Tonight, ABC Sports will be showing the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup race live from Richmond, VA. The NASCAR on ESPN production team will be producing the race.
Dr. Jerry Punch, Rusty Wallace, and Andy Petree will host the coverage from the booth, with Allen Bestwick, Mike Massaro, Jamie Little and Dave Burns on pit road. Tim Brewer will be in the Tech Center.
NASCAR Countdown runs thirty minutes tonight, starting at 7PM Eastern Time. Suzy Kolber will be hosting alongside Brad Daugherty.
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To add your comment, simply click on the COMMENTS button below. There is no sign-up, and you do not have to leave your email address. Thanks again for adding your opinion of the TV coverage of tonight's NEXTEL Cup race on ABC.
1 – 200 of 290 Newer› Newest»Well, the game is almost over, but still running long, but the game announcer just mentioned they would be going to NASCAR coverage as soon as the game is over.
anyone having color problems with ABC? I just switched from SPEED, where the color is fine, to ABC and I find that all colors off most of the cameras look faded.
Allen Bestwick says Kevin Harvick declined the ESPN/ABC request for a pre-race interview because he was focusing on the race. Since when is Harvick not one to talk?
Maybe it was the stupid questions from not too long ago (not asked by AB I might add).
There has got to be more to the Harvick story than was mentioned on the air. Could it be from the ABC show on Wednesday?
Well RC did go out of his way to tell AB that it had nothing to do with "you" (whether that means ESPN or Alan, I'm not sure). So take that statement for what you will...
OK...let me get this straight. The race before The Chase and we are getting minutes of a shortened pre-race show filled with a rock band?
Welcome to ABC, John.
Not only that but a rock band that was shown live on SPEED. Maybe it's for the best!
This is the 3rd biggest race of the year, behind Daytona and Homestead, and there are TONS of stories going on in the NASCAR garage this week, and ESPN wastes our time with a rock concert????????????????
Though I did not watch the entire THREE hours (TOO LONG!) I did enjoy the parts of Race Day I saw but did go out and fill up some bird feeders during some band playing there.
Oh, and they spoke to Harvick but I was on the phone and missed what he said.
here in los angeles the pre race show has be preempted by the local news. Hopefully we will see the race.
I am still shocked NASCAR POWERS THAT BE don't give a you know what about this STINKING coverage.
Ug...Race Day just went off and now it's ABC.
Harvick did over 5 minutes on Ricky Rathman or whatever that tattooed freaks name is. On the NASCAR.com website pre-race show this afternoon.
He was giving away a car but seemed to have fun hanging out with Ricky.
Anyhow on to the race or 20 minute rock band video whatever ABC sees fit to give us.
I'm hearing an echo
That was weird to RE WORD the Pledge at the beginning of the race??
Well then, since Harvick spoke to other networks but not ESPN, I guess we can add his name to the growing list of drivers angered by ESPN. How many angry drivers is it going to take before ESPN gets it?
Harvick is definitely not a class act for skipping out on the pre-race interview. Now I'm hoping that Harvick blows up and gets knocked out of the Chase.
Here's hoping that ESPN gives Harvick what he wants the rest of the year - no media coverage. Let's see how happy Shell, Pennzoil, and Chevy would be when he's getting no air time on the track and no interview time on TV. If he ever wins another race in Cup let's hope it's on ESPN and they send no one to victory lane to cover it!
Jimmie Johnson holding up a Bud hat in an interview? There's an interesting twist.
Nice job Richmond on having the Pledge of Allegiance.
It is the Rock and Roll 400 so I guess we do have to expect some of the rock band stuff going on. I hope they don't do alot of it in the intros and going to break. Or god forbid during green flag racing.
opps messed up, ment to say nice job on screwing up the pledge Richmond!!
Pre-race show is now finished. No mention of Joe Gibbs and Toyota, Ricky Rudd, Kenny Wallace, Dario Franchitti, or David Stremme. But we did get plenty of Chris Daughtry!
Pledge was a nice touch. Too bad their own police cheif/sherriff whatever couldn't remember the words!
Is anyone else noticing that their ABC feed of the race is like 30 seconds behind NASCAR Hotpass or is it just my local station?
I am floored that ESPN's crew touched on almost none of the news or stories about this race. That is the pre-race show kick-off?
SPEED had an entire Daughtry performance on the prerace show, and they showed an entire song, not a couple of minutes like ABC. So ABC wasn't the only one who did it. Was it necessary on either show? No.
