The NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series kicks-off Friday night beginning at 7:30PM with The Set-Up. This pre-race show is hosted by Krista Voda.
Coverage of the race follows at 8PM live on SPEED. Rick Allen again handles the play-by-play with veteran Phil Parsons and the always colorful Michael Waltrip alongside. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander return to handle pit road reporting duties.
SPEED has been consistently good in covering this series, which many believe is the best-produced TV coverage of the three NASCAR national touring series. This season will allow SPEED to try and continue the NASCAR momentum the network has built-up with the exceptional coverage of both pre-season testing and the Daytona Speedweeks.
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I don't have SPEED HD, but I have to ask, how does the HD picture and graphics for the race look to those who can see SPEED HD?
Another great Setup! Krista Voda absolutely rocks!
I can't wait for the race tonight!
I have normal TV and SPEED is messing upp somethinig fierce...digitizing and jumping around.
Same thing happened last night at 12.30AM for about 10 minutes
Anybody else? I am on EST..digital TW
BOTH cable boxes.
better at the moment..THANK GOODNESS.
Last night it was a good 10 minutes.
Kind of late for solar flares in my area
Not too many watching the trucks here or anywhere to ask about this I guess
I'm here, but wasn't paying close enough attention to the prerace ceremonies to answer your question. ;)
can somebody explain why they sometimes use smaller fuel cells?
Especially at a huge track like Daytona to make them use more tires and more pit stops. That theory is lost on me.
Here we go.
SophiaZ123 said...
to make them use more tires and more pit stops.
February 15, 2008 8:22 PM
I believe THAT is why they use smaller fuel cells.
I always thought they wanted them to make more pit stops to prevent tire wear and the bad accidents that can come from tire wear.
I think Nascar changed both truck and Natw to the same size fuel cell as cup which is smaller than last year
Ok...thanks for the explanation Anon. That makes sense
WOW, did that set a record for the fastest time to go to commercial!
SPEED has gotten into the bad habit of horribly fast transistions to commercials this year...shame they do it during racing but I know they gotta get the commercials in.
It really makes some of their shows/editing choppy and sloppy imo.
I did not see the one just now though as I saw somebody at SPEED TV posted about audio problems at SPEED yesterday and I wanted to add my two cents about tonight's issue
With this being a 100-lap race, I'd look for the commercial breaks to come at a quicker clip....especially if there's a long green flag run.
WOW! That was a horrible crash...poor guys...so many out already
Could you believe the wide shot of all those emergency vehicles and stop cars on the track!
Holy toledo! This is terrible so early...hope everybody is ok....physically that is...crazy out there...
There were a couple of truck races last year where people didn't even have to pit! Therefore - the smaller fuel cell...
It was good of NASCAR to give the teams an extra set of tires. It's always good to add some strategy and flexibility to the shorter races.
Looks like another good year of trucks! 20 laps and our first red flag!
Sophia - no picture problems for me tonight but I'm on DirecTV. Just the normal formatting issues where the whole picture doesn't fit on the screen for those of us who don't have HD.
thanks snowfaller.
Picture looks good on my screen...but that crash. wow..the only thiing I notice is the NASCAR on SPEED logo is a little off my screen..but it could disappear for me if they can't make it transparent or smaller. :)
I seem to remember somebody griping about the mileage somebody got last year during the truck race...didn't remember if it was this one....I do remember Skinner dedicating a win to his late dog Opus....wild evening so far
i wasn't going to say anything until I heard Brendan but I think it's that brat Kyle's fault, too....funny nobody is saying anything....
but what do I know...might have been a racing deal but I hate to see it
Big crash...Good job by the director. I like how they can find and take the best shot when a crash is in progress.
NASCAR messes up pit road light again....geez.
The first crash we were riding a long with Skinner when it happened....bad night so far for wrecks but good for camera work, for sure
I'm a Smoke fan so I'm trying to have a softer side for Kyle - but that first one was definitely his fault.
Good coverage so far. The announcers have had lots of time to kill and they are providing us with good information and good replays.
What do you guys think about Michael Waltrip tonight?
Wow what a crash fest. Good job by Speed trying to determine causes and most appropriate Ray's biggest question "are you alright", yes the drivers are more important than the the trucks. Thanks for staying on PJ's buring truck until we we sure he was out. And yes Kyle there are still losts of laps to go so patience patience patience. You would have thought the red flag would have cooled these guys off a little bit but apparently not. Ray's awfully busy outside that infield car center
I think MW is proving great insight without being obnoxious tonight...
I don't know how anybody can fault his enthusiasm.
Oh I am a smoke fan as well...my brother and friends have gotten me a hat, two T shirts and a HOME DEPOT jacket! But I still wanna spank Tony sometimes, too. :)
Shrub...I would like to clip his wings...he's a good driver usually but.....
well....if you can't say something nice....says a suddenly pious Sophia
I like Mikey, he's actually the reason I started to watch truck races, I recognized his voice and stopped flipping channels. I haven't noticed him being too Mikey but like I said I like him to begin with.
