Today ABC Sports presents the NEXTEL Cup Series race from Dover, DE at 1:30PM Eastern Time today. The race is preceded by a thirty minute edition of NASCAR Countdown at 1PM.
Suzy Kolber hosts NASCAR Countdown with Brad Daugherty alongside. Dr. Jerry Punch calls the play-by-play with Rusty Wallace and Andy Petree as analysts. Pit reporters are Allen Bestwick, Mike Massaro, Dave Burns, and Jamie Little.
This page hosts the comments about the TV coverage of the event. Comments can be made before, during, or after the event. Please restrict your comments to the TV coverage and stay within the rules posted on the right side of the main page.
To add your comment, simply click on the COMMENTS button below, and follow the simple instructions. There is no membership and you do not have to leave your email address. This site is for NASCAR fans and ABC viewers to leave their opinion about the TV coverage today. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts.
I still don't think ESPN has hit on the right booth combination. You know it's just like a race team combination. I am old enough to remember the owner who tried to put Buddy Parrot Waddle Wilson and either Buddy Baker or DW on a "super team." Their giant egos made a mess of it. In the booth it's the same. I don't think we realize how good we had it when it was Bob Jenkins, BP and Ned Jarrett. I don't know where Bob Jenkins is these days or if there are burned bridges, but maybe ESPN should give him a call.
Unfortunately, and this comments comes with a great deal of respect for Rusty Wallace, but I don't think he is there yet. A good combo might be Punch, Brad and Andy Petree; or Punch, Jenkins and Petree. But right now it's just very repetitive with no new info with the current three--very redundant. If they could slow down Dale Jarrett in the booth, I have been impressed with what he could bring (unfortunately for Dale he needs a speedup on the race track and a slowdon in the booth.) But that might be a winning combo. They all three came up as friends and have some chemistry in the booth and it shows.
This thing has been murky ever since ESPN lost it. The FOX thing with DW, Joy and Larry Mac is good. It has it's moments with 'tighten em belts one mo time,' and boggity boggity', but for the most part those guys have gotten it right. If they can muzzle Hammond and keep him from "scooping" the story like he did Jr.-Visa-Gibbs, then that part of it is set and golden.
And changing doesn't always solve the problem. I thought Bestwick was too perfect--too squared jawed and tanned and perfect radio voice to be in the booth and thought that Weber was darned good on the BoA Countdown to green. Well now I am rethinking, maybe Bestwick and Wally are good together. But back to ESPN. There is something missing and they all are trying. But just because you are an accomplished and championship racer doesn't mean you can do it in the booth. It has to be hard. Rusty isn't listening to the chemistry, he is just charging off there like he was going into Turn 1. I betcha if you were a fly on the wall in those team interactions, wasn't no one gonna tell Rusty Wallace to light early going into a corner. Hey that worked for him. That was His World. And he shone in it. But now he is in a Brave New World, and you just can't charge off in the corner with now wheels...Heck Jimmy Spencer is proof of that. Why Speed has that guy on there I will never know.
Just some thoughts. But it's painful to to watch. No one worth his salt want individuals or ESPN to fail or look bad. But "Right Now" they have some work to do. Sorta like a Jack Rough with his COT program early in the year...man was he behind, but they have closed the gap.
I'm just saying . . . Krista Voda and Kaitlin Olson (the girl on Always Sunny in Philadelphia) look a lot alike.
My ESPN Team would be Bestwick, Jarret and Petree in the booth. Punch, Burns and either Spake and/or Little on pit road. I would be also ok with Brad D and Rusty at the desk (maybe with Bob Jenkins).
Watching Suzi during the pre-race and noticed just how scripted every thing is with her. It's like she can't think outside of the script. It looks like she's reading everything that comes out of her mouth. Also to me it soulds like she's got something stuck in her nose.
Is anyone else noticing a big color difference between ABC and SPEED? ABC looks washed out and almost grey.
Actual comments from my wife who has never read this blog:
Why is Suzi there? She doesn't know anything about NASCAR. She is always asking simple questions.
Why are there promos for NFL games? If I wanted to watch football, I would be watching football.
opps - I forgot Massaro on my choice ESPN team above!
