Thank you to the many readers who have encouraged us to expand and deal with some other issues in the world of motorsports on TV. At this time, we are going to continue to limit the content of this site to issues dealing directly with the NASCAR TV partners for 2007.
We understand that some new program concepts, including the new Launch Hour on SPEED, generate strong feelings for many fans of actual sanctioned racing. There are message boards available at SPEEDtv.com and other fan sites to address those issues.
The Daly Planet only commented on "Melanie," the SPEED TV promo actress, because the promos were running during the NASCAR RaceDay program. The issue on-the-table was the content of the promos in the early Sunday afternoon daypart during family-oriented NASCAR programming.
We are determining how to expand this motorsports TV project for 2008 to include additional forms of programming. This first season has been a learning experience for all involved, and I thank the small group of dedicated people who have lent their time to assist with everything from spell checks to comment moderation.
Thanks also to you, the Internet readers, whose input has shaped this site and had a direct and dynamic effect on the motorsports TV programs on television today. This site is read every day by many people in the TV industry who create, schedule, and produce the NASCAR programming we all see. Thanks again for sharing your views.
The Daly Planet welcomes comments from readers. Click on the COMMENTS button below, or email editor@thedalyplanet.tv with suggestions.
JOHN- I fear that ESPN's putting Alan Bestwick and Ryan Burr on NASCAR NOW occasionally is just a cruel ESPN ploy to try to keep real racing fans since evry time I check N-NOW there is the Butcher of N-NOW, Erik K. My response now is to immediately turn to one of the regional FOX Sports networks I get and watch sports news there, in place of ESPN. It is clear to me that ESPN still has no respect for NASCAR or its fans.
I would just like to make a general coment to you on your website. We moved down to NC 10 years ago from NY and we relied on RPM Tonight to get the only news about NASCAR. I was so looking forward to ESPN returning and was so disapointed by what I saw. I read your comments daily and rely on them to let me know when to watch AB. Your comments are right on and I see you are being mentioned on other websites with a lot of respect. Thanks so much for what you're doing, keep up the good work for us fans, maybe somebody will listen.
Thank you so much for your kind comment.
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