The weather is clearing, and the NASCAR on Fox gang is ready for live coverage of the day race from Bristol, TN.
Chris Myers will host the pre-race coverage from the Hollywood Hotel with Jeff Hammond and Darrell Waltrip alongside. Waltrip will then move up into the booth with Mike Joy and Larry McReynolds.
Down on pit road will be Krista Voda, Matt Yocum, Steve Byrnes and Dick Berggren. This is the most experienced pit road team in NASCAR TV.
Issues for fans to look for include the integration of the "Digger" cam into the broadcast. Also, this is a fast track and getting caught in commercial during a restart, especially after a "quickie yellow," is a real possibility.
Look for Fox to continue to use the dreaded "quad split" that shows four video boxes during pit stops. The positive and negative issues associated with this effect have been debated here for weeks.
Bristol is also very loud, and it is tough for the pit reporters to hear once the race is underway. The NASCAR on Fox Pit Producer is a multiple Emmy Award winner, and watching the integration between the pits and the booth announcers should be interesting.
Finally, the finish of this race last season was a disaster. The Fox Director chose to show only the winning car, despite the fact that a gaggle of top names in the sport were right behind him and crashing into each other coming to the stripe. Watching a tired Fox team decide how to cover the finish of this race after more than four hours of being on the air live should be something to pay attention to as a fan and TV viewer.
Please feel free to add the elements that you feel viewers should be watching for, and what you would like to see changed or improved. Feedback from your comments has been very effective in helping to motivate changes in the TV coverage of the sport.
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Thanks again for stopping by The Daly Planet, please email editor@thedalyplanet.tv if you need to pass along any information or ask any questions.
1 – 200 of 280 Newer› Newest»Time to rev it up, guys! (no mention of BBB or belts here!)
To me there are two major stories surrounding this particular race:
1.) the final points race for NASCAR great Dale Jarrett
2.) the battle to be in the top 35 in owner's points after today's race
DJ deserves major coverage during the pre-race show, and at an absolute minimum should be interviewed live. I'd also like to see a few mentions of him during the race no matter where he's running, and to me it is ABSOLUTELY 100% MANDATORY to interview him after the race. The only excuse for not interviewing him after the race would be if he falls out early in the event and is interviewed then.
As for the top 35 in owner's points, only 15 teams are locked into the top 35 regardless of the outcome of today's race. That means 28 other teams could be in or out depending on how things shake out. I'd like to see Fox follow this story throughout the day. This would be the a great opportunity to use the "Points of Now" graphic. I would love to be able to follow how the battle for the 35th place bubble changes as the day goes on. In addition it is absolutely MANDATORY for Fox to tell us how the top 35 battle ended up at the conclusion of the race. We should NOT have to wait until we sign onto Jayski's site or Fox Sports's website Sunday night or Monday morning to find this out. Fox better give us this information before Chris Myers tells us goodbye at the end of the broadcast.
This race should be interesting DW has a sore throat and limited voice, those who do not like him may get a taste of a race without him
It will be interesting to see how big of a part DW has in the race broadcast today...it could get really difficult to listen to.
since the fox et. al gang may be reading this: i second the emotion that dj should absolutely be interviewed after the race. i'm assuming that's already been set up but if not? PLEASE do so now b/c he is a class act and has contributed so much over the years to our sport. a real gentleman, just like his dad.
lap 88, i'll be standing in honor of dj (yeah, i know that number is now with earnhardt but, as much as dale jr is my driver? that number will always be dj's!)
They should put Hammond in the booth and keep DW in the Hotel, but they likely won't
If I was Fox I would have let Chris and Jeff handle the pre-race show on their own and given DW a chance to save his voice for the race broadcast.
Too bad there aren't any truck guys there, paging Phil Parsons DW's voice needs a rest. I seem to remember the same thing last year with Larry Mac but that was with TNT and his role was alot smaller.
I bet DW insisted on staying on the pre-race show. And he will not let them take him out of the both either. It can be done. Remember Larry Mac at Infineon?
Phil Parsons was at every Cup race last year doing NASCAR Hotpass with Rick Allen, and he has done all 4 races to this point so I assume he's there. With the advent of Hotpass there are a lot of extra announcers at the track each week so if one of Fox's guys couldn't make it to the broadcast there would be several pinch-hitters available.
