Once again this season NASCAR takes the Chase For The Championship drivers to New York City for a media tour.
Tonight, the group will appear briefly on The David Letterman Show and handle the top ten...or twelve list.
Letterman airs at 11:30PM Eastern Time, but check your local listings for the time in your area.
Update: Here is the list from NASCAR for Wednesday AM appearances in NYC.
The 12 drivers will be splitting up and heading for three morning TV shows. Where they will be going is very interesting. Here are the choices:
Good Morning America on ABC (between 8-9AM)
The Early Show on CBS (between 8-9AM)
Fox And Friends on Fox News Channel (between 8-9AM)
Looks like The Today Show over on NBC is missing from the list.
NASCAR and NYC have an interesting history where this media exposure is concerned. ESPN no longer has a NYC studio, TNT is located in Atlanta, GA and SPEED is located in Charlotte, NC.
The vast majority of the NYC media exposure will be on entertainment or news programs that do not have a sports agenda or specific interest. Fans may remember this issue from last season.
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