Do you still use SPEEDtv.com? Back when SPEED first started, it was a favorite destination of mine for all kinds of things. I was a member of the forum and enjoyed the articles and news sections. Then, the website was re-designed.
Since that time, I rarely visit SPEEDtv.com and tend to get my NASCAR information from other websites, even when I am looking up something on SPEED. This is no knock on SPEED, as my interests tend to be NASCAR-related and that is just one category on the website.
Rather than welcome SPEED TV's NASCAR viewers to the website, I found it very hard to even locate the show pages that contained email information for various programs without resorting to the search function.
Just like many TDP readers mentioned about NASCAR.com, the SPEED website also contains a video that opens and plays with audio on when the user enters the site. One recent positive move is making access to portions of SPEED's NASCAR programming easily available in the video player. But, it should be a user option to start.
Users of the SPEEDtv.com website will also find their experience interrupted by full screen ads that block the entire site for fifteen seconds. Unlike ads inserted into the beginning of a video player or ones that require a mouse click to open, this full screen insert really serves to chase users away.
Once click on the NASCAR button will bring users to the world of the little red arrows. They are everywhere on the new site and are supposed to be directing users to stories or drop-down panels or something. The vast majority of the red arrows do nothing, and users must click on the text link to open the next page.
Since SPEED re-vamped the network's website, do you go there for NASCAR information?
If you do, what functions do you like and what would you like to see improved?
Finally, what would you like to see added to the site to make it more responsive to your Internet motorsports needs?
This is a good opportunity to get any frustrations from this season off your chest while the off-season gives SPEED an opportunity to make changes. Please take a moment and tell us about your experiences with the SPEEDtv.com website this year?
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