Chris Hawkey from FAN Motorsports was kind enough to invite me over this Saturday for an interview which covered a lot of topics. To listen, click this link and then select FAN ON DEMAND and then MOTORSPORTS ON DEMAND.
Our interview is the top selection, just click on LISTEN. Thanks again to Chris and Jordan for the interview, and to Daly Planet reader Susie for setting it up.
To contact us for radio and Internet interviews, email editor@thedalyplanet.tv anytime. Thanks.
Great interview! I really enjoyed the entire segment. Thanks, JD.
JD, great interview. I just heard it.
I have a quick question about the blog itself. Why has the order of past columns on the home page changed so much recently? Its hard to find past columns now and columns from a week ago are now listed before columns from a few days ago.
Anon 12:45PM,
I just moved-up a couple of columns for an end-of-the-week recap. The rest are listed in order.
One thing that a full scale website would bring is a format that would allow more flexibility and also give readers the opportunity to post topics in a forum style setting.
We are close to deciding if we want to take the plunge for 2008, as that takes a lot of time and energy. Thanks.
What happened to the Chilli Bowl post JD?
There is a Chili Bowl page available for comments, but after viewing the Chili Bowl telecast it did not have any of the NASCAR stars as a part of the show.
It also did not utilize any of the NASCAR TV production crew. I appreciate the show as a PPV event, but I do not thing my view of the telecast would serve a purpose. We will continue with NASCAR news and programs on Monday.
Thanks for asking.
JD, just heard your radio interview. AMEN! Terrific...as always on the money and a VOICE FOR US FANS that nobody else will stand up for.
I am MOST GRATEFUL this was no a Sirius interview and the KFAN gang lets us listen for FREE..enjoyed the whole hour.
Also, I read about the glitches on the Chili bowl...ouch.
Look forward to your update about the site's future and sure you can get volunteers to be 'extra eyes' here if need be. :-)
Thanks again for a place for the TRUE fans to rant, kvetch and then get over it and move on...even if that means turning OFF the tv this season.
You gave us a site to try our darndest to get thru to the knuckleheads at ESPN and other places.
I hope TNT does another wide open race with very few commercial breaks. More stations should go that route rather than make us miss 12 laps at Bristol, but I digressed!
There will be additional posts with information about the upcoming week's NASCAR TV coverage shortly.
Any information can be sent to me directly at editor@thedalyplanet.tv anytime.
I was not able to get the link to work but found the interview, don't you just love google. Great work JD, who knew that this little blog would lead to John Daly voice of the Nascar fan.
It was a lot of fun to help out a regular Daly Planet reader by appearing on her local NASCAR radio show. Chris was great, and we had a lot of fun.
It was very clear that those guys take their racing very seriously, and I hope to be a guest again soon.
That's a shame about the Chili Bowl, I had it all set ordered and ready to record but I don't know what happened. I wasn't feeling well so laid down early and of course by the time I realized it was too late.
The Chili Bowl was fun, despite Tony setwart's 8th place finish, Kasey Kahne's DNF (engine), Jason Leffler's tire trouble, and J.J. Yeley's rule violation that kept him out of the A-Main. At least Leffler owned the winning car!
The broadcast, however, was not well-produced. The announcers clearly weren't able to see the track and frequently didn't know whatw as happening.
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