Anyone get the feeling Allan Bestwick was upset about Richard Childress saying, it didn't have anything to do with you, when he filled in for the interview? Allan only asked him one question and then ended the interview, and Richard looked surprised. It was awkward. What was the point of only asking one question of a team owner with three drivers in the Chase? Why didn't he ask Childress about AT&T and Burton since that was a big reprieve for RCR this year?
Not to mention the Yates non-merger turned handoff to Doug Yates.
I would bet the Franchitti story will be the headline for Marty Reid and Jack Arute on ABC at 4 tomorrow afternoon, even if it gets no mention tonight.
Hopefully the race broadcast will be in English not like Thursday night's football game on NBC affiliate here in Houston was in Spanish for the first 30 minutes or so. Lots of disgruntled viewers needless to say. Rusty is sure talking way too much!
Well I guess it's started. Missed the leader getting passed on the first lap. I had caution on my trackpass a good 10 seconds before they found a crash that's almost over.
Ha, I forgot the AT&T story, which ESPN also skipped. Here comes a missed restart.
OK, Rusty so why did Tony Raines get loose? Was it aero or cold tires? Make up your mind!! It can't be both. I'm annoyed with him and we're only 10 laps in....
I stand corrected on the missed restart, my ABC station is way behind NASCAR Hotpass.
It's not just your ABC station. ABC is 1-2 laps behind hotpass...
ESPN on ABC did a much better job with showing drivers and their wives and girlfriends during the prayer and national anthem. A writer here wrote about that a few races ago and I couldn't agree more with what she said! Much better for the first time tonight.
But the lack of news on the Countdown was terrible. How sad for the fans who expect a summary and discussion of the week's news, and there was a lot of it this week. Maybe ESPN forgot there is no halftime in NASCAR to catch up.
25 and 38 stayed out. I figured I'd let you guys know in case ESPN (on ABC... what a joke that is by the way) doesn't tell us.
1 missed restart
too much Jr. coverage and too many side by side shots with the main coverage in a small box
ESPN is the unofficial or maybe the official Dale Jr. network
Hey Folks,
By popular request, there is a new post on the site asking for comments on the three hour RaceDay show on SPEED tonight.
Lots of comments about the announcers and fact that this pre-race show was longer than most Busch Series races.
Loved the Sheriff flubbing the Pledge....real nice. Let's keep a running tab of the restarts that are missed by ABC. 2 so far. I switch from HotPass to ABC when there's a wreck. Each time the first words I hear are from Rusty, "aero loose". I'm aeor staying with HotPass the rest of the race. Go Harvick!
Did they mention that Menard stay out to lead a lap?
I didn't hear it if they did.
This broadcast sure makes us miss BP. I'm disappointed that they are only showing the guys "on the bubble" most of the time and Johnny Sauter as a short track ace? I don't know about that.
After the Busch race on ESPN2, isn't it a relief not to have that constant sports ticker on the lower third of the screen?
Until I watched the picture on ABC, I didn't notice how much graphics cluttered up the ESPN picture.
Yeah, with the advent of ESPNEWS I don't see the point of having a constant crawl on ESPN2. It was kind of cool in 1994 when there was nowhere else to see a scoring crawl, but now it's just unnecessary.
Sportscenter Minute????? I have a feeling anyone that cares about college football is watching ESPN or ESPN2 right now. Anyone else interesting in "scoreboard watching" would be watching ESPNEWS. Ridiculous.
Haven't watched the race yet, got it on TCU - Texas right now. I'll flip over to the race during halftime. I hate Saturday races during football season!
Jeff Green ran down the two leaders on equal tires and passed them and is now driving away. ESPN's analysis: "The 66 is holding up the 24 big time right now."
John, even though it's great to not have the ticker, what really bugs me is the solid ABC logo at the bottom right of the screen.
To make matters worse, the affiliate in my area has to have their logo right next to it (albeit somewhat opaque). It's not like we don't know that we're watching the local affiliate if we're watching ABC here...
stricklinfan - the station that really baffles me as to why they have the ticker is ESPN Classic. I always thought the point of watching classic sports was to not have all the modern inconveniences like the tickers.
Finally they are showing the middle of the field. I was tired of seeing all the scenarios in order for Dale Jr. to get in the chase.
John, Yes, it's nice to have the crawl gone.
I have YAPPED about that endlessly, though.
stricklinfan82 said...
