Friday, July 8, 2011

Live Blogging Nationwide Series From Kentucky (ESPN - 7PM)

It's been a rainy day in Kentucky, with activities at the track interrupted several times. Luckily, ESPN has all eleven NASCAR announcers in place to fill any time needed.

Allen Bestwick is on ESPN at 7PM with NASCAR Countdown. He has Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty alongside for a scheduled thirty minute pre-race show. Upstairs in the TV booth is Marty Reid, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree.

Over in the Tech Garage is Tim Brewer. On pit road are Dr, Jerry Punch, Jamie Little, Dave Burns and Vince Welch.

The good news is that the weather is clearing, but showers are still possible and this track has been plagued by "weepers" in the past. Those are the pesky spots in the seams of paving on the track that let water "weep" through even after the track itself is dry.

The pressure of this race telecast is clearly on Marty Reid. Allen Bestwick has been filling-in for Reid as he worked the IndyCar races and has done an outstanding job. Some poor choices in what Reid has said on the air this season and some bad decision-making in what he has not is resulting in a pretty vocal fan backlash.

Our feedback in comments on this blog, Facebook and Twitter has not been positive. With the Chase coverage looming, this is a good opportunity for Reid to step-up and get back in the groove of providing quality play-by-play for a primetime Nationwide Series race.

ESPN has been having a solid season in terms of beginning to understand the concept of showing the best racing on the track and the developing stories. This is a long way from following the leader and only focusing on the stories discussed in the pre-race show. We call that following the script.

The challenge tonight is to essentially preview for TV viewers what they will be seeing when the coverage of the Sprint Cup Series switches to ESPN in July. The last four seasons have been rough. It should be interesting to see what changes between now and then in terms of on-air personalities or coverage.

We invite your comments on the ESPN coverage. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the comments button below. Thank you for stopping by The Daly Planet, some comments may be moderated before posting.


  1. Just got an update from Allen Bestwick who says the track is ready for the race as scheduled!

  2. I missed the Truck race last night & will miss this race as well.

    You should have saved your line about the S&P teams for tonight. Based off the results there were only 3 in the trucks, and there will be at least 8 tonight.

    Race to the garage lineup:
    #72 Jackson
    #44 Green
    #03 Riggs
    #49 Setzer
    #46 Miller
    #42 Andrews
    #75 Chapman
    #74 Harmon

  3. Yea, someone threw some cash around last night.

  4. Asking Marty Reid to step up to the plate is like asking Kevin Conway to finish top 10.

    Anyway I am really excited for tonight Im so happy for Kentucky and Im happy that PRN is broadcasting this race so Ill be listening to them. Always enjoy Doug and Mark's commentary.

  5. Roland, that's a good one. Should be interesting to see how it all works out. AB just nailed his races.

  6. Are they getting paid by the word. Fastest talking bunch I have ever heard.

  7. When AB was in the booth he really brought out the best in Andy and DJ, mainly Andy. Good vibes in the booth when AB is in the house

  8. Happy Race Night Planeteers <3

  9. "Very appropriate" says Brad Daugherty about moving the traditional Raceway Park Indy NNS race over to the Brickyard.

    I really dislike that guy sometimes.

  10. My favorite Anthem I have heard!!!!!!!!

  11. I was on the scanner page and had to refresh and now it is not even getting me close to the free scanner. It goes to the scanner to pay for, on both IE and FF.

    Should have left it alone.

  12. Great Anthem, did anyone read the article that last year the DOD spent $250,000,000 on military bands! They wanted a $50M increase for next year. I'm guessing it is an area that can be cut back some.

  13. If my local minor league baseball team can get anthem singers for an entire season of home games, NASCAR can figure it out as well!

  14. Nationwide scanners not working for me either.

  15. I liked that anthem better than last night. I just like people singing...well, less formal, I guess.

    Brad is a great cheerleader, but as a car owner he's never going to say a bad word about NASCAR's decisions, no matter how much the fans disagree. What a shame to lose IRP.

