NASCAR returns to the track as SPEED begins coverage of Bud Shooutout practice and adds-in SPEED Stage programming with NASCAR Live.
Coverage begins at 3PM and continues through the night with other programming. This post will serve to host your comments about NASCAR Live with John Roberts and coverage of Bud Shooutout practice with Steve Byrnes.
There will be additional posts upcoming about the other SPEED and ESPN2 programs of Friday night. Please feel free to add your comments.
To post your opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. Rules for posting are on the right side of the main page. Thanks again for taking the time to stop by and leave your views on SPEED's Friday coverage.
Nascar Live with Dave Despain?! What????????? That just ruined my day.........
tee hee hee...I thought the same thing when I heard that voice!
Something is going on with the sound on the HD channel. Is thathappening to anyone else? the regular Speed Channel sounds is fine, as are the commercials ont he HD channel.
Speed is off to a terrible start... Give me Ryan Burr in a suit n tie speaking words in the english language over these clowns anyday!!!!!
Way too much focus on two single drivers. They had an hour and the only two drivers they talked about extensively were Jimmie and Jr. Nice to hear that NASCAR survives on Jr. alone.
No kidding!!! All the sudden NASACR NOW doesnt look so bad! Speed looks like they are still on vacation!
They are playing the background music WAYYYYY too loud, I couldn't understand a word they said coming back from the commercial.
Practice! Cars on the track!
I'm all better now! :)
I like the fact that the new Speed Channel graphics have the specific team style numbers on them (i.e. when the graphic says 24 - Jeff Gordon it uses the '24' style that matches the number on the side of his car). To me that's much more pleasing to the eye than last year's plain text.
One minor problem that I noticed last night during the Shootout drawing too - they're using the wrong '99' for Carl Edwards. They're using the David Reutimann Nationwide style number instead of the Roush Racing style. Not a big deal but if someone in the production truck is reading this you might want to clean that up, LOL :)
It's also very nice to see ONLY the cars ON THE TRACK, starting with the very start of the cars rolling onto the track. It's also nice to see TV coverage of a practice session other than Happy Hour, and that this session is being shown LIVE. Take notes ESPN, this is how it's supposed to be done.
NASCAR Live was a big disappointment earlier. But practice is going along nicely. Good coverage of the cars on the track and good info on people's cars.
HELP!!!!!!My local fox network is not going to air the bud shootout
with direct tv hot pass aree they going to cover sat night race??????
Hotpass is not covering the Budweiser Shootout, only the 36 points races.
@anon 4:42 where do you live? Is it one of the "usual suspect" stations or a new one?
Great job by Speed Channel covering the first practice session. They did everything right to counteract what ESPN did wrong all fall last year. No fancy video packages. No pre-taped full-screen interviews. No 5 minute behind-the-scenes look at the ESPN gizmo of the week. They just showed the cars ON THE TRACK from the very second the session started until the second the red & black flags came out. And they even stuck around for 5 or so extra minutes when the session ran longer than its allotted programming block allowed. Gasp!
Plus, this wasn't even Happy Hour and it was still televised anyway, and shown LIVE nonetheless!
Thank you very much Speed Channel, I'm glad to have you guys back for the next 6 months covering practice the way it should be covered.
Recorded the afternoon Speed show. Watched for a half hour and erased the rest. Hope tonites show is better.
One other thought as I watched Ken Squier talk about "The Great American Race".
This, for obvious reasons, may or may not be a "Great Race", but to call it the great AMERICAN Race borders on false advertising.
FOX/SPEED brought all the gang to the track. I appreciate the effort. Some of today's coverage is not what I enjoy; again, I appreciate the effort.
I am very, very happy that they are back!
I am enjoying the afternoon of broadcasting with all the Speed and Fox people. Just a relaxed atmosphere with good reporting and I have understood every word. Welcome back Speed and Fox, we have missed you.
I have enjoyed having Ken Squire on the broadcast. I am looking forward to him being on the Speed team. The programming has been wonderful, but the audio has been horrible as someone else also noted. The ambient noise and enjgine noise was so overwhelming that you had a very difficult time understanding what the talen was saying. It seems that they have improved it over the last few minutes, but I can't believe that no one in the production truck or at the studio noticed the problem.
The audio was worst during the shootout practice. You could barely hear the talent over the constant hum of the engines.
I am sure Speed will get the audio balanced correctly, but I am surprised that it has seemed to take several hours to see improvement.
Just recently home so missed everything before 6 Thankfully the cars are back on the track for practice cause Nascar Live was a little rockey. Too many voices, somewhat scattered and was it me or did Distain and Squires look a little off. Maybe I'm just not use to seeing them with Nascar an I'm the one who is off. On NOOOOOOO big crash
It sounds like the audio problem is fixed
It's a shame that the normal TV cameras missed the Carl Edwards, Mark Martin, and Dave Blaney portion of the Happy Hour crash. Let's just hope that was a case of having less cameras on hand for practice and not a case of all the cameras zooming-in so close on a couple cars that they missed most of the other cars involved a few yards further up the track.