Sportscenter Minute????? I have a feeling anyone that cares about college football is watching ESPN or ESPN2 right now. Anyone else interesting in "scoreboard watching" would be watching ESPNEWS. Ridiculous.
I think most of us feel the same way..ESPN PROPAGANDA...FORCE other sports on us during a NASCAR RACE.
P.S. EDITED ONCE AGAIN to add my gripe...I also HATE THE ABC LOGO in the way of the RACE???
All tv logos should be banned.
I wished I could buy a POP UP BLOCKER and a Logo eraser for my tv.
What the hell does the Rusty-Gordon confrontation from 2001 have to do with anything going on in today's race?
And ABC endlessly showing us the new season shows! Most of them look terrible.
Rusty/Gordon 2001 = sucking up to Rusty. May be they should show all the bump and runs at Bristol where Gordon schooled Rusty EVERY time. Come on, show the race ESPN, oh I mean ABC. Jerry Punch tonight has been Mr. Obvious.
Bob, Tulsa, OK
They mentioned a lucky dog. First positive comment for the night :)
So far, all I do is miss the NBC coverage from last fall. They had pit road people who understood what was important and what wasn't. Love AB in the booth, but on pit road he feels like he has to dumb down the coverage. My girl friends and I all understand what loose and what tight means. We don't need to be told in such nascar 101 terms. We are knowledgable and pay attention.
The HD feed here has a crawl on the bottom but no logo. The logo is there on the non-HD channel. It sux.
another missed restart
Already restarted the race...
For those complaining about the logo it could be worse. My affiliate has been running a stupid crawl across the screen all night warning us of a dreaded flash flood watch. Ugh.
Another missed restart. This happens too frequently to be an accident.
And who cares if Jr is right next to Harvick? Jr has to max points and have Harvick finish 33rd or worse.
A split screen of Dale Jr from THREE ANGLES!!!??? This is not Dale Jr's HotPass channel! I don't know how many times I can say this, but NOT EVERYONE IS A Dale Jr FAN!! Please ESPN, get this through your heads!
Are the guys in the booth watching the race? It's only a 3/4 mile track for crying out loud. No one sees any wrecks or any contact with these three mental midgets. I think they are all looking at the monitor rather than the track.
Why don't they show Reut? Since ESPN2 didn't show him in the Busch race last night I thought we might see or them even mention his name tonight. Guess I was wrong again!
A commercial already? How many laps was that?
This blows.
Dave Blaney is in the top 15 and Bill Elliott is the slowest car on the track. Any chance the top 35 situation is brought up on the broadcast?
Why don't rename that rundown the "McDonald's Dale Jr Rundown"?
Junior says "I don't want to driver this car anymore this year" when complaining about the discomfort of the seat.
I smell NASCAR Now's #1 story on Monday! "Junior says he doesn't want to drive the 8 car anymore this year!"
Boy we're seeing a lot of the tech center and Tim a lot tonight too. Poor Jr. is uncomfortable in the car too! Boo Hoo!
Jerry Punch- Mr Obvious,I mean we can all read the drivers bio. Never should have been given the booth position. He sucked doing the Busch races in 2000. What about Bob Varsha????
Suzy- great on football, totally lost in Nascar.
Brad- May be they messed up on this, I think they really meant, NBA2night.
Rusty- I'm tellin' ya.
Pits- The titanic hit the iceberg and these people would be running the ship.
Thankfully, Tim Brewer had to leave his jewerly at home due to the xray machine at the airport.
back up to the booth...thanks tim.
Jr misses the chase due to the seat. Nascar Now top story on Monday. Marty Smith can do an indepth story with the seat manufact.
Hey everyone, they have switches INSIDE the car that allow the driver to switch ignitions! And the look like toggle switches. Wow, thanks Tim, that's a great explanation there in the Tech Center.
BTW, if no one mentioned it "Whatever switch Carl threw, it worked." Ha Ha Ha Ha
When they were talking about Sauter, was I the only one wondering if Cortney had her voo doo dolls out for some other drivers??
Meow Hiss!!
Also, I like Tim but they are OVER USING THE TECH CENTER.
Do they 'splain what a glove and bat is in baseball each week?
yep and as I guess you heard Dale Jr said " the car of tommorrow what a piece of crap". ESPN will be all over that. If they can get through a commercial.
Please keep Suzy to the pre race. PLEASE!
I can explain what happened to Carl - he blowed up. That's all that matters.