  16. JD, did you read the article by Jay Hart on Yahoo about moving the race from ORP? Talked about Nascar losing it's soul.

  17. KB has 2 trifecta's, wins and starting from the back

  18. Good news was the Anthem. Bad news was Marty. I really like Brad as a basketball icon, but despite his involvement in Nascar, he's still sadly lacking a lot of the time. I hope the bumpy track doesn't cause a bunch of wrecks where the cars bounce into each other. Let's hope for a good race.

  19. That is a very well done gatorade piece. Thought it was a commercial, not sure what to call it but it needs to be a commercial. Stuff like that really shows the casual fan we do more than drink beer and turn left

  20. I wish I had a nickel for every time someone has said this track is bumpy! Wow so many times. I don't like the idea of having a cup guy as the in-car reporter. However, what a great anthem.

  21. Still no scanner. Goes to page about NNS series and when the races are and the next page is to pay for it.

    Hey Marty, don't forget to tell me how many leads changes there has been.

  22. Has anyone got the free scanner to work yet? All I get the free 14-day trial screen.

  23. Scanner is up now.

  24. Hey Marty, have you seen the meat in the sandwich yet?

  25. Brad's comment about the Nationwide race moving from IRP to IMS just shows he's as disconnected from the sport as Brian France and other Nascar bafoons. It's sad really..

  26. Marty sure thinks everything is funny.

  27. So glad to get a constant update and focus on Kyle Busch, because in my world nobody else exists in the Nationwide Series. /sarcasm off

  28. I just beat them up about the scanner. It is online now.

    That is RC walking through the rain on the post pic BTW.

  29. hi, everyone. I missed the race last night and saw this morning that KyBu won, so no big deal there. I see that ESPN is talking about him a lot again tonight.

    Marty needs to step it up, big time, if he keeps this up, I will watch the ESPN cup races with the sound muted like I do Fox - if I watch them at all.

    Brad just does not get it. He is another useless object in the booth, right along with Rusty.

    I was listening to them talking about Mark Martin's pass of Bayne and laughed to myself when Andy quoted Machievelli (spelling is probably wrong) - how cool is that!

  30. It is the Kyle show, who races for the Sprint Cup.

  31. Gee did someone write that info out for Brad? Or is he stating the obvious that the track will change from daytime to night?

  32. Someone remind me, how many cars started this race? Cus as far as ESPN is concerned only one started it, the 18

  33. I am sure getting tired of this Kyle, Carl & Kevin show!

  34. So, the update from the reporters at the track is that incoming traffic is lined-up from the track all the way out to the interstate.

    Lots of folks are not even going to make in in during the next hour or so.

    That should be more fun to talk about than the three hours it might take to leave!

  35. Gina, did you see Roland's comment at the beginning of the section?

    Still has me cracking up.

  36. JD, I did read Roland's comments. Perfecto!

    I tell you what, if I had paid $$ for a ticket for the race, I'd be really mad if I didn't get into the track in time to see it.

    And then, as you said, it will take a lot of time to get home. Maybe they should just have packed a sleeping bag and planned to stay in the parking lot until tomorrow night.

  37. Boy, we can almost count on having a caution when ESPN goes to commercial, can't we?

  38. I don't remember Marty doing his Ted White voice when he first started calling the Nationwide races.

  39. ok, suddenly not a fan of Bruton Smith. After everybody around here in media has spoken of traffic headaches getting IN the track before the main race, I read of lack of SAFER Barriers on parts of the track via Twitter comments.

    JJohnson & Tony Stewart not happy & Bruton's answer to their concern?...was not do drive near that area. WOW. How cold & unfeeling. Beyond Arrogant.

    I still remember, years ago, a Busch race where a car hit an inside turn wall L-shaped to the infield & looked like it could've killed somebody. driver was airlifted to hospital but LUCKILY only a hand injury if I recall. One of the scariest wrecks I've seen as the car hit full force the 90 degree turn part. The next race, this was fixed.

