Another program from the fine folks at The NASCAR Media Group hit the air on SPEED Sunday night and did two things. One, it confirmed the fact that NASCAR contains some of the most interesting TV content of any professional sport. Second, it showed the TV viewers one hour of something they had never seen before.
Produced specifically for this off-week, NASCAR Confidential was something that will help to re-focus fans on the overall excitement of the sport. In a first half of the season beset by stories away from the track, this show may help to get the attention of the sport back on "the show."
In typical NASCAR Media Group style, there was no high-profile announcer during the one hour program. It was simply TV veteran Ken Squier who provide the on-camera segments that served to open, close and transition the show between segments.
This type of unblinking look at NASCAR is exactly what the fans love to see. Everything from the safety briefing to the inner-workings of Race Control were on display. No doubt that TV viewers were seeing something new. When is the last time that happened with a NASCAR TV show?
NASCAR Confidential always leaves fans thinking about one concept. When can we get more of this type of quality programming? There are many stories that should be continued and many personalities that should be profiled after being introduced in these episodes.
This limited six episode program series has returned to the focus that first brought it to the attention of TV viewers earlier this season. The thought of seeing some quality NASCAR programming like this on a weekly basis is something fans will be thinking and talking about long after the memories of Race Control have faded.
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