Saturday afternoon at 3PM Eastern Time ESPN2 continues its coverage of the Busch Series.
First up live from Memphis Motorsports Park is a thirty minute version of NASCAR Countdown. Then, at 3:30PM ESPN2 begins the race telecast.
TV veteran Marty Reid will anchor the ESPN2 coverage, with both Randy LaJoie and Rusty Wallace alongside for analysis. On pit road will be Allen Bestwick, Shannon Spake, and Vince Welch. There is no current info on who will host the Countdown show.
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1 – 200 of 413 Newer› Newest»This race had the biggest field of cars to enter a Busch race this year, 49 cars. Six cars had to go home so for once there was a lot of qualifying drama at a Busch race. Marcos Ambrose wins his first pole, Dario Franchitti qualifies an impressive 3rd in his stock car debut... an instead of airing qualifying on ESPN Classic, they aired old World Series re-runs from the 1960's and 1970's. I don't expect them to pre-empt college football on ESPN or ESPN2 to show qualifying but they missed another opportunity to do the right things for the fans by not pre-empting the World Series re-runs from the 60's. Thanks for nothing ESPN!
do we get to see qualifying at all?
Nope. No practice coverage or qualifying coverage from the ESPN guys. I'm not expecting a great broadcast at all because this is probably a skeleton crew since all of the "A team" (I use that term loosely, LOL) is presumably still in Atlanta. Probably not a whole lot of cameras at the track and probably a different cast of characters producing and directing this event.
football is still going......where is countdown?
Oh no, this could be a disaster if this game goes to OT and lasts past 3:30. We have a half-hour on ESPN Classic from 3:00-3:30 so hopefully Countdown will move over there. Any longer than 3:30 and we're in DEEP trouble.
it's on classic
and ESPN360....for whoever has it
I don't have classic...how is countdown going and who is hosting it?
27 seconds left...we should be OK with coverage.
this may not be good.....a chance for them to tie the game.
This game may go into overtime....time to see what happens if the football game moves into the actual race time.
This was a weekend where everything from the whole season is dramatically building in excitement. The truck race to the championship is too close to call, the cup series is a three way dive bomb to the last lap in Fla, and a first time pole sitter in the busch series with a field full of first timers, will probably be one of the best race weekends of all year. And we are counting on ESPN? OMG! Will it ever end.
There was no excuse for not showing the Busch qualifying this morning with all the stories to tell. Part time drivers filling in for the cup drivers, new drivers from ARCA in their first attempt at starting the race,the cup drivers that, when they start the Busch race will be their first lap in these cars since they did not practice at all in the cars.
ESPN, you dropped the ball on us fans again and ask why ratings are down?
tie game with 4 seconds left...those w/o classic may not see countdown at all.
Gawd, I hate that Aerosmith song. If Roseanne Barr was hit by a car, I'd bet that's what she'd sound like.
Countdown coverage started on time on TSN here in Canada.
Oh my God, the game's going to OT. This is VERY VERY VERY VERY BAD. Live horse racing on ESPN at 3:30 and live college football on Classic at 3:30, and the game running long on ESPN2 at 3:30. YIKES!!!!!!!
we are in OT with 30 minutes until green flag.
Is Bestwick doing the pre-race? Do they have the pit studio?
who can watch countdown??? whats going on???
if the game does run long...it might be on 360...those w/o 360 can go to NASCAR.com for free live race feed.
No pit studio. Vince Welch, Allen Bestwick, and Shannon SPake on pit road with Marty Reid, Rusty Wallace, and Randy LaJoie in the booth. The guys in the booth are carrying the pre-race show, just like Milwaukee.
Marcos Ambrose on the pole, Dario Franchitti starts 3rd, Chase Austin, 18 yrs. old, qualified 43rd in Rusty's 64.
Please...who are those two people with Rusty on Countdown?
I don't have classic. I am still on SPEED truck coverage.
Correction. Don't know who owns 64.