    To see ALL these EXPENSIVE UPGRADES lauded & bragged on in the media, I can not over look the lack of SAFER barriers.

    Shame. DVRing race & watching Reds & will check here & on Twitter.

  40. Poor guy, I think he is really lost. No NASCAR history so he just can't reference things like the veterans.

  41. Poor us, JD. Marty has all kinds of opportunity to learn what he needs to know about NASCAR even without a historical frame of reference.

    Instead we fans get verbosity and nonsense.

  42. I can think of a few drivers that I would focus on if I were Espn other then Steve Wallace. What has Steve Wallace done lately.

  43. Say what you want, but it's fun to watch the #18 work traffic. Now in position #10 after starting #42.

  44. Seems like after all the legal issues were put aside there was a rush to get racing to Kentucky. It appears it's not quite ready for prime time...

  45. Charlie, what has Steven Wallace done EVER? If he wasn't in his dad's car, he wouldn't have a ride.

  46. Told having the campgrounds on the site has slowed parking.

    Not a good sign for folks that drove a long way for this race.

  47. Did we really just take a trip to Bistol for a SportsCenter update under the green flag?

  48. Bristol, obviously.

  49. Sure did. gotta hear that the yankees were rained out.

    A lot of tracks have camping on site. Why would that be causing such a problem here?

    Not surprised to hear that Bruton doesn't give a hoot about the drivers. I don't think he cares much about anyone but himself and maybe Marcus

  50. The 3 cars in the pit box Tv window were all cup guys. They cannot win the NNS championship.

  51. You know, bumps or not, this track 'races' like every other cookie cutter track on the circuit. And they wonder why fans are rapidly losing interest in racing? After deciding to leave ORP? Ridiculous.

  52. ONE, that is a "tag" that SC puts at the end of a commercial break to update the sports and tease sportscenter.

  53. Interesting that they tell us they need Cup drivers in the Busch races to get the fans to come....yet they add a Busch race at Indy to try to bring in more people for the Cup race. What's wrong with this 'logic'?

  54. I've been to KY Speedway a couple of times. Last time was 2 years ago. Unless something drastically changed (which is possible) I'm not understanding why they're have traffic issues. I know there is construction on the the nearby interstate but I read that it was done for the next couple of weeks because of the race. But there's 2 or 3 ways of getting parked, designated roads for the camp areas. I just find it interesting I guess.

  55. Krista Voda just posted on twitter -
    Leaving the track now...after Trackside, still traffic coming in to see the race. Its already lap 60 of 200!

  56. I remember when Steve came into the series. He had won a few ARCA races and won a couple of poles in his first year. I didnt think this was possible but Im convinced Steve has less talent than he did when he began in this series. Without Rusty he would have been out of the series 3 years ago at least. Not saying RWI has the best equipment, cause they havent won since 2004 i believe. Steve will never get to Cup without sponsor $$$ or Daddy.

    Its no coincidence that each weeks crew cam is with a member of Steves crew. Sick of the conflict of interest.

  57. saltsburgtrojanfanJuly 8, 2011 at 8:35 PM

    Did not watch the truck race last night nor will i watch tonight's race or tomorrow's race. I am so disgusted with the state of NASCAR and the constant musical chairs with the schedule ticks me off.

    Watched Glee, more entertaining than NASCRAP.

  58. Just got told Betty Ford passed away. She helped a lot of folks, including a lot of TV folks with her recovery center.

  59. saltsburgtrojanfanJuly 8, 2011 at 8:42 PM

    My condolences to Betty Ford

  60. Anyone else get the feeling we might be in the middle of a KyBu trifecta?

  61. Sad to hear about Betty Ford. I always thought she was very brave to tell people her story and then to use that difficulty to help so many others.

    Roland, it's a shame. I think Steven got moved up too quickly, like some other drivers and it just doesn't work well. Plus as you say, the conflict of interest makes my teeth hurt.

