ESPN2 is the place for Saturday coverage of NASCAR from Phoenix. The network will have eleven announcers on-hand trackside for this effort.
NEXTEL Cup Happy Hour takes to the air live at 3PM Eastern Time. ESPN will follow this hour with the NASCAR Countdown pre-race show at 4:00PM and then begin their coverage of the Busch Series race at 4:30PM.
Allen Bestwick will host the coverage from the Infield Studio joined by both Dale Jarrett and Brad Daugherty for the afternoon. In the announce booth will be Dr. Jerry Punch, Rusty Wallace and Andy Petree.
This week on pit road will be Mike Massaro, Shannon Spake, Jamie Little and Dave Burns. Tim Brewer will report from the Tech Center.
ESPN has been covering the Busch Series exclusively all season long, and there are only two races left in this "package." It should be interesting to see how all eleven announcers and the many ESPN technical TV "toys" fit together on this fast and rather short track. Caution periods are quick, and the action is continuous.
This page will host your comments about ESPN's NASCAR Saturday. Please keep your comments TV-related, and read the rules on the main page before posting. You may add your comment before, during, or after the telecast.
To add your opinion to our Internet conversation, simply click on the COMMENTS button below, and follow the easy instructions. We do not want your email, and there is nothing to join. We just want to know your thoughts on ESPN2's TV coverage of Saturday at Phoenix, AZ.
Thanks again for taking the time to stop-by The Daly Planet.
Looks like the owners points battle will get the on air focus today. Scott Wimmer has been getting a lot of interviews lately, including on yesterday's NASCAR Now.
And because of that, it's likely that we will see Carl's mom today (and even more likely tomorrow, since he has the pole). I firmly believe that Carl's mom is not there to annoy us -though she is - but for damage control.
Dustin Long from the Roanoke paper wrote an article that included the driver's Davie-Brown celebrity index scores (which measures a celebrity's ability to influence brand affinity and consumer purchase). The article was about Jr. Kasey Kahne and Bud, but the surprising thing was how Carl outranked them in some areas.
Until I saw that article, I had no idea that Carl Edwards ranks highest of NASCAR drivers (yes higher than the big guns) in the areas of Trust and Appeal. (Gordon's highest in Awareness, Kahne is highest in Trendsetter, Jr. is highest in Influence).
These numbers were taken before the "incident". And those numbers are a big deal. Carl is going to do everything he can to get that "Trust" and "Appeal" back after the "incident". And for whatever reason -maybe the TV crews just like him personally - it appears that ESPN (and Speed) are going to help him by mentioning his Mom whenever possible. Carl's girlfriend has suddenly become persona non grata, though she's still around. So we're all going to have to get used to it. Hi Mom!
Very good article: http://www.roanoke.com/sports/racing/wb/133141
Thanks for the story. It makes sense now why Carl is parading his mom around -it's my mom's birthday, and all that. I still don't understand why ESPN is helping him out and I still don't like it. It's one thing when carl mentions her in an interview, but the past two weeks they just show her when he's not even around. Maybe they're banking on him being a big star of the future that ESPN can market to non-fans and want to make sure his reputation is still good. Dang, he outranked Kyle Petty by a mile in the Trust part! I can't get over that.
They did start Busch qualifying by talking about the owner points.
Sorry, I meant to put the Busch qualifying comment in the SPEED section. It's crazy the way they split this, you'd think ESPN would want to air Busch qualifying when they only have two races left.
Funny, I made the observation that Mom was helping in damage control right after the Matt episode when she started being everywhere. It may be my imagination; but, it seems that ESPN started showing more Carl commercials about the same time. Could there be a correlation? :)
JD, I heard NASCAR Now planned to have new episodes all year round and during the winter. what do you know about this?
There will be more stories about the off-season plans for ESPN and SPEED shortly. There will be an update on the Championship Week programs on both networks Sunday night to set-up the week for the DVR's across America.
Five minutes left in the 3rd quarter of the live college football game on ESPN2 at 2:30PM.
Happy Hour is scheduled for 3PM.
This could get interesting.
Happy Hour doesn't have anywhere to go... there's games on ESPN and ESPN Classic which are both early in the 4th quarter, and won't be done by 3 either. Fortunately, Happy Hour is on before the race today, and can be rescheduled, without pushing the race coverage out of the way.
