It has been a while since we talked about one of the independent websites that continues to mix good humor with NASCAR. Rowdy.com has been a source of entertainment and opinion now for several years.
Buck and Bass started with an audio podcast that grew in popularity until it made the iTunes Top 100 list of the most downloaded. That audio success has seen an extension into the video world in some rather imaginative ways.
The website is all about social networking for NASCAR fans and the guys have a blast getting right into the middle of the action. Rowdy members, like yours truly, have fun writing blog pages for comments and offering photos from the racetrack and many other places.
Sometimes, I get a chance to talk some NASCAR TV with the guys and that is exactly what I did this week. The Wednesday Rowdy podcast should have some fun conversation with Buck and myself about many of the topics TDP readers have been discussing in this forum. To hear the podcast, just click on the Play Today's Show link on the right side of the Rowdy.com homepage. No special player is needed and the podcast loads in seconds.
I bumped into these guys a couple of years ago and have watched their hard work allow this site to develop into a very special place for fans. No agendas at work, free of charge and best of all...lots of fun when we could really use it.
Check out Rowdy.com and please feel free to use this post for your comments about the topics we discussed on the podcast. This is a family-friendly website, so please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks again for taking the time to stop by.