This Sunday morning at 9:30AM Eastern Time SPEED presents NASCAR RaceDay from Martinsville, VA. This program is airing early because of the live Formula-1 race that SPEED is carrying at 11:30AM.
RaceDay is hosted by John Roberts, and features Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace as analysts. Hermie Sadler is used to offer the track description and the viewer ride-a-long in SPEED-1, the network's camera car. Ricki Rachtman appears on the program to participate in the weekly race winner picks.
News and features on the program are offered by Wendy Venturini. There are only several weeks left in the 2007 NASCAR season, and Venturini's name is all over the place when it comes to current and anticipated openings in "NASCAR TV land." She has worked very hard on this program, and it will be interesting to see what additional role she plays, or where she lands for next year despite her current TV contract.
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Hello, I'll add that new episodes of NASCAR Performance, Tradin' Paint, and a replay of Survival of the Fastest precede RaceDay from 8-9:30 Eastern.
RaceDay also airs at the same time as both NASCAR Now and then NHRA Race Day on ESPN2.
JD said in the comments portion of the TV Notes for Martinsville article:
"The content that they use for the live RaceDay show will simply not be available at 9:30AM. It does not exist.
If you have been to a NASCAR race with a 1PM Sunday afternoon start, you know exactly what is going on and who is around at 9:30AM. Not a doggone thing..and no one."
RaceDay just came on, and there is a huge crowd there (currently cheering as Jimmy talks about Tony Stewart can make a comeback today). The camera did that sweeping thing like it always does.
Wendy Venturini is interviewing Kyle Petty at his hauler. As a joke, she was drinking a cup of coffee as John Roberts introduced her.
This show is going to be fine, early or not.
I'm watching, too. Jimmy and Kenny are drinking coffee, too, from these big SPEED mugs. Wendy didn't have a SPEED mug, so she got her own cup and wrote SPEED on it in black magic marker. These guys rock, they're so silly!
John Roberts said Wendy's The Real Deal feature is with Doug Yates. JD Gibbs will be interviewed, coming up. They are showing the Behind the Wheel type race highlights from Lowe's right now.
That quote might work fine out of context. If you are a RaceDay viewer, you understand what I said in my column.
There is no doubt RaceDay could be on the air at 7AM if need be. My point, and my only point, was that SPEED should have opted for another pathway of distribution.
It not that they can't do it, its just that I felt they should do it at the normal time. Remember, this show has worked hard since February each and every race to provide one type of product. To simply decide to "move it" is going to have repercussions. That's TV.
Nice segment on Bowyer.
Looks like they are using mostly pre-taped bits in the first hour. Not really unexpected that they do this. I'll bet there will be more live interviews in the second hour.
It should be interesting to see how the use of these very good pre-produced features will impact the show. Bowyer and Yates were outstanding.
I'll miss Wendy walking down the grid at the end I wonder what they'll do instead. They just showed a promo for the Junior Johnson interview. I know it was filmed a while back was it shown before?
John did you see that technical glitch they had? Could you tell what may have happend?
90 minute blackout window at 11:30 Eastern - two hours if you count countdown show.
Repercussions? Unlikely. REAL FANS of NASCAR understand. Its one of them racing deals.
My understanding is that RaceDay lost their primary satellite feed into Los Angeles and the network put up a slide (video) and immediately defaulted to the back-up audio path which is usually a phone line.
This was done very quicky and efficiently. When the satellite feed was restored, the Master Control in LA switched back right away. Good job dealing with a technical issue.
Good job SPEED! ESPN does this to fans all the time and it ticks us off.
I tuned in at 11:30 and formula One. I came here to DP and see that it was run earlier.
I gave up on NASCAR Not because of poor content and inconsistent scheduling.
Great Raceday show today. It kept my interest even though it was two hours early. The debate between JR, Kenny, and Jimmy about Doug Yates Racing requiring all of the Robert Yates employees to reapply was very interesting to listen to.
I don't think SPEED will face many, or any, repercussions for moving Raceday. It's the Formula 1 championship airing in its place, not some random race. It's not like they're airing something unimportant like four episodes of PINKS in its place. The NASCAR message boards I visit had information posted about the time change for the past couple of days and it was on my onscreen tv guide.
JR promoted the Formula 1 race towards the end and showed the points standings so some people will probably stay tuned.
John - It's Riki Rachtman ... Not "Ricky" ...
I didn't watch Nascar RaceDay ... 6:30am is NOT good for those of us on the West Coast ...
I'll also be skipping Nascar Victory Lane ... What are they gonna talk about today that they haven't already said in over 1/3 of the shows this season?? Absolutely nothing ... Oh waitaminute ... They'll bring up the plane crash ...
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