As the 6PM start time of the Monday NASCAR Now roundtable program approaches, we are going to document how ESPN handles a a live program situation on ESPN2.
The Chicago Cubs are playing live and two rain delays have extended the game. It will definitely run past 6PM Eastern, which is the start time of NASCAR Now.
Update #1: Nothing has been said about the NASCAR Now program by the baseball crew and it is 5:58PM. ESPN Classic has two repeat episodes of Stump the Schwab, but no indication that NASCAR Now will be moved to that location.
Update #2: It is now 6PM and live baseball is coming back from commercial. Musburger never mentioned NASCAR Now and only referenced baseball. There is no program change alert on the screen, Stump the Schwab is on ESPN Classic. It appears at this time that the 6PM original airing of this program is cancelled.
Update #3: At 6:04PM a crawl has appeared on the screen saying NASCAR Now would be seen following the baseball game. Earlier, a crawl said that Baseball Tonight would follow the game.
Update #4: There is a live baseball game at 7PM which will start on ESPN2 on time as scheduled. Whatever program follows live Cubs baseball will be collapsing down to the 7PM start time of baseball. A one hour version of Baseball Tonight was originally scheduled at 5PM before NASCAR Now.
Update #5: It is now 6:14PM and the bottom half of the ninth inning is about to get underway. Even if it only lasts fifteen minutes, that will bring the network to 6:30PM. The only way to get NASCAR Now on the air and make any sense would be to do it live. Meanwhile the Baseball Tonight crew is already live and on standby in the studio. It should be interesting to see what airs.
Update #6: The content of NASCAR Now and the name of Allen Bestwick has never been mentioned by Brent Musburger on ESPN2 now 20 minutes into the scheduled show time. There is no graphic alert on the screen to say it it coming up next.
Update #7: The game is in-progress at 6:38PM, so we can assume NASCAR Now is cancelled. The program re-airs at 1AM Eastern Time. What a shame ESPN Classic could not have been used to run this program at 6PM as scheduled.
Final Update: Allen Bestick and NASCAR Now got about six minutes after the baseball game suddenly ended. Bestwick led a review of the Martinsville Cup race, a preview of Texas and promoted the re-air of the show at 1AM Eastern Time. The panelists looked great, and I hope everyone takes the time to record the show at 1AM...but just in case you might want to record an extra two hours as another live baseball game is before the 1AM show.
I'm blacked out since I'm in Chicago, so I have absolutely no idea as to what's going on with ESPN2.
That would be horrible if NASCAR Now is moved to Classic. This a is corner stone program that cannot be missed. Yet many will miss it if it is moved. I would rather wait for baseball to end, than have NASCAR Now moved to a channel I don't have. Since it is a show and not a live event, chances are the show will NOT be moved back to ESPN2 at the conclusion of the game. Again, I would rather wait.
Update from ESPN2 ticker: NASCAR Now will be shown at the conclusion of the game.
that is good.
JD, I think you over reacted with updates like "it appears the 6pm airing of NASCAR Now has been cancelled"
ESPN does this with all of there shows. If a live event runs long, the shows scheduled for that time will just be pushed back until the event is over. no harm done.
PS what does brent think about the picture you are using?
They don't have time for the full show, though. Live baseball airs at 7 PM ET. Will we see and edited version of the show? Will we join the show in progress? I guess that all will be answered soon.
There is a 7PM live baseball game, whatever show airs after baseball will collapse to that time.
ESPN is still saying NASCAR Now will air after the game.
but based on your updates, I think NASCAR Now will not be shown until the night time airing at 10PM PT. which is fine since I am on the west coast. I would rather see it at that time, instead of not seeing it at all if it were moved to ESPN Classic.
I think ESPN would rather have the full version of NASCAR Now air at 1 AM than air a collapsed version now. I think that is what is going to happen
There are some more updates on the main page.
There may be issues with the next airing also there's baseball before that one too. I agree about not on Classic I would be very distressed to miss this show
There would be no drawback to putting the show on Classic if it was already recorded. Since everything at ESPN is on digital hard drive, it could also play on ESPN2 if the game suddenly ended or went into rain.
The 6PM version of NASCAR Now should have run on ESPN Classic.