Cutaway car by Tim Brewer. Carl Edwards starts in the back b/c someone else qualified his car.
They did a cut away car feature with Tim Brewer that he introduced by saying "Here in Memphis". Do you really think ESPN took the time and money to drive the tech center to Memphis or do you suppose he taped the feature in Atlanta and is pretending that he's with them at the track? I guess we'll find out during the tape delayed Happy Hour show. If Tim was there at Atlanta then we'll know the truth, LOL.
Don't forget that you can watch the feed on NASCAR.com for free.
Oh goody. Another interview with Edwards.
Interesting tidbit. There was slight lag getting to the last commercial break. Just enough time to hear Marty Reid ask the voices in his ear "Are we still on Classic then?".
They interviewed Ambrose (the pole-sitter) and interviewed Chase Austin, Rusty's new driver making his first start today, and talked about the history of other African-American drivers in NASCAR.
the nascar.com feed has not started...it usually does not until the command to start the engines.
At 3:19, announcer said 26 minutes to start of race.
Doing a story about Busch drivers visiting St. Jude's Children's hospital now. After the break they'll interview Edwards and Franchitti.
NO!!! they tied the game again!!!...more OT...we may only see the beginning of the race online
What about trying ESPNNews instead of Classic when Classic has a live event scheduled? They are running an "in-game extra" of the same overtime on ESPN2. Probably have the big bar on the bottom of the screen, but its better than nothing.
Double OT now, this is the nightmare scenario we've all been dreading.
Maybe they'll take a break from horse racing on ESPN to show the race? I thought I heard on the radio that ESPN is spending 6 hours covering a grand total of FIVE races, so there must be a lot of downtime in that broadcast (since horse races only last around 2 minutes). Maybe they'll take a break from that if they are still in-between horse races???
I dont have ESPN News...so that does not help.
4 minutes until disaster. What the hell is going to happen?????
I think I see my empty seats in turn 1. Stuck in Wyoming unable to see the race in person. Luckily the hotel has Classic.
Alright it's that time footbal VS. NASCAR
the switch is on. no word. just a switch.
No warning?
15 minutes until Green flag...if ESPN misses it you can watch full screen here...
Uhhhhhh.... where'd the race go??
espn360.com, that's it!!!!!!!!
here is what will happen....the race will only be online until after the game.
IT'S GONE!!! ESPN 3 (Classic) just dumped the coverage. It's on ESPN360...In other words, the INTERNET!!!
Marty Reid threw it down to trackside for opening ceremonies and in the middle of the invocation, POOF the race was gone and football was on!
There is NOTHING going on on ESPN right now! Downtime between horse races.
That sucks some people don't have the internet
ESPN just doesnt have the room for NASCAR. I've said that from day one, and this is a prime example. ESPN could have placed NASCAR on ESPN Alternate but they never seem to do that.
Crawl on ESPN2 saying race still start there at 3:44. Iowa wins. Coverage should start now.
bad bad bad bad planning on ESPN's part
I dont know why this is a surprise to all of you....with a game on classic...the only place left is online.......GAME OVER
Thank god for IOWA
It doesnt matter if you do have the internet ESPN 360 is a pay service.
I just tried ESPN360. The feed won't start. But I can watch the end of the Iowa-Mich St. game.
coverage is on...but did we miss opening ceremonies?
coverage is on...but did we miss opening ceremonies?
ESPN2 is just very, very lucky today.
I didn't realize ESPN360 is pay for service it said I had to install something and I didn't get that far. Glad the football game is over!
Game over...not that big of a deal really. Just missed the pre-race.
It's back...can't believe they cut off the prayer.
Correction, WE are very very lucky today. ESPN doesn't care if they screw the race fans over.
why are you GOING TO ESPN 360 ...YOU DONT NEED 360!!! go to NASCAR.com for free
What the heck is Rusty doing there?
Guess what's on ESPN? HORSE RACING! Why couldn't they put that game over the horse race?
