Host Steve Byrnes welcomed Michael Waltrip and Greg Biffle to the Monday This Week In NASCAR on SPEED.
Looking to combine the key aspects of the old Inside NEXTEL Cup with some additional high-tech uses of footage and features, this new program is very different. The production staff has decided to begin this program with a preview of the next Sprint Cup race. To many viewers, this simply does not make a lot of sense.
A good case in point is this week where the next race is Martinsville. SPEED opened the show and spent more than twenty minutes talking about a race that does not take place for two more weeks. With all the current issues in the news, beginning the show with a preview rather than a review is certainly an interesting choice.
This week, the studio set was brighter and some tinkering continued with the background. A large table continues to be front-and-center in the studio, and it seems to be wrapped like a birthday package. As with any new show, the changes inside the studio will no doubt continue as the show develops.
Biffle and Waltrip cooperated to offer some good thoughts on Martinsville. The problem was that they had to do it for over twenty minutes. TV viewers who were looking for a follow-up on the stories of the weekend had to sit and wait until the extensive Martinsville preview was over. That was a bit tough.
Once allowed to look back at the Bristol Cup race, both Waltrip and Biffle proved to be on their respective games. Their review of the Bristol highlights was outstanding, and Waltrip was energetic and focused. His cooperation with Biffle made this segment a pleasure to watch. It was a shame that it did not lead the show.
Waltrip and Biffle both paid compliments to Ken Schrader, who had a great run going at Bristol until being caught-up in a wreck. This topic begs the question on the minds of many NASCAR fans. Where is Schrader? A staple on this show for years, Schrader has been a no-show for many weeks now without explanation from SPEED. As The Daly Planet mentioned in several columns, this new program needs Schrader to provide his veteran perspective and sense of humor.
One big change in this new re-vamped and re-titled show is the dependence on lots more video of all types throughout the program. In addition to review and preview functions, SPEED also presents a look at the network's favorite moments of the race weekend. It was a shame they did not use a bit more of Juan Montoya on Trackside. Some of those moments are destined to become classics.
The NASCAR Media Group dug deep into the archives to bring out a classic interview with Dale Jarrett from decades ago. This was a unique twist among all the DJ send-offs and provided a nice lift for the show. Mixed with modern era footage of Jarrett's accomplishments, the result was a strong and effective feature.
Byrnes has been working hard to find his footing as the host of this show, and his toned-down but enthusiastic approach this week worked much better. Byrnes has the same ability to poke fun at himself that other good NASCAR TV announcers posses, and purposefully showing a much younger version of himself interviewing Jarrett in shorts was a fun touch.
There is no doubt that SPEED and The NASCAR Media Group will continue to tinker with this program series. Monday's program contained several positive changes, and the surprising performances by both Waltrip and Biffle added to the good vibe.
Hopefully, SPEED will consider adding a third panelist in the future and continue to evaluate the show elements that are not working. It should be interesting to see what SPEED unveils in two weeks.
The Daly Planet welcomes comments from readers. Simply click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks again for taking the time to stop by.
Anon 9:19PM,
You have to do a little bit better than that. How about expanding your thoughts on the show?
They read this blog, so what would you like to see changed?
I have accepted the fact that this show is not INC and chosen to move on from there. IMO the show is getting better. The set is brighter, I could actually hear what the guys were saying because the sound from the video clip was turned down (still needs to go down a little more) and Mikey and Biffel were on their game. I agree there needs to be a third panelist preferably Schrader but I'll take Chad Knaus. I have been saying since the beginning that it is done in the wrong order and am unsure why Speed is unwilling to give in on this aspect. Doing this past week first and next race last makes more sense to me. The DJ piece was fantastic and worth the watch no matter what any one else thinks of the rest of the show. Keep it up Steve your willingness to let them show us those shorts tells me you belong with these guys.
"You don't know what you got until its gone" is more than some lyrics to a song, it describes exactly my feelings as SPEED butchered my favorite show. I want 90% of the show to be focused on the interaction of the drivers during their discussions of the last race and the next one.
Its high time SPEED scraps the whole thing, and dumps this failure in the trash can. I'd rather watch Pinks reruns than this carp.
anon 9.55
Wish this was a message board so I could quote your entire post. So true.
jd, you wrote like this was the first time TWIN spoke for 20 minutes about the next race. This has been done each show and annoys everybody. It makes no sense whatsover. Glad i missed it.
Interesting they mention schrader but nothing on the show was said about where he is..he was the most loved panelist.
depressing to read KS gone and speed will not tell you why, jd. thanks for the write up.
I believe the biggest problem that this show has is that it follows NASCAR Now on Mondays. It is such a step down from ESPN's offering that comparisons are unfair. The discussions on TWIN are simply unintelligent and lack content. I say this with no intentions of being inflamitory. Its a simple fact that as a consumer, I am paying a premium to Time Warner cable to get SPEED, and I am getting an inferior product to what its competitor is offering on ESPN.
"I have accepted the fact that this show is not INC and chosen to move on from there."