Rusty - great insight on Carl's save. Oh brother
They have a live chat with Cowlishaw on ESPN RaceCast. He's getting more football questions that race ones :)
The ABC feed in the upper corner of Hotpass is realtime. I saw the 99's engine blow in that smallscreen and I flipped over to ABC to hear what they had to say. However, it hadn't happened yet... Interesting that they are behind by a couple of laps.
At Richmond it's called a "bump", not a "bump draft".
They just had to do it, draft track!
Aero loose for the 2000th time. The 07 drove in too hard, ran into the 11 car, and spun out. Does everything have to be aero related?
The draft track is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best moment so far this year. Drafting at Richmond in the NEXTEL Cup race. Wow.
TV 101, I would think - you don't cut away from an ongoing crash to show pit road reactions. Oh, and a bunch of cars are pitting while we see the 18th replay of the crash with the draft track.
Yeesh..no wonder I listen to the radio
Does Rusty know any phrase other than "aero loose"
Bowyer wrecked cause he drove it in too hard trying to take the lead. Aero loose my a$$. Shut the heck up Rusty.
OMG draft track - give me a break.
John, what in the world did downforce have to do with Bowyer spinning? I think he just flat overdrove the corner and hit Denny then proceeded to spin out. Downforce? Lost the air on his wing?! Nah, the kid just drove deeper then his talent and car could handle. Correct me if I'm off base
I FEEL YOUR weather crawl pain. THEY BREAK IN HERE, even during races or big golf tournaments of the INDY 500.
Last week during a golf tournament, they had a CONSTANT CRAWL about a small single engine plane crash, no famous PERSON, AND they broke in to the tournament 3 times. Annoys the snot out of people.
Sorry about the thread drift..
I finally got out the boom box and turned on MRN and muted the TV....sometimes, I think I would be better off taping the race and LISTENING to MRN and writng notes for what happens on what laps.
I know this isn't TV related but I have to say something about it.
Why is Greg Biffle, who is 114 laps down, lining up first on the inside line and racing the leaders on the restart? That's not good sportsmanship if you ask me.
Wow, even my room mate came back to tell me he is SICK of all the EXPLANATIONS from the tech center, LOL.
Oy vey!
Thanks for the update on Sniffles...I just read that...hard to listen to radio, post here and watch the tv.
"Carl Edwards just blew his engine, he wont be racing anymore tonight, but he didnt spin out, so all the world is better."
Pretty much what rusty said.
The Tech Center is great, but using to explain EVERY single thing makes it useless. Explain the important stuff, not every single ounce of what is going on.
Oh, before they start doing the backwards counting thing, I thought they usually show HOW MANY LAPS INTO THE RACE they are.
ESPN always starts counting BACKWARDS about halfway thru the race.
Expect that 200 something of 400 to get reversed. I prefer when they wait until it's a LEAST into the double digits.
Think the bad blood between Stewart and ESPN can get any worse???
From Cowlishaw's chat at ESPN -
J. Argentina (Cuba): Tim, do you think tony stewart can back up his attitude in a real fight?
TIM COWLISHAW: In a real fight with someone NASCAR sized, sure. I have a picture of myself with Stewart and I look like a power forward.
Jen (USA): whos your pick to win it all
TIM COWLISHAW: Still my man tony.
Two word answer: absolutely nothing!
Good, then not seeing most of the last 6 races hasn't affected my vision.
qilkvbfThe Crew cheif challenge thing is pretty muuch "At this point whos running better than the others"
About the production tonight. It seems I am seeing a high percentage of tailights. Am I being too critical, or is this a Richmond phenomenon? I recall seeing almost no tailights in the previous (years ago) ESPN coverage.
Did I just hear that you could see tire marks on his tire?
That's absolutely fair. Remember the ESPN struggle at Bristol? The tough challenge is to stay ahead of the action lap after lap, or you get this type of lagging feeling of watching cars from either the side or the rear.
ESPN used to specialize in keeping ahead as a production policy. Now...not so much.
That's right, that's the kind of brilliant insight we tune in for - tire marks on the tire.
He can't see Steven cause a wreck last night, but his super vision can detect tire marks on the tire!
Clint Bowyer stayed out and led on the restart that ESPN missed. Think that'll ever get mentioned?
Anyone have a clue what just happened? Anyone...anyone?
Thanks John,
I have many complaints about the annoucers etc, but this trailing the cars is the worst part of their coverage to me.
First petree says busch should be okay.
then rusty says harvick and busch are in big trouble...