If ESPN is smart, at 3:00 they will say "NASCAR Happy Hour will be seen in its entirey after this game"
Let me help you a bit...its not going to be rescheduled. Its going to collapse back into the NASCAR Countdown show until it is gone completely.
This is a prime example of not having an outlet for programming. Remember last week? That is my point.
This is Happy Hour for the next to last Cup race and we know the football game is not going to be over until at least 3:30PM, just like last week.
Its been a long year of NASCAR for ESPN.
This is going to end up being "Happy Minute." 4th qtr is just starting.
Happy Hour will be Jeff did this Jimmie did that, see Carl's mom is here and off we go to the pre race show for the Busch series where surprise it's Carl and his mom. Too bad they can't stream it live on a FREE internet site at least some fan could see HH
37 to 10. For gosh sake, CUT AWAY TO NA$CAR. The female sounds like she went to the Dr Jerry Punch School Of Flat line Speech.
Because the game is lopsided, it will not be bad. When the game is close, everyone uses their timeouts and also tries to stop the clock with all the different techniques like running out of bounds and trying a lot of passes.
These guys are doing a good job, but it will still be 3:30, especially now since they scored.
That's Pam Ward, you should try clicking on my link to Awful Announcing on the main page.
They have lots of fun with the college football announcers from the weekend.
JD I know this is off subject, but since you mentioned Pam Ward, I WILL NOT watch any game where she is broadcasting...I don't care who is playing.
It was Pam Ward that made the comment, "The NASCAR Busch Series can be seen on ESPN Classic, however, why would you want to leave this football game!"
It was a close game, with one team driving for the tie, but she clearly misspoke.
Have any of you commenting on Carls mom followed NASCAR???
She's been around on his pit box as long as he's been around in this sport (trucks busch nascar).. Not only that, he's thanked her over and over and over in the beginning of his career? All he could do when he first won was thank his mom.. Who he still lives with to this day.. She's always been up there, they have always put the camera on her.. Its not damage control. its what it is...
the things people gripe about...
Hopefully NASCAR pushed back the start times of the Nationwide Series races next year by thirty minutes. That, and in conjunction with a thirty minute disposable pre-race show should provide a reasonable buffer so a green flag won't be missed on ESPN2 for the vast majority of times.
I think what they are talking about is that suddenly she seems to be substituted for his GF or wife since we do not see Carl with a female half at the track.
As opposed to the Gordon, Johnson, Harvick, Biffle, and other wives it has been a bit different to suddenly see a grown man's mom.
Those of us with a couple of years on us remember the hilarious Martha Nemechek, Joe's mom who just loved the racing. She was a blast.
Any idea why Carl's mom has a different last name? Was she just re-married after a divorce or what is the situation there?
This football game has been over since I turned the TV on at noon (pst). Why is it still on when the cars are on the track???
ESPN had better fix this before next season, or NASCAR should redo the contract to let SPEED have all the practice and qualifying...
JD, will happy hour be seen in its entirety anywhere anytime?
I get that JD, what I'm saying is, ITS always been Carls mom with concern to him.
I can't remember really seeing a girlfriend getting camera time on Carls box.. Its been mom and all mom since the beginning... IMO
I've heard Carl mention a step-dad, so she must have remarried at some point.
The Carl's mom negativity started when they began showing her instead of the car's on the track which was done more than once. We type loudly when ever that happens with any family member or even a crew chief, it just makes it more unusual because it's grown man's mom. I agree she's a big part of his life and prob did a lot for him and his career. If they are trying to play to the older female fan it isn't working. I wonder if we would see her so often if she was 5ft 2, 250 and gray haired.
Nope. NASCAR does not view TV as a deciding factor to change anything on the track.
They do not change or delay any kind of on-track elements because of the problems or situations with the various NASCAR TV partners.
The option to delay or hold the start of a race because a network is involved in other programming does not exist. In fact, NASCAR sometimes likes to rub it in a bit when a network is really in deep trouble.
Over the years, they have seen all kinds of networks and producers come and go.
Between NASCAR.com and ESPN, they have to resolve something about using the InternetTV to solve these conflicts.
If NASCAR held or changed something on the track because of TV, the teams and owners would go nuts. They are all geared toward a specific time with their car prep.
anyone notice a difference between the broadcast with Rusty and the broadcast w/o Rusty as he is getting ready for the pre-race show?