I'd like to say again (not that they care because they keep doing it) how much I dislike interviews with drivers as they are riding around the track for introductions.
When we're at the track that's the time that we as fans get close enough to take a fairly decent picture of the driver waving to the crowd. They can't do that when the booth is talking to them or worse, a pit reporter is in the car or truck with them. Plus for half the track doesn't get a wave from the driver because they're being interviewed.
Definitely a time when the fans at the track who paid good money get the raw deal so TV can have its way.
-- "paging Phil Parsons"
I think Phil is at the track. I don't know for sure but I thought he was a regular NASCAR Hotpass analyst.
Seems like Fox is having audio problems today. Lost Kyle Busch's mike during the live interview and then lost DW's mike for a second (and it wasn't because of his voice condition)
Should have taken the day off. That will get super irritating to listen to for 4 hrs
They lost Kyle's mike cause the pack fell off and slammed into the truck when Kyle hopped off. Doc you might as well throw that pack in the trash
As much as I admire DW's dedication to the job, go home and rest up that voice. It's going to be way too distracting during the race.
It certainly is interesting that Fox simply did not sub Larry McReynolds into the pre-race show and let DW rest.
DW now faces over four hours of live and continuous commentary at an exciting track.
"and then lost DW's mike for a second (and it wasn't because of his voice condition)"
They did not lose DW's mic. DW was joking about his voice and Kyle and just faked a mic loss.
yeah this DW situation is VERY distracting!!!!!
I feel for ya DW. Sounds bad. Not good for network TV.
But, 2 crew chiefs in the booth with Mike Joy won't cut it either. Really need a driver's perspective in the booth, especially at Bristol.
Very Very tough decision to make for the producers.
I would go as far as bringing Ned Jarrett in the booth for at least a little chunk of the 500 laps. Don't laugh....i'm serious.
It would make for a real nice visit AND relieve DW for a while
"They did not lose DW's mic. DW was joking about his voice and Kyle and just faked a mic loss."
Apparently you weren't listening as closely as I was. It happened about three minutes after the Kyle Busch situation on the truck. Yes, they lost DW's mike for a split second.
I'm stunned that Fox didn't interview DJ live to get his thoughts moments before he gets in the car for his final start. The interview on Raceday was great as he talked the realization of that moment finally being here and I thought Fox dropped the ball on this one.
About 90 seconds of pre-taped comments saying "I've been through a lot and Kyle Busch wasn't born when my career started" and a shot of him waving at driver's introductions were nowhere close to doing justice to the end of one of the finest careers ever seen in the Cup Series.
Boy I hope they interview him after the race and they don't dare let him fade away quietly into the night as if he was never on the track today.
Shame on Fox, I think they messed this one up big-time.
Hey all, I don't know another place to put this but it is NASCAR TV related:
The new Dale Jr. segment for an episode of Cribs on MTV is now available for viewing On Demand if your cable network or satellite provider has MTV on demand. (Sometimes listed under Entertainment On Demand).
I don't know when the episode is scheduled to air on MTV, but it's there now.
Dale Jr was the first NASCAR driver to be profiled on Cribs; later they showed the homes of Casey Mears and Jamie McMurray, but it's been about three years since they did those shows.
This is a different house than the old Cribs, and also features his go-kart track and the full Western town he built his property, including a saloon, hotel with three rooms, and a two-cell jail. Looks like a fun place to live!
I agree with the poster that said DW wouldn't let him. My guess is that the more he talks the better it will get until a certain point and then it won't work at all just don't know when that point will be. Hope they have alot of warm water/lemon/honey it that booth. If not someone better run to the store quick.
I guess we know why he was in the booth
Well I guess now we know why DW stayed on for the pre-race show.
That was pretty cool if you ask me.
ok, that's just too damn sweet -- giving dw his mountain dew car! THAT'S GREAT TV RIGHT THERE and thank you for letting us be a part of it!
DW may not be calling the race cause they are going to need a pry bar to get him out of that car. Between this and DJ I'm tearing up over here
Allen Bestwick and Rusty Wallace did a five minute segment on ESPNews just before the top of the hour..
