It has often seemed that the Internet is the tail wagging the dog where the Mauricia Grant vs. NASCAR lawsuit story is concerned.
Articles from Sports Illustrated's website have been leading the way with exclusive interviews of both Grant and her attorney. SI.com is not connected to NASCAR TV in any way.
The NASCAR TV partners have been a distant second where this story is concerned since it broke. Both ESPN and SPEED have had to make do with awkward "soundbites" from NASCAR Chairman Brian France provided at the Michigan and Sonoma race weekends.
Now, a story on Foxsports.com has dared to mention the words "Duke Lacrosse" and Mauricia Grant in the same post. Here is a portion:
(1) Mauricia Grant: Comparisons to the Duke Lacrosse rape fiasco are inevitable, but the difference is that there may well be something to Grant's blockbuster allegations against NASCAR, as is suggested by Friday's disclosure that two organization employees who allegedly exposed themselves in her presence have been suspended. But here's where you should have problems with Grant: If any of the allegations in her suit against the racing organization are true, what took her so long to go public? And, more to the point, how many other women or minorities were subjected to rude and crude behavior while Grant got the ducks in a row for her super-sized suit following her October 2007 firing? And, for what it's worth, her allegations may be serious, but how can any reasonable person say they rise to the level of $225 million? She'd do well to re-file this thing for a 10th of that figure and settle the case for $5 million.
Here is the link to the full post by John Moriello from June 22nd. We have watched the TV networks offer only brief fact-oriented stories about this topic as the Internet has once again posted everything from fact to opinion worldwide.
We are going to take this opportunity to re-publish The Daly Planet stories about NASCAR dealing with this issue and a review of the lawsuit as it played-out in the media when first announced. All of these columns are still open for your comments.
NASCAR Lawsuit in the Media - updated regularly
The NASCAR TV Partners About To Be Put To The Test
NASCAR Struggles With The New Media World
Any new comments about the topic can either be posted on the individual columns or put on this post to start a new topic. Just click on the COMMENTS button below to add your opinion. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.