After a week off, the NASCAR on FOX gang seems to be eager to get back to work. Some of the announcers have been working for SPEED this weekend on practice and qualifying coverage. The single storyline that has emerged is tires.
Equipment issues are the great equalizer. After trouble on Friday, Goodyear and NASCAR switched right side tires for both races. The Nationwide Series race went off without a hitch, but the Sprint Cup Series cars are a bit different.
Tires may be the hot topic for Chris Myers, Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond on the pre-race show. Waltrip has already said FOX has a surprise in store for viewers. The hint is that the location of the outside stage may be rather unique.
On Saturday, NASCAR lost all timing and scoring at the track for a good part of the Nationwide Series race. Marty Reid responded by simply ignoring the big scoring pylon in the infield and telling viewers nothing. No top ten, no lap counts, nothing.
Luckily, Mike Joy is a veteran and is great at passing along information. The key to Joy being effective at Bristol is having Waltrip give him time to talk. Last year, the emotion of Waltrip overpowered the race telecast. Waltrip told stories, updated his opinions on NASCAR topics and generally ruined a good portion of the race for TV viewers.
The 16 second laps at Bristol require focused commentary from all three men in the TV booth. While Larry McReynolds has faded into the background this season, Waltrip has continued to dominate the telecasts. At Bristol, that leads to another problem.
Once the race begins, the pit reporters are basically in a bowl of sound. The noise is so loud hand signals are the only way to communicate with crew chiefs, officials and field producers. As the stories of the race unfold, the pit reporters are going to be key to keeping viewers informed, especially with the new points system in place.
On the video side, pictures from Bristol are both beautiful and challenging. Wideshots and aerial views can show TV viewers just how small the track really is in relation to the grandstands. Low angle "speed shots" work on restarts and replays, but are tough to cut-in live. In-car cameras live are just a disaster.
This season, FOX has refused to show the lead lap cars racing to the finish line on the final lap. Instead, the drama of the NFL approach is back. Several key members of the NASCAR on FOX production team also work on the network's NFL coverage.
While it might be nice to see a tight shot of a wide receiver catching a long pass for the winning touchdown, this approach has fallen flat in NASCAR. Watching only one of the 43 drivers who are racing in 36 events over a ten month period win a race loses a little something. That something would be the entire rest of the field.
As we have said since 2007, fans of all the drivers deserve to be treated equally by the NASCAR TV networks. While SPEED and ESPN do a great job on the final lap, the FOX production is simply a misguided mess. If only one car is seen crossing the line at Bristol on TV, there is going to be a fan backlash of epic proportions.
This post will serve to host your comments on the FOX coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from the Bristol Motor Speedway. To add your TV-related comments before, during or after the race just click the comments button below. This is a family-friendly website, please keep that in mind when posting. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 323 Newer› Newest»I could not believe the amount of empty seats at Bristol yesterday. I find it equally shocking to read that folks are trying to blame the new progressive banking on the small crowd which is just a joke.
It most certainly has to do with the price of rooms and fuel. As the weather breaks the fans will be doing things while taping NASCAR to watch without the noise from the booth. We also have all of the after shows to keep us informed of the real action instead of the scripted stuff we are force feed during the race. Now maybe I am wrong but it is how I feel.
I have tried to be more positive this year and not get too caught up in the weeds of the broadcast. Try to provide constructive criticism not just rant.
With that said:
Hope todays race is better than yesterdays. Total disappointment. Things happen. So they lose timing/scoring info. They needed to adjust their style of calling the race. Should have used a radio style. And for pete's sake pan out with the camera. They should do that anyway, but definitely in that instance. For what seemed like forever they had no idea of what was happening except the couple of cars they kept the camera on. Booth was totally lost.
We are on our way home from our trip to the 500 & Keys. Have planned our stops on the weekends to be able to catch the races. Fontana is usually boring and after yesterday's debacle may not bother for the NW race. Depending on how FOX does today maybe even not stop for the Cup race.
I can follow TDP and Twitter :-)
I think the script today will be can Kyle Busch win two races this weekend.
I'm afraid you're right Vicky.
Here we go folks! Hope the tires hold out!
Keselowski just promised everyone in the crowd a free beer if he wins.
Think I'd have preferred to see the driver intros instead of more so-called analysis.
I'm inclined to wonder, particularly with all the stuff available on the 'Net: How much theorizing is too much?