That's why wide shots are so much better for crashes - they allow us to see ALL the cars involved instead of just getting a really close look at a couple cars crashing.
And they fixed the Carl Edwards number problem on their graphics.... maybe they are listening, LOL. Thanks guys!
I too enjoy Ken Squire being a part of the broadcast. He's still got it in addition to the perspective nearly 50 years involvement in the sport. He brings so much to the broadcast.
I can't complain about Despain. INC last year was my only real bump in the road with him in the many years he's been on TV. Speed must have run out of bodies to bring to Daytona. Kidding.
To Follow up on what you sid SPEED is horrible (like the other stationss) at focusing tight shots on a select few. I am shocked they miss the crash live with so few cars on the track.
It was a real ESPN moment. I hope things improve before the broadcast tomorrow.
But I have seen so many tight camera shots, I am not feeling all that hopeful.
But it is good to see the cars running again.
And stop making the PERSON INTERVIEWED (Martin) take up HALF THE SCREEN???? They do this doing the races as well.
You TV broadcasters need to make the interview a TINY BOX and keep the track action BIG.
Go watch ESPN CLASSIC tapes and see how it should be done. :-)
I am enjoying Dave and Ken but must say the LIGHTING IS HORRIBLE and the cameras should be a bit higher...Dave looks bad and Ken could look better. Somebody needs to remember how to flatter the face on tv...Don't just make the girls look good but older guys deserve flattering camera angles and it's ALWAYS ABOUT THE LIGHTING! :-)
Ooh...Tony and Kurt get into it. I hope TONY was not getting out to scream..it looked like HE caused the wreck...and I say that as a Tony fan.
Sigh..thus the season begins, LOL
Much better job on the second wreck of having the cameras zoom out and capture much more of the track.
Now the question is which Fox reporter will be brave enough to ask Tony Stewart for an interview, LOL.
If any of you DVR'ed this Happy Hour be sure to get home and check it out because this has certainly been action-packed to say the least.
Great practice coverage. Lots of cars, appropriate comments, split screens when interviewing drivers while cars on the track. With all these wrecks just in practice the shoot out may be a winner by attrition.
the Tony and Kurt wreck was caught and apparently enough for Jr and Biffle....I still can't believe Tony stopped his car and appeared to be so mad that he wanted to approach Kurt.
And nothing against overweight people, I used to be one, but I said it last year, the more weight Tony gains, the madder he gets. Has anybody noticed this? He is regressing back to his earlier years after appearing to have it together.
My room mate just stuck his head in the room and said the same thing.
Welp, there he goes in the golf cart...Wonder if we will hear from Kurt?
And I say that as somebody who got a Tony Stewart Jacket for my birthday that I wear !!!
Loved Dilner's interview with Yeley..Yeley couldn't suppress a giggle about Tony and Busch's wreck....Yeley said "it's just PRACTICE"
LOL....oh, MY!
This Ken and Dave show is a hoot and a half. I am so glad they brought Ken to be part of this..He is terrific!
(didn't watch nascar back when he was working..but he still should be)
The last Nascar Live was done very well. Lot's of good info and I've gotten use to Dave and Ken so no problems there either.
I know other's hate Despain but I could see a show with these two guys...I love the old stories that stray out of Ken's mouth.
Man is MOST VALUABLE!! SPEED, find him a job. :-)
A weekly show or something.
Did anyone watch Shifting Gears, I forgot to tape it and don't see a replay. That's one good thing sbout Speed they play most things at least twice
@ Newracefan
You're looking on the wrong channel. From Jayski.com:
The air schedule (all times Eastern):
Friday, Feb. 8 - 7-8 p.m. - ESPN2
Friday, Feb. 15 - 6:30-8 p.m. - ESPN2
Saturday, Feb. 16 - 4:30-6 p.m. - ESPN2
Thursday, July 24 - 7-8 p.m. - ESPN
Friday, July 25 - 7-8 p.m. - ESPN
Karen--they know it was on ESPN2, what they were saying was that ESPN/ESPN2 is not replaying the episodes, which makes it different from SPEED as they repeat many shows 2-3 times overnight or the next day.
So they were pointing out how the shows on SPEED often get repeated so if you miss it you have a chance to see it again vs. ESPN/ESPN2 where if you missed it the first time, you're generally SOL.
Shifting Gears wasn't nearly as good as I thought it would be. I was really looking forward to it and I don't think I'll even keep this episode on the DVR. Too glossy and too "produced".
I thought Speeds debut stunk. i actually give the edge to Ryan Burr and Nascar Now today, good interviews, a lot of info and everything was fast paced. Good show!
They were..on a laptop in the TV compound.
One thing I noticed was that the guys in the booth were actually watching the track. They were talking and showing cars more towards the front when someone said problem in turn 3, and the cameras weren't even showing turn 3. Way to go broadcast team.
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