Fans had hoped that SPEED would make a good choice for the final media guest of the outstanding series Tradin' Paint.
The network did not have to look far to find the perfect candidate. Robin Miller pried himself away from the open-wheel world to stop by Homestead and let his opinion be known.
Both John Roberts and regular panelist Kyle Petty appeared to be pleased to welcome a member of the SPEED Channel extended family. Miller was more "user friendly" than the many NASCAR journalists that had enraged Petty throughout the season.
SPEED added a special touch to this program by playing back thoughts offered by some of the more memorable guests of Tradin' Paint over the last ten months. This was a great feature.
There is no doubt that Miller views NASCAR with a certain level of disdain, but he managed to temper his words and participate in some good and lively discussions on this program. It was exactly what SPEED needed to send this show into the off-season on a high note.
The fireworks started with the discussion of the top 35 rule. Miller offered theory, and Petty offered reality. Petty continues to move this topic over to the business model of keeping some value in the teams, without any franchising system. Miller used the good comparison that the big value of the Indy 500 was that the fastest thirty-three cars started no matter who they were or who owned them.
Ray Dunlap stepped-up to offer thoughts on the past champions provisional and was very clear with his words on this issue. He suggested eliminating it for 2008. Miller offered the point that the owners are going to use anything at their disposal to assure that their teams make the race. Petty tried to agree, but could not resist taking a shot at Dunlap's credibility along the way.
Petty's point was that these rules were decades old, and it was simply time to modernize all the old rules when NASCAR decides to pay attention to this issue. Petty said that under the current system Dale Jarrett has every "freaking right" to use his past champions provisional even if he is several tenths off the pace. Kyle does have a way with words.
In this final program, host John Roberts set a sightly milder tone than some of the knock-down drag-out affairs from earlier in the season. AP Reporter Jenna Fryer and Petty could hardly find any common ground, and Petty basically accused her of fabricating stories. "Can I just leave now?" said Fryer only five minutes into the show.
Nothing, however, will top the Kyle Petty vs. Bob Pockrass from SceneDaily debacle this season. That one had viewers howling and The Daly Planet comments flying for a full week. Pockrass has a personality that, well, kind of gets under your skin a little bit. To Petty, Pockrass is just flat and simply a complete moron.
John Roberts put on his referee hat and waded into a discussion that featured Pockrass questioning everything under the NASCAR sun, often times without the respect or dignity that the Petty family finds very fundamental to the sport. The result was Petty blowing his top on national TV.
Just like Jenna Fryer, Petty accused Pockrass of deliberately making things up in his stories, and told him he was "full of BS." Petty went on to question the NASCAR Media in general, suggesting they manufactured false rumors to feed their publications and websites.
One final memorable moment was when Pockrass suggested Montoya could not win in his first season because of the steep NASCAR learning curve. Petty dismissed him with a wave and said Pockrass did not know the sport, and did not understand that anyone could win on any Sunday. Pockrass said "I guess that includes you too, right?"
On the way out the door, Petty said on SPEED that Pockrass and most of the NASCAR Media spend their time "blowing smoke up people's butts." The bottom line for Petty was, the media was always wrong and he was always right.
That is why a nice, middle-aged man like Robin Miller from the SPEED family was the right choice for this show. They talked about good subjects, each gave their opinions, and the season ended without the potential for post-show festivities. Although, I do think Fryer could take Petty on a good day.
Earlier this season, I called Tradin' Paint "the little TV show that could." Given one additional guest, this show could fill a quality hour on SPEED and re-air on Mondays behind Inside NEXTEL Cup, should that program series return. The key problem for Tradin' Paint is that viewers cannot find it among the multi-channel NASCAR mess of a TV schedule.
John Roberts and Kyle Petty have made this show worth watching all season long. Their guests have almost always made it memorable. With a little polish, a few more resources, and a steady timeslot, Tradin' Paint could finally give SPEED the NASCAR opinion and discussion-style show they have been lacking. This team put a solid TV season under their belts in 2007.
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I agree...
That eternal chip on Kyle's shoulder makes for some great interviews/arguments/conflicts.
Of course, cross a struggling full time Cup driver with a athletic-less sports writer and you've got a great show no matter who the driver is!
I have certainly enjoyed Tradin' Paint all year. To me it leaves a lot to be desired though. I think the show would benefit from having more than just two panel members on each episode, having a standard air time every week (maybe every Thursday night before each race weekend starts?), and getting an expansion to 60 or 90 minutes.