Wendy is the pit reporter on Harvick's channel today.
More audio problems for FOX. I just don't understand how they can try to talk with a driver before a producer has done it first. That is not the first time this has happened.
I take back my bashing of Fox for not interviewing DJ during the pre-race show. I hadn't considered the possibility of interviewing him during the pace lap. It's a shame though that technical difficulties prevented us from hearing from him.
Hot Pass missed a great chance; Dale Jarrett is not included.
Competition YELLOW at Lap 50
nascar mobile on spint has no in-car audio - might be related to fox poblem with DJ
Anybody have the weather forecast for the next five hours in Bristol?
just drop me a line at editor@thedalyplanet.tv please.
I agree. The least they could have done is have his car audio an option on 794.
no rain in the forecast. It looks good.
uhhhh? why didn't we see the flagwave by gentlemen ned? i know that start is important & you're in a no-win sort of situation but c'mon: that was history, guys.
also, just an fyi: sound breaking up pretty badly here on comcast in pa.
There are some on-going tech issues in the compound right now. If I get an update by email, I will provide that info.
it will be sunny soon with the highs in the mid 50s
You can definitely tell Mike and Larry are definitely picking up time that would have been DW's. But I think DW need some rest.
Ken-Michigan said...
I would go as far as bringing Ned Jarrett in the booth for at least a little chunk of the 500 laps. Don't laugh....i'm serious.
It would make for a real nice visit AND relieve DW for a while
That's a great idea, especially since it's DJ's last race! I wonder if anyone who's "watching" us could run over and suggest this to "the powers that be"!
I don't know why everyone is complaining about sound. It is perfect with COX in SoCal.
missing DW through the beginning of the race...
nice job Mountain Dew what you did for him...real class...
The announcing team is TOTALLY messed up. Either they can't handle being without Darrell or their monitors are out or they have no audio.... I've rarely seen announcers so out of sync
The crawl is showing the wrong name on the 22, it says Bliss instead of Blaney (just like the Fontana truck race when 9it said McGlynn instead of McGilton)
The tech problems in the compound most be with the pit reporters as we haven't heard one of them yet.
HotPass audio is fine on Harvick's channel. Network audio is about three seconds earlier than the national feed though.
Is anyone else noticing the Live Leaderboard on NASCAR.com is WAY behind? Usually it's ahead of the TV coverage but today it's like 8 laps behind.
Would be nice to hear from the booth guys why there is no pit reports. Show is naked without them.
I don't get it who is having audio problems? It is not coming from FOX because It sounds fine here.
Maybe the Fox guys will update the on-going tech problems in the compound that seem to be affecting a lot of things.
You wonder with the rain and the cold temps if some equipment just isn't quite up to snuff.
Miss those pit reporters, do ya?
I know FOX had to do their little thing with DW getting his car in the prerace show, but the producer really didn't do his job. There is NO WAY DW should have been on that show in the booth with his voice the way it is. Let him get his car and don't say a word. Save it for the race. Now they have a mess on their hands.
JD please Explain, what equipment is off today?
Pit Stops at Lap 50 ... better get the pit reporter issue cleared up
I was hoping during the pace laps that the drivers would separate high and low and send DJ to the front to lead a pace lap.
I am bummed we did not see Ned wave the flag???????????
was it just I missed it?
would DJ want to lead a lap like that?
um...I still don't get it. WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM WITH PIT REPORTERS??? there are on now with no problem.
I wish DW had taken the day off. I feel for him being sick, but his voice is awful, very distracting.
Ken-Michigan said...
Pit Stops at Lap 50 ... better get the pit reporter issue cleared up
March 16, 2008 2:30 PM
It is very noisey in these pits during green flag....People on hear cry everytime it's too noisey during reports during the week..NO??
Well the pit road guys are fixed. Racetrax on foxsports.com also was behind. I think not having DW is trowing the booth guys off, hopefully they will get warmed up and insync a little more but tht is years of working together to overcome
Pit Audio was fine.
DW audio is not air-able.
Anonymous said...
would DJ want to lead a lap like that?
um...I still don't get it. WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM WITH PIT REPORTERS??? there are on now with no problem.