FOX is getting killed on Twitter. Fans wanted pre-race intro's, not DW and Hammond.
Really Fox?? Cartoons...oh yeah I forgot what channel I was watching.
it would have been nice to see Vickers reaction when his intro started! but wait, we have to hear the talking heads give us filler we don't care about.
Just heard Shrub's intro on radio-tremendous boos...
Bristol is unique because of the driver musical intros. How could Fox not show that?
For my money, those "cartoons" are just briliant.
This is year two of driver intro's to their own tunes.
Last year we had the original outrage. Since then NASCAR, FOX and BMS have changed nothing.
Sometimes, it's a tad frustrating!
For my money, those "cartoons" are just brilliant
Nice how NascaronFox explained they didn't have time to show all the driver intros, so they didn't show any. Not the explanation I remember from before...
Last year FOX told me it was a money issue. (rights fees) Now I am told it is a scheduling problem.
They manage to get the rights for amateurs to butcher songs on American Idol but they cant get permission to show 20 seconds on Nascar? It really boils down to not wanting to interfere with the "informative" pre race show. What a joke!
OMG, that's the most perfect thing I've ever heard DW say...and that's why he's awful as a broadcaster!
It would ahve been a lot more fun to hear the driver intros (without commentary) than the usual BS from DW, Hammond and Myers. Bristol and Nascar make such a big deal about the music....then leave out all the fans at home. Somehow, I don't feel loved by Nascar.
I could live without the driver intros. I'd rather have the traditional pre-race.
American idol and NASCAR coverage come from completely different budgets, not buying that argument. Even if you play twenty seconds you still pay for the entire song.
I understand not showing the intros on tv, I think a online option could have worked. NASCAR.com should have stepped up here.
Those are some seriously empty seats, especially for Bristol.
My video on the Tv stops and then starts. Not a lot. It has happened 3 times since the Jeff Gordon cartoon thing. Once during the National Anthem.
didnt we go thru this last year? and possible year before - get over it it aint happening
I think DW summed up the whole decision not to show the intro songs, when he was asked what song he'd pick. He said, it's a Toby Keith song called "I Wanna Talk About Me"
Thunder country is playing COUNTRY music? Did they stop carrying the race online :-(
Please advise.
will dvr & FF the commercials but wanted to listen before my brother comes over (He's the one that got me onto NASCAR..too busy to ever watch live now...from seattle)
We hate there is no terrestrial radio :( Pay radio ain't worth it
Sophia, the race today is on PRN, not MRN. Check the affiliate list at the GoPRN.com website.
And before the driver intros Wendy and others made such a big deal asking the drivers what songs they had picked. Not very good for us here sitting on our couches watching and waiting to hear it!
I can't watch the race on tv since my cable is broken. I was going to listen to it on the radio but I can't find a station to listen to it since my country station doesn't broadcast it anymore. At least I can listen to in on my blackberry.
You can actually watch this race with an antenna, too.
Just a side note history making flight of the new Boeing 747 - 8 at 11:58 (Central TZ) the video was fantastic. Missed DW & JH yakking too which was lucky.
Did I just see a LOT of empty seats in that aerial shot??
And now stand-by for your pre-packaged, NA$CAR coverage, semi live from Bristol TN.
I love how the announcers talk about Bristol as if it was the same old beating and banging that made Bristol the hardest ticket in Nascar. We all know it isn't like that anymore, but they still use it to try to generate interest.
wnpv1440.com has race streaming on line - pick player on right side
Anon at 1:13 it looked like a lot of empty seats to me too!
people still have tv antennas?
Nothing is more redundant than Bristol TV pre race.
Year after year, same stuff.
We all know there are 2 pit roads.
We all know emotions play a role.
We all know it has 2 pit roads.
Check your emotions at the gate....
Fighter jets in a gym....
looks like maybe 100,000 at best in the stands.
At Bristol, they can't hide the empty seats. I have never seen so many empty seats. The local news last night had a track guy on and he said there were plenty of seats left and indicated that they had sold 80,000 so far. I thought he had made a mistake but it looks like he might have been right once you consider the late buyers and walkups.
Is it really that cold at Bristol? Pit reporters wearing what appear to be winter parkas.
Forecast says it is about 63 there right now!
Thanks DW, we all wanted to hear all that static on TS's radio too!
Trackpass has DW interviewing Tony - not on TV yet???