"Is anyone else noticing a big color difference between ABC and SPEED? ABC looks washed out and almost grey."
ABC in HD-beautiful...SPEED no HD & Spencer..BAD
ESPN has not said why Allmendinger 7 laps down.
Anonymous said...
ABC in HD-beautiful...SPEED no HD & Spencer..BAD
September 23, 2007 1:52 PM
Without an HDTV SPEED looks much better than ABC. I'm starting to think its my local ABC station.
How did michael go from 40th to 20th? ESPN all the missed pit stops.
Where did the race go?????????????
This is the biggest f*ck up I"ve ever seen in sport TV...
The pre race show????
Why am i seeing NASCAR countdown when the live leader board says we are in green flag racing.
Duh what happened?????????
Here on the east coast we are seeing the race. Where are you and what is the problem?
No problems in PA with coverage
there is a caution on the track, but TV viewers would not know, ESPN apparently lost the signal.
Time for NASCAR to void the contract with espn.
west coast just was showing the Pre Race show.. for a whole segment..... It was the biggest f*ck up I've ever seen..
On the west coast ESPN came back from commercial with a re-air of countdown. ESPN came back to racing right after that last caution.
Again, on the east coast there has been no interruption. What is the problem and where do you live?
Talk about hutzpuh, no mention no applogy whatever!!!!!
How much of the pre-race show did you see? What did they do to change back?
Well folks, it reminds me of the "Heidi Game" from November 17, 1968. ESPN completely blew the coverage, as they reversed into the "Countdown Show". Action has been missed on the track, and I would suggest most viewers are lost. This type of broadcasting is unacceptable at any level.
Alaska getting DSIH feed out of KGO in CA.
In SO CAL. ESPN replayed the 1st block of nascar countdown when they came back from comercial at 2:26pm. When that block ended ABC snapped back over to DOC saying "caution just came out for debris".
Here on thr west coast I thought I was watching a commercial, and then a Martin Truex interview came on from last week, which was a portion of the countdown show. After a few moments of watching and seeing the countdown clock at 28 minutes until the race, I knew there was a problem. When the live coverage came back on I saw Burton with damage. There have been several commecrial breaks since that point, as ESPN regroups.
Anonymous said...
In SO CAL. ESPN replayed the 1st block of nascar countdown when they came back from comercial at 2:26pm. When that block ended ABC snapped back over to DOC saying "caution just came out for debris".
September 23, 2007 2:23 PM
i should add that i have cable
The pre race we just saw consisted of the Truex interview, the count down clock said 28:00 minutes. Right when the caution came out we finally got coverage back... They didn't say a word about it..
So, ABC's west coast feed rolled the wrong source out of commercial and aired an entire segment of NASCAR Countdown from the prior program. That's interesting.
Meanwhile, nothing on the east coast regular or HD feed went wrong. That certainly is a big mistake anytime, but mistaking a pre-recorded source for a major live event is really bad.
This is how ESPN rolls. They will not apologize because they try to cover up the facts.
What happened was we came back from commercial and we started watching the pre race show again! We saw Brad, Suzy, Rusty at the infield desk. It must have lasted for 7-8 minutes not exactly sure. I'm here in California by the way.
The ABC affiliate out of Albuquerque did the same thing, went to Countdaown for an enitre segment (4 - 5 minutes) then went to commercial and broke the commercial with Burton in a wrecked car.
whats worse is that ABC waited till Suzy tossed to commercial for that block before the switched back.
It was crazy John. Somewhere in the commercial break, someone started the countdown show for viewers on the western satellite. As I said before it reminded me of the Heidi game from 1968, when viewers were watching the Raiders play the Jets. The difference being the Raiders scoring 14 points in 65 seconds. unreal totally unreal.
Yeah right on -- they didnt just switch it back to the race, they waited and waited until a segway could be found...
I don't think this is ESPN's fault, this was probably the fault of someone at ABC's west coast master control. The crew at the track probably does not even know that it happened.
I'm guessing the announcing crew would not have known this happened in order to apologize.
One problem with the ESPN guys doing events on ABC is that ABC's broadcast technology is foreign to most cable folks...like me.