Should be a good broadcast with Marty, Rusty, and Randy. Something different for a change.
Rusty's there to jack up Busch coverage like he does Cup.
I'm not surprised they dumped it. I'm SHOCKED that they didn't even direct people where to "re-tune"...or say "goodbye"...or ANYTHING! It was invocation (cut-to) Minnesota Locker Room. My local cable hub isn't THAT bad!
I work in live TV and understand the issues, but this is UNBELIEVABLE!!!
Just so you know, they're repeating a lot of what was on Classic. Rusty's there to blow smoke up our skirts as usual.
It's not really horse racing on ESPN. It is a 6 hour telecast for 10 minutes of horse races. FIVE RACES that last 2 minutes each taking up a 6 hour time slot. That's what I heard on the radio yesterday anyway, I'm not a horse racing guy by any means. That downtime on ESPN should have been dumped. If there was a 2 minute race going on then fine, keep the horse race on there but if ESPN is just airing downtime, TAKE IT OFF THE AIR FOR THE RACE.
Carl Edwards is the in race reporter for every damn race!!
I wonder if ESPN will show any other driver besides Carl.
The stress of ESPN is going to give me another heart attack! That was awful how all that transpired!
Thank God this season is almost over!
No worries, thankfully we didn't miss anything important.
Verizon online offers espn360.com
Yeah, they could have at least had Marty Reid tell the viewers what was going to happen to the broadcast. We just got a sudden dumping of the race for football with no explanation.
Steve L said...
The stress of ESPN is going to give me another heart attack! That was awful how all that transpired!
Thank God this season is almost over!
October 27, 2007 3:45 PM
We've got SEVEN MORE YEARS of this contract!!!
Well, there's one thing Rusty got right. Memphis is a great short track to see a race. I hate that I'm not there.
Too much Carl and onboard Carl already.
Noting but Carl!! and only two shots of the wreck then off to break.
Erik, we missed a lot when I'm watching a race I want to see more than just one driver
One more touchdown in double OT and we would have missed something very important.
The precedent has been set. The Busch Series is a lower priority for ESPN than college football is (no surprise there, I'm no bashing the decision despite my bias for NASCAR) and is also not important enough to bump horse racing downtime (not horse races themselves, downtime between races) from ESPN.
TV coverage was abandonded for this race and we were barely saved by a denfensive stand by Iowa. Rick's right this is going to be a long 7 years. This is why fans prefer the races being on TV networks that have NASCAR as their #1 priority.
ESPN's picture on HD looks amazing as usual. Gotta give credit where credit is due
stricklinfan82 said...
It's not really horse racing on ESPN. It is a 6 hour telecast for 10 minutes of horse races. FIVE RACES that last 2 minutes each taking up a 6 hour time slot. That's what I heard on the radio yesterday anyway, I'm not a horse racing guy by any means. That downtime on ESPN should have been dumped. If there was a 2 minute race going on then fine, keep the horse race on there but if ESPN is just airing downtime, TAKE IT OFF THE AIR FOR THE RACE.
October 27, 2007 3:41 PM
OK, if ESPN starts doing that....they will do the same to NASCAR during cation and red flags.
Rick said...
We've got SEVEN MORE YEARS of this contract!!!
October 27, 2007 3:47 PM
but FOX will be back for the first half of next season...why does everyone seem to think FOX has left permanently?
the chemistry in the booth seems to be good with this group.
I guess we'll get lots of Carl today and lots of commercials (especially that one with Jeff Gordon and the diapers!) Yeeesh!
Fox doesn't have the Nationwide Series
Interestingly, a friend who is a long-time ESPN Producer has just been "re-assigned" to oversee ESPN's motorsports coverage. It appears they realize they have problems. I plan to see him soon and will relay some of the overriding issues that have been pointed out by John and others. He is a great Producer and can hopefully "right the ship" going into '08.
Anonymous said...
Fox doesn't have the Nationwide Series
October 27, 2007 3:57 PM
true...but they will be back for cup.