I don't think there will be much of a problem with the 1AM airing. the game schedule to air before that airing is the last one of the day. no matter what happens to that game NASCAR Now can still air right after it with no repercussions. The only thing that will change all of this is if the NASCAR Now crew decides to go live. that would change all the scheduling.
JD is NN live, for some reason I thought it was done live but show later.
I guess I would agree JD. Even though I would not have been able to see it on classic, I can wait until the 1am airing and see it then on ESPN2. the schedule of ESPN2 right now just does not allow for NASCAR Now.
They can share program feeds on all the networks either pre-recorded or live.
Even if ESPN Classic was playing back the one hour pre-recorded show, the guys could do another one that would fit the time left live.
Isn't TV fun?
Cubs tie it. were doomed.
"is NN live, for some reason I thought it was done live but show later."
NASCAR Now is rarely done live. most of the time it is recorded in pieces and put together for the final show. The Monday edition is done differently. I believe it is done "live-to-tape"
guess what...the game is tied...maybe ESPN has more to worry about than NASCAR Now. maybe like where to put the 7pm game?
Our intrepid nascar analyst Bret hasn't even said a word about it! I'm Shocked I say SHOCKED.
Tie game bottom of the 9th no outs. This is going to get interesting. If it goes extra innings, it will run up to the next game and push NN out entirely.
Yep, that is the reason that you usually go with the simple plan. They should have run NASCAR Now somewhere and ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPNEWS are blocked with baseball.
Simply starting the show on ESPN Classic and dumping two repeat episodes of Stump the Schwab would have shown NASCAR fans that they were important.
JD, I think ESPN thought for sure they could get NASCAR Now in on ESPN 2 right now. that is why they did not bother with Classic. which would have been the best for the fans. unfortunately the game did not agree. I applaud ESPN for trying to get the game on its original network.
well with mother nature delaying games everywhere, what the heck time will the OVERNIGHT version of NN air??
Or will it air at all.
Totally stinks.
This is what happened when you always cram 15 lbs into a 10 lb bag. It's not just opening Day its everyday with ESPN. :(
guess I'm rooting for Chicago so this will end but how much if any we are going to get I'm not hopeful. TWIN should be great tonight we won't have anything to compare it to.
Okay, I'm not going to bash ESPN like I have in the past when NASCAR programming has been pre-empted for other live sporting events.
The reason I won't bash them is because this was caused by mother nature. Two long rain-delays forced this game to be delayed far past their scheduled 5:00 off-air time. This wasn't a case of scheduling a Nationwide broadcast to start 3 hours after the start of a college football game or two hours after the start of a men's tennis match, like ESPN did last year far too often. They allowed a 1-hour buffer between the end of the game and the start of NASCAR Now. We NASCAR fans just got unlucky with an unforseen amount of rain delays, no fault of ESPN's here.
On the other hand it sure would have been nice to move NASCAR Now to ESPN Classic in this instance. However, there is an ESPN2 re-air at 1:00 AM (which also starts 3 hours after a live baseball game by the way so allow some extra DVR time) so at least we have that as an option. Since baseball airs again at 7:00 we're not going get a full 60 minutes of NASCAR Now even if the Cubs game ends this very second so hopefully the re-air is a full-length 1 hour re-air.
It's kind of ironic that the anti-NASCAR Brent Musburger is calling the baseball game isn't it?
For those of you just dropping by, the one hour NASCAR Now show was originally scheduled after a one hour Baseball Tonight.
Two rain delays put the Cubs game running late and Baseball Tonight was originally pushed back a bit.
Then the Cubs game ran past 6PM and the NASCAR Now show began to collapse. As with other NASCAR content, it was not moved to ESPN Classic which was showing repeat programming.
Now, there has been no programming information forwarded on the screen and the baseball announcer Brent Musburger has never mentioned the NASCAR Now show.
Going to the 10th inning.
If you keep putting up posts as if you represent ESPN they will continue to be deleted.
ESPN communicates with me regularly and I forward that information.
If you have personal thoughts on today's situation, please feel free to voice them.
NASCAR Now will not be seen at this time.
Extra innings. Put a fork in it. Guess I'll go finish dinner after setting the DVR for the 1am show along with what ever is next just in case. Bummer I've been home all day and really looking forward to this show.
JD, just to let you know I only posted one of the comments you deleted. The others were posted by someone else. you can delete this one if you like. I just wanted to let you know.
