Just when you thought it was cool to have Twitter and read TDP, things are getting even more interesting. At the urging of some friends who actually understand all this technology, we have started a fan page on Facebook.
Amazingly, in the first couple of days we have had over 525 people sign-up and many leave comments on our questions, articles and photos. Facebook makes it easy to post pictures and that has been a big request of many fans. We get tons of pictures from TV networks, program providers and media outlets.
Our goal is to give you a place to check where you can always leave a comment or see something new. Once the season begins, we will be allowing Facebook users to post photos showing NASCAR TV personalities, television equipment or anything else media related from the track and other locations. That should be interesting!
We will also offer a question of the day, video links and continually updated TV and media news. If you have not stopped by, click here to check us out on Facebook and thanks for helping with this new effort.
TDP's main blog will remain as a source for a daily column, TV listings and the "Tweets of the Day" feature. Don't worry, we're not doing anything but growing!