UPDATE: After the comments, I just had to add the pic. It is a small world.
A good coach knows when to call a time-out, so I am calling one right now.
This has been a non-stop run since February, and I certainly appreciate all of you coming along for the ride. This is a good time to take a couple of days and get back to the family and relax with some football.
The Daly Planet will return on Sunday with a new column and take the week to finish the topics that we need to review from the 2007 NASCAR season.
Then, we will begin a series where you can ask questions of different NASCAR TV personalities, and they will answer them...imagine that.
To start off, we are going to speak with Steve Byrnes, Randy Pemberton, and Wendy Venturini when the banquets are over. There will be three or four more names added to that list shortly. Start thinking of your questions for the first three.
Note: For those of you browsing this site for the first time, the comments section is still open on each column. Please feel free to add your opinion.
If you would like to pass along some Thanksgiving words to the hearty group of Daly Planet readers that have kept this site going all year long, this would be the place. I hope everybody has a safe and wonderful holiday, and we will see you on Sunday.
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