Back by popular request is one last attempt to offer in-progress comments for the two hour NASCAR RaceDay program on SPEED.
This show is hosted from just outside the speedway, and should feature a wide variety of hard news and features.
John Roberts hosts, along with Kenny Wallace and Jimmy Spencer as the analysts. Hermie Sadler stops by with a track description and also helps with some reporting duties. Wendy Venturini is the news reporter from the garage area, and also contributes a popular feature called The Real Deal each week.
This program begins at 11:30AM Eastern Time, and runs until 1:30PM as the lead-in to the Fox Sports coverage of the Sprint Cup Series event.
Please feel free to post your comments about RaceDay. To add your opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are on the right side of the main page. Thanks again for stopping by.
For those who were staying Speed blew off DJ on fri and sat he's going to be onset with Raceday. Way to go Speed, maybe DJ was busy trying to get his car to work better.
Looking forward to the interview w/DJ
Kingston, NY
HUGH audio/video mess during DJ interview, definately missed some of it :(
Interview is great. It is so exciting to hear DJ reflect on his career
Kingston, NY
DJ is someone we will miss. It was a good interview from the panel
Kingston, NY
Does anyone else think it's kind of strange that Wendy does the lead in for the Real Deal
Does anyone know of a website that posts the pit box selections?
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know of a website that posts the pit box selections?
March 16, 2008 12:24 PM
Jayski does.
What the heck was that? This is where these drivers / turned analysts really drop the ball.
On the RaceDay set Spencer sets up the Hermie Sadler interview in the garage with Pat Tryson by talking about the possible Kurt Busch / Sam Hornish point swap....then Hermie says absolutley nothing about it. They only talk about the tires LAST WEEK at Atlanta.
Worthless interview Hermie. Come on guys.
As a former Flyers fanatic who grew up in Philly I loved the Harvick piece. I live nearby (family still there) and I didn't even know he was going to be there until I saw it somewhere watching Nascar coverage after the fact. I wonder how that all came about? Leave it to Harvick to bust on the guys about sponsers on their Speed jackets
Doesnt the Cup Champ get first choice of Pit Stalls regardless of where he is in qualifying or starting order?
Spencer said Johnson never would have had the first pit OUT stall if qualifying would have been held.
Jimmy, Jimmy.... you're losin it !
Ken Jimmie is right the champ doen NOT get first choice anymore that stopped some time ago. There are some who say that is why it is harder now to repeat as a champion now because you are not given the first stall and let's face it that can be a hugh advantage at some tracks
Doesnt the Cup Champ get first choice of Pit Stalls regardless of where he is in qualifying or starting order?
Spencer said Johnson never would have had the first pit OUT stall if qualifying would have been held.
Jimmy, Jimmy.... you're losin it !
March 16, 2008 12:45 PM
Not anymore Ken. I don't remember when it changed, but it has been the fastest qualifier for several years now. Or when qualifying is cancelled, the points leader gets first choice.
Thanks Rick -
I am the one losin it !!
LOL Ken.
My apology to Spencer.
newracefan: funny you should mention the harvick "event" at the flyers game -- friend of mine was there. turns out a player on the flyers is a harvick fan, hence the invite and appearance. apparently, a pace car was pushed on the ice between periods (arena announced said" yes, folks, that's a real nascar on the ice right now" to which mark replied "wellll, not quite . . .") and harvick was interviewed from the locker room during the game. that's about it.
definitely curious moment, tho', according to my friend who is both a nascar and hockey fan. even he couldn't grasp why it was made into something. in fact, he was slightly embarrassed by it b/c the forced connection just didn't make sense to him.
Ken, although not that significant, I do think that either the points leader or the defending champion of each weekends race, does get to park his hauler closest to the pits. Not sure which it is, but there is some parking reward.
A few weeks back I mentioned on here that one of my "peeves" was hearing John Roberts constant use of the word "folks" when they would go to and come back from a commercial break.
Well.... maybe they have been listening to us.
John has stopped using the "folks" term as a crutch. He seems to be sticking to the bumper scripts alot more and I find it MORE ENJOYABLE to watch.
He has adjusted and from a broadcasting standpoint, I greatly respect that.