Little does Jerry know its actually the third time 3 Indy 500 winners have been in a cup race..
I just watched the booth explain what crew chief's were trying to achieve to get a car to "stick" in a corner! They showed good "sticking" (Gordon, Johnson) and not so good "sticking" (Stewart). All done with cars on the track, no fake stuff or Tim Brewer breaks. Clean and polished. I think I'm a little impressed.
They are showing more cars on the track then they have done in the past. Mentioning a FEW other cars besides 24 48 but not enough. The booth seems to be flowing pretty good without Rusty they are working together at least. Qualifying wasn't too bad yesterday either they talked more to either other and about the cars on the track instead of at each other about the monitors.
Prob the best HH we've seen out of ESPN, is it a change or just a product of only 30 minutes to work with so all the video clips and other taped stuffed got dumped? I'll be hopeful and tune in next week
I know this is a dead horse, but NASCAR needs to get into the 21st century. TV rules the sports world. College football start times sometimes aren't known until 6 days in advance. A tip off for a basketball game can be held until the prior game has been completed. The officials will hold up play in any major sport until TV comes back from commercial.
NASCAR likes to say how friendly they are with the media in how their drivers are available. They need to be just as friendly with their broadcast partners when it comes to the telecasts. They are only hurting themselves as they watch their ratings continue to fall.
That may or may not be true with college football games, but you sure as hell know what time an NFL game is going to start weeks in advance. You can't hold an event with 200,000 people and then have the start time be floating. That is simply illogical.
Did anyone else hear the NASCAR conversation during the football game before HH? After they finished a Cup race promo, one announcer asked the other if he had a favorite driver.
Announcer 2: "Uh, Johnny... uh, something.... from Michigan."
Announcer 1: "Ok, Johnny from Michigan."
(long pause)
Announcer 2: "Uh... oh, Benson. But I don't think he's doing that anymore."
I about fell out of my seat! That's a pathetic way to promote the race. Sure doesn't sound like the way they talk about football during the races.
Within a sport, I could see the start times varying...aka college football wouldn't want to deny fans a chance to see the start of one game because they are watching the completion of another game. That would be working together within a sport and not hurting your own ratings/coverage.
Expecting a completely different sport (in this case, Nascar) which has only one race on today and has fans at the track and at home awaiting the start of the race at a certain time to delay everything because another sport's game went over the expected time is insane.
Also, if a Nascar race went long, the next college football game would not delay its' start time for it.
Nice try, Erik.
The NFL does change start times of games quite frequently. And in the next few weeks, plus they have a flex schedule for the Sunday night game for the final 7 weeks of the season. The game that plays in that slot are subject to change.
In college football you have dozens of games with an attendance of 80,000+ each that aren't fixed.
I'm not talking about floating start times for races, but just the ability to hold up the green flag a few minutes if NASCAR actually wants a TV audience in the worst case scenario.
Something like that happens anyway for weather delays.
I certainly have been on the short end of the NASCAR stick many times in TV land.
They have radio, pay-per-view, DirectTV, track schedules, logistics, crowd control, and hundreds of people who are working on a time schedule.
The "dance" of raceday begins hours before, and it would be impossible to put it on pause simply because the TV network was late in joining. I have tried to plead that case with absolutely no results.
This is the same reason that they will never add even one additional lap under caution to allow the TV network to return from commercial.
TV simply is not "the show" in NASCAR's mind.
Aerosmith is BAAAAACCKKKK!!!
As a fan who has only been to 1 race I prefer that they do not change scheduling of races and practice for TV. Those guys racing every week are on a very tight schedules as it is, as much as I would love to watch everything on TV I don't want them to keep having to change up what they are doing so I don't miss a thing
What a great idea by ESPN to "make good" their incredible mistake of totally missing this story during the live Memphis Busch Series race.
I still get email from the fact they left the race without interviewing DR or letting him tell this story of his car.
JD, do you know if that story was an ESPN or a NASCAR Images production?
It was a great story.
According to the official schedule of events at the PIR website, Happy Hour was scheduled for 2:50 - 3:50 pm ... How much did we miss?? Half or more ... Sad sad sad ... ESPN should've let Speed air it since the Speed guys were all set up for it (& it would've saved us from the umpteenth running of SotF that's got factual errors in it) ...