March 16, 2008 2:33 PM
Super loud in pits during green flag..almost impossible to talk during race.
perfectly timed restart.
I don't see why that is a problem for FOX. they can't do much about it.
An236 never thought of that I guess there is not point in talking if we can't hear them
Before any gets alarmed at the rate of commmercial breaks at the moment, keep in mind for last week's Atlanta race they showed us the last 10% of the race without commercial interruption. It appears they're front loading the spots again today.
Anonymous said...
perfectly timed restart.
March 16, 2008 2:36 PM
When they have the re-start named by a sponsor, you know they will get back in time!!!
Black flag for the 7 car.
Great use of Fox 3D to show us a crash the TV cameras didn't catch. Thanks guys!
I agree with whoever said bringing Ned Jarrett in the booth or utilizing more Jeff Hammond.
just a computer behind, but I did pass along the name issue. Noise with a full field is really tough.
These tire shreds / marbles are going to be a huge issue today and could lead to a ton of caution laps.
Not what we want to see.
Robby spun, hit nothing and this caution is almost 10 laps long.
can hear it now
back with the Home Depot restart
who keeps breathing "whoosh" into the microphone?
This has happened about 5 times. Anybody else heard this sound?
black flag for the 7 car -- but i didn't hear it from the booth . . . (read it on another board first)
Alex said...
I agree with whoever said bringing Ned Jarrett in the booth or utilizing more Jeff Hammond.
March 16, 2008 2:42 PM
Why? Two in booth is just fine.
is nascar.com back to being updated on the same lap?
I'd like to see Pit Reporters "test out" one of those fighter pilot style mouth pieces , similar to those used by the crew chiefs.
Covers their entire mouth.
Never seen that tried before.
Then pit reports could happen during green flag.
claritin NOW sponsoring restart with a car going across the start of the cars??????????????????????///
Anonymous said...
can hear it now
back with the Home Depot restart
March 16, 2008 2:42 PM
First restart was Clairatin Clear sponsored
Sprint NASCAR mobile in-car audio back.
All must be fixed - even gopher cam on line
NASCAR.com is closer to real-time now, still about a half-lap behind based on Fox's lap tracker.
ken-michigan said...
These tire shreds / marbles are going to be a huge issue today and could lead to a ton of caution laps.
Not what we want to see.
agreed. saw that yesterday w/n'wide cars as well and it makes me nervous. top groove is really dirty, not just near the wall but actually on the racing groove. bottom looking cruddy as well. i don't remember it being this dirty at bristol before. anyone remember?
says to me the tire is soft . . .
I heard the black flag comments between Stewart and Zippy.
I cannot picture Ned Jarrett saying NO to an invitation to join FOX in the booth for a while.
Has a runner been sent to find Ned ??
If there was ever a day it made sense, its today.
Boy, it is just so good for TV to see the cars running side-by-side at Bristol again.
Daly Planet Editor said...
is nascar.com back to being updated on the same lap?
March 16, 2008 2:44 PM
Fine here
SophiaZ123 said...
claritin NOW sponsoring restart with a car going across the start of the cars??????????????????????///
March 16, 2008 2:45 PM
Um...they have don't that since Daytona. where have you been?
We can hear Wendy just fine in Harvick's pit.
I meant "they have DONE that"
Anonymous said...
SophiaZ123 said...
claritin NOW sponsoring restart with a car going across the start of the cars??????????????????????///
March 16, 2008 2:45 PM
Um...they have don't that since Daytona. where have you been?
March 16, 2008 2:48 PM
Point is that those restarts will not be missed
What's the deal with the tracker sometimes only showing the first 10 positions and then recycling? I would prefer a constant 43 car scroll please!
Where's "tvguy" from last week's race postings? Did he get fired for letting us in on the secrets? It's not like he's busy doing a lot of replays...just cartoon replays. I love watching cartoons.
RE: first 10 on the ticker.
It updates faster and is more accurate. Isn't that what you guys asked for?
Michael Waltrip has stayed out to lead a lap. This would be a perfect opportunity to talk about the battle to be in the top 35 in owner's points.
