The NASCAR TV on Saturday is being provided by SPEED, except for one telecast jammed in between two college basketball championship games. Once again, NASCAR is the odd man out on ESPN2. Shades of college football season.
At 5PM the Nationwide Series is scheduled. There is a 3PM championship hoop game, so it's going to be touch and go for an on-time NASCAR TV coverage start. Allen Bestwick is calling the race with Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree. Jamie Little, Vince Welch, Dave Burns and Dr. Jerry Punch are on pit road. I am told Tim Brewer is in the Tech Center, but that is a long way to drive for a few minutes of air time.
As usual, we will be live blogging this race on Twitter. My account is twitter.com/thedalyplanet. We are using the #TDP1 hashtag for our live stream.
If you do not have Twitter, come on over. It's easy, fun and EVERYONE from NASCAR is there. Just go to Twitter.com and sign-up. Type #TDP1 in the search box to see our conversations. You can go to TheDalyPlanet to see who I follow and then explore from there. If you type NASCAR without the # into the search box, you will get a great list of all kinds of NASCAR personalities on Twitter you can follow.
We will post a new column after the race for your long-form comments. Thanks!