The Reutimann/ St Jude piece, now that's why I love racing. It was a great piece and AB brought it back to today's race well. Everyone once in a while ESPN really get's it.
Those of us with a couple of years on us remember the hilarious Martha Nemechek, Joe's mom who just loved the racing. She was a blast.
JD, can you imagine what we be said by the bloggers her if TV showed her in the Army outfit??!!
Martha..Kim Burton and many others have always been played up..not all viewers of NASCAR need to see the cars 24/7.
I am a big racing fan, but I can appreciate both sides of the argument about TV conflicts and altering starting times for races - at least modest altering of starting times. It would seem to be much more feasible if all tracks had lights, but for some tracks you are talking about millions of dollars to safely light the track, such as at Pocono.
Sophiaz said
That piece on David Reutimann and the boy from St. Jude's was awesome and very poignant.
Indeed, it's why I love so many of the guys in this sport and why I was so LIVID when ESPN cut away w/o an interview with DR that day.
I applaud them for making good on what they sinfully blew that day a couple weeks ago.
This story deserved to be heard and that young man, to get a chance in the spotlight.
Great piece
If ESPN insists on keeping Crusty around, could they PLEASE send him to a Dale Carnegie course or two during the off season?? Ned went before he started broadcasting and it's obvious DJ has gone also. Putting Crusty and Dale together on the pre-race show highlights Crusty's weakness even more.
Fresh Tires? who pitted Rusty
I tried. Had MRN coverage on Sirius Satellite radio but cut it off for a few for the TV talk. It was just in time for a PIT REPORTER to tell the booth there was a caution on the track. Even the camera found the crash, but did we hear anything from our broadcasters? At least they let us know everyone was ok. Then to commercial and back to visit with the "in car reporter". Sorry ESPN I'm back to the radio. Even after their delay, buy the time it's on tv I can still see what's happened and have a broadcast crew that knows what's going on.
Little short on the follow-up today for some reason.
Anonymous said...
I tried. Had MRN coverage on Sirius Satellite radio but cut it off for a few for the TV talk. It was just in time for a PIT REPORTER to tell the booth there was a caution on the track. Even the camera found the crash, but did we hear anything from our broadcasters? At least they let us know everyone was ok. Then to commercial and back to visit with the "in car reporter". Sorry ESPN I'm back to the radio. Even after their delay, buy the time it's on tv I can still see what's happened and have a broadcast crew that knows what's going on.
November 10, 2007 5:05 PM
How can they talk when there mics are off...that's what happens when you toss to a reporter....you must wait for your mics to be turned back on before you can talk.
Not enough cameras to show who helped Sam Hornish Jr into that spin ... Fender had damage before the spin started ...
Anonymous said...
Not enough cameras to show who helped Sam Hornish Jr into that spin ... Fender had damage before the spin started ...
November 10, 2007 5:09 PM
they should have more cameras thanthe fox race last year.
Why did Dr. Punch say Harvick was the only driver to win in all three series? There are 18 drivers who have won in all three series.
Also, Nancy Sterling is remarried. Good article about her at (http://www.ozarksmagazine.com/index.html?p=227)
no missed restarts today... this is good especially on a short track.
Thanks for the link to the story.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Not enough cameras to show who helped Sam Hornish Jr into that spin ... Fender had damage before the spin started ...
November 10, 2007 5:09 PM
they should have more cameras thanthe fox race last year.
November 10, 2007 5:10 PM
I meant to say in the spring not last year.
Oh, here we go. Talking about Stephen Wallace.
Gee, when Jimmy and Jeff aren't racing we sure do get to hear about a lot more drivers in the field!
Kudos to ESPN. It looked like they were getting ready to cut to commercial when the 24 car spun and they stayed with the action instead of going to commercial. I think they're learning!
coverage seems good so far.
This is where I miss Mike Joy, Rick Allen, or a Bob Jenkins. This great racing deserves an excited play-by-play guy actually calling the action instead of asking questions because Jerry is...at heart...a reporter.
Couldn't agree more, JD.
That's it I couldn't figure out why Punch didn't totally work for me but you hit the nail on the head JD. The coverage does seem a little better today esp now that the Carl Edwards show is over we should be able to hear about some other cars
IPingUPing - I think what Dr Punch was trying to say is that Harvick is the only driver that's won in all 3 division AT Phoenix ... Other drivers have won in all 3 series, just not all at Phoenix ...