The yellow flag example is not applicable, because the event is still underway.
In an emergency situation when there was a long red flag in a Cup race and college football on ESPN had no other outlet I would be fine with pre-empting the red flag coverage to give fotball fans an outlet to see the race, as long as the race came right back on as soon as it restarted.
My point is that ESPN is airing 5 horse races today, yet is on the air for 6 hours. There must be 55+ minutes of downtime between races so why not pre-empt that downtime (not the horse race, the downtime sitting around doing NOTHING) for a race in an emergency situation like this?
I can't imagine Randy watching tv monitors he'll be watching the track. Good chemistry with the troup and Rusty is giving Randy lots of time for his opinions. I'm liking that!
I think ESPN's biggest problem is their production team. I can stand the broadcasters but the production is really bad.
stricklinfan82 said...
There must be 55+ minutes of downtime between races so why not pre-empt that downtime (not the horse race, the downtime sitting around doing NOTHING) for a race in an emergency situation like this?
October 27, 2007 3:59 PM
they might have done that if it came to missing green flag coverage. But keep in mind, we did not miss any racing.
I do admit this was a very close call. I made a comment to the effect on another blog entry earlier that ESPN would be very busy Saturday with Classic carrying a live event.
Its no differnt than the airlines when all flights are full and bad weather hits. No room to reschedule passangers and they have to sit around for days waiting for an open seat.
Busch Series Fan!,
Are you seeing bad coverage today?...it seems OK for this race.
there appears to be some minor audio troubles, but that is minimal.
I thought this was a Busch race -not the Carl Edwards show!
Anonymous said...
Busch Series Fan!,
Are you seeing bad coverage today?...it seems OK for this race.
October 27, 2007 4:03 PM
sorry ....I meant to ask sam.
Erik, you have an excuse
sam said...
I think ESPN's biggest problem is their production team. I can stand the broadcasters but the production is really bad.
October 27, 2007 4:01 PM
Are you seeing bad coverage today?...it seems OK for this race.
I think the three of them in the booth are working well together and they haven't even show Stephen yet! I am enjoying this!
I'm glad Marty Reid clarified Bobby Jr.'s "grandmother" reference to Kyle Krisiloff. Most announcers usually ignore controversial statements so I'm glad he filled in the fans that might have not known the whole story with Kyle Krisiloff.
I don't know what was so unfair about that statement. Kyle was a Hendrick developmental driver and struggled mightily, forcing him to drive for a family-owned team instead, and he has been in a number of incidents this year.
I don't agree with Rusty becoming irate over that comment. It must have struck a nerve because he's the father of a race car driver himself and hates to hear anything about parents/grandparents that have money and use it to fund their kid's driving careers.
yes Anonymous October 27, 2007 4:06 PM
I still don't know what happen to Bobby H. When you go from watching the truck series on speed and them giving you every angel to watching the bush series and them giving you one maybe two angele then you kind get annoyed.
good coverage today...the booth is doing well
Why not air Qual? Because Edwards wasn't there?
No worries, thankfully we didn't miss anything important.
Now I KNOW you work for ESPN. An actual fan would never say that.
Nice take-out by the 28.
I think Marty Reid is doing great I don't think AB could do better!
plz get the 28 and 14 out of the race
Welcome to the Carl Edwards show....
did anyone just have reception issues with ESPN 2? the audio continued but the screen flashed black and green. it is back to normal now.
Just had a thought that might run counter to logic- this production crew might actually do well.
If its Marty working with his IRL production team, that might make more sense than having AB with producers he doesn't know.
this is just hard to watch. Can we get one lap without a wreck?
Wow I do give ESPN credit for having Ron Young's radio ready to be queued almost instantly after he started spinning. I didn't expect them to have a relative unkonwn like Ron Young's radio frequency available to them that quickly, good job.
missed restart
missed restart
Now there's the ESPN we all know and love. Missed restart coming back from break.