Thanks for the inside info Red cause I got even more confused when Harvick said he didn't follow hockey and a Philly team even made less sense. I could have gotten it a little bit if it was Truex cause I know he is a hugh Eagles fan
How does it feel to be a powerful TV exec?
Elliot in the dryer LOL
I have a feeling that the Philly Flyer / Harvick piece had something to with Richmond Intl Raceway's promotion of their upcoming race.
Harvick was probably the driver designated to "promote" the Richmond race and part of that days worth of promotion included a Flyers game.... the pace car was also probably from RIR.
just a guess.
newracefan: yeah, it was a real stretch to make that try & work at the flyers game. truex, yeah: big fan of all things philly. harvick? impression i got was that even happy was a tad bemused by the whole thing.
knowing flyers fans the way we do, i can pretty much guarantee that not too many people were even paying attention during the period break! i'm guessing the beer stands & bathrooms saw more action than that nascar/flyer promo!
(and why is wrangler using the brett favre commercials during pre-race show instead of their nascar spokesman? did i miss something about favre's next career?)
Richmond Philly don't get it, Dover or Pocono maybe
I've been to a flyers game you are right the stands were empty
For the second week in a row, there's been barely a mention of "NASCAR in a Hurry" on SPEED. (I think I saw two brief comments on it last week, none today.)
Something tells me the show is dead in the water. Interesting concept (clips from weekend practice and qualifying, plus Trackside, Trading Paint, and NASCAR Performance), but putting it on early Sunday morning is a HUGE mistake. Maybe Sundays at 6:30 before SPEED Report, or immediately after Wind Tunnel might improve its chances. Adam Alexander does a good job hosting.
As I am looking forward to "NASCAR Confidential" much more that NIAH, I hope that show doesn't suffer the same fate of no interest from fans. Otherwise, original NASCAR programming on SPEED will become even more rare - and all the complaining in the world about the lack of it won't help that situation. We'll end up with PINKS and Wreckers all the time.
hey ken. yeah, but -- the two tracks that are significantly closer to philly are dover & poconos. richmond? no so much. that being said: i understand you are correct: it WAS part of a promo for richmond. makes the whole thing even more curious to me.
(& wendy: i've NEVER seen back hair on tony stewart nor do i want to!!!!)
I never had a problem with JR saying 'stay with us folks' and thought the comments on that were overblown. LOTS of sportscasters have a saying like that when they go to break. Too bad if he changed it because of one or two comments from one or two people(and that's all I ever saw, comments from the same people).
I believe FOX Sports had the pit selections last year. I have not noticed this year.
mr.jimmy spencer i once respected you until you said that CRAP!!! about jeff burton not being smart enough to win the cup on raceday in phoenix az.jeff burton is a clean and a fair driver and would not put you in the wall just to win.so @%$@&*@ you jimmy and pull yor head out of your ass!!!
I think Kyle busch is the worst driver there is in nascar. Every time he is second he will spin the first car so he can win. To me that is just chicken if he can,t win fair and sguare then he needs to be taught a lesson. maybe the officals should look at him more closely,. Beverly Rains mayer , az.
It would mean so much if you could say a final farewell to Franklin "Fuzzy" Rubritz. He passed away on Sat. Sept 27, 2008. He was not only an avid fan, but a racecar driver. He raced modified racecars from 1953 to 1964, and participated at Daytona in 1961 and 1962. He was inducted into the Jennerstown Hall Of Fame in 2006 and is in the Easton Motorsports Hall of Fame in Pittsburg, PA.
Mr. Rubritz resided in Dover, DE and frequently traveled to many other races during the year.
He was truly a Nascar GREAT!!!
i was for many many years a big nascar fan,but i think nascar is really going down hill.this new car of tomorrow really stinks. and there is no loyality anymore its all about money. after watching the daytona five hundred this weekend really turned me off.to much talking and not enough racing. and DW and jeff hammond etc always pick the same drivers week after week to be the winners.what ever happened to build a car all week bring it to the track and may the best car win.i think nascar should take a look back and remember what the fans want not what makes there wallet fatter.if it werent for the fans there wouldnt be nascar.
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