Prediction for tomorrow:
Coverage = BAD (& not in a good way) ...
Focus will be on Jimmie & Jeff ... and will forget about the other 41 cars ...
If Jerry was in the Infield Studio, and AB was in the booth, it might be interesting to see how that affected the coverage.
I know AB is a bit stiff, and grew up in radio, but he can bring it when the excitement hits.
Anonymous said...
Prediction for tomorrow:
Coverage = BAD (& not in a good way) ...
Focus will be on Jimmie & Jeff ... and will forget about the other 41 cars ...
November 10, 2007 5:37 PM
why would you be bashing coverage before it even started?
Ok who's calling camera shots- pit crew huddling and Tim Brewer how about cars on the track and Tim in a box.
I'm on the fence right now. Some things seem better and then some things seem worse.
I think AB would be better in the booth ... and Dr Punch on pitroad (instead of the tall scary blonde chick) ...
The best coverage that TNT/NBC had during 2001-2006 was the stand alone races at Memphis when AB did the races with either Ralph Shaheen or Wally Dallenbach ...
What's wrong with the 77 car?? It had been around 12th to 15th ... Then pitstops relegated it back to like 22nd or worse ...
ESPN has NOT said a thing ... MRN hasn't either ...
MRN finally says why the 77 dropped back (spongy brakes) ...
ESPN finally says why the 9 had a bad pitstop (jackman didn't get the car high enough on the right side) ...
This is pretty bad that BOTH organizations are missing a lot of stuff as they continue to favor a handful of drivers ...
MRN or PRN? I thought PRN was doing the races this weekend.
Everyone was listening to DJ so no one knew why the caution was thrown. The reason should have been the first thing they told us instead of us thinking it had something to do with McDowell on pit road. Oh by the way why was he one pit road anyway
The St. Jude story was heartwarming and the young man and his father were awesome. Nice that they showed it today. Good coverage but Rusty is being a little bit much today.
So was Bobbie Hamilton the first car all race to get the lucky dog or did we find out just because it wasn't Steven Wallace. They were doing so well what happened
Sorry I ment Bobby
I hate to be so cynical but the reason why we are not hearing a lot about some of the drivers in the race is that they are not Cup drivers or Open Wheel racers.
I guess Vickers doesn't count either. Pitted from top 10 now 24th????
Vince said...
MRN or PRN? I thought PRN was doing the races this weekend.
November 10, 2007 5:58 PM
MRN will do all the races left including this weekend.
Write another check Rusty.
4:00 - college scoreboard
4:15 - Live college football
what will ESPN do?
Anonymous said...
4:00 - college scoreboard
4:15 - Live college football
what will ESPN do?
November 10, 2007 6:19 PM
I must make a correction...kick off is not until 4:45 pm. All times in pacific time.
Wallace wrecks -- maybe just maybe we can hear about someone else besides RW's son!!!!
He has had more coverage since Bush race started than drivers that are doing something.
I think Kevin is intentionally ignoring the guys in the booth today.
Anyone else bothered by this "Upset Alert" on the bottom line the last 20 minutes or so? "Tune to ESPN or ABC" No chance I actually like what I am watching? NASCAR should have a talk with ESPN about promoting events that would cause folks to tune away in-race.
When is NASCAR EVER going to take into account the sun issue...is this part of the tv package to get races shown at night? I say start after sundown.
Ludicrous to make the drivers struggle against blinding sun so much though it happens a lot.
P.S. CAMERA sees smoke and they STILL change cameras. HORRIBLE CAMERA calls today. I am not impressed.
I wish my MRN affiliate covered Busch races. Look forward to those boys tomorrow after the PRN guys..MRN MUCH better.
I have no idea what I am missing but know it's a lot.
i have decided to think of the tv as moving pictures of race cars. We get NO follow up. I mute the tv half the time (ALWAYS DURING the commercials!!) and read the close captioning until something happens.
I agree they need to SPLIT SCREEN brewer and his repetitive tech reports.
P.S. It is also VERY HARD to see the cars across the track in the shady areas.
I still think more races should be at NIGHT tho many disagree with that. Cars look better and more exciting.
well... I am tempted to say "bad ESPN" for cutting away from the incident with the 41 rubbing the wall, but I believe the director called the switch before it happened.
WOW! Dario good job of getting the car facing forward1!!!