There are usually three or four time shifted feeds nationwide, and they join together for live events and then split apart again when the network goes back to news or entertainment.
Since it is all computer switched, it may have been as simple as seeing the word NASCAR and "taking" it out of break. Why they would wait even more than ten seconds to switch back is beyond me.
JD, do you know if ABC's master control is operated by a person or is it complete run by computer with no human intervention?
I mean, I dont know but I have never seen this type of broadcasting blunder during a live sporting event. I guess it is obvious only a handful of producers at the track realize what happened, but even with that -- some degree of explanation should be passed on to the booth for the sake of ratings.
Broadcast pretty good so far. Except for you wet coast viewers....dont know what happend there. Could it have been a mistake from the cable company/local stations on the west coast. Cause im on the east coast and everything is fine.
Upon historical review, a similar problem happened during the final three laps of an F1 (2005) race whereas Schumacher was racing Alonso. Fans were disgusted at the three minute commercial break. executive producer of the F1 broadcast "neil Duncanson" defended the ad break by saying "The advertisers pay top dollar". This was the BBC network. Although similar, this problem with the ESPN was different in that an earlier "countdown" show was inserted. I think John is on target with his knowledge of the system. Thus far, even with a switch back to Brad and Suzie no word of the problem was announced. Someone at the track knows this happened, and the continual cover-up of the problem works against an already fragile ESPN with regard to creditability.
Hey. did anyone catch the "TIVO" moment from earlier. I'm watching ABC and Raceview online. At the first caution for Sauter, my online went green while still in commercial on broadcast. When they came back from commercial, we saw the 'restart'.. however the "Live" TV was 4 laps different than Raceview. This gap stayed consistent until the long yellow with the crew member accident and then 'magically' on lap 84, Raceview and ABC were back in sync.
I do not like these race recaps with Suzi. I'm watching the race, I don't need a recap.
They used to do a kind of recap at halfway that showed lead changes and leaders, how many caution/laps used for cautions, and it was a small square in the picture while the race was going on. That would still work and be enough for me.
anonymous @2:54 -
It was ITV not BBC.
Sorry for the problems on the west coast..I need to email my brother and warn him if he is taping to expect a glitch early on.
John of somebody, Didn't the IRL have a similar problem last year of the year before with a pre race show? they showed some segment on Danica Patrick TWICE..back to back!
Then the next thing we knew, wasn't it like 8 laps into the race? NOBODY SAID A PEEP about that either course few folks watch.
STILL ABC/ESPN DISNEY is so big, they can just PRETEND it never happened.
They really do think they are the men behind the curtain in the Land of Oz only WE WANT TO KNOW what is going on behind the curtain with such glaring GLITCHES.
Sorry for you all on the west coast. I logged on here was shocked so many comments already.
The production quality of ABC / ESPN is FAR better than anything SPEED can do. HD quality is perfect. SPEED needs to get out of the dark ages. Its surprising they broadcast in color!
Well, until I read the comments about ABC/ESPN's monumental screw up re: the west coast feed, I was really upset about the shock absorber feature that droned on while the 17 passed th 99 and caught the leader. ABC/ESPN exposes the production team's lack of an instinctive feel for the sport that they are covering.
The idea that the announcers can get the audience "caught up" on the action with a summary is lame. It is like watching a football game via Sports Center highlights. It is not the same as seeing the action.
There is more to broadcasting a sport competently than technical excellence. How can they go from good to bad overnight?
Well, after such a clean and gadget free Busch race last night, they're really filling up this broadcast with their gadgets. Daft tracker, in-race reporter shots, tech center, etc.
MCR is all digital and computer driven, but is manned during live events. Seeing as the west coast feed should have just been "riding" the main feed for this live event and inserting only commercial and promo elements, this is a big mistake.
Interesting comments by Chuck in Texas. I wonder at this point if I am watching the live event, or something warmed over like last nights meat-loaf here on the west coast. My Tv shows the race is on lap 50 jk:)
How can they go from good to bad overnight?
GREAT QUESTION! This race is full of the usual puff, junk, minutia and filler pieces that ANNOY US yet was MISSING from the Busch telecast?