I agree. Trying to sell Bristol as if we are racing five years ago is just weird. Time warp.
So no one else is having the video start and stop. Happened twice when the talked to Tony Stewart and right when they were saying what lap the competition yellow is.
Yes we still have tv rabbit ears here for when storms take out cable we can get 1 local tv station, with the ears and a decoder thingy. Highly technical! LOL
Two words:
Thanks JD & Anon
that GO PRN site was confusing. Found it on Radio time link but way oFF the tv..maybe 2 minutes.
Thats sure a lot of empty seats! We used to be packed in like sardines in a can!
Reporters at the track are saying that outrageous hotel prices and the fact that gas prices killed the RV folks is the reason the crowd is down.
Fox's ratings for this race could be awful. Anyone notice which NCAA games are on CBS during this race?
The one on right now features UNC. That will be followed by Duke!
We're seeing so many close shots so we don't see the empty seats as much.
Look at all those empty seats! This is the worst crowd I've seen at this event in over 12 years.
did Mike Joy actually say that
this race is a hard ticket to get"??
look behind you, Mike!
lets see 3 min commercial equals about 12 laps?
FOX caught in a local break for first accident. Hamlin and Kez!
Cautions out - we are at commercial!
Prices are not the reason for many. Telling us the races are good does not change what we see with our own eyes!
JD makes excellent points. They have already adjusted the camera coverage to avoid showing all those empty seats down low on the back stretch. Don't know what to say other than, Wow! We may see a lot of in car shots so we don't see so much of the stands. Let's hope tires aren't a factor and that we have an exciting race. Menard appears to be a factor.
Gas prices and hotel costs?
More NASCAR propaganda
Next they'll be saying "all their regular fans from Japan couldnt make it
That's part of Nascar and their tv partners problem, they are all trying to live in the past. Rather than address issues with attendance and ratings they try to falsely build things up to what they used to be.
Well, single night hotel prices for $49 dollar dives are $250 and up.
Diesel is $5 a gallon and camping is without plug-ins. You use your own generator.
It's a tough sell.
that replay showed a LOT of empty seats down low by track.
Yes, hotel prices are high, but that didn't keep people away before. Now, with the 'chase' and new banking, Bristol runs like any other track, just more traffic. It only leaves Martinsville as an old fashioned 'beatin' and bangin'
Brad K's results in both Nationwide and the Sprint cars this year has been just abysmal.
When we went to the spring race last year, there were a ton of empty seats too.
and then DirecTV went to standard def. Sorry the first wreck was during commercial.
So they say gas prices might be causing RV people not showing up.
Lets say they have to drive 500 miles to get to and back from the race. The RV gets 10 miles per gallon. And say gas is up a dollar a gallon from last year.
That means it will cost $50 more to get to the race and back.
I think my math is right and if I had an RV $50 would not stop me from being there.
good lord the back stretch is empty.
JD, if you're willing to drive a ways (say, from Boone, NC) you can get better (not cheap) hotels...nice ones. I gave up my tickets because the racing just isn't the same anymore, not because I wouldn't pend the $$ to go.
Don't know if they're still doing it, but many Motels were forcing three night minimums, too. A big RV will go through a wad of $100 bills to fill the tank.
Charlie, the reason I am saying that is because the campground at the track is empty.
We have been talking about that since Friday. No tailgaters.
The expensive motel excuse is old. The track made deals with several motels this year to cut the prices considerably and drop the three day minimum to two.
We have tried to get a hotel 6 - 12 months out for Bristol and it is unbeliveable what they are charging. Last fall 6 of us drove home to Ohio from Talledega. We may try to do that from Bristol in August - if we get tickets.
ESPN is livid. They were paying over $300 a night for a dump. Imagine that for a hundred folks or so.
The two girls that won tickets from Brian Vickers drove twelve hours and slept in a tent outdoors last night.
The 66 planned to run the whole race "today"...
Yeah, right.
I drove 12 hours from Michigan to get to Bristol. Got nice hotel in Boone for $400 for 3 nights. It's doable.
DW calls Reutimann a "Moving chicane"
What's next, a reference to the 107% rule?
NASCAR told Reuti to pick it up or park it.
Yeah, Reut was "racin'" kind of slow.
Heh, that reminds me of something. Based on some of Bernie's comments the past couple of years, I think that he and BZF were separated at birth...
Booth silence. YAY! any way we could get them to do a crank it up every 20 laps??