Well that's 1 missed restart
SophiaZ123 said...
P.S. CAMERA sees smoke and they STILL change cameras. HORRIBLE CAMERA calls today. I am not impressed.
November 10, 2007 6:29 PM
The director called the camera change before the incident happened...also the director cut to a shot of the SAME CARS!!! Just a different angle. It happened so fast that it looked like you missed something, but you did not.
it has actually been a decent broadcast today and I'm getting tired of people judging a broadcast even when they are not watching it.
Well, they were doing great on the restarts, but they just missed that one. By a lap.
Vince said...
Well, they were doing great on the restarts, but they just missed that one. By a lap.
November 10, 2007 6:36 PM
I think this restart problem is with those who insert commercials in Bristol and not the crew at the track.
Yeah, I didn't mean to imply that the guys in the booth had anything to do with missing the restart, but somebody in the production truck or at Bristol missed it.
I admit that I've had to leave the TV several times during the race. Even so, I've heard the lucky dog car mentioned several times.
I don't have a bias against the Wallace family; so, I don't mind the coverage of Stephen. It doesn't seem excessive to me. I want to know how he's doing.
Why are they doing taped on screen interviews with under 25 laps left? Another wreck missed.....
Show us the action, not canned interviews. Save the canned interviews for cautions or in the middle of the race, not at the end.
I was thinking the same thing. HOW ABOUT FOLLOW UP.
it !!!
nicely timed behind-the-sense interview.
The dish tech center was interesting but misplaced. How about resetting the field and how are the guys doing with these restarts. 99 was 6th and with all these restarts has dropped to 9th. Guess he doesn't like all these cautions, how about the other cars
Just catching up on the coverage. The St. Judes piece on pre race was wonderful. Other than that, the coverage is kind of the same: better than the Cup race, not outstanding. We're fast forwarding through some. I think it's overkill to have Rusty and DJ be commentators. Pick one - you know which one!
For a poster above who mentioned never seeing Carl Edwards's girlfriend and always seeing his mom: His girlfriend was in Victory Lane with him for one of his wins this year; I don't think she was on TV but she took some pictures afterward. (She's a very pretty brunette.)I believe she's a doctor of some sort and of course a job like that doesn't allow her to be at many races.
I also agree that seeing Carl's mom this much lately is a PR move. We have seen his mom in the past, just not this much during actual racing coverage, in my opinion.
ESPN spends a lot of time putting its behind the scenes people in front of the camera on different shows to let us know how technologically advanced they are. [Yawn.]
Well, I have to give them credit for bleeding into College Scoreboard, but we won't get any post-race.
40 minutes until kickoff.
what happens to the end of the race....football game due to start in 8 minutes.
if they go to ESPN CLASSIC or Internet....MANY will miss the END of the race???
PammH said...
Well, I have to give them credit for bleeding into College Scoreboard, but we won't get any post-race.
November 10, 2007 7:05 PM
I believe the scoreboard show can collapse right until 7:45. we should get at least 2 post race interviews and the winner.
Dr Punch just brought up the plane crash ... Grrrrr!!!
ESPN seemed to show more actual racing today instead of just following the leader.
Small thing, but I find the scroll at the top easier to read than the SPEED one. I think it's the font and color choices that work better for me.
The bottom scroll I just ignore.
SophiaZ123 said...
"what happens to the end of the race....football game due to start in 8 minutes"
Um....no. KICKOFF is not until 7:45. ESPN will not leave NASCAR if the race runs long at least until 7:45.
SophiaZ123 said...
"what happens to the end of the race....football game due to start in 8 minutes"
Um....no. KICKOFF is not until 7:45. ESPN will not leave NASCAR if the race runs long at least until 7:45.
Now is when they should have put in that Tech Center piece. Hopefully they'll reset the field. Good thing Speed will reair Tradin Paint I'm missing it and didn't think I needed to tape it. Silly me
Kick off is at 7:21...I am guessing no winner interview tonight.
DAMN.....ESPN LIED TO ME....kick off is at. 4:21.....I still say ESPN will not leave NASCAR until the race ends....they have sent football to classic before.
I dont know WHO thought kickoff was 40 minutes away..kickoff is 7.21 on my tv screen ticker.
Scoreboard was only scheduled for FIFTEEN minutes and the cars are still STOPPED.
SophiaZ123 said...