The Top 10 Ticker is FOX's answer to ESPN's ticker, which updated automatically after every lap.
tvguy said he probably wouldn't be posting much this week. Bristol gets too hectic.
point was if a sponsor sponsored the restart no tv netwok would miss any restart. Claritan only sponsors a yellow flag restart - as in ALL CLEAR after a wreck. how about Waste Management Go Green start of race.
It updates faster and is more accurate. Isn't that what you guys asked for?
It would be better if it updated automatically as the pass happens, like ESPN. The technology is deff. there.
tvguy did not get fired. Every track is different. With the short laps at Bristol, there is no time to do anything else for the TV folks.
the guys in the compound did enjoy your comments.
Tracker = things change quickly at Bristol and has to be update more often - if you have watched races at Bristol you would know that
Thanks Larry Mac for mentioning the top 35 battle. Again Fox, PLEASE show us who ended up in/out of the top 35 during the post-race show... and of course don't forget to interview DJ.
Still using incar to show pass which is useless especially with a cor on the other side. Why does everyone insist on doing this
points to ESPN for updating running order on the fly. Fox should get that technology. It is cool.
Ned is a long time Espn man. Dale will be working the espn booth. Espn does not allow their people to work for anyone else period.
Cautio out
oops caution out
Anonymous said...
points to ESPN for updating running order on the fly. Fox should get that technology. It is cool.
March 16, 2008 2:59 PM
I totally agree with this point. ESPN's real-time crawl is absolutely fantastic. I don't think an outdated 1-10 crawl, followed by an outdated 1-43 crawl is a suitable answer to ESPN's crawl. It just makes it take that much longer to see who's running 11th-43rd, and the information is still outdated anyway.
The technology clearly exists and I definitely think it's time for Fox to borrow ESPN's technology in that area.
anonymous said
Ned is a long time Espn man. Dale will be working the espn booth. Espn does not allow their people to work for anyone else period.
Ned drinking that disney kool-aid. You are likely correct. How sad.
Enjoy all the action at Bristol... But really offers a nice opportunity to use split screen or 2 boxes of video.
We should not lose touch with the leaders.
Anonymous said...
anonymous said
Ned is a long time Espn man. Dale will be working the espn booth. Espn does not allow their people to work for anyone else period.
Ned drinking that disney kool-aid. You are likely correct. How sad.
March 16, 2008 3:04 PM
JESUS PEOPLE, maybe he is enjoying the race with the whole family in a nice suite.
hey tvguy? just a hello, man -- you spoiled us & now we miss you! we know you're busy & i, for one, appreciate all the good work.
have a great race! and say hey to all your collegues from us!
Don't get all bent here, Anon 3:09 pm. Ned has said himself in the past that he was very glad to have been in the booth for some of DJ's finest moments. Why wouldn't he want to be there for his last career points race, given the opportunity?
JD...what did you mean by "the guys in the compound did enjoy your comments." Do you mean the tv compound with all the tv trucks? What guys enjoyed them? Producers? Directors? Are you in "the compound"?
Ned is a long time Espn man. Dale will be working the espn booth. Espn does not allow their people to work for anyone else period.
Does anyone remember that Ned used to work for CBS at the same time he worked for ESPN??? It would have been nice to have Ned in the booth but if Fox either didn't invite him or if he declined their invitation that's up to them. I don't think this needs to turn into an ESPN-bashfest like there's a conspiracy going on because he retired from ESPN 8 years ago!
l_long said...
Don't get all bent here, Anon 3:09 pm. Ned has said himself in the past that he was very glad to have been in the booth for some of DJ's finest moments. Why wouldn't he want to be there for his last career points race, given the opportunity?
March 16, 2008 3:11 PM
I'm sure he will make an appearence in the booth. something like a 5-10 minute interview. Still 3.5 hours to do this.
JD, to answer your earlier question, YES. Have to keep track of people you know.
Great job by Mike Joy today so far. This portion of the race should be interesting.
I'm not saying to bring in Ned to WORK the whole race.
Would be great jesture to invite him as a guest thru this normally boring mid part of the race.
I'd just like to know IF he was asked or invited at all ?? If he respectfully declined, thats cool.
without bashing - Fox is not MRN radio and rarely has guests in the booth - just the way it is.
Anonymous said...
without bashing - Fox is not MRN radio and rarely has guests in the booth - just the way it is.