These things happen. Just give us an update, or maybe even have your on air crew say something. Thats all we want.
Especially since your running a scroll on the bottom third that includes nascar. Why not drop in a NN will be shown at _____ or will be on ESPN Classic.
Oh well guess my excuse to take a break from planting is over, back to the salt mines.
Once again, this is a new thing for ESPN. They have changed their NASCAR Now series this season into a high-profile show that appeals to a big audience.
The reason I am suggesting ESPN Classic is because NASCAR fans understand that because of the NASCAR contract with Turner and NASCAR.com, this show cannot be made available on the Internet.
There would have been nothing lost by airing this show on ESPN Classic, and that is the bottom line. Perhaps, today's circumstances might help the network to consider this flexibility in the future.
No problem and thank you for that. Trust me, ESPN lets me know in no uncertain terms what is going on.
They have a big company to run, and NASCAR is just one product category. That is why you have to stand-up and make noise so you do not get lost in the sports shuffle.
Baseball Opening Day > Daily NASCAR News Show that can be played later tonight.
Simple as that. I have no complaints, because live programming trumps taped programming.
I understand that there is a need for NASCAR programming, but on a general sports network such as ESPN, other sports sometimes take precedence.
"this show cannot be made available on the Internet."
JD, I disagree. while the entire show is not available, ESPN produces a "NASCAR Now minute" show that can be seen on online on the ESPN site.
I don't know if you took the time to read the comments, but no one here suggested that ESPN dump baseball for NASCAR Now.
Last year, ESPN used ESPN Classic Network to show NASCAR programming when live events ran long.
This Monday NASCAR Now is a special show and the network has been pouring tons of money and resources into re-creating it.
Had they simply run it on Classic at 6PM, it would have shown NASCAR fans that the company is trying.
Anon 6:44PM,
That is because news is permitted but long form programming is not.
JD, I know nothing would have been lost by airing NASCAR Now on Classic, but I have to say, ESPN does not do that with ANY taped show delayed by a live event. i have only seen them move Live programing to that channel. who knows maybe something will change in the future, but I don't see why you would be asking them to do something I have never seen them do before.
In addition (since I can't edit my post), I'd like to at least play devil's advocate for a moment. Please don't kill me, just hear me out:
If a prime-time NASCAR race (let's say the California night race later this year) runs late, like past midnight. For instance, such as the Cubs' game today, there is a weather delay and it gets a late start. At midnight if the race is still running, it's likely that Baseball Tonight will be scheduled. I don't think that baseball enthusiasts will have the mindset as you do, John, saying that they "have to stand-up and make noise so you do not get lost in the sports shuffle." To baseball fans, they want to see their show. For NASCAR fans, they want to see their live event. Live programming won't be moved to another network just because it's running up against something else. Baseball Tonight would probably get condensed or canceled. It's the nature of television.
It's the same situation tonight, so I can't complain because I know that the roles could be reversed later this season.
To be fair, this is not just happening to NASCAR Now. Sportscenter got moved to ESPNNEWS because of baseball. They ran a scroll underneath the ESPN baseball game directing folks to ESPNNews and telling them what was on the show (interview with all the Final Four coaches).
So it's not just NN. Rain is wreaking havoc with all of ESPN.
And let's remember Baseball Tonight is not being shown. And it's Opening Day in baseball!
I do think if they use ESPNNews they should be able to use Classic. It's my understanding that most people who get one get the other. However, the problem is a lot of people (about a third of people who get ESPN/ESPN2) don't get either channel and wouldn't get to see NN even without this delay.
The people who don't have ESPNNEWS and ESPN Classic need to be considered as well, even though it's a tough situation.
On now at 652 but for how long
WOW...ESPN still says NASCAR Now is next...a 10 minute version??
I hope the full version airs late night.
But this is ok due to the delay.
6:51 and they are going to NASCAR Now? What we are going to get a whole nine minutes of programming - why even bother.
AWESOME decision, this should be interesting.
YES! the full version will air late night with a small version right now. This is the best thing ESPN could have done.
NASCAR NOW IS ON for 8 minutes
AB said the long one hour version, at 1AM (Allow extra time_
JD, did you see how much post-game ESPN gave to baseball? Since ESPN is doing that to baseball you can't get so mad at them when they do it to a race.
This was great. this is the best thing they could have done for people who don't have NASCAR Now.