I dont know WHO thought kickoff was 40 minutes away..kickoff is 7.21 on my tv screen ticker.
Scoreboard was only scheduled for FIFTEEN minutes and the cars are still STOPPED.
November 10, 2007 7:13 PM
Ok here is my explanation...Dr. Punch said earlier today that the next football game was at 7:45. sorry.
SophiaZ123 said...
I dont know WHO thought kickoff was 40 minutes away..kickoff is 7.21 on my tv screen ticker.
Scoreboard was only scheduled for FIFTEEN minutes and the cars are still STOPPED.
November 10, 2007 7:13 PM
Ok here is my explanation...Dr. Punch said earlier today that the next football game was at 7:45. sorry.
And whats wrong with Dr Jerry mentioning the Plane crash after a long pit road interview with Rick Hendrick???
Lost me there...
JD, this thing keeps posting my comments twice when i mess up the verification!
Newsflash. I actually heard Rusty pronounce Kenseth's name correctly.
Yes, the scoreboard show is scheduled to end at 7:15.
Game alloted time is 7:15-10:15.
It's only fair if they go to the game right after the race without interviews, that's what I expect when a football game runs long before a race. Shame it has to come to that, though. Bad scheduling.
2 laps left...5 minutes until kick off.
1 minute left....how will the handle post race?
we ARE getting post race.
I bet ESPN is mad at kyle now. it is 7:22 and we still have post race.
I am wondering if the kick-off is being delayed? That would be interesting...goes back to the posts earlier in the day...
Is the NCAA holding the start of the game?
Not buying the 'bad scheduling' but so be it attitude.
ESPN and NASCAR ALSO, had to KNOW this would be an ISSUE when they signed the contract.
Funny they are still on the air but when Reutimann won, the CUT HIM OFF THE AIR while doing donuts. :(
Guess because it's Hendrick and not MWR
As JD said the hammer came down as far as NASCAR on friday..
Stickin with the post race...
I think it is. because ESPN would have sent viewer elsewhere for Football coverage by now.
I don't think it was MWR vs HMS, I think it was that friday meeting.
Wow, came into the game late for post race....
Hammer delivered with thunder...
SophiaZ123 said...
Guess because it's Hendrick and not MWR
November 10, 2007 7:23 PM
I am a fan of MWR but Don't go there. it IS NOT because of that. It is because of that phone call JD mentioned Friday.
well, we got an interview with MK and the winner.
WHY could this have not been done all season?????
Hope JD can answer this...I am ignorant on some things but this is the Orange Bowl...I take it that's a big game...i thought all the bowl games were around New Year's Day.
Wonder if this was part of the alleged call to ESPN JD mentioned.
Billy Delyon said...
Wow, came into the game late for post race....
Hammer delivered with thunder...
November 10, 2007 7:26 PM
did we come into the game late or did it start late?
They came into the game late. You know they're going to hear about that.
Call me skeptical, but if the Busch Series hadn't recently had such negative feedback with leaving without the Reutimann victory interview, along with all of the problems with NASCAR Cup series coverage that suddenly resulted in adding and changing programs next week, I don't think we would have seen a post-race.
I think it was a "make-good" and I don't know that they'll do it again. But they did it so I have to give them their due. Because some football fans are going to be upset.
Sophia, Orange Bowl is the name of the stadium. :)
It's not the Orange Bowl, but you're correct it's a big game because it's the Miami team's last game in the Orange Bowl stadium. It may not have any more games of any kind there anymore. I'm surprised that ESPN let it run over because they probably focused on the last game factor in pregame.
Thanks, Miss Lisa....My room mate just told me the same thing when I got up to ask him. LOL.
Me don't pretend to be something I ain't! LOL.
I just think the alleged call to ESPN was WAY LONG OVERDUE. Shame we all got cheated all season.
Meanwhile, Brian France says everything is hunky dory and the ratings are down for EVERYTHING.
Man lives in a bubble...bubble of money.
AND...this is the final game for Miami in the Orange Bowl (stadium). The Orange Bowl (post season game) already moved to the stadium the Dolphins play in. Next year, the Orange Bowl (stadium) will be demolished. This is a milestone for the simple fact that there was a lot of history in the stadium and University of Miami will never play another game there again.
anon 7.38
Thanks for the history lesson on the Orange bowl. I used to watch a little football sometimes with friends, and baseball, and golf.