March 16, 2008 3:16 PM
WHAT???? Fox is famous for having guests in the booth...
during green flag racing?
my nascar.com leaderboard is about 8 laps behind still...i just refreshed the screen and same result.
Mike Joy IS doing a great job, as is Larry Mac. That gaps in commentary sound odd. That's why each network has three announcers in the booth.
It appears all the leaderboards get further behind the longer the run, it caught up with a caution and then backed up
Wow this could be a huge story if that crash bumps the Roush Racing #26 out of the top 35 in owner's points.
fyi only: fox trak didn't go from green flag info to yellow flag graphic until we were watching the pitstop on the 18 under caution. don't know what happened b/c it's been more reliable today than nascar.com . . .
Real good job by Mike Joy today.
We are getting a chance to see him work his magic.
I actually enjoy some of the "lapses" in commentary.
With all the cameras they have these days providing great coverage... let the pictures do the talking some times.
It is just too hard to time restarts at such a short track.
It's a shame when the commercial break ends in time for the restart but we still don't get to see it because of full-screen billboards. Not good guys.
stricklinfan82 said...
Wow this could be a huge story if that crash bumps the Roush Racing #26 out of the top 35 in owner's points.
The story would be the decision by Roush-Fenway whether to swap owner points with the #17 and make Kenseth reliant on his champion's provisionals.
The Hotpass ticker updates real-time like the ESPN ticker.
I'm stunned that when Fox mentioned McMurray pulling behind the wall that they failed to mention the major implications this has for that team. A Roush Racing car with a race winner in Jamie McMurray is probably going to get knocked out of the top 35! Based on the online point standings it's going to be VERY close among a lot of cars and I think Fox is missing a major storyline here.
anonymous said...
It is just too hard to time restarts at such a short track.
i can only imagine! wouldn't have that job, especially with all of us watching so carefully!
OK that ticker stopping at top ten is very annoying.
Did I say very annoying.
WTF was that - ticker showed Junior at 2nd - weird
I do not wish ill on anybody but if Jamie Mc gets kicked out of the top 35 it may be a lesson in humility.
Am I the ONLY one who remembers his dismissive arrogance when on NN, he said He didn't worry about being in the top 35 so it's something he has never thought out!
Ouch. Ungrateful. I am enjoying just two talking in the booth. :)
I want to know what that "whoosh" noise in the mic is like somebody is blowing out a match sound?
stricklinfan82 said...
Wow this could be a huge story if that crash bumps the Roush Racing #26 out of the top 35 in owner's points.
March 16, 2008 3:26 PM
Would really take alot for him to fall to 36, not many running well behind him.
As far as top 35 goes, only 5 guys have lead a lap and michael waltrip is the only guy outside the top 15 in points to do so.
I want to know what that "whoosh" noise in the mic is like somebody is blowing out a match sound?
March 16, 2008 3:45 PM
It's DW doing some sort of exercise or just a frustrated exhale after trying to say something
Sophiza said:
who keeps breathing "whoosh" into the microphone?
This has happened about 5 times. Anybody else heard this sound?
I've noticed this the last couple years. It's a sound DW makes. They need to point this out to him by playing back a race and correct him on it.
Maybe a cough button John? Would this help with that?
Why can't Fox just put the crawl and the time interval up and leave it up? These brain deads have had Nascar for 8 years and still can't do it right.
Unless there's some time killing debris cautions, at the rate they're going this is setting up for about an hour-long post race show.
Would really take alot for him to fall to 36, not many running well behind him.
According to NASCAR.com the #26 would be 36th, 1 point behind the #77 car.... The #5 car could be in trouble too now.... Wow, this top 35 drama is a very compelling story, it's a shame it's not translating to the TV broadcast.
great replay work showing that left rear flat on dario's car before menard nailed him. sweet!
and ANOTHER nice camera angle of the race off pit road by the gibbs cars!
Strick that's driver points so it's off because of the 8 having 2 diff drivers. Not sure of that makes him higher or lower.
not that this has anything to do with anything, but for as much as Nascar/Sprint battled and fought with AT&T over allowing the 31 to run AT&T logo instead of Cingular, it is ironic that one of the NASCAR TV partners has AT&T racebreaks.