You are so right to suggest Disney relaunch ESPN Classic and use it for overflow. Or better yet, use it as an origination channel. With new programming on ESPN3, it will be easier for Disney to get cable systems to carry the full family.
It would be much better to have them NN "stripped" (shown at the same time slots each weekday, term comes from comic strips) on one channel than treat it like an ugly stepchild. It would allow all of us to depend on our DVRs.
After all you've said about ESPN's new philosophy placing importance and respect on NASCAR, it's hard to figure why they do this to an outstanding daily program which has built a loyal following.
Alameda, California
sorry... I meant:
for people with out Classic
keep in mind the full version will air late night.
This is a random subject. But all three Wallace brothers now do TV. Wouldn't it be great if they got their own show on SPEED Channel? It could be a show like NASCAR DRIVER: 360, but just follow the wallace brothers. Or they could have their own talk show. It would be interesting. I would watch.
However, the problem is a lot of people (about a third of people who get ESPN/ESPN2) don't get either channel and wouldn't get to see NN even without this delay.
Thank you! How many times does this have to be said on this site? Lots of viewers including many here don't get ESPN Classic, while ESPN and The Deuce are everywhere. Posters say it over and over again in their comments. Lots of viewers - like me - don't have the option to upgrade to it because it's not on our system. Even if we could upgrade, lots of people can't afford it - we are in a recession!
I'm getting a little tired of the thought process that everything NASCAR can be moved to Classic with no problems for viewers. It's not true unless they revamp that station and move it to basic or basic digital cable.
"I'm getting a little tired of the thought process that everything NASCAR can be moved to Classic with no problems for viewers. It's not true unless they revamp that station and move it to basic or basic digital cable."
I completely agree. ESPN should to get it on the air on ESPN or ESPN2 before sending it to a channel few can watch.
JD, what is your opinion of how things went today?
anonymous @6:50 said:
"So it's not just NN. Rain is wreaking havoc with all of ESPN.
And let's remember Baseball Tonight is not being shown. And it's Opening Day in baseball!"
But a few myopic NASCAR fans don't understand that. It's opening day and the baseball version of NASCAR Now didn't air! At all! Can you imagine if that happened at Daytona?
I understand we fans have been mistreated by ESPN in the past, but to hold today against them is just selfish. Pure and simple.
As we talked about last season, the big amount of NASCAR programming that ESPN signed-up to carry is almost impossible to put on ESPN, ABC and ESPN2 alone.
As we all know, the Busch Series got slammed by college football last season and ESPN actually dropped coverage of the first Cup practice, even during the Chase.
By pushing the network execs to consider using ESPN Classic as a pipeline, one of the side effects will be eventual broader distribution.
If you forget about baseball, just think for a moment what NASCAR fans missed today. There will be no East Coast airing of NASCAR Now, and this show had the potential to be one of the all-time best.
All of the stories of the weekend are focused on this show since the network does not do a Sunday night program. As this program grows in importance, there is going to be more and more pressure to make sure it airs.
I like baseball, I like ESPN and I like NASCAR. But, something has to give.
Anon 7:11PM,
What are you talking about? We were all here to watch the show. We know baseball went long. We are just talking about why the announcers never mentioned it, why the graphics were late and why it could not be shown on ESPN Classic?
What is selfish about that?
What I'm saying is that baseball fans who turned on their TVs to see a live roundup of opening day coverage and last night's coverage with expert analysis (just like NASCAR Now!) on Baseball Tonight didn't get it. At all.
Just like NN, Baseball Tonight doesn't air again until 1 AM. So please don't make it seem like NASCAR fans are the only ones who missed their "support programming" in lieu of live games or races. It's fine to talk about it, but to act as if this has never happened and will never happen again is silly. It happens to every show that is not a live sporting event on ESPN.
BTW, I turned on the TV at 5:40 or 5:45 and there was a constant scroll that NASCAR Now would be on at 6. So they did try to keep us informed.
Well, the scroll started at 6:04 and before that it said Baseball Tonight was next.
Unfortunately, you are still missing the point. We NASCAR fans do not have hundreds of baseball games to attend during the season.
We do not have hometeams and national games and a World Series.
All we have is 38 races on Sundays and sometimes Saturdays for the Cup Series. On Mondays, we have two shows to watch about the sport.
