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ESPN2 offers NASCAR Now at 9AM and SPEED offers RaceDay at 10:30AM. Both NASCAR TV partners are in year six of the current contract and yet these two shows could not be more different.
NASCAR Now is a typically scripted ESPN program featuring men and women following the ESPN dress code to the letter and speaking in a professional manner on topics discussed well in advance. The information gets out, but this TV formula is getting old.
RaceDay is a wonderful mess. The host wears the 2012 mandatory Men's Wearhouse blue blazer while the other three panelists are a mix of sponsor logos and no-iron twill. One reporter is a college graduate in television with a racing family background and a spotless track record. The other is a former pit crew trainer fired after a Kevin Harvick tirade who has a background as a small college baseball coach.
Once these shows are done, FOX begins its own version of the pre-race dance with Chris Myers and the Waltrip brothers. This on-air dynamic features Myers trying to keep Darrell on topic and also control the breathless excitement that Michael seems to have about every topic he gets to address. It certainly is interesting to watch.
Mike Joy gets the assignment of trying to explain progressive banking once again and how the racing is actually better than the Bristol of old. Good luck selling that to a fan base that seems to have largely walked away once the single groove gladiator track was turned into a mini-Michigan. Gas mileage and tire strategy anyone? At least Mr. Vickers returns at a track notorious for paybacks.
We will be on Twitter for a live stream all day long beginning at 10AM. Please join us as most of our friends have for a very interactive and entertaining time.
TDP is twitter.com/thedalyplanet and you can see our live stream by typing #TDP1 into the search box. It's easy, simple and is light years better than any Internet chat or live blog.
There will be a race review blog posted immediately as FOX signs-off for your long-form comments on the race coverage. Stop back by and let it fly when things are done. Have a great Sunday!