I wonder what the green flag vs yellow flag laps are?
Oh, 26 of 60 laps are yellow. Marty just said it.
Just what I feared. With the skeleton ESPN crew working this race there aren't enough cameras to catch anything that happens on the track.
Nice to see a couple Lucky Dogs on ESPN. Now if we can just get them to do that during the Cup races when Aaron's isn't giving them a nice paycheck to display an "Aaron's Lucky Dog" graphic that would be great.
It's going to be a long day folks!
1st steven Wallace citting we should count them throughout the race
the only reason you saw the lucky dog on FOX is because Aaron's sponsor DW's truck.
look at that...even with a "skeleton crew" ESPN had cameras to catch a spin at the back of the pack.
I really don't care for Reid. He and Punch sound alike to me. Reid has a little more life in him than Punch.
Randy and Rusty are working well together.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sooner or later.
How convenient that you've forgotten the previous caution where we never saw a replay of a spin?
Aarons doesn't sponsor the lucky dog in the cup series just in the trucks
I think Reid preforms better in a play-by-play role than dr. punch.
sam said...
Aarons doesn't sponsor the lucky dog in the cup series just in the trucks
October 27, 2007 4:34 PM
thats what i said...DW's truck...
At this rate it looks like our tape-delayed coverage of Happy Hour is in grave danger.
Trucks come on speed the Fox guys also give us the lucky dog and so does TNT and NBC did last year
sam said...
Trucks come on speed the Fox guys also give us the lucky dog and so does TNT and NBC did last year
October 27, 2007 4:38 PM
In fact, Wally coined the term.
Cameras missed that wreck too. Where did the anonymous "skeleton crew" supporter go? Are you still out there?
Yea, rick you're right and I don't think I have ever heard DW say anying about Aarons when the lucky dog is giving out just Mikey on speed with the trucks
I guess the extra cameras that should be out on the track are in Carl's coach for when he wins the championship!
Disney should do a featured interview on Keivn Moss ... Show us how he goes about NOT losing his arm flying the yellow flag 8 zillion times during the season ... LOL
I thought if you were held laps by nascar you can't get the lucky dog. the 28 was held 2 laps
stricklinfan82, I'm afraid you are right about Happy Hour. It is so difficult to relax and enjoy coverage when you don't know how much you'll actually see.
Fox has avoided the term "lucky dog" like the plague. That was an NBC term originally so Fox tried using "the pardon", which never caught on. Now they call it the "free pass", so you can't defend Fox for only talking about the free pass cars because Aaron's sponsors DW's truck. Just another example of someone trying to defend ESPN by making up garbage that has no factual truth to it.
Is ESPN sure Robert Richardson got the lucky dog? I thought you weren't eligible for the free pass if you lost your laps because of a NASCAR penalty.
I think rusty is looking at the track more than the monitor. maybe he follows Reid.
it seems like they should be talking about the 99 more or the 42 they are the ones up front
last time this happened with happy hour, ESPN aired it in its entirety after the race.
stricklinfan82 said...
Fox has avoided the term "lucky dog" like the plague. That was an NBC term originally so Fox tried using "the pardon", which never caught on. Now they call it the "free pass", so you can't defend Fox for only talking about the free pass cars because Aaron's sponsors DW's truck. Just another example of someone trying to defend ESPN by making up garbage that has no factual truth to it.
October 27, 2007 4:48 PM
wow..that's kind of harsh...I have heard DW use the term lucky dog on more than one occasion.
That's not gonna happen with live college football starting at 7:00 on ESPN2.
1 hour and 10 minutes to run 95 of the 250 laps, not looking good to get off the air by 6:00 to show Happy Hour in its entirety. No re-air scheduled either so we will likely see very little, if any, video from Happy Hour tonight.
Have you noticed when one of Rusty's cars has a problem he disappears from the broadcast?
When the 64 spun the first time he was gone for about 15 seconds - obviously talking to the pits. Not that big a deal since there was no damage.