Just as ESPN found out when they last had NASCAR back in the 1980's and 90's, the dynamic of this sport will drive you nuts.
The big change is that the ESPN Networks now have tons of other live event programming that they developed during the non-NASCAR years.
When they first signed the contract for the Cup and Nationwide (then Busch) Series, we all said...where are they going to put it?
So, this has been a 15 month experience for both the fans and the ESPN Networks.
As you can see from the issues today, that experience continues.
"...but just in case you might want to record an extra two hours as another live baseball game is before the 1AM show."
JD, I know we should be cautious but that game is in San Diego and I can personally say that it will not rain here tonight.
Yes but can you swear it will not go extra innings. Record the next event
JD, I saw what I saw. A scroll ran that said NN was coming up at 6 somewhere around 5:40 or 5:45. And it ran repeatedly. I'm not making it up. You obviously saw a scroll before or after that, but don't tell me I didn't see what I saw.
I don't believe I'm missing your point at all. You made it quite clear and I don't agree.
And please don't get into the "my sport is more important than another sport because ____________"
(there are only so many games). Doesn't matter. One could say that NASCAR has the longest season in sports (it does), so if ESPN misses a little coverage here and there, they'll catch it on the flip side because the season is so long. I don't agree with that, but it's a legitimate argument. That's an argument (NASCAR is more important because it has less events)you won't win; too many counterpoints.
I was really looking forward to the Monday show. I'll just have to watch it tomorrow I guess.
Per ESPN Classic: The point could be made that since the Cubs game overtook "Baseball Tonight", that BT may have wanted to air on ESPN Classic at 6 PM if it had been available, since you said they were standing by live in the studio. I don't know if that's the case, but if ESPN Classic starts being the runover programming network, they will probably prioritize what gets moved there. And objectively speaking, I have a feeling that right now Baseball Tonight is more watched that NASCAR Now and would get shown instead of NN, or NN would get pushed to later. Just my two cents.
I agree with JD about shifting NN to ESPN Classic. I live in rural Michigan and get my programming through Dish Network, and that includes Classic. I sympathize with those who don't, but what harm would have been done by showing the full length show on Classic? Those who don't have access were going to have to wait until the 1 a.m. eastern showing anyway. Many posters seem to be suggesting that if they can't see it at the scheduled time, then nobody else should be able to see it either. Why should I be penalized because somebody else doesn't have Classic? Classic ran repeats of a show on sports trivia. That's a waste of time when they could have been showing NN in the normal viewing timeslot. I don't have a DVR/TIVO, but I don't complain about those who do.
Terry in Michigan
To those of you complaining about the suggestions of using ESPN Classic for NASCAR programming let me explain something.
ESPN Classic only becomes an option when ESPN and ESPN2 are not available in any way shape or form. We want ESPN Classic to be used as a last-ditch effort to provide some form of live coverage of an event... whether that be a rain delayed race that got bumped from ABC, ESPN, or ESPN2, whether that be NASCAR Countdown or the start of the race that got bumped for the conclusion of another sporting event, or in today's case NASCAR Now.
You still would have gotten your 8 minutes of ESPN2 NASCAR Now today whether Classic was used or not, so why curse those of us that would have received the first 52 minutes on Classic as well?
I agree with you, ESPN Classic is not a better option than ESPN or ESPN2 because a lot of people don't get it. We only want it to be used when there is no other option available.
When racing programs get bumped to Classic I feel for you guys without the network but just think for a second, if Classic is only used because ESPN and ESPN2 are not available, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO SEE IT ANYWAY! So why curse the moving of an event to ESPN Classic as a last-ditch resort? Because you can't see it because there's no room on ESPN or ESPN2, no one should be able to see it?
Again, we only want ESPN Classic to be a last-ditch resort to give a destination to an event that CAN NOT AIR on one of the "big-boy networks". We ONLY want it to be used when ESPN and ESPN2 are full at the moment, and then for the rest of the coverage to continue on ESPN or ESPN2 when they free back up. When we bring up "ESPN Classic" we're just saying that ESPN Classic would be better than nothing, we are NOT saying it's a better option than ESPN or ESPN2. ESPN Classic should only be used when the choices are "ESPN Classic or no TV coverage at all."
Anon 7:46PM,
No one wanted ESPN to dump live baseball. What we wanted was the show on ESPN Classic if it was not going to air on time.