  62. Marty, do us all a favor and either quit, or shut up. Take your pick. It's the little comments you make that truly show the viewers that you are clueless. "Good new is Ricky Stenhouse got the lucky dog, bad news is he was caught speeding on pit road so he'll have to start in the back" Hey Marty, us fans know that lucky dog recipients have to start in the back. So the speeding on pit road really didn't matter. All it did was make you sound like an idiot.

  63. Any update on fans getting into the track. Are we there yet.

  64. Boy, if Brian Scott didn't have bad luck, he'd have no luck at all. Hard to believe only half the race is over. It seems to be dragging a little??

  65. Well, it's dragging because Marty is lost. Pretty clear to see DJ and Andy do not like working with him. They just hang him out to dry over and over again.

    Krista Voda tweeted she was leaving the track and fans were still in traffic to get in.

  66. Nothing Kyle Busch does on the track surprises me. He makes it look easy.

  67. Brad and Rusty add absolutely nothing to the broadcast. Period.

  68. This 'good news-bad news' format is getting very old.

  69. JD

    Sad to hear of Betty Ford's passing. Just reading Wiki on her I'd forgotten how MANY ways she helped people.

  70. Sometimes less is more. They could eliminate 3 talking heads and greatly improve the broadcast.

  71. I realize that every race isn't a barnburner, but this has me fighting to stay awake. I lost the battle last night. As Jr. said, maybe Nascar should worry more about the quality of the races on track instead of 'demographics' if they hope to get/keep their audience.

  72. I can't believe we're running a Sprint Cup race on a mile and a half track w/o Safer Barriers on the inside walls. We never learn.

  73. Tony Stewart was not happy aabout not having barriers on the inside wall here. Bruton's solution was to stay away from the inside wall.

  74. Jerry and Betty Ford were a class act. Jerry Ford was one of the few Presidents in recent times who could explain, in detail. the Federal Budget. Times have changed--we haven't published a Budget in over two years!

  75. Sally, its a shame that BZF doesn't listen to anyone - not even MPD.

    The fans have been saying quality matters for years. Jr's late to the party.

  76. Nascar should have a maximum age rule.

  77. Anon,

    $omehow NA$CAR and $MI compromi$ed on it. Ju$t $aying.

  78. I miss TNT already. Was going to boycott races but with ALL the local hubbub on radio/tv on this race, thought I'd DVR them. Sadly, after reading here & about the booth, will not watch. At.All.

    This booth just does NOT do it for me :(

    For so many reasons. Tell me again why AB isn't in the booth? Marty runs us to mute IRL ..and adds nothing to NASCAR it would appear :-(

    Hope the local businesses profit from the week. Ky REALLY stinging for $$ like OH & IN.

    but as somebody said here & I did to a friend while listening to tv news yesterday (re traffic) they should've planned better TRAFFIC patterns.

    Seriously, they've been mentioning the problem since MONDAY.

    And the problem with the lack of SAFER barriers & Bruton's dismissive attitude? + Booth equals no thanks.

  79. least he isn't afraid to say it out loud. More than most of the drivers will do.

  80. Just observing.. Tim Brewer's tire there looked like it had 100 lbs of air in it. Kinda funny looking.

  81. Thanks for stopping by Trollster! We've been missing ya! Bad body part puns and all.

  82. LOL, JD, good one.

    Sally, you are so very right. If more of the drivers would speak out, something might actually change. In this day and age, I cannot believe that NASCAR is still allowed to get away with this monopoly AND dictatorial management style.

  83. That interview with Mr. Jesus made me sad :( wish I had money to help him & give him hugs :(

  84. Got to say, Rusty and Brad have just been stinking this one up everytime they have been talking since the race started.

    Two owners in the infield....

  85. but, gina, think of the secret fines as a result....(rolls eyes)

  86. Would this lineup seem better:

    Bestwick / Jarrett / Petree in the booth. Craven / Brewer / Dr. Punch in the pit studio. (Dr. Punch joining the pit road crew at the end of the pre-race show.

    I see a mix of both here and I feel it works.