How many scoring snafu's are they going to have today? The listed the driver of the 22 as Mike Bliss in the Hollywood Hotel a little bit ago. They're just getting sloppy.
Yeah I'm doing the math myself for the owner's points. McMurray is 35th in driver's points as of now among these 43 drivers in the race today but that would be 36th in owner's points when you throw in the 8 car. The 84, 78, and 49 are the only other cars whose owner's points will differ from driver's points and at this point they're not factors to be 35th.
No one is bashing Espn or Ned or Fox. Just stating a fact.
However, I don't see Dale retiring being a "major story". He isn't the first nor will he be the last to retire, and just like several other drivers, he may decide he doesn't like retirement, and get back in a car.
Thanks anon and Steve about the whoosh sound.
I cant remember...are the FOx and SPEED crews the same? Course yesterday there were audio and picture freezing issues all day here yesterday (especially lost audio) and it ruined trying to watch the Sebring of anything else.
Anyway..tech problems continue on Fox today which is kind of interesting....
Last year ESPN was the unwanted stepchild...could it be we will see the problems with the other partners....
Looks like NASCAR.com Leaderboard is finally fixed. For now it looks like it's back to being slightly ahead of the TV coverage, like it usually is.
ok, i have been vocal about my "intense dislike" of the 'gopher cam' but that shot of the blower cleaning the marbles off that camera was perfect!
Look Strick Fox did the math for you
Sorry for not responding to you before. We have folks in the Infield Media Center (reporters) and folks in the TV compound (several networks and companies) who enjoy reading the viewer comments.
We have often had them address the issues raised here immediately, even during the week. Lots of those folks are very tech-saavy and enjoy Internet access anywhere.
It has been a nice aspect of this little media project to give fans some voice where TV is concerned.
YES! Thank you for the owner's points as of now graphic. A+++++++!!!!!!
Now please update those again when the race is over and interview DJ and I'll be even happier.
Anyone who has ever followed just a bit of NASCAR over the years knows that DJ isn't "just another driver"
With all the college basketball, it should be interesting to see if ESPNEWS continues to offer live coverage of the post-race new conferences from the Infield Media Center.
hey bevo: amen to that! i couldn't think of the words to express how different it is with dj retiring today and you said it perfectly! thanks again.
bevo said...
Anyone who has ever followed just a bit of NASCAR over the years knows that DJ isn't "just another driver"
March 16, 2008 4:14 PM
Another point is that he will race at the All-star race in Charlotte. I also would not put it past MWR to use hime to get in races later in the season.
Did I totally miss any kind of explanation on the Mike Skinner fire ??
kind of a scary event and I must have missed any kind of update.
If there hasnt been any explanation.... i dont understand why?
Is Skinner OK ?? and what caused it ?
I've gotta give Fox credit for working very hard to talk about as many cars as possible, even the unsponsored #28 car that isn't running that great today. It was also nice of them to explain the "11 million" on the hood of that car. Very nice touch.
Great broadcast so far. Bristol's never easy to broadcast but everyone's done a great job so far. DW, get well soon.
M Skinner no splanation
Since Jarret will race at Charlotte(Home Track), maybe it will be a bigger deal there.
ken: booth said skinner was released from infield care and is ok.
as for why the fire: nothing i've heard; anything would be guesses so far ( or at least until someone from fox gets us the info . . . nudge, nudge, wink, wink.)
Did say treated and released but no explaination of why fire
Is it just me or has Matt Yocum given us way too much useless information today? Earlier he talked about Harvick painting his wing brackets and side skirts yellow and now the energy drink talk about his spotter. I would prefer more useful information and less sillyness please.
The All Star race is just an exhibition, not a points race.
The reason DJ didn't retire last year was because he wanted to be sure of it. He will be too busy working in the booth and playing golf to make a comeback.
NASCAR.com Leaderboard is back to being 6 laps behind real-time. Boy it's been a rough day for the NASCAR computer system.
Ok..that DJ commercial with UPS is always poignant but made me have tears in my eyes big time.
The sound with the "gopher cam" is not consistent with the other track sounds. It sounds muddy and almost in a different tonal range than the other ambient track sounds.