Gonna be a long night.
I just realized that Nascar Live starts at 9am tomorrow, I am almost on Nascar overload. Thank goodness for the new DVR or no clean clothes for this house's residents plus I stopped burning dinner. (no TV in the kitchen)
It certainly seems like Michael has found his role in this group after last season's interesting times. His excitement is a nice balance against the laid-back style of Parsons.
Mikey has been great tonight --- enthusiasm and excitement, but not terribly over the top.
I don't understand why Speed, Fox or Truckseries.com do not provide internet updates for the trucks. Truckseries.com has qualifying updates but no race "in progress" updates. A FoxTrax or Jayski style "semi-live" race update would be most welcome.
In my opinion, the trucks need a bigger online presence to get the attention they deserve.
When Mikey is happy he doesn't seem to try so hard and things flow better. They may also have gotten some signals in the booth to keep Mikey from going overboard (Mike Joy and Larry Mac prob have the same to keep DW from going over the edge):)
anon 940 I agree I was just looking for the same thing and realized that the usual sources have nothing. What a bummer.
Mikey is really good on the truck races. You still get some shilling for Toyota but it's hard to fault him since he is trying to pay the bills...
It looks like this year's Cup year will go better for him so maybe (hopefully) he won't be quite as bad in his normal media roles trying to make his sponsors happy.
I do agree the mix of personalities in the booth is great as long as they all give each other their space.
I thought that NASCAR.com (which is a company called Turner Interactive in Atlanta, GA) owned all the online rights to the actual races?
Are those guys providing updates?
Well I love Mikey but gotta admit, earlier in the race, his voice was an octave higher at one point and a semi-screech...I decided not to post about it here and thanfully, he went back to his normal voice.
And I say that as somebody who likes his normal speaking voice. :) These guys in the booth are great...and are quick to correct themselves.
No but you can listen to MRN with free trackpass
gotta love the split screen
It was all going so well and then we only saw the first 5 or so cars cross the line before the crew camera shot. Hello Speed you know better than that :(
I think I only got a glimpse of THREE crossing the line.
BOO! We HATE when you guys do that...Bad TREND to start the DAYTONA racing Triangle of racing. :(
Blew it all with that ending.
The trucks rock! And great broadcast with Rick, Phil & Mikey. Todd deserved to win and am happy for him and his team. And Houston's David Starr coming in 4th is wonderful, of course we won't see it in the Houston Chronicle tomorrow . . . . .
COME ON!! with such a close finish, you need a close shot to see it! If we had wide shot, we would have not known who won.
we did not see all the cars finish with last years truck race either. If cars are coming across 3 wide at daytona, I WANT TO SEE THE FINISH close-up.
Very good broadcast for the first truck race of the season.
Only thing I would say for them to watch is the in-car shots when there's so much going on in the front of the field. I found myself saying 'change shots, change shots' several times when we were looking out the side window at the fender of the truck beside us while passing was going on in the front of the field.
I'm amazed Kyle didn't wreck Bodine for the win. He's so careless when it comes to races outside of his series. Those full time truck racers have a lot more to lose if they wipe out, he just jumps out and strutts away to his camper.
I still enjoyed the telecast. I'm afraid I won't be saying that after tomorrows race.
Steve L.
Kyle's truck is running full-time this year for the owner's points. He and Stremme are splitting it. He pointed out in the interview after the race that he's racing for points this year, meaning other guys better get used to him not rolling over and getting out of their way because his truck is full time like theirs now.
Speed only let us see 3 trucks cross the finish line - not good. I hate that cable cam that Fox/Speed uses for the finishes of these Daytona races. Even if they had held the camera at the line like they did in the Shootout last week it still would have been impossible to distinguish the vehicles from one another and tell who beat who to the line. We'd just see the vehicles come from nowhere, enter the picture for half a second, zoom across the line, and never be seen again. There's just no way to follow the battles to the line when all we can see is a milisecond of a bunch of blurs zooming past the infield cable cam at the finish line.
You can still zoom in just fine on the battle for the win at the line by using a rooftop camera with the vehicles coming at it, and then hold that camera at the line to show the rest of the vehicles racing through the tri-oval and crossing the line.
I really really really hope Fox uses a rooftop camera to show the live finish of the Daytona 500 and not the cable cam.
JD - No live leaderboards for the truck series (at least that I could find). Only streaming of the radio feed and periodic updates on certain sites. I gave up looking and put my laptop away to watch the race via TV only (old school - haha!).
Thought Mikey did a great job last night and enjoyed the broadcast. It was kind of funny when they couldn't decide whether Gaughan hit Skinner or not. I like those impromptu debates!
I did notice the HD replays would freeze up quite often. That was odd. Other than that, really enjoyed the HD broadcast.
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