If Harvick blows up and misses the Chase do you think he'll talk to ESPN then? LOL.
John, I know Kevin Harvick missed the wreck. And I know Kurt Busch got damage. I don't know how (at least by listening to them). By the way, am I the only one who is sickened by how giddy the ESPN crew sounds that Busch and Harvick got in trouble. They are practically drooling they are so excited.
I think Andy is doing a pretty good job in the broadcast booth and look at Harvick's car overheating. Kurt Busch's car is a little damaged now from that wreck and the fire on Montoya's car was pretty bad he got out of his car a whole lot faster than Waltrip did last week after his fire.
The only report I have on MRN is Montoya's car caught fire...I wasn't listening overly closely.
Newman, Montoya and Kurt Busch were involved in the wreck.
The reason Mikey couldn't get out faster then he did was because he can't get out with his helmet on. Jeff Burton had great insight on it during SIRIUS Speedway last week talking about how because of the design of the HANS and how they improve it in the aspect of limiting movement during a wreck, it impedes your progress trying to get out of the car quickly.
JPM: "The 2 car spun and I just started getting hit"
Those 3 guys look so so so so serious! C'mon it's not life or death!
Looks like we're about to hear who every driver's favorite Rock and Roll star is.
Where the heck is DW? Why are these guys calling a race that they're not even showing on TV? These guys are calling a race that the fans can't see on tv!! There's a caution and I see the flag wave before I Hear anything about it. It's not always about the leader or Dale Jr.!!!
Its under caution!
More wisdom from Cowlishaw!
brian (raleigh): is it just me or is the cot catching on fire more so than the old ones?
TIM COWLISHAW: Seems like it is and has to do with where fuel lines are run. Funny thing is drivers don't really consider fire a big worry. This isn't the movies where a car on fire explodes.
Good Lord can he really be this stupid?
I wonder what was the first concert Reut went to. If I wasn't watching the scroll I wouldn't know he was in the race!
Wow...the front end is demolished and Rusty points out that the splitter is bent upwards meaning the car won't handle.
I'm guessing the splitter is the least of the #41 team's concerns.
Tony Stewart on Reed refiring: "The kid doesn't know how to restart a car with a carb on it...he's sitting here on the backstretch blowing flames out of the car."
Gotta love Tony!
I'd rather see a recap of the pit stops that happened during the commercial instead of listening to the drivers talk about rock and roll. That's what I meant by SHOW THE RACE.
I just figured it out. Maybe Jerry, Andy & Rusty are in the ESPN studio in Bristol calling the race you know like David Hobbs and Bob Varsha do for the Formula 1 races and it takes a lap for them to get the info on a caution!
Does Rusty ever think before he speaks or does he just say the first thing that comes into his head?
NASCAR style Jerry Punch please stop it. Take us out of our misery. Please stop saying Nascar style.
How I long for the NBC/TNT crew from last year.
Wow "doc" the drivers know what could happen in the race to the chase!@
Really insightful news!
Show me the race and let please god let Rusty be quiet! "Wheel hop is bad" NO S#$T!!
please nascrap---give us a pay for view option so we can watch the race ---the abc/espn production really sucks---impossible to follow the race
I'm really surprised we haven't seen a grapic of "if the race ended now" with the points for Jr., Kurt Busch & Harvick. Yes, Jerry there's lots of drama!!!!! Geesh!
Man oh man, I miss BP tonight. These people should be embarrassed. I just wish they would ALL fall out of saddle.
Yup...MRN reported on Denny's kill switch issue during the Red Flag, it took ESPN 20 laps of green flag racing and a caution to even mention it. Pathetic.
John, their play-by-play is horrible as is the production. Whomever is cuing the pieces and camera shots and battles needs to lose their job. Also, Rusty has done a VERY poor job tonight. VERY poor. Sadly, I think Jerry Punch needs to get back on pit road, get Bestwick back in the booth.
Cars in front and cars behind. WOW, hold the phone. Jamie Little shows great analysis.
Gee lets hear more about blowers. FOR THE THIRD TIME TONIGHT.
Daddy what happens when we get 3 strikes again?
The Good: THANK YOU ANDY PETREE FOR THE PERFECT EXPLANATION OF WHEN AND WHY THEY USE THE BLOWERS!!!!!!! Didn't even need the tech center. Home run right there.
During the last commercial I noticed what is on the "original" ESPN this evening.
College football Va Tech - LSU. Brent Musberger with the play-by-play.
