

    and i'm still resentful and bitter about that.

  167. Thanks JD. Marvin works hard under hard conditions. I wish him well.

  168. Poor TV coverage of a boring race!

  169. Is Mike Joy putting a 'ch' in Carpentier's last name? He's said it a few times now and it sounds like he's saying 'Carpaunchier'. Maybe it's just me hearing things.

  170. red...same here about being resentful and bitter...not to mention honestly sad to see this travesty passing for sports coverage. I have invested 41 of my soon to be 46 years of life following and loving NASCAR. As I said here not long ago, I'd rather go back to the days of only occasional coverage on Wide World of Sports than keep having my intelligence insulted with this spastic, hyper-tight coverage with its buffoonish commentary.

  171. Just think...we have another race here this year. because they are building a casino. Not because they have good races. The perfect reason.

  172. I guess this caution is the real deal....they showed the debris! Now we can tell the real ones from the phony ones.

  173. @Sally

    Then why not have 2 races at Vegas. Oh right. . . because Bruton owns it.

  174. The booth was following Junior and you could see him wiggle. The booth never said anything. You could easily see the wiggle on my big TV. A few laps later, he lost it.

  175. Man, long way to go. FOX better put some effort into this one.

  176. from that restart to the caution was perhaps the worst segment for Fox in 2011. missed everything live because they were showing full screen replays of stuff they should have shown live. I just want to smack Artie right now. Get all RC on him.

  177. KoSoHo: so well said, thank you.

    i, too, would prefer less coverage if it meant we would actually see a race, not just quick shots from car to car with no sense of what the heck is actually happening.

    i've said it before: people form their perception of racing by what they see (or don't) on tv. that's the real tragedy of this: that it may have the effect of keeping people away from the tracks and actually seeing great racing!

    i truly hate this for our sport.

  178. That was a mess production-wise. They show Stewart and Hamlin side by side, and say a caution is out for debris....I'm thinking they're showing us live thing we find out, we're watching a replay of when they made contact.

  179. saltsburgtrojanfanJune 5, 2011 at 3:16 PM


    Just another reason why Kansas is getting a 2nd race and not Darlington is A CASINO???????

    Another good example of BZF's money hungry drives that are turning off fans.

    Oh...I forgot BZF is swimming in his pool of cash. We don't want to bother him.

    He might get cranky and have a tantrum.


  180. Hey Fox - During a restart there is a lot of action going on in the middle of the pack.
    Check it out.

  181. RWar24 - I'm hearing the same thing. Very weird.

  182. Poor DW. Asking if they're gonna make it after they made it.

  183. This is a very dis-organized broadcast. The first 100 laps, they used the bottom of the screen to show the top 5 going into a commercial break. Suddenly they started using the top of the screen to do so.

  184. I think this is a good time to once again thank Mr. Daly for providing us this forum. As somebody that has an extremely tiny amount of amateur TV broadcasting experience, I cannot fathom how an exemplary and highly experienced professional such as JD has put up with this deteriorating coverage on both Fox and ESPN without going Richard Childress on somebody or just giving up.

    I know that times change and all good things must come to an end. I just can't believe in this great era of technology that I would consider no longer watching NASCAR on TV because of a complete lack of information.

  185. since they show the race in replays that is why the TV coverage has become last on my lists of ways to follow the racing action, instead of first like it once was.

  186. saltsburgtrojanfanJune 5, 2011 at 3:27 PM

    Oh another poster talked about BZF at indy instead of the 600. Wow shows BZF truly is delusional and lives in his own little world.

    JD keep digging up dirt about NASCAR and Fox, i'm sure there is more you have not told us.

    I am all ears.

  187. This is the kind of telecast that a RaceBuddy with some scanners and a leaderboard would save for a lot of fans.

    FOX is just mailing it in from a video perspective. No through the field, no going back to racing, no searching for stories...nothing.

    Even Larry Mac can't save them now.

  188. I use to spend over $2,000 to go to a race with my Daughter and now I am watering plants and filling hummingbird feeder during this race.

  189. I'm celebrating FOX's departure by not watching the race. Seems like I made the right choice.