What happened to the Dinger, Poor DW saying Kyle was faster everywhere when my NASCAR lap timer showed the 48 faster every lap. Doesn't he have the lap times to look at?
Larry Mac just might as well go home. Know what I mean?
Larry Mac, Krista, Byrnes, Dr Dirt, will have to keep Yokum around in case smoke wins.
I still think Krista should be in the Hollywood Hotel and Wendy on pit road.
Kryle takes the lead... time to change the seat cushions in the booth.
And send DW & Co home!
Today is a rough day I keep switching to NCAA games so I'm not muting today. So I'm hearing such gems as 4 tires are better than 2. Really?
So today the director is enamored of the aerial shot and the split screen.
Wow! That "crowd" makes it look like this race is being held a day late due to rain.
well, based on what I've seen so far, I'm going out for my run now and come back toward the end.
I've switched to basketball. May come back after 7 minutes of basketball time.
I will agree Wendy V. is definately under used. She is very knowledgable and good at what she does. Agree about Krista also.
I hate that Kobalt tool commercial they are laughing and someone could have been killed if it happened in real life.
Good gravy, I don't think the booth could get more irrelevant if they tried...
How can ANY network come back from commercial and noy show live action but instead a self-serving promo?
That would be like a baseball game where balls and strikes were not shown. Understand that commercials HAVE to be shown under green but DW-Fox promos and Chris Myers?
Well a DW video ego stroke under green. So if Faux doesn't care why should I? I'll listen on radio & view CBS - maybe I'll tune in later toward the end of this "race" show.
Mike Joy: Isn't concrete the state flower of New Jersey?
Well now...
Truex just lapped Junior.
Why would racing fans would want retarded rat gear? Doesn't the term "racing gear" imply an some sort of reference to, you know, racing?
they lucked out once again with the race recap = gave booth more bathroom time.
Slander, if FOX can make a dime off anything, they will.
Hey Big O, you change computers or anything?
This is a lot of commercials in a short amount of time.
well at least Crash Gordon didn't take out 4 or 5 other cars
well, maybe someone should give Mike Joy has concrete overshoes since he's such a comedian about NJ
JD. I haven't changed computers but I did wipe the drive and upgrade to Windows 7 a few weeks ago.
I, for one, find that assertion absolutely ridiculous. I mean, Fox's NASCAR coverage has always been the epitome of quality and integrity...
Speaking of Larry Mac, these guys tell the same war stories over and over. Larry reminded us for the 33rd time that David Guiland(sp) played golf with Tiger Woods in high school. Wait a few more weeks and Mike Joy will tell us for the 49th time that the shape of the track was due to the placement of a minnow pond in 1954. Clean race so far. No tears shed when Robbie Gordon dropped out. Not a lot of coverage deep in the field. Brad's luck appears to continue.
I remember when half the cars on the track looked like the #2. Ahhh, the good old days. The amount of 'spare parts' on the war wagons was impressive!
Whew! It's getting ugly fast. Restart cut to a tight shot and miss a spin again.
And this up against NCAA hoop.
Come on man!
was it my Gordon or his brother rubby?
And slow to cut to the right camera. Even after Mike Joy pointed it out.
They had a camera in front of Robby and they didn't interview him???
How do you refer to a slow car on track and then never show it?
It seems we are getting more in-car cams and tight shots.
No Robby interview, no split screen for KK in pits.
We need a faster scroll if they're not going to show the race.
"I think my brother's been talking to him."
Well, if Truex wants a chance to win, he won't listen. Just sayin'...
Watch... it's gonna still be a comic book after the commercial ends. That's the new 2011 FOX Graphic.
OK - that Gillette commercial with KyB and DH's heads was simply weird... but weirdly amusing...
With all these promos it is hard to get into the rhythm of the race.
It's amazing that some drivers are interviewed after a wreck and some are completely ignored. But the viewers notice and don't like it the omissions.
I see some cars on the apron and the booth never mentions them why can't they keep up with the info on every driver not just JJ, CE or KyB!
Wayne says::Like west coast Diane I too try and enjoy the race and ignore the small problems. Commercials never bother me, I understand they are necessary.Other issues here that really bother others I believe can be ignored or at least not ruin the race. But DW and his comments, I guess I've had my fill of him and even when he makes a good comment, which is seldom, I still dislike him. Any suggestions as to how to take him would be appreciated!!