When the 64 spun the second time (incurring quite a bit of damage), he disappeared from the broadcast for nearly a minute!
I find this behavior completely unprofessional to ESPN his employer.
I'm sorry, but this is not fair to the viewers. Either be a broadcaster or own a team but please don't do both at the same time.
It would have been nice if NASCAR held that last caution for one more lap.
missed restart # 2....and it happened not during a local commercial but during an ESPN commercial........and ANOTHER Caution JUST NOW!!....when will we get a green flag lap?
Occassionally DW slips and calls it the "lucky dog" but he doesn't call it the Aaron's Lucky Dug so it's stupid to claim that Fox only mentions Lucky Dogs because of Aaron's sponsoring DW's truck.
If you want to defend ESPN and criticze Fox don't make stupid statements like that that are totally untrue.
Anonymous said...
Have you noticed when one of Rusty's cars has a problem he disappears from the broadcast?
When the 64 spun the first time he was gone for about 15 seconds - obviously talking to the pits. Not that big a deal since there was no damage.
When the 64 spun the second time (incurring quite a bit of damage), he disappeared from the broadcast for nearly a minute!
I find this behavior completely unprofessional to ESPN his employer.
I'm sorry, but this is not fair to the viewers. Either be a broadcaster or own a team but please don't do both at the same time.
October 27, 2007 4:55 PM
who are you to tell me what rusty does when you cant even see him???
you dont know what he is doing.
What was the need to cut to a full-screen camera shot of Vince Welch just as the field was restarting?
Yes they cut away from it fairly quickly but shouldn't ESPN have had a clue that the restart was coming that time by?
Nascar plz get all the kids and rookies out of the race so we can see a race
"Rusty, get your checkbook out Buddy" ...
Gotta love Randy LaJoie ... and Rusty has got to be in shock ...
rusty has as "disapeared" before for a few seconds during green flag while others are talking...that does not mean his is talking to his team.
how long will this continue??? when was the last time we have seen a full green flag lap??...the booth and crew are holding up well through all this.
Well while were talking about Football Erik, what is ESPN going to do when this race goes and hour or more longer? will we see cup happy hour?
Maybe I'm not so disappointed I'm not home at the race. I don't remember so many yellows so early in the Memphis race.
Don't think Rusty is talking with his team. Maybe b/c he's not allowed to own a Cup team, he has to keep his comments about his own cars to a bare minimum during the race. Just a thought.
ESPN shouldn't have to guess when NASCAR is going to restart.
They don't
It's called a "radio."
Officials use it to announce when the race will restart.
Tell your bosses to get them a scanner and try listening to it.
I can tell at my home when there's one-to-go. The TV crew should be able to do the same.
I liked how ESPN showed exactly how many points carl needs to win.
TV networks have been "guessing" since the start of time when restarts are going to happen. Some networks don't have a problem catching restarts live. It's common knowledge how long a caution lap takes at every track, how many laps most cautions typically last, and there is a little thing called "one to go before green". NASCAR shouldn't cater to television, and more specifically this one network that struggles more than any other to catch restarts. It's TV's job to do a better job.
There is a reason why you don't miss a play in football. The game officials work directly with TV to make sure they are back from commercial before resuming play.
Yeah. Ask any fan who pays to sit in the stands what he thinks of "TV timeouts."
Anonymous said...
ESPN shouldn't have to guess when NASCAR is going to restart.
They don't
It's called a "radio."
Officials use it to announce when the race will restart.
Tell your bosses to get them a scanner and try listening to it.
I can tell at my home when there's one-to-go. The TV crew should be able to do the same.
October 27, 2007 5:06 PM
NOW HOLD ON... NASCAR only announces when there is 1 to go....ESPN can hear that, but that is too short a notice for TV, especially at a short track. imagine that, there is a reason why we miss so many restarts at short tracks. And don't get all mad at me for siding with Erik. this is a problem that needs to get solved on both ends.