I have no idea where mount the mics for the gopher cams. I wonder if the fact that Bristol is a giant bowl effects the sounds at track level
I agree, he's been a great representative for the sport
Lots of issues today....
What does the crew cheif from Kyle Busch have to say about this "steering locking up" ??
I dont buy it.
He's running fine now, although a couple laps down.
What did the crew chief do on the 18 car to fix the steering problem ??
I wish all these people would stop using that damn Green Day song every time somebody is leaving.
The song is called "Good Riddance." It's a "screw you" song. Grow a clue people.
By the way, someone asked what that "whoosh" sound is earlier: It is a sound effect from the ticker when the dark grey area (positions, car #, driver) drops down from the silver bar.
I have no idea where mount the mics for the gopher cams
I do!!!
(sorry, couldn't resist)
recapping some of the followups needed:
1. what happened to skinner's car?
2. what happened to #18 car? what did they do to fix it so that he could continue?
3. another top-35 quick recap (if possible)
many thanks.
Skinner has a HUGE fire....and NO UPDATE. !!
and NOW he's back in the race ???
ZERO said about it.
Lets cover the entire race please and all the racing issues.
OK Bevo... Share! (grin)
Ken, what do you suggest? That they stop covering Dale Earnhardt Jr wire-to-wire?
I never really thought about this until I had a casual fan ask me about it and now I notice where this could be an issue for newer TV viewers....
All TV announcers need to be more careful when they talk about Lucky Dog eligibility. Mike Joy just said Kyle Busch wouldn't be eligible for the Lucky Dog after he went 2 laps down. I know what he means to say but by saying it that way it it implies that you can only get a free pass if you're 1 lap down.
The Lucky Dog goes to the first car not on the lead lap, no matter how many laps down they are so I think the TV guys need to be more careful when they say someone can't get a Lucky Dog when they go a 2nd lap down. I know what they mean - that there are several 1 lap down cars ahead of him that would get priority - but I can see where that's confusing to newer fans.
Right now there's only one car 1 lap down so if there's 2 quick yellows Kyle will get a Lucky Dog, even though he's 2 laps down.
Thanks for the Skinner update
Alex, this sound is coming from a person when there's no graphics on screen or anything else. I know what you're talking about but this is DW making this sound.
j.j.? take a breath here: the 88 car isn't getting all that much coverage. his car's been ugly and they have (rightly) not been focused on it b/c he hasn't been a factor. but he is in the top 10 right now so it's logical that there'd be coverage.
in fact, the 20, 29, 11, and 18 were all getting more coverage b/c they were all in the game while the 88 team was struggling with the set-up.
and here's the update on skinner: "stacked up and busted the front oil cooler" but he's back on the track now. in fact, all 43 cars were on the track prior to the commercial.
If there's no further cautions, this race will be in the books in the next 20 to 25 minutes. Going to have a nice lengthy post race show.
Steve L. said...
Alex, this sound is coming from a person when there's no graphics on screen or anything else. I know what you're talking about but this is DW making this sound.
After coming back from the ad break, the sound was made by the ticker again. I know it's annoying and sounds like someone breathing, but if they eliminate the ticket sound effects, that'll go away :)
That drop down gray ticker is NOT THE SOUND i was asking about but thanks anyway.
It's definitely a whoosh in the microphone...the gray thing is more of a SWOOSH FOX effect and not a human breath whoosh, LOL
thanks red, I hadn't noticed a lot of attention going to Jr. either.
We've missed lead changes today.
We've missed the leader spinning out. ( #18 )
Wrong graphics.
But good to see all the Gopher Cams are operating. sheeesh !
I dont know if it is the coverage, the announcers, the car or what, but this just doesnt feel like a normal Bristol race. The excitment level on the track and in the booth just isnt there. Is it just me?
The 77 is still leading the 26 by 4 points for 35th in owner's points according to NASCAR.com. Hornish is falling back though and McMurray is back on the track so this is going to be VERY close. The 70, 55, 96, or 44 could still fall behind the 26 if they fall out between now and the finish.
i agree with ya.
seems to me like there is more difficulties behind the scenes than we know about.
The broadcast just never seemed to get any rhythm today.
I sense alot of hollering and yelling in the TV compound.
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