So I can appreciate what stadiums means when they blow up one to bring a new one. Had two professional stadiums built in a nearby city.
Now I get it regarding the comment to the Orange Bowl being an historical 'event.'
I hadn't heard about the Orange Bowl (stadium) being demolished next year. I guess that's progress but I spent a lot of time in the 70's at that stadium and even though it was old then, it still has so much history I loved going there and watching games. Same here in Houston, there's speculation that they might demolish the Astrodome soon.
I admit I am coming from a basketball perspective, so my NASCAR newbieness may come into play here. But Dr. Jerry Punch just doesn't have the play-by-play skill to carry these races, as I've seen mentioned in the many columns here. He seemed at a loss for words towards the end of the race -there were pauses like he was thinking of something to say.
In my experience, play-by-play guys never run out of words.
From what I've seen, Mike Joy to me is the consummate play-by-play person. Maybe because he's closest to what I'm used to, but he just seems more natural at this. Surely there are other NASCAR-educated announcers in the ranks of radio/TV who could be considered for this position. (Nothing against Dr. Punch, who has a very engaging manner onscreen, it's just not play-by-play.)
I think I have finally figured out the difference between this on-air crew and, say, the guys on Fox:
These guys guess at everything. They aren't sure about anything. Listen, tomorrow, to the number of times Rusty says, "apparently," "looks like," "might," or even, "I guess."
Today, Doc said Kyle would likely go high on the restart, unless he decided to go to the bottom of the track.
Anyone can guess at why things are happening. The point of using former drivers and crew chiefs was supposed to be so they did not have to guess--they should know.
JD, do you know when the special edition of NASCAR Now will Air today???
@JD--yes that was nice to "make good" with the follow up story!
@anonymous 4:23--YUP! I'm still pissed at what they did a few weeks ago and "interrupt" HH for some silly baseball show. It wasn't a biggie for me but I know east coasters who stayed up to watch.
@Billy--it's annoying because they bring it up all.the.time! It's been 3 years already! They don't bring up Dale everytime someone at TEI wins!
Come on now, they mention Sr all the time when TEI cars win, & it’s been 6 years since he passed. In fact I’m pretty sure Dr Jerry mentioned Sr when Martin got his pole recently. Being that Doc knew Sr well, as well as Andy being his crew chief, I think its ok if they mention Sr when good things happen for the company he started. All Dr. Jerry was doing was giving a synopsis of what Hendrick has been through and what he has accomplished for those who are new and don’t know. He lost his only son (whom he was grooming someday to run his race team), his brother, two nieces, his long time superstar engine builder and friend, as well as others. That is a huge thing to pull though, especially since he was susposed to be on the flight with them. Anyway, I don’t think it’s that big a mention. If it got to many mentions this year, that may have to do with two of his drivers winning almost half the races to this point.
On the subject of 'not knowing what’s going on’, I’m amazed that (being a former Cup Champ, having won a ton of races, running in the top 5 in points a lot of years) by far crusty is the biggest culprit of being wrong or just plain not having clue. 9 times out of 10 he’s ‘just flat’ wrong.
Andy on the other hand I find is right about 90% of the time. Andy will make a comment on what he thinks a certain team may be doing, sure enough, Crusty will pipe up that “Doc, I disagree, I think yammer yammer yammer”, and as you watch it play out, Andy is right on, and Crusty is silent about his earlier comment being completely bat ass backwards.
I haven’t found that with the other drivers that have filled in for him this year, like DJ or Randy.
I hope if they make a change in the booth, its Crusty that goes, and they then give Doc a chance with someone he’s WAY more comfortable with, DJ and Andy, then I’d bet you’d get a much better Dr.Jerry play by play as well as driver and crew chief. The Busch races the 3 of them did were by far some of the better days they had in the booth this season IMO.
If not Dr. Jerry, get Bob Jenkins back where he belongs! Best play by play NASCAR guy ever IMO. Benny Ned and Bob were the days of ESPN. No wonder we’ve all been so disappointed with ESPN's return, they had a lot to live up to with those 3. (just in the booth alone)
Great comments,
Interesting things happening with NASCAR and ESPN right now.
Perhaps they learned from the Memphis decision that things in NASCAR run very deep and often are very emotional.
Be interesting to see how everyone does tomorrow no Cup with all the recent changes.
Thanks again for all your comments.
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