I would like to see a panel of 4 or more individuals brought together each week to debate different issues about NASCAR, sort of like "The Sports Reporters" or "Around the Horn" (without the scoring, eliminations, and "face time") on ESPN. Have some balance with at least one driver like Michael Waltrip, Jeff Burton, or Kyle Petty, one active NASCAR TV broadcaster like Larry Mac, Darrell Waltrip, or Jeff Hammond, and at least one credible NASCAR media member like David Poole or Jenna Fryer that won't be afraid to be afraid to "stir the pot" and be critical of NASCAR, the drivers, or the TV networks when it is justified to do so.
I used to love readin the "Track Smack" on NASCAR.com before that site went south and a lot of their top writers like Marty Smith went elsewhere, and I would love to see "Tradin' Paint" adopt a similar format to that 4 member panel that could banter around about each week's NASCAR issues. I know I for one would definitely make a show like that appointment television viewing.
JD- I am a racing fan and I enjoyed Robin Miller's being on Trading Paint because I find him virtually always to be honest and does not try to pawn off his opinions as fact, unlike many members of the print media. Kyle has been involved in NASCAR for so long that he has a long memory of the errors and distortions of the print media. This year the print media has been fraught with errors and distortions - the Toyota "monster," inaccuracies about DEI and Dale Earnhardt, and slanted reporting about the negative comments about Carl Edwards. There are many members of the print media who seem to have a grudge against NASCAR (the organization) and let it affect their reporting. Kyle has seen this all first-hand.
I find it amusing that many print media reps seem to always think they always know more about NASCAR than someone who has been involved in it everyday for over 30 years.
As to the champios provisional, it was put in to help ensure that The King would be in the field FOR THE FANS. It amazed me that no one mentioned on TP that fans plan months in advance to attend races and would be upset to find that one of the big favorites missed the race due to a tire problem, a slip, etc. - like Dale, Jr.'s blowing a tire and missing the race. Also, nothing personal, but I would rather see Dale Jarrett, Bill Elliot, or Terry Labonte in a race than Carl Long - and I think many fans would also.
I REALLY do appreciate your insight and all you have done to make an unbearable NASCAR TV season somewhat bearable - and to give a lot of us hope. I hope you have a super Thanksgiving.
I'm sorry ya'll, but I just can't stand this show. I'm not saying that a show like this isn't important, but I am not a fan of shows where a guest is brought on to be berated by another guest, regardless of who is right and who is wrong.
I guess I'm old fashioned, but I like for people to be polite. Even if Mr. Petty feels very strongly that a media person is in the wrong, he needs to state that fact in a calm, collected manner and support it with facts. If he did, the general public would be much more inclined to believe him over the media personality. To me, he is simply showing that he does not have the verbal skills to get his point across so he uses volume and aggressiveness to overcome what he is lacking.
I know that TV has been trending toward these characters who believe that the loudest, most obnoxious person wins, but I cannot condone such actions with my time and viewership. Unfortunately for me, these are the types of characters that people want to see, so the Michael Waltrips, Tony Stewarts and Kyle Pettys of the world get the stage. Not because of their skills and mental capacity, but because they are not afraid to create controversy. Its the Jerry Springer principal, NASCAR syle. It makes me glad that they still print books for the rest of us.
"The key problem for Tradin' Paint is that viewers cannot find it among the multi-channel NASCAR mess of a TV schedule."
JD, I don't understand that statement. This show aired at 7:00 or 7:30pm almost ever week with few exceptions.
I meant EVERY week.
Tradin' Paint is the only show I am aware of where the covered can ask the coverers to defend their point of view.
Hi Richard in NC,
You are correct, there is no other place for the subjects of journalists to hold the media accountable for what they report (not counting drivers with Sirius radio shows). There is nothing wrong with having a show to invite them on to defend their article points. However, the way this particular show works, it feels like they are inviting certain writers on for a public flogging instead of a discussion.
I understand that part of the purpose of the show is entertainment, I just don't find public humiliation very entertaining. If the true purpose of the show is debate, reason, and discourse, the show is failing miserably.
I too enjoyed this show, I like Kyle much better when he isn't hostile. I would actually like to see Jeff Burton on this show he is always well spoken and could provide some interesting view points. I should be replayed on
Monday before INC along with another NASCAR show like NBS(NNS) 24/7 (note to Nationwide, this would be a great way for fans to discover those Nationwide Series only drivers)to make a Nascar night instead of another episode of Pinks.
Breaking... Dave Despain just said INC will return next year. This is good news.
I thought Dave Despain said if they were going to return next year. He didn't sound 100% sure of that. I will miss it if it goes off the air.
Dave said they would see us in February and asked the gang what they were doing off season, then said they would see us in Feb.