Why would they do that during a CUP RACE?
And I do not mean to sound crass but I think Rusty gets off on talking about that stupid aero loose and draft tracker RUBBISH.
WHO EVER IS RUNNING THE RACE TODAY??? Watch a tape of YESTERDAY's Busch race if you wanna please THE FANS.
I felt the same way about the ENDLESS DRONING of the shock absorber stuff....now they are showing MORE TECH center...why can't they at LEAST SPLIT SCREEN THIS?
I know it's a caution but SO WHAT? If they split screen this tech center ALL THE TIME it would not be such a pain in the a%%.
Mr. Daily, HOW come yesterday was so good and today it's back to ESP U ????
They are even doing the nauseated FULL THROTTLE on top of all the OTHER GUNK they left out yesterday.
And with all the football games the crawl is way intrusive at the bottom.
I need to get off this computer....This is NOT the race from yesterday.
what a difference A DAY MAKES&^%$#@!
P.S. Why is JAMIE ASKING RUSTY about the problem with Kenseth alternator? Wendy or Christa would KNOW how to fix that. HELL, I KNOW HOW TO FIX THAT!! Turn off all the fans and anything that does not NEED to stay on. SHEESH. That is SO BASIC racing problems 101.
TOO MANY VOICES on the tv today.
Boy, I can NOT wait to see John's coverage on this race. It's Bipolar the coverage.
I see a lot of reasonable points here about the ESPN crew. John, is it typical or possible that ESPN brings in a different guy to call the shots on Sunday as compared to Saturday? It has a different feel than Saturday, although we all understand Saturday is not the premier event.
The worst part of asking someone what the problem is, they probably heard it over Kenseth's radio, where Kenseth also has to worry his car getting hot even under caution (250 water temp last caution), so they are worried about turning the fans off. This apparently also isn't their first alternator problem this year, judging by some of Kenseth's comments on the engineering department.
The coverage seemed pretty good to me for the most part (not on west coast, I'm so glad of that now), even breaking from commercial for the incident between the bad-luck triumvant (DJ, Ragan, and Waltrip just radiate bad luck on pit road sometimes), then suddenly starting with the shock cam, things seem to be falling apart.
OMG, there is racing going on, why the merchandise recap from pre-race right now?!?
Good comments and questions. This is the same crew that did the Busch race yesterday. Its very different producing for a broadcast network like ABC than ESPN2.
The expectations with The Chase and the over-the-air HD broadcast are huge. That is why we often see ten pounds of TV gizmos shoved in a five pound bag of racing.
Today is a good example, but the racing is good and the commercials have been well-timed. Now let's see how well they keep track of The Chasers that have gone laps down. That is the story.
Oh wow, thank you ESPN. That sucks for John Force. Isn't his team the one that lost a member in a wreck earlier this year? (I'm not a follower of NHRA, but I do catch it occasionally after the Busch race).
Oh, good coverage of the stuff going on with the 11 and 07, and follow up on the 17 (they aren't too worried about it over the radio, either).
It does seem someone took a Commercial Breaks during Racing 101 course recently, too.
Yes, that was.
Force has been injured with season-ending but not life-threatening injuries.
Ok, someone needs to explain to Rusty that every accident is not because someone gets loose!
Rusty doesn't care WHAT WE THE VIEWERS THINK!
Remember his comment yesterday? AERO LOOSE happens everywhere all the time and I KNOW the fans get sick of hearing me say that....
YES we do Rusty. Also Rusty griped about Jeff Burton not KNOWING what is wrong with the handling ot the COT car. HELLO! That's why it's frustrating this big clunky car feels DIFFERENT but the drives can't FEEL what the differences MEAN. AAargh.
I did not want to drag out the boom box fron the other room..have to line it up just so with the antennae to get station in..and after YESTERDAY thought the CUP race MIGHT be ok.
Well, I may bring out MRN yet..but I thought I would make myself listen to the TV today///but I am not hearing any follow ups.
AND WHY wasn't there a camera AGES ago to see the fight between Denny and Kyle?? Usually ESPN is big on that stuff. I know Denny is in the chase and I used to like him but.