Hoping ABC has at least decided they don't longer need a "telecast host" and this won't be changing when races don't conflict with football.
Very good points David I also think AB should be in the broadcast booth and Jerry Punch on pit road. Let's send Rusty back to team owner. Surely there are others that can do a better job.
In a way, I think the sport has passed Jerry Punch bye. He's in his mid-fifties, no relationships, and it's obvious. I think what stands out from tonight is the espn people don't have relationships with the drivers. The Kevin Harvick no interview was a perfect example. Sadly, we are the ones who pay the price.
Dave Blaney crashing has major implications on the top 35 in owner's points. It's a shame no one at ESPN cares about that.
This accident shows my point about Jerry Punch. He is not on-top of anything, and cannot get excited or describe anything in detail.
Then, before all the drivers are cleared as OK, the network goes to commercial...even though the cars are stopped.
Jerry just seems to fade past halfway in these NEXTEL Cup events.
Yup Stricklinfan the exact same holds true for when Riggs crashed.
The announcers are starting to annoy me with "X has the spot, Y wants it." Yes, not only does Y want it, but X just took it from him before you switched to this "battle." The battle is over, please pay attention to the race.
And oh yeah, another recap of what the seeding looks like, and an explanation of how the points will be set after the race.
John, I hear you and felt that way very early in the season. Jerry is not like he used to be back in the mid to late 90's when he sounded excited and enthused. Maybe it is just having to be "professional" that has curbed it, or maybe he gets bored but I feel he was best utilized as a lead-in pit reporter when ESPN had the coverage the first time around. Bestwick, DJ, and Petree could be a great booth if the suits at ESPN would wake up and realize it.
Football!! Oh man, this is racing, talk about some stories on the track, no they talk about football...
Jerry Punch on his best day in the pits wasn't anywhere near as good as the Fox/NBC/TNT pit reporters on their worst day. Especially Matt Yocum who was the only one to work for all three networks. I would bet serious money Jerry couldn't do a "through the field".
The "Doc" as he refers to himself is so smarmy I feel like I need a shower just listening to him.
Bestwick, Petree, and DJ that would work great, what about pit reporters?
EXACTLY skeet!!!!
That is what SportsCenter and a promo are for. Not a random conversation during a red flag!!!
MRN ontop of the action interviewing Blaney now!
they said Kurt was locked-in but did not properly explain why.
Tell me if I'm wrong, but they missed that wreck, the entire wreck, the maylay, the carnage the whole thing.
For pit reporters, Yocum, Ralph Shaheen, Wendy Venturini, and for a 4th I'd have Jerry Punch. Mike Massaro could replace Shaheen.
If I spelled anything wrong, I apologize in advance
Maybe the Cavemen would do a better job in the booth.
Think they will interview Zippy about Tony's car? MRN has already..
STEVE McNAIR??? Tony Stewart APPEARS out front--good lord---what are these people thinking??? There's a race going on!!! This is horrible
Ok..I have MRN on (coming in with a little less clarity than usual for some reason) but I am going to tape the race.
I will jump around the net, check here and LISTEN TO MRN...
John, I can't take it ANYMORE.
The camera work manages to MISS EVERYTHING ANd the SWITCH the camera right before something happens.
I am a JR fan and I AM TIRED OF THE JR HYPE. Give the boy a break.
Oh, I do like the color scheme on his car.
Also the split screen with showing two sets of cars racing...good idea SOMETIMES but on my 30 inch tv, look too small and on the 20 inch kitchen tv the cars look like flies.
GOOGLE EARTH shots. Sigh.
It's pretty bad when its a great track and you turn OFF the tv before the OVER HYPED Chase.
Honestly, I never thought I would long for the days of TNT.
Would somebody tell Rusty to just BE QUIET. he talks too much and I can NOT believe he used to be a racer.
Knowing how to drive does NOT translate to being good in the booth.
How can they talk in the booth SO MUCH yet KEEP THE FOLKS IN TVLAND at home uninformed.
Not sure what was weirder about that trip to the infield . . .
Commentary on the NFL in the midst of a NASCAR race or the fact that Suzie tried to use Brad as an NFL analyst.
If Suzie wants to cross promote her other job that is probably ok during a red flag, provided she does the same during a MNF blowout, but his presence was unnecessary.
have they found a live wreck yet?