Since this is such a small track can't they pull back on the cameras and still show the race.
@VickyD...remember...if you're running up front, you get coverage. Period. Sponsor mentions are down 25% this year on TV...and they wonder why they can't find sponsors?
Er, copious amounts of alcohol?
Anon 2:27, the best way to take DW is to use the mute button on your remote and listen to the race on the radio feed.
Gluck just said on twitter that this is a tame race. LOL, yeah, NASCAR has made Bristol boring.
Up until now, I've been watching the basketball tournament but listening to the race on the radio. Now that there is a break between games, I went over to Fox. Through that whole segment, there was one stationary long shot a a little time spent wide on Truex and the others with which he was racing. Well, at least they got Johnson passing Harvick but it looks like the same ol' same ol' from Fox today...close shots and useless babble.
And...my god...the empty seats. :-(
This telecast is like a practice session.
DW, that's why the drivers are paid so much, they are willing to breathe during the laps and they are good at it!
If you were not a hardcore fan, why would you watch this?
So that's how Durrl can talk nonstop - breath control. Interesting...
I think the camera shots are getting worse. At the beginning of the race we had wider views.
Holy cow! they are making it hard to watch as a hard core fan!! No way "casual" fans will stick with this.
Daly Planet Editor said...
If you were not a hardcore fan, why would you watch this?
March 20, 2011 2:35 PM
I am a hardcore fan and I'm done for the day
Well, given that I watch every week, I'm either a hardcore fan or latent masochist.
I really don't want to see Joan Rivers in commercials - her face doesn't move!
"What a battle we've been watching!" while we were on commercial break....
I think the tighter shots are by design. there was a 30 minute break in basketball action. will be interesting to see if they go back to wider shots at 2:45(eastern) when the Duke game starts.
Once again, the tight shots give you NO context for the race, how cars are running, who's moving up or down. I'm glad the drivers think the 'new' Bristol is wonderful. It's like they turned it into a 1/2 mile cookie cutter.
Wow. Glad Mike Joy is so excited about the battle "we" are watching - WE were watching commercials...
JD, I AM a hardcore fan and I am barely watching it. Getting more info from the planet, twitter and trackpass than the TV
JD...after watching a second consecutive segment, I don't know why a HARDCORE fan would watch this. Both NASCAR and Fox need to go back and take a look at what made Bristol and the sport overall so popular.
Duke and Michigan will be tipping off soon enough. I'm going back to listening to the race on the radio. At least I'll have a better idea of what is going on that way.
Shoot, at this point I'm tempted to just start talking about where everybody should eat here in Fontana where I live in case they're coming out here next week. It just might be more entertaining.
Missed another spin.
Whoa, I just did a double-take...FOX returned from commerical saying there was some great racing action with Bayne and Bowyer, then we get an AT&T Race Break, and then we go back to commercial???
Good news - great body.
Bad news - Joan River's head and face (and voice... brrr).
If I didn't have trackpass I wouldn't know Jeff Gordon was on the track
apparently there is a caution because I could hear Jeff's spotter screaming on the radio
Cautions out
JD - I'm a hardcore fan & I'm watching less & less.... This is awful
WOW...... missing all these pit stops !
I gave up watching with full attention over 30 minutes ago. It's just background noise until Mike Joy yells trouble.
DW almost said menard did it on purpose but he fixed it.
Gina, DW changed his comment in the middle of it. This race is a nightmare!
Honestly, JD, if it weren't for the Planeteers and this site, I doubt I would watch the race, except around doing stuff around the house. The race, at least from what I'm being shown on the TV, and the coverage are abyssmal.
Wonder who it is that thinks tight shots show a race.
I didn't think it even looked like Menard touched BL from the angle TV showed.
Must be the producer with his head up his...well, you know.
Halfway. That is not something I normally do not like to hear.
I think they meant "Get ready to un-mute your TV, 'cause we're about to stop yapping for a few seconds."
Bristol really is just another track now, isn't it? Nothing special here anymore.
vicky, yeah I could hear him stammering and trying to make his brain engage before his mouth ran off with him. LOL
Crank it up with close in shots! ugh and then the fish eye lens view -- pull the damn cameras back and we could see the entire track AND all the action.
I like the tight shots. Because of them I have already gone to the websites of BB&T, Lowe's, M&M's, Shell Pennzoil, and Go Daddy today.
Switching from one bumper cam to another right there didn't work.