That's what it said on my tv.
I did NOT hear about the Kenseth THINKING he had a flat, LOL..that was a hoot...Great inside stuff. I Love this show.
Sorry to you naysayers.
Maybe they should expand the show to 90 minutes and have a hotseat guest and ask Robin Miller in to give his two cents on OPen Wheel and NASCAR.
I heard Miller say on WT WEEKS ago he would pay MONEY to get Rusty OUT of the announcing booth.
I LOVED that comment.
Course, I loved Millers comments on Duna and the horrible IRL Rookie test also that a monkey could pass. THUS drivers in IRL that have NO business on the track.
Sure wish they would repeat TP. Anybody got a tape to send or a you tube clip?
sounds like Kyle got to see the "nice" Robin Miller not the one who will call you every name in the book on W-T
John..they need to have you on this show to talk about ratings and stuff like that...
sorry but i would fall out of my chair watching you and Kyle go at it
Ritchie- Since it was on at odd times I did not get a chance to see about half of the TP shows - and I am somewhat biased having been a Petty fan since high school. That having been said, I believe Kyle does have strong feelings, but I do not believe he ever humiliated any reporter. I see no problem with his saying "That's bull" - especially since I frequently agreed with him. I think it is significant that Kyle and the reporters all know each other well, so the reporters should have had a good idea of Kyle's opinions.
wicked....I worked an a NASCAR project with Kyle once, and he was a very real and laid-back guy. Maybe next year for the TV stuff.
Anon 6:17PM,
I meant the other NASCAR programming, including the races. Sorry, I should have been more specific.
The complaint I hear is that it cannot be taped by a lot of folks without DVR's and they are watching other NASCAR stuff on other channels at that time.
I really enjoy TP. I also enjoyed "Pit Bulls" but the thing that turned me off was everyone talking over each other.
I would probably watch TP if they would get replace Kyle Petty with someone that had something more to bring to the table than the fact that he is Richard Petty's son. He is a waste of TV time.
Do what you want with the show,just don't bring back David Pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if it's the nature of the way the sport is now, but these NASCAR shows have really brought out things about people like Kyle Petty and Michael Waltrip that I would have been perfectly happy never knowing about.
I don't know if this is the proper place to suggest a new theme song for NASCAR, i'd like to suggest a song from a few years ago by Chely Wright: SHUT UP AND DRIVE
I often disagree with him, but David Poole is one of the top print reporters on NASCAR.
Almost no one in the sport can bring to the table what Kyle Petty does. He's a car owner, has had some success as a driver, and has been in a unique place to view the history and changes in NASCAR - and no one can better appreciate the position Dale, Jr. is in than Kyle since essentially Kyle has been there.
Tradin Paint is for the most part is quite entertaining. I always look forward to someone like Robin Miller to step to the plate and tell it like it is. All of this politically correctness crap is nauseating, boring, and to tell the truth if it leaches into Tradin Paint you can color me gone.
Miller and Petty are always going to tell it like it is and if you dont like it turn on bowling or watch crouquet.
I just dont understand why anyone thinks "we all need to just get along". Boring races are one thing but TP is another. Go for the jugler take em out, knock down drag out! It doesnt get any better than that.
As far as Tradin paint goes I think it should be at least an hour long, even though I really don't like the way Petty is such a yes man for NASCAR, he never has a bad word for NASCAR. If they put four people on the show it would ruin it because everyone would be talking at he same time, like a bunch of women. I still don't see the reason people are talking about Toyota, all these cars are the same, they don't even have a detroit made engine in them, the only difference is who works on each car as to how good it is. Thats why I don't see this as stock cars, more like the IROC races, all the same car.
I agree that Kyle has so much to add to the conversation because of his unique heritage. Al that institutional memory of things that may not be dlcummented anywhere. The problems is when he offers some of his opionions so forcefully. A lot of them are for self-serving purposes. And, please, he can talk about being a racer, but what can a driver who has only won 2 races in the last 15 tell us?
It bugs me when Kyle refers to his dad as "the king". Why can't he just say "my dad"?
Any show which features any Petty, especially Kyle can count me as a viewer. The fact his career has been mediocre for the last 15 years is besides the point. He is knowledgeable about the history of NASCAR and is able to defend his position, with an insiders point of view. More importantly, he has handled the loss of Adam with more grace and dignity than any public figure I can recall. Then there is Victory Junction. . .Kyle Petty is a man in every sense of the word and a role model to all of us. Not to mention, some of those know it all writers need to be blasted once in a while. I'm proud to be a fan of Kyle Petty, for his on and off track accomplishments.
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