Here's another example of why Suzy Kolber should not be hosting ABC's NASCAR coverage. I would assume that since she's working the Bengals-Ravens game tomorrow that she's been spending the last few days in Cincy preparing extensively for the football game. Then, on Saturday, she flies to Richmond and shows up to do a NASCAR race. How "in the loop" on the NASCAR happenings this weekend do you think she could possibly be when she's been working on football in Cincinnati all week.
I don't have anything against her personally, I think she does a great job on the NFL shows and is trying to learn the NASCAR thing, but she's got way too much on her plate right now to be considered a credible NASCAR host.
Let a NASCAR guy like Allen Bestwick host the Cup pre-race shows! If he can do a great job with the Busch race on Friday why does ESPN need to send a football announcer to do that job for the Cup race on Saturday? I just don't get the thinking. If they want Suzy to be their NASCAR announcer then keep her in Richmond all week and have her host practice, qualifying, and the race.
I think we are all seeing the wheels fall off this coverage right about now.
The team is hopping around from one disjointed story to another.
Fans need more than this style of "NASCAR light" coverage from ESPN.
I was thinking about Jerry after watching "DALE:The Movie." He seemed so excited during the commentary of the 2000 Talladega race, since Dale Earnhardt was in it. I wonder if some of his excitement in the sport is gone since Dale died and with the loss of his booth buddy for so many years, Benny Parsons. The only time I actually remember Jerry excited during a race was when Ned was in the Busch booth back in Charlotte. Maybe he just misses the "old days?"
Just another sad attempt by ESPN to whoo the average joe to NASCAR by giving them names they know from other sports. See examples such as Brent, Suzie, and Brad as some examples. Other networks have done the same, but not to this extent.
Anonymous 10:29 -
He's "Doc" because he's an M.D.
He treated Rusty and Ernie Irvin after wrecks on the track and plenty of pit road people.
He's not very good in his present roll but he was the best pit road reporter.
Matt, I missed that Busch race but I am going to imagine you may have something there with your theory.
Bootie Barker just mentioned the top 35 battle. ESPN's ignored that all night and just when it's brought up on the air by a crew chief... there's still nothing mentioned about it. No follow-up. No points as of now with the 70, 45, 22, and 21. Nothing.
They need to put Earnhardt Jr. in the 21 car, maybe the top 35 battle will get some coverage then, LOL.
Its like they just don't know what to say. So, where are the producers who tell the pit reporters where to go. Is that right? I've listened to the tv broadcast while at the tracks and have heard them give directions to the pit reporters. Is Slugger the only crew chief to be interviewed. JS is not even close to the chase but yet he has had more tv time than other chase drivers. But I'll give him credit, he's running good tonight. Great coverage for his sponsor.
This just plain hurts!,
i thought it was good that they interviewed to CC of the 70.
Dave Moody just said on MRN, they have the jets going and everything but little old ladies with brooms to clean off the track, LOL.
Oh and on the SPEED forums, last week somebody had ESPN Sucks for the signature.
This week, a NEW sig
But technically, I think they are the same crew.
Stricklin fan,
When ESPN first comfirmed her as the host, I emailed them and asked how logistically this was going to be possible.
When I was at ESPN, even back in the 1980's, the reporters were there on Sunday for meetings, production taping, and team interviews.
While this race and others were on Saturday, ESPN told me there would not be a conflict and they would work around her schedule. When I asked about a rainout or a long rain delay causing her to miss her flights, they told me she would go to the game and someone else (probably AB) would step in to Countdown.
With all these pissed stories, you the feeling that maybe they don't have enough spotters around the track or even pit producers to get stories from pit road?
I just thought I didn't like TNT
6 races don't seem so bad
Whoops, i meant "missed" stories....teaches me to type in the dark...
Well, I know some of you think it's crazy but I pray for a rainout if thats the case with Suzie...
Usually it makes for a more straightfoward broadcast too. The best ones this season were makeshift delay ones in my opinion.
After a 20 minute red flag where they had plenty of time to get a whole hour's worth of commercials in?
ESPN is horrible.
where's "erik" tonight?
What number are we up to on missed restarts?
I was getting a sandwich, did ESPN just miss the restart after the Red Flag?
yes, LOL
I haven't counted Matt. They have missed more TONIGHT then FOX missed all season.
That was one major plus to FOX. They KNEW how to set up a restart and get the fans excited about the restart, ESPN just throws it all at you in a split second with a wideshot down the backstraight. Pathetic. How in the hell does Neil Goldberg slip THIS fast?
At least I believe that is who is producing ESPN's stuff now...Correct me if I'm wrong again.