Wendy on Race day said Denny was up all night sick from the forced fluids IV's after yesterdays race. Was ill this morning and went to the care center for more medical help.
ON ESPN JAMIE SAID Denny Hamlin RAN THREE MILES TODAY AND FELT FINE??????????????????????????
He HAD to be wising off to Jamie. Did anybody else hear those two stories?
p.s. This site keeps kicking me out...I am getting paranoid...is it happening to anybody else..that's why I am intermittent ANon or Sophia:-)
Bless their little hearts! They have thrown everything in the pantry at us today. They don’t seem to realize that just because you have it doesn’t mean you have to use it.
Poor Suzy! I’m not sure why ESPN thought that we needed one of their readers on the NASCAR coverage. She doesn’t even read the script very well. This certainly is not good for her career.
We're going to hear about is this Kyle/Denny thing after every break till the end I bet ya....
I'm not fond of Crusty as a announcer at all....
I have been hearing everyone complain about Rusty over the course of this year, but I never really thought he was that bad - not my favorite, but not that bad - my opinion has now changed...maybe announcers are products of a "system" like drivers are??? Maybe he can be a good announcer with the right crew and equipment...(lose the draft track, etc...)
I think AB would be better in the booth and JP in the pits but that's just my opinion. I like Dave Burns too. And why show the points "if the race were to end now" the race is not over!!!!
Monday night football promo during green flag racing...
Commercials during green flag pit stops.
Double CRAP!!!
And I think Rusty is actually doing a better job in the booth today. Not so much tech stuff in the broadcast maybe that's the difference.
Kolber needs two rounds of wedge & trackbar adjustment by Pam Ward brought to you by jiffy lube
Monday night football promo during green flag racing...
Watch a Football game and you will see promos for the NASCAR Race
During a key play on the field?
Watch a Football game and you will see promos for the NASCAR Race
Not during the play...
BTW the delay between the ABC box on HotPass and the actual ABC feed on my ABC affiliate (Dallas-Fort Worth)is only about 6 seconds this week. Before it was close to a minute and a half. Don't know if they're delaying the HotPass feed or what exactly is going on.
ESPN to be comercial free for the rest of the race.
I know there are reports of how many commercial minutes and total broadcast minutes. I would like for someone, with more patience than myself, to report on how many green flag laps were run and how many green flag laps were actually broadcast. Just seems like I’m missing too much racing today.
There is no delays in line. The reason for the delay is transmission related. Basicly, the feeds are digital and by the time all the processing is completed there is a 6-7 second dely. The same hold true for Direct TV. If you watch your local ABC station and switch to DTV you will see the delay.
BTW- I thought there were 43 cars in a race not 12. It would be nice if ABC/ESPN would focus on the hole race and not just the 12 in the chase.
Punch said we were commercial free, now we're not?
This has been a horrible broadcast.
Anyone else notice on the lap 292 restard the NASCAR.com leaderboard went green..then 15 seconds later the TV showed the green flag
also the leaderboard caught the wreck 20 seconds before ESPN did...
Sean said...
Punch said we were commercial free, now we're not?
This has been a horrible broadcast.
September 23, 2007 5:11 PM
I think you can cut them some slack since a caution did come out.
anonymous @ 5:07 -
I understand the delay. Once the races went to ABC the delay between the ABC box on HotPass and the ABC local was a minute to a minute and a half. I get my local channels on the satellite also so the larger delay is understandable. Today however the lapse is only six seconds or so.
the valve video!!
I believe we have seen the broken valve explanation from the tech center every race now...WE GET IT!
Regarding the delay...my HotPass has been pretty close to the Nascar timing page...My ABC (Chicago) has been about 10 to 15 seconds behind the caution display on the Nascar.com timing chart.
RED FLAG... I don't like this. Almost all my cars are out.
I said it yesterday after a late wreck, I'll say it again today.....A "big one" involving THREE chase contenders (not to mention countless others) with only 15 laps to go & the guys in the booth call it like they're falling asleep. Get these guys off the Ritalin so they can show some E-M-O-T-I-O-N!!!!!!!! This is why I struggle watching ESPN/ABC, I'm bored with the coverage even though the races could be great. GET EXCITED......SOMEBODY, ANYBODY!!!
haus20 -
Thanks for the info. I'll bet my ABC affiliate isn't running the full delay today. Playing chicken with the FCC :)
With al the "bonus" commercials ABC is getting today, do you think they'll take some out next week?