It's obvious Rusty talks to his teams during the race. He just did it again when the 66 spun out. He made a couple of quick comments about how he saw it coming (which means he was just watching the 66) and then they showed the replay and he didn't say a thing.
Randy even asked him a question and he didn't answer.
Anybody who thinks he isn't in some sort of communication with his teams (even if he is just listening in) is completely naive.
If it doesn't bother you then its probably no big deal. I could actually care less what he is doing. That just means more air time for Randy.
Can someone explain how it is acceptable for ESPN to have a man who owns a car in the race call that race?
Do they do this with other sports, too?
A 1 lap warning on a short track does no good when there still are a couple of minutes of commercials to get through.
NASCAR needs to do things how the rest of the sports world works with TV. The network says they'll be back from commercial in 30 seconds. At that point, NASCAR will now when they can throw the green.
I don't understand why NASCAR would expect special treatment.
stricklinfan82 said...
TV networks have been "guessing" since the start of time when restarts are going to happen. Some networks don't have a problem catching restarts live. It's common knowledge how long a caution lap takes at every track, how many laps most cautions typically last, and there is a little thing called "one to go before green". NASCAR shouldn't cater to television, and more specifically this one network that struggles more than any other to catch restarts. It's TV's job to do a better job.
October 27, 2007 5:08 PM
This is new for this ESPN crew to cover nascar. give them time and we will see less restarts.
this is a problem that needs to get solved on both ends.
Fox and NBC had no trouble with missed restarts.
Of course, they pay attention to what's happening on the track.
The same cannot be said for the ESPN crew.
Rusty is actually prohibited from owning a Cup car because of the possible "conflict of interest". It's interesting that they apparently don't view his Busch ownership as a similar conflict.
NASCAR needs to do things how the rest of the sports world works with TV.
This line of thinking only works when no network can keep up.
Unfortunately for your bosses, Erik, other networks can do it.
Why can't yours?
Exactly! ESPN is the only network that has a problem catching restarts. That means that ESPN is the problem, not NASCAR. Sorry.
Does the director at this race understand what a 'standby' cue is?
If so, perhaps he could try giving the guys in the booth one BEFORE they come out of a break.
So when Kyle Petty does broadcast for TNT is that a conflict of interest?
Does Kyle own a car? I thought they were owned by The King.
question fellow posters...we need to run to the store for birdseed and trip to home depot. Think it's safe to tape the race since Happy Hour is on this station afterwards???
I am tired of this crashfest and can't turn down a chance to run to the store for thistle (goldfinches eaten what's in the 3 feeders and am out)
Normally, one could TAPE the race and leave the house w/o being paranoid.
Think it's safe to tape ESPN2? My roomie thought we could tape another channel, too, LOL but I bet they will bounce Happy Hour.
What say you savvy posters?
Also, I think the booth has been more fun to listen to today but have had some distractions. The Cautions are a bit much.
They should have went to a wide shot why are the focused on Carl Edwards other people wrecked
The Busch race should stay on ESPN2 until its conclusion. They'll probably just chop up Happy Hour to fit it in between the end of the Busch race and 7:00.
Gotta love it when the announcer says, "Oh, they stayed on him the whole time" while he's trying to see the wreck itself.
Petty Enterprises is petty Enterprises
Is Kyle an officer in it?
Anonymous said...
Randy even asked him a question and he didn't answer.
Anybody who thinks he isn't in some sort of communication with his teams (even if he is just listening in) is completely naive.
If it doesn't bother you then its probably no big deal. I could actually care less what he is doing. That just means more air time for Randy.
October 27, 2007 5:11 PM
You cant tell me that just because he is quiet helping his team. he has a job to do in the booth.
93 minutes to get halfway through the race. At this rate the race will end at 6:50. We might get ZERO coverage of Happy Hour tonight, LOL.
Maybe they'd move it to ESPN Classic if that happened but if they do that why wouldn't they have aired it LIVE on that network in the first place?
maybe TNT has different rules
Richard is listed as the owner of the #43.