More Cowlihaw!
Freddie (Maine): how is it that kevin harvick is 12th in points but first (by almost 1 million) in earnings?
TIM COWLISHAW: He won Daytona 500and All-Star race, two very lucrative ones. Money is all screwed up in NASCAR but it's not really going to drivers anyway so I guess no one cares.
I swear to god i have never in my life heard the words "Break Rotors" used 23 times in once sentence till now.
Cowlishaw is a moron. I can't say more then that without John deleting my comment. LOL
The money is all screwed up in NASCAR??????? He finished 1st at Daytona, 2nd at Indy, and won the All-Star race.
I guess Martinsville should pay as much as the Daytona 500 does then if the system is so screwed up?
Correction, Harvick finished 6th or 7th at Indy. I forgot his buddy in the 20 car caved in his fender in the final laps, LOL.
At least they talked about David Ragan. Kid has run great tonight. Shame that no one is talking about the fall of Gordon after being so dominant the first quarter-half of the race
david -
It's a hoot reading how clueless Cowlishaw is about racing. I have a tab open for his ESPN chat. Drivers don't care about fire and the earnings. Simply amazing!
Another great thing about network TV.... I just missed the Robby Gordon wreck while my ABC affiliate showed the Powerball drawing. Sigh.
Hello Erik...we aren't complaining more than we are trying to understand the method to ESPN's madness. I, as well as others have had good things to say tonight.
Ok..I heard on MRN that Robby Gordon hit the wall...I come into the tv and they are NOT talking about it for several seconds.
My time was better spent combing the cat. Geez.
I can't believe Sauter is still in 5th...I bet Cortney is doing a dance and holding certain voo doo dolls over a stove burner.
MRN is mentioning and infraction...who was that? I Missed it.
stricklinfan82, that stinks. MY local ABC station just shows the numbers on a pop-up graphic at the bottom. (For about 30 seconds) and then takes it away.
ANOTHER missed restart as well as a restart wreck
green and caution BEFORE they came back from break!
WILL SOMEBODY TELL RUSTY WALLACE TO SHUT UP ABOUT HARVICK'S BRAKES GLOWING RED???? That and his relentless ramble about being aero loose when someone passes another car on the inside. I used to like Rusty as a driver but now I wonder why I did. Kudos to Andy Petree for telling Rusty that Kevin is a good driver and knows what he is doing with his brakes.
Well they were in a local commercial break. Plus we didnt miss anything, just a blown engine. They are showing the replay. Not a big deal.
ESPN missed a restart by 1:30. they are just lucky a cation came out.
Yet another example of why fans complain about missing restarts.
And Dr. Punch told us we didn't miss a thing. WHAT???????????
WE DIDN'T MISS ANYTHING JERRY??? A restart and a blown motor is NOTHING?? Are you freakin' serious? I give up. Just give up....
Have they gotten any re-starts??? This is pathetic.
A Long LONG way from the ESPN of old...
Jerry Punch actually just said "you didn't miss anything" even though a lap had gone by.... mercy....
"you haven't missed a thing"---just the restarrt and another caution---terrible---lets go to a commercial
Consider yourself warned! :)
Kirk (College Station): Tim are you at the race?
TIM COWLISHAW: Bristol studio. You can see my fine work at 1230 Eastern.
ITS A BLOWN ENGINE! Not a crash. Why would you want to see a blown engine?
Yeah, they raced under green for about half or 3/4 of a lap before the yellow. ESPN tried to make us believe they just waved off the start and didn't miss anything. Funny.
Being in a local commercial break is not an excuse at all. FOX is a network station as well and they rarely missed restarts at all. Also, they were good about interrupting a break and re-airing the commercial that was missed, ESPN just lets the break finish before they ever bother coming back.
I am not picking on ESPN, but they are doing a very poor job listening to the feedback because this is not isolated to this website, it is EVERYWHERE.
Wait. How are you guys talking to Tim?
I'd like to see the race
Tell Cowlishaw to bring his rear-end by The Daly Planet. We got some questions we would like to ask.
Erik...its not about a blown engine, it is the fact that one full lap of racing was nearly completed before that engine let go. Had it stayed green we would have missed 2 laps which could be the difference between a driver getting the spot or 2 in order to make a run to the lead or be relegated to a 4th or 5th place finish. It IS important to catch restarts!!!
Okay, these back-to-back commercial breaks certainly mean that there shouldn't be any more commercials if the last 50 laps are run under green, right?
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