Story and video of the John Force crash on NHRA.com
I was out there Friday and yesterday,
glad I wasn't there today.
Has ESPN said what happened to Allmendinger?
Don't think they ever said, but Jayski has it listed as engine - out.
Only the top six crossing the finish line... GO FIGURE!!
Only six shown since only six on the lead lap.
Punch is a moron. Anybody with nascar.com racecenter up would know Gordon and Stewart were going to be 1-2 in the points standings going into the last restart.
Another example of ESPN trying to overdramatize every freaking thing.
I'm so sick of them.
Yeah, they did mention Allmendinger's engine when it first happened.
Did they really just leave us??? No points standings, no nothing? That little chat in victory lane and that's IT??? World News has been interrupted for ball games before, but they shut down coverage today?? Ugh. ESPN sucks.
Allmendiger's issue happened pretty much lap 1 or 2. They didn't mention it right away, by I believe it was at about the first caution they briefly mentioned his engine problems.
"Anonymous said...
Did they really just leave us??? No points standings, no nothing?"
Must be your local... 3-4 interviews and current standings shown on my TV....
Ok...I just read Mikey finished 15th! good for him...but somebody on a board said Waltrip said his arms were tired and felt like they were going to fall off?
I heard NOTHING about him losing power steering on tv, did anybody else??
DARN ME for not getting out the radio...that'll learn me.
Reutimann I think was in top 20 and Shrader finished 26. It WOULD have been nice for ESPN to give MORE of a wrap on a "CHASE RACE."
Frankly, I told my room mate my DREAM would be to have the rest of the races this season ALL WON by NON Chasers! :-)
Well SPEED REPORT and VL should be interesting as should be INC with Mikey's crewman getting hit with a tire and to see if INDEED, Mikey lost his steering.
also, am I the only one surprised Truex was allowed on the track with parts missing? I like Martin but thought they let him off in a rush w/o making sure things were not going to fly out.
I gotta say, I am disappointed in the COT if that's the reason only a handful of cars finished on the lead lap. The COT truly needs more work. SHAME it's going full time next year imho.
My post-race consisted of a quick talk with Truex(because he was available) and 10 seconds with Carl.
Then --- zip, away to whatever.
As to the hitch in the programming, I have DirecTV, no glitch here in Texas. I was on the phone with a friend in Montana when her cable re-ran the pre-race stuff.
I'll be watching MNF to see all the NASCAR promos they run during play. I'm sure there will be several, since ABC saw fit to cross-promote MNF while we were in green-flag laps of the race today.
And, yes, the Mountain feed also saw the replay of the pre-race show instead of several minutes of the race.
By the way, Waltrip worked his way up from 43rd and ran in the top ten for a while. No mention of that, although Rusty incorrectly said Bowyer started "dead last" in 42nd, as he moved up. I would expect Rusty to know how many cars start a cup race, but maybe not.
And "our last commercial break" before the end of the race must have included a disclaimer super with VERY tiny type reading, "Unless there's a caution or red flag," that I missed. I wasn't surprised, though, because unless there a wreck happening, the ESPN guys just don't seem to know what to talk about. Since they weren't obligated to run any more commercials, all I can figure is, they ran out of things to say and needed commercials to fill the time.
Yes, they only have ONE animation--the broken valve one--and yes, they have used it every single race they've covered.
am I the only one surprised Truex was allowed on the track with parts missing? I
Yes, you were. This is very common among teams that need the points, even if they ahve no chance of winning.
SophiaZ123 said...
I gotta say, I am disappointed in the COT if that's the reason only a handful of cars finished on the lead lap. The COT truly needs more work. SHAME it's going full time next year imho.
September 23, 2007 6:28 PM
If it does not, that would hurt the development of new teams, unless you go back to the old car full time.
Well I just read ELSEWHERE Truex WAS black flagged so NASCAR must have been surprised as well at his missing parts.