Kyle is listed as the owner of the #45.
But the ban on Rusty owning a Cup team was ESPN's idea, not NASCAR. If TNT doesn't care about Kyle being an owner, that's their perogative.
Anonymous said...
this is a problem that needs to get solved on both ends.
Fox and NBC had no trouble with missed restarts.
Of course, they pay attention to what's happening on the track.
The same cannot be said for the ESPN crew.
October 27, 2007 5:13 PM
again ESPN has not covered NASCAR for years. FOX took a few years to gain respect among fans
Erik-regarding waving the green after cautions, can you say "fuel mileage"? Can you understand its impact on auto racing? Did your handlers not explain the importance of calculating fuel in a race?
So how come Rusty can't own a car in a Cup race he calls, but he's allowed to own one in a Busch race he calls?
I think each network has their own rules about announcers. What applies to ESPN does not automatically apply to the others.
Can you understand its impact on auto racing?
As has been pointed out, he's not an actual fan, so NO, he doesn't get that.
What applies to ESPN does not automatically apply to the others.
..and what applies in SOME ESPN races doesn't apply to other ESPN races, either.
Rusty Wallace
"Won over a thousand short track wins"
As if the race wasn't bad enough
Wow! 15 cautions halfway through. I'm sure ESPN will tell us if it gets close but I'm guessing 30 would a record wouldn't it, LOL?
I want to say off the top of my head that the record is like 22 or 23 at some short track in like 1992, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now. If Bill Weber is out there somewhere can you look it up so I won't have to?
again ESPN has not covered NASCAR for years.
That's not my problem. If they can't do their jobs adequately, then that's some THEY need to fix.
When I buy a product or use a service (like this one), I expect it to be right, not to excuse sloppiness.
the attacks needs to stop. can we critique instead of attack each other and ESPN or FOX?
If Bill Weber is out there somewhere can you look it up so I won't have to?
If someone could write it on a notecard for him, that'd be helpful, too.
Anonymous said...
again ESPN has not covered NASCAR for years.
That's not my problem. If they can't do their jobs adequately, then that's some THEY need to fix.
When I buy a product or use a service (like this one), I expect it to be right, not to excuse sloppiness.
October 27, 2007 5:29 PM
If I recall correctly, fan were made FOX's mistakes for the first year but they got better. THIS IS THE FIRST YEAR. and TV production is not as simple as something you would buy at a supermarket.
Interesting. I just now came onto this thread to see what you all think of coverage, and clearly I'm hearing a different race from everyone. I think some of you just like to complain no matter what, because I really am surprised by the amount of negative comments here.
My TV and computer are in 2 different rooms, and I am listening to Marty and Randy do a fantastic job. I've been able to follow the entire race just from what they're saying, and I don't feel I've missed anything.
I can't say the same thing when Punch, Petree and Wallace are in the booth. They should really consider keeping Marty and Randy for future NASCAR races.
Rusty is still horrible. It's much more apparent that he only listens to himself. Reid asked him something about all the different Busch drivers this year, and Rusty responded to a completely different question. Rusty repeats complete sentences word for word that Marty just said.
This is actually a very good telecast, compared to what we've dealt with all year. I've been critical of ESPN, but this is a big improvement. Allen W, I hope your friend can continue the good work they're doing today.
Anonymous said...
If I recall correctly, fan were made FOX's mistakes for the first year but they got better. THIS IS THE FIRST YEAR. and TV production is not as simple as something you would buy at a supermarket.
October 27, 2007 5:32 PM
I meant to say "fans were mad" maybe even livid. but the production improved over time.
TV production is not as simple as something you would buy at a supermarket.
No, it isn't.
However, it is a professional endeavor performed by professionals who should not be "learning" in front of a national audience.
2006 Busch race at Memphis set a new record for cautions (at this track) ...
CAUTION FLAGS: 16 for 98 laps
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