This season, we wrapped-up a full year of NASCAR TV action by interviewing three of the most popular TV personalities here on The Daly Planet.
First up was Steve Byrnes, who has perhaps one of the busiest schedules of any on-air "talent." His appearance in the movie "Dale" and his memories of Dale Earnhardt Sr. were hot topics. To read his interview, click here.
Following Steve was his SPEED co-worker Wendy Venturini. Having just returned from her marriage and honeymoon in the Caribbean, Wendy sat down for a late night session of answering questions submitted by The Daly Planet readers. Please click here to see her answers.
Finally, we greatly appreciated NASCAR on Fox's Mike Joy stopping-by just before Christmas vacation to fill us in on his opinions on a wide variety of topics. Mike has a long and diverse history with all types of racing, and his answers reflected someone with a veteran perspective. To read them, click here.
The Daly Planet interview series will continue the week after Christmas with Krista Voda, the host of the Craftsman Truck Series pre-race show and the "new kid on the block" as a pit reporter for NASCAR on Fox.
We are still talking to a variety of NASCAR TV personalities to complete this "reader interview" series during the off-season. There will be an update shortly.
There are also some new stories involving the TV "faces" that you know from last season's coverage that are about to break over the next several weeks. After a short break of our own, The Daly Planet will return on Wednesday, December 26th.
To all the loyal readers of this blog, thanks for a great season. We received thousands of comments about the hundreds of hours of TV programming that was sent our way by the NASCAR TV partners.
This year will long be remembered for some very interesting TV moments. If you have a favorite single moment that you would like to share, please feel free...within our wonderful guidelines, of course.
The Daly Planet welcomes comments from readers. Simply click on the COMMENTS button below, and follow the simple instructions.
Thanks to you for this blog JD. It's great for us fans to have a forum to express ourselves and know that somebody in TVland is actually reading our comments and suggestions.
Have a Merry Christmas JD, and to all my fellow posters as well.
Vince from MI
JD-we've all expressed what this site has meant to us. Once again, a big thank you.
Merry Christmas to all.
JD, I join with others in thanking you so much for this wonderful site. You've given us an outlet for our frustration, and managed to keep us smiling.
Please thank Steve, Wendi, and Mike for their time and their answers. I can't wait to see who else drops by.
I hope you and yours have a wonderful, merry Christmas.
Palestine, TX
A BIG THANK YOU. Mr. Daly, thank you for this blog. I read all and posted on 3 or 4. Thank you again. I hope the NASCAR TV folks have read and understand how we feel and hope they improve coverage in 2008.
Kingston, NY
John, a sincere and heartfelt Merry Christmas and hopes for a bright and prosperous Happy New Year to you. Thank you for the many nice things you have written about someone close to me and my family.
Thanks for this colum, John. It has been wonderful to read your column. I've enjoyed it and the others comments. Having a place to talk about the NASCAR issues has been a real help in this year of change and confusion. Have a great holiday and happy new year everyone.
Thanks JD for all the time you have put into this blog. I'm a newcomer but have thoroughly enjoyed your columns and all the dialogue from you posters.
Merry Christmas to you all. I hope that the new year will be better for all.
Elena from CA (in Chicago now)
JD, Merry Christmas and thank you so much for putting this together for us to share.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christnas & a joyous holiday season. Thanks again JD, for this great blog. It helps to have somewhere for Nascar fans to meet & greet!
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