  87. Adam, probably Nicole in the studio since that position stays there for the entire race.

  88. Anon, I know,I was thinking about that as I was typing. it is just so darned frustrating. I hate the happy talk.

  89. How to turn a Camaro into a Chevette.

  90. I could go for those changes in the lineup that Adam and JD just proposed.

    If I don't ever have to listen to Rusty, Brad and Marty again, it would be a wonderful day.

    I can barely stand them for N'wide races, Cup being twice as long I get twice as annoyed.

  91. In addition to being an owner, Rusty is now actively involved in Iowa Speedway ownership.

    Too conflicted for TV IMHO.

  92. Enjoying the race while I get ready to leave early AM to go to the Cup race. Live 30 miles north of Cincinnati and we aren't taking any chances of sitting on I-71 at race time. We did that in 2000 when the track opened and just barely saw Biffle win. Each year gets better with the traffic, but I don't think it will ever be great. The issues you have to deal with when you go to some of these tracks. Will spend the day at the track and wait until it clears out before we leave. Only 2 ways in and out. The tristate is very happy to have the Cup race. We've been waiting a long time.

  93. I was basing it a slight off of TNT's current design with Larry Mac. I forgot Nicole Briscoe is even there since we don't see her that much. I don't know, we could either have a) 4 pit road studio people at the beginning or b) Run Briscoe / Craven / Brewer in the studio, with Brewer running down to the garage when needed. However, I think having Craven and Brewer there makes much better commentary.

  94. Deb, have a blast and let us know how it works out!

  95. Sally, it may be off topic but I'm going to pick up your point from earlier. Not only has ORP lost the N'wide race, it's losing the Truck race too. I haven't heard where the Trucks will end up. As for the N'wide, IMS is a lousy spectator track. I'd rather go to ORP any day. Actually, I've been in Indy on race weekend, caught all events at then-IRP, and skipped the big track. I'm glad the Rolex boys will get some extra attention, but wouldn't that have been enough?

  96. but rusty and ESPN don't see any conflict.

  97. Deb, are you taking sleeping bags and vittles just in case? ;-)

  98. Palmetto, the IMS race is over $50 million in rights fees for TV alone.

    NASCAR has to do something to keep it alive through 2014. They are going to offer a combo ticket and basically just throw in the NNS race for a Cup ticket.

    They are desperate!

  99. Oh boy, Rusty Wallace's cars.

  100. JD

    on Local Sports talk tonight, on 700wlw which is 50,000 watt channel, guy did NASCAR poll. How many Love it, like it, tolerate it, don't like it, can't stand it.

    19% said they loved it, the rest pretty evenly divided except the 'cant stand it' got the most with 30 something %

    He realized he talks to mostly stick & ball sports but spoke of his going to a race that sold him. Then a few callers called in to say the same thing. Once they were at a race & FELT the power of the engines race by, hooked :)

    Just some trivia during Red's break.

    I turn over to race to see COMMERCIALS but did see Mr. jesus sad interview.

  101. Good luck, Debby. Enjoy the race -- I'd pack for the long haul from the sound of things.

  102. I would look for a NNS and Truck standalone weekend at IRP when it's all said and done.

  103. well I am not a KyBu fan, but geez, he sure can drive. Of course it doesn't hurt that he is playing in the minor leagues with a major league team.

  104. Sally & Gina - OMG! You should see the food I'm taking. Good & bad stuff. We have it all! LOL! We only live 90 miles from the track. Can't wait.

  105. Did I mention $50 million already paid through 2014?

  106. How much is an average sanctioning fee? Would a track like Hickory or Rockingham try or the Truck date?

  107. Adam, unfortunately it does not work like that. Only so many dates to go around.

    NASCAR has no interest in returning to the past...none.

    That is a shame.

  108. Sounds like the race out of the parking lot tonight will be better than this thing.

  109. Even the ESPN TV folks are worried about getting out of there tonight.

  110. Debby, that's great. It is always good to have a nice balance between good and bad stuff. After all, where's the fun if there's no "bad" stuff?