I understand MANY cars go out with parts missing, but as soon as they got the hood off,and water all over the place from drained radiator, he blew out of there. I missed them saying on TV he was driving on the apron and black flagged. But there were so few laps to go. . . .
Then again, we missed A LOT on the TV today. I missed MW was in the 10 ten at one point but with all the cautions, it was hard to read the crawl with all the interruptions.
many are having fits ESPN did NOT STAY commercial free but with the red flags and cautions, I guess I understood...otherwise, we would've sat thru more DRAFT TRACKER JUNK, etc. Be nice if they tried to end all the races with limited commercials like they did with Busch race.
I TRULY enjoyed the Busch coverage.
Problem on the 99 post-race inspection... too low or high, not sure. Thanks to the Sirius post-race show for the update!!! (It will probably be tomorrow before ESPN reports this!)
I missed them saying on TV he was driving on the apron and black flagged. But there were so few laps to go. . . .
September 23, 2007 6:58 PM
wasn't he black flagged because his was on the apron and could not keep up?
any more info on the 99 post race inspection problem?
I might have missed it but, The SPEED Report has not said anything about the 99.
It's a shame that after finally producing a Busch race yesterday that, for the majority of fans was the best we have seen from ESPN all year, we were subjected to the same things we have been complaining about in the race today. Too much of everything. Who ever thought we would like to hear 43 radios sounding off all at once can't be too sane. They know how much we like the draft tracker - NOT. The graphics, the updates from Suzi and Brad, the non stop promotion of football, too many commercials. They know we don't like or want these things stuffed in our races.
I though after yesterdays race we were on the right track, that they finally 'got it' from a fans prospective. They showed us they could do it but then just took it away as if to tease us.
If NASCAR was paying ESPN to cover the races, I bet long before now ESPN would have been out of a job. Why should NASCAR care, the moneys already in the bank.
Sirius is waiting on another update. Darby said to them re: the 99 "It appears we may have a problem." Sirius is not speculating further at this point, but they have reported that comment.
The 99 failed post-race inspection because it was too low in the right rear. They said this is not a COT issue and not related to damage during the race. Great job Sirius on the breaking news!!!
I don't remember specifics of Truex flag and too tired to sift thru pages where it was listed on the SPEED forums. :-)
I gotta get off this laptop.Speed report hasn't mentioned the 99 car yet but I am sure it will be followed up...folks listening to Sirius are posting about it so it's probably true. Hopefully WT will speak about it.
Wonder if they will just fine and take away points or what.
What implications would this have on today's race? and why has SPEED not reported this?
Well I just read ELSEWHERE Truex WAS black flagged so NASCAR must have been surprised as well at his missing parts.
He was black-flagged the second time out when he began dropping parts on the track.
They don't expect any change to the race results since that hasn't happened in years. I bet Speed reports it before they go off air.
Speed just reported the 99 issue.
Dilner on SPEED REPORT just interviewed NASCAR person...NOT a COT structure infraction but penalty will be announced later.
Did ESPN ever issue an apology for the west coast feed problems?
You're joking, right?
from NASCAR.com:
99 will retain victory, but penalties expected this week.
A similar infraction occurred at New Hampshire in July, when the cars of Johnny Sauter and Kyle Busch failed to meet minimum height requirements. NASCAR took away 25 points apiece and fined each crew chief $25,000.
If a similar penalty is assessed, Edwards would drop from fourth to sixth in the Nextel Cup standings.
Your "DaftTrack" silly colors make about as much sense as Fox's "glowing hockey puck" did, are as much a joke among fans as that was, and the gimmick needs to meet the same quick demise.
Stop insulting the fans.
Stop playing the radios from all 43 cars at the same time. You may think it "sounds cool," but it doesn't. It's dumb.
Get rid of your "hosts" who have only football broadcating experience--unless you're willing to have Rusty Wallace host NFL game overage. No? How about that.
Quit showing NFL promos during green-flag racing.
Stop acting as if green-flag racing is the time to cover the picture with graphics, sound effects, promos, and other crap. WE want to see the race. YOU may think the "wrecks" are "cool." But we who know the sport think the RACING is cool.