JD, your darling troll has come back -- i was hoping he was watching NCAA
Maybe we should let the troll stay! The coverage is that boring!
Plus, he knows all the female body parts. OK, he can't spell them...but it's a good effort!
Welp, Marty Smith & PeteP can't figure out how the fans don't like the racing at Bristol. If I'm at the race, there's no beatin & bangin like there was before. If I'm at home, I'm watching it on Fox...enuf said.
JD, that's so funny the troll comment is actually more amusing and entertaining than this race is!
The cheerleaders are out, but they have the live race in front of them plus TV and radio and scanners.
Big difference.
JD, why not? better than the tv broadcast, that's for sure.
I just tweeted back to Marty saying - he should try watching the race at home. That might give him a clue.
All voices should be heard, even the trolls.Everyone should have a say and their opinion heard, even if you disagree, that's free speech!!
This is really painful to watch. I hate basketball, so I'm flipping back to Harry Potter. All the camera switching is giving me a headache. And I wish DW didn't have time to talk now. Let him just click the button once for no and twice for yes. That would help the coverage significantly.
I think Marty would look good with pom poms! If he's gonna cheer, he should dress the part.
Otherwise act like a real reporter.
200 laps to go.
Well, it's so different at the race. That is the challenge for TV.
Ugh, Gordon's car's too loose now, falling fast.
Terry G you are killing me!
Here is a tidbit for y'all
The weather is lovely, but it is a bit coolish in the shade. However, you can move about pretty much at will to get in the sun if you want since there are only enough people to fill endzones and FS to capacity. From my view you could close most of the backstrtch stands.
And why this might be is curious because there are tons and gtoups and armies and nations of people outside. During the last caution I went to a concession stand and spent a bit looking at them all wondering why are they out there and not in here? And as I looks at the camping areas there are bunches of people there too with their TV's and all.
Maybe this is the new media world. Come for the tailgate party (and it has been fun) and then use the multiple media platforms to watch the race. Kind of like being here and not being here all at the same time.
Just a tidbit. Now I'll go back inside. :)
I'm rather impressed with whomever is streaming the feed I'm watching. Whenever Fox goes to commercial, he switches to a Fox live camera feed.
Oh, I've also discovered that Fox keeps a camera on Kryle at all times. Somehow that doesn't surprise me at all.
Dear Troll:
Your free speech comment would be relevant if this were a government website. Learn what they mean before using using terms like "free speech."
Slander, that is the international feed. There are no commercials.
True. Colombia.
How did Junior get up to 11th? I'll never know, because Fox won't talk about any but their favorites.
Marty really thinks this is great? Tsk tsk.
Really, couldn't we be watching a 'race' at Chicago or California? Or Kansas? Nothing special here, folks. move along, nothing to see here.
The lack of field updates, pit reporter recaps and perspective on what is actually happening is staggering.
With all due respect, Mike Joy ain't what he used to be.
JD, shy should Mike keep calling a race when the cameras won't follow the action?
I think the others throw Mike Joy off his game. Why won't FOX do a through the field, that's what I really miss.What's the story with the other drivers in the race. PLEASE TELL US !!
JD...do you feel that Mike Joy possibly just gave up and is simply mailing it in for the remainder of his contract? I just can't fathom that he would intentionally let a race go the way Fox is making them go. I don't get the impression that he's losing anything to age so...well, what could it be?
Do they have a sponsor for cautions.
The sixth cautions is sponsored by -
caution out for a rear bumper bar. Truex ran over it. did I miss FOX showing that on tv??
I just realized we haven't even heard Logano's name today. What a joke.
You guys just need to get your priorities right! (just kidding). Don't you know that what's more important is talk about "chrome horns", car seats from 30 years ago and the press box in 1966? Chris Myers just sounds like he doesn't belong. Why is he part of the broadcast? Why do we need five guys to cover the race?
Mike does look pretty beat down.
@Vicky D:
Logano drives a Toyota. It's only a matter of time that Durrl gives him a shout-out.
I think these guys just let their egos get away from them. I believe they feel that the race is about THEM instead of just calling the race. Just one person's opinion.
Does MM really know how to get to the end of the race, Larry Mac? I thought they all probably know that!
7 cars in a pack for the lead and not once did they show all 7 cars in a wide shot for more then just a second.
I would have zoomed out and showed the 7 racing together for a minimum of 5 laps.
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