  111. Ironically there are rumors Gateway may be reopening, already. I miss Memphis, and especially Gateway. Memphis & Gateway were both short tracks that worked well.

  112. I am listening to Kenny Wallace and they were one of the last cars to pit and they only had to make up 3 laps.

  113. That track is out in the middle of nowhere and there are only 2, maybe 3 roads out. Everyone is just completely baffled at the traffic problems. And the Cincinati media has been promoting it all week. I hope I can laugh about it tomorrow!! Don't have to be back to work until Tuesday.

  114. We find everything just beautiful with the crew in the booth as there is not a Waltrip in site.

  115. Also I should add there is discussion over what to do with Nazareth. Several people want it reopened as a track, some want to build a multi-use development. It's a bit of a mess.

  116. Good grief, 5 laps short! that's a lot of fuel to try and save.

  117. you mean Rusty doesn't have a chopper they can use?

  118. I hope ESPN does not mess this fuel mileage finish up.

  119. JD, I understand the business reasoning. That doesn't mean IMS is good racing, and I was born in the shadow of 16th Street.

    Adam, 'The Rock' doesn't have SAFER. Andy has talked about maybe putting them up in a couple of years, but he didn't get an ARCA date this year.

  120. Adam, we used to go to Nazareth when I was a kid to watch them run modifieds.

  121. Palmetto - thank you. I was wondering how Andy H. wanted to handle that. Does Irwindale have a SAFER barrier? At least its a big track used by NASCAR and provides a good show.

  122. I think David Hyder better go "Hyde" from Harvick.

  123. Does Marty not know that there is no championship 'chase' in this series?

  124. I HATE fuel mileage races! I was expecting a more exciting race. This one seemed to drag. Lousy ending. Let's hope the Sprint Cup Race is better.

  125. Good pictures and a nice wideshot on the closing but Marty is lost.

    Remember how we had to beat them over the head for that wideshot?

    Whew, this is hard work!

  126. I'm getting tired of these fuel mileage races. Rather than racing, we see the drivers ride gently around the track to see who can go the longest. I don't enjoy the soap box derby type of competition.

  127. @Osbornk...another consequence of this style of track.

  128. Points:

    1 - E. Sadler (641 points)
    2 - R. Sorenson (637 points)
    3 - R. Stenhouse (614 points)
    4 - J. Allgaier (598 points)
    5 - J. Leffler (568 points)
    6 - A. Almirola (553 points)
    7 - K. Wallace (532 points)

    These seem to the be 7 prominent of the NW series drivers. However seeing Kenny Wallace's finishes, you'd expect more than 7th.

  129. I imagine it's really tough working for Kevin Harvick. How many times have we heard him dump on his crew....or fire them all on TV? We know emotions run high, but everyone needs to control their emotions enough to not publicly trash their employees. It gets a little old some time.

  130. And you wouldn't know Kenny was on the track.

  131. Compared to the Busch brothers, I think Kevin was pretty good.

  132. Good night, JD and Planeteers. Have a good day on Saturday and see you all tomorrow night.

    thanks, JD, for being here for all of us and for all your hard work.

    I guess we need to send duct tape to Marty's address too. Either that or a set of cliff notes for NASCAR racing for him.

  133. They go 4th to 13th? What the hell is that? Kenny Wallace isn't worth interviewing?

  134. Told ESPN is leaving for SportsCenter at 20 after the hour.

  135. Alright, Kenny made it on Tv. Good finish.

  136. Thanks everyone! Have a great night and I will see you tomorrow night for Cup action on TNT.


  137. Hey ESPN-Jamie-Dave-Vince & Dr Punch I for one say "Thank you" & "Good Job" on the pit road-crew chief & driver information & post race interview. And of course "Thank You" to drivers Kevin-Elliot-Kyle-Ricky-Kasey-Jason-Kenny & Brad for your post race interview. Hot-Angry-Happy-Tired-Thirsty-Disappointed,the visual is worth a thousand words.As always, more is better than less.I'm out.