The sport argument not only holds weight with NASCAR, this is the second time around for ESPN to learn this the hard way.
Last time, they actually had to create their only out-of-Bristol studio in Charlotte to make sure they had the latest news.
It would be interesting to know what discussions are going on about how much money they spent to create the Monday show and how much more important it is this season.
JD, A new problem just came up regarding the late night airing. The baseball game before NASCAR Now will be blacked out on ESPN2 because a local station already has rights to carry the baseball game. So here is my question. When will the cable Co.(cox) "unblock" ESPN2 for NASCAR Now? will they do it right after the game? Is it automatated or is it possible that someone will forget to unblock the channel so I might miss the first few minutes of NASCAR Now?
JD, I have never said that live baseball should be dumped. Ever. Not a single post here has suggested that! What I said was:
What I'm saying is that baseball fans who turned on their TVs to see a live roundup of opening day coverage and last night's coverage with expert analysis (just like NASCAR Now!) on Baseball Tonight didn't get it. At all.
Just like NN, Baseball Tonight doesn't air again until 1 AM. So please don't make it seem like NASCAR fans are the only ones who missed their "support programming" in lieu of live games or races. It's fine to talk about it, but to act as if this has never happened and will never happen again is silly. It happens to every show that is not a live sporting event on ESPN.
NASCAR fans are not special because their show didn't get on air. Baseball Tonight fans have a gripe too, as another poster pointed out, they could say their show should have been moved to Classic. All I'm saying.
People have made good statements about today's show and the conflict at 6:30(stricklinfan82), 6:42 (alex), 6:48 (alex) and 6:50 (anon). but you haven't replied to any of them because they don't fit your argument/complaint.
anon @ 8:15,
JD's point was that NASCAR Now should have aired on ESPN Classic after the baseball coverage ran long on ESPN2.
In my comment at 6:30 you referenced I did say:
it sure would have been nice to move NASCAR Now to ESPN Classic in this instance
I don't quite understand how that doesn't fit JD's argument, it sounds like I pretty much said the same thing he said, LOL.
Mr. Daly,
Can you give more details on NASCAR NOW Mondays being more expensive? The set doesn't look as cheap at TWIN, but I've watched most Mondays and they are on the set in front of that Home Depot car set they've always had. I haven't seen any fancy stories or video clips or unusual satellite interviews. I think they may have less of that than last year since it is mostly sitting down and discussing the week. What other expenses do they have to make it more expensive than it was before? Travel and lodging for the roundtable, perhaps?
Thank you.
Anon 8:13PM,
Normally, the cable company has the blackout on a timer and it just clicks back on at a certain time.
The only issue would be if they did not sync to the ESPN clock.
It should be fine, and most cable companies are very good at controlling this function.
The thing with ESPN is they never, or very rarely, will move a show to a different network because a sporting event is running long. It happens all the time. If they moved one show, they would have to move them all when something runs long.
It would be a nightmare if ESPN had to move a show everytime a sporting event went long. If a sporting event bleeds into another sporting event, that is a different story.
Stricklinfan82, what JD did was ignore my whole point that Baseball Tonight fans have just as valid a gripe as NASCAR fans about the preemptions today. I didn't say a word about ESPN Classic in my posts (7:11, 7:23, 7:46). I only pointed out in my last post that someone else above pointed noted that ESPN could have decided that Baseball Tonight should have aired on Classic at 6 PM instead of NN -which would be a whole new can of worms.
And you said in your post:
Okay, I'm not going to bash ESPN like I have in the past when NASCAR programming has been pre-empted for other live sporting events....The reason I won't bash them is because this was caused by mother nature. We NASCAR fans just got unlucky with an unforseen amount of rain delays, no fault of ESPN's here.
Anon 8:30PM,
What ESPN has done is to change the entire format of the Monday show and make it the feature NASCAR program of the week.
The network travels Allen Bestwick (who lives in Rhode Island) back from the race to Bristol each week.
They rotate a journalist like Mike Massaro or Marty Smith to be on the panel and travel them back to Bristol as well. Hopefully, they will expand this and think about Terry Blount or David Newton soon.
They ask one ESPN commentator to also travel back to Bristol, and this is often Brad Daugherty or Ray Evernham.