Stop lying on the air! When you miss a re-start, having Punch pretend as if you didn't fools NO ONE. When you say "last commercial break," don't find an excuse to do several more.
You know you're in trouble, because you know your staff knows less about NASCAR than its fans do.
ABC, you have no repect for NASCAR or its fans. And, consequently, we (the customers, remember?) feel the same about you.
if Mikey lost his steering.
He lost power steering in the last quarter of the race or so. Said his arms were getting numb by the end.
Thanks for the Mikey update. Sounds tiring. Now I don't have to wait for INC to find out.
p.s. oof TOPIC WT had one John Force spokesman, injuries were NOT as bad as first reported and one surgery should fix all issues. Compound ankle fracture, lacerated knee and dislocated wrist. IIRC. I am sure any drag race fans will correct me if I missed something.
I knew the 99 were cheaters like the 24 and 48.
What a horrible broadcast by ESPN. After such a great Busch race broadast the Cup race was the same old crap we get week after week.
On a different point, another annoying aspect today was the inaccuracies in comments made by the booth. I don’t recall who the offending party in each case but two specific cases that I made note of were:
1). When Shrader had his first issue, with camera showing the 21 on pit road, our crack announce team let us know that “Bill Elliot would be back in the car for Kansas and that Wood bros would field a second entry, #47 for Jon Wood.” When we know that in fact it’s the opposite since the #21 is top 35 and #47 would need Bill Elliot for the past champions provisional.
2).Late in the race, the #5 and #8 are running together, when our well prepared crew made the comment about how there goes Junior’s car for next year….. Hmm I thought the #5 was going to be Casey Mears and the #25 was swapping out for the #88.
This is not an ESPN problem, this is a personnel problem. It’s apparent that these guys do not do the same prep work that the professional quality announce teams we see in other sports. Unlike Brad D. who obviously did his homework prior to getting his chance to be in the booth on Saturday, the ESPN “A” team doesn’t apparently feel the need to be prepared to accurately report or discuss current events from the NASCAR garage.
ESPN Dig makes it to Wind Tunnel.
Despain read an email before DW came on. What would you do with 100 million dollars (reference to F1 penalty)
Some guy said he would pay FOX to show all the races instead of ESPN.
YIKES. First time SPEED has said those 4 letters. If Only DW would comment. He is coming on after commercial
I saw that too. I thought Dave wouldn't air such an email. hope Darrel comments.
Dave just gave a promo for INC. Michael Waltrip was not listed as a panelist. How could this happen?
Mikey has missed the occasional show before. Maybe it's a business or personal trip. He best be talking with SPONSORS and I say that as a Mikey fan.
Still, I would've liked to have seen him on the show to talk about his numb arms if nothing else and Brian Vickers is NO FUN FILL IN! They should've gotten somebody more fun to bounce of Kenny and Bif.
I was shocked they showed ESPN on the email but happy as all get out.
(THIS computer makes this site forget who I am..other puter, I only have to log in sometimes. Weird.)
There is a new column up about the race on Sunday, and also a page for comments about John Force and that NHRA TV coverage.
Chuck-Texas said...
1). When Shrader had his first issue, with camera showing the 21 on pit road, our crack announce team let us know that “Bill Elliot would be back in the car for Kansas and that Wood bros would field a second entry, #47 for Jon Wood.” When we know that in fact it’s the opposite since the #21 is top 35 and #47 would need Bill Elliot for the past champions provisional.
Not sure where you get your info, but here is the info direct from the team...
The Wood Brothers/JTG race team has announced that next week, the team will indeed enter two cars on the entry list for the Lifelock 400 Nextel Cup Event at Kansas. The team would like to clarify that the #47 McKee Foods Ford will be driven by Jon Wood, who is set to make his second career Nextel Cup start in 2007. The #47 Ford will have Gene Nead calling the shots from the pit box. McKee Foods is the parent company of the Little Debbie brand of snack cakes. The #21 Little Debbie Ford Fusion will be driven by Bill Elliott, with Michael “Fatback” McSwain continuing his duties as crew chief for the team. (Wood Brothers PR)(9-22-2007)
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