Finally, they bring one ESPN analyst back to the set. This has included Andy Petree, Dale Jarrett and Rusty Wallace.
The roundtable hour features a significant amount of pre-production and both ESPN and the NASCAR Media Group contribute content.
This has been a big change for ESPN, and it has been a big hit for them as well.
Looks like mother nature is having its revenge after yesterday.
All I'm gonna say is I think I'm going to skip coming to this board on Thursday when everyone starts to realize ESPN isn't going to show Nationwide's two practices and qualifying from Texas that day and evening. No tape delay, no nothing.
To me not showing qualifying is more important than delaying or showing NASCAR Now once instead of twice in a day.
They're showing the race (and prerace) Saturday and that's it. I won't be shocked if they don't even film the practices and qualifying to show highlights on NASCAR Now Thursday and Friday.
Anon 9:01PM,
Let me tell you straight-up, that one is going to be big.
If something happens that is newsworthy or someone amazing get the pole, it is going to sour a great season that the network has worked so hard to maintain.
Just as I said in my earlier posts, this is about NASCAR. Not other sports, network problems, weather or anything else.
The big question is will NASCAR be served by ESPN for the full season in the manner in which it has been served by TV for over two decades?
anon at 8:42,
Umm.... I still don't understand how anything I said argues against anything JD is saying.
In the part of my post you're quoting I gave ESPN a pass for pre-empting NASCAR Now on ESPN2 because it was due to an unforseen amount of rain delays and not due to inefficient programming block allotment (like last year during college football season most notably, when a 3 hour block for college football right before NASCAR every week was a ridiculous move because games often last a minimum of 3 1/2 hours).
No one is saying they shouldn't have moved the 5-6 airing of Baseball Tonight to ESPN Classic from 5:00 - 6:00 when baseball ran long, or that the baseball game should have been dumped early for NASCAR Now, or that NASCAR fans are more important than baseball fans. I don't understand what you're angry about or what you're even arguing.
All JD and I wanted was for the suits to air the pre-empted NASCAR Now on ESPN Classic at 6:00 instead of Stumb the Schwab re-runs so we could watch our program that unfortunately got bumped off ESPN2 for a rain-delayed baseball game. Baseball fans lost Baseball Tonight at 5:00 because of the game and if you want to argue that they should have moved that show to Classic during its normal air time then fine. I don't know why you're trying to wage a one man war of NASCAR Now vs. Baseball Tonight on here. Baseball Tonight could have aired on Classic from 5-6 and NASCAR Now could have aired on Classic from 6-7. Why wage a war that Baseball Tonight should all of a sudden air INSTEAD OF Nascar Now from 6-7?
Nothing I said goes against what JD is saying so I don't know why you continue to use my quotes to argue whatever you're trying to argue against JD. It sounds to me like you're putting words in everyone else's mouths to argue against something that no one is saying.
Texas Motor Speedway will be the 2nd Busch race in a row where ESPN2 has ignored qualifying. They did it at Nashville, remember how awkward the Countdown show was as they spent an hour NOT discussing qualifying or who was on the pole?
Looks like Speed will carry Nationwide practice and qualifying for Phoenix week after this one. IMO ESPN is letting the nonrace portions of Nationwide go bye-bye and maybe Speed will pick up some but not all of what they cast off. If that turns out to be true JD let us know.
Go give Eddie Gossage a call as to why he feels Texas needs to be different as to the scheduling of the NNS non-race activities. ESPN2 has other commitments on that Thursday.
"Go give Eddie Gossage a call as to why he feels Texas needs to be different as to the scheduling of the NNS non-race activities. ESPN2 has other commitments on that Thursday."
ESPN2 is also booked on Friday with basketball, golf (one of the women's majors) and Friday Night Fights boxing in the afternoon and night, so I'm not sure what Gossage using Thursday for qualifying/practice has to do with it. Would it have been any different coverage if qualifying/practice was Friday?
The NASCAR TV contract was done in advance. ESPN can televise or not televise programs that they own in the deal.
SPEED has a select number of qualifying and practices that they do during the season even while the races are on TNT, ESPN and ABC.
The non-carriage of practices and qualifying when the race is on ESPN or ABC is an issue directly related to their choices, and not something that can be "picked up" or added to another network.
It certainly is one of the more puzzling aspects of this new TV contract, especially when practice is not televised during the Chase.
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