Agreed. EVERYONE should so that and not blatantly complain without providing a solution. This is not INC so I don't see what all the complaining is about. When this show was launched it was agreed that this show would have a big focus on the next race. And no one seemed to have a big problem with it back them. Why now?
I think this show is a great show with good insights from the drivers and nice pre-produced packages. I heard that last years INC produced little ratings towards the end of the year so I don't think it will return. If no one watches, it must change. That is just the facts.
They had something with the old Monday night show that is sorely lacking in TWINS. Letting the drivers talk, heck how many Mondays did we sit through with 2 of the 3 "drivers" on the panel not even in the race? That was more entertaining and informative then this video highlight reel show and preview of the next race. With 5 minutes of worthwhile talking.
Again starting with next week is the worst thing I have seen on TV. Showing video highlight that we all were shown after the race ended during the fox wrap up of the race is crazy. If your going to throw 30 minutes of your hour on anti tivo commercial "highlights" at least make them something we haven't seen after the race ended last night. Do they think we would have forgotten what happened in less then 24 hours?
I Have come to expect alot more out of Speed then what this show is. I like the host and the panelists, but its unwatchable. I watched the whole show on fast forward today, caught the DJ retrospective, and the 30 seconds or so of panelists.
I just don't see any improvement in the show in the 4 on air episodes. I guess we can hope the next 30 get better........
It's such a shame the concept for this show is so off base because it is really well executed...
I almost turned it off when they started previewing Martinsville. It's two freaking weeks from now!
The conceit of SPEED to totally ignore the overwhelming criticism of starting with the preview portion on this web site and many other message boards is simply amazing.
Once again. I loved the parts with Mike and Biffle. They are both so knowledgeable and offered a lot this week. Mikey was even in control and he seems to be developing a decent chemistry with Steve Byrnes.
Byrnes did a nice job as always. It's just a shame they don't give the drivers more air time.
Also, please lose the "SPEED highlights" portion of the show. What a self-serving waste of time.
I will say the show was more watchable this week than last week, but there is a long way to go.
"The conceit of SPEED to totally ignore the overwhelming criticism"
It is not that easy to re-hash the entire concept of a show. There is so much more to it than that. Too much to explain here to today.
It took a whole year for NASCAR Now to turn around. Why won't you allow that for SPEED? This is a new show. NASCAR Now was a new show. Give it some time. Just like most of you did for ESPN.
Excellent observation about TWIN suffering from following NN on ESPN. With NN having intelligent discussions of new and/or relevant topics, the tired rehash of the race the day before and trying to introduce 'new' fans to the upcoming (eventually) race, the show is very pedestrian. Even Kenny Schrader couldn't help this pedestrian show.
"this pedestrian show."
hm...Ive never heard that word used that way before.
But I disagree. I think Kenny Schrader would help the show a lot.
Anon said:
I almost turned it off when they started previewing Martinsville. It's two freaking weeks from now!
The conceit of SPEED tototally ignore the overwhelming criticism of starting with the preview portion on this web site and many other message boards is simply amazing.
Yeppers. It is mindboggling as well.
ESPN was new to NASCAR last year. SPEED was not but is falling more away from their fan base. More is expected since they killed a show beloved by a devote following for 10 years. Many have mentioned the self serving aspects of this TWIN show or agenda if you will and gotten blasted for it.Still to start off the show with the next show two weeks away is just ignorant, and insulting to the real fan.
This presentation sucks. If they spent 85 per cent talking about the race with Waltrip and Biff (and yes, Schrader is missed big time)
But as long as speed appears to be an infomercial for the next race, and afterthought for true fans, speed will add more junk shows like tow trucks and low lifes.
Least Byrnes did not open the show comparing it to INC like he always does.
Thanks for such quality Speed. I shall set my DVR for Tow Trucks, Low Life and Unique whips daily. *sarcasm*
Well, I turned on this show and SUDDENLY, I get MOTION SICKNESS due to guys sitting in front of MOVING VIDEO as background ???
Sigh..why did I even click over to check. That is NOT helpful to have moving video...more junk on the screen ...surprise.
Thought they saved that for the races...back to my other show.
Well TWIN is NOT READY FOR PRIMETIME PLAYERS...to use the original SNL quote.
I am sorry the moving pictures on the walls was not mentioned in the column. Huge sigh. Looking at Mikey is like watching somebody in the front row blocking a movie......geeez
"Well, I turned on this show and SUDDENLY, I get MOTION SICKNESS due to guys sitting in front of MOVING VIDEO as background ???"
Really? the video bothers you that much??? I love that part of the set. I guess people are just different. But if that was your biggest issue, it must have been a good show.
I don't know why all of you are nit-picking the least important things. When I watch this show I think of one word - great. This show mixes 2 things we did not have before. Great information and comments from the drivers and interesting video packages we have not seen before. And I don't care what order it is in, all the information I want is there so I am happy.
I think it should be called the MW On Speed Show. As usual, he does most of the talking, and interupts GB just as he did last year. As most of you have said, do the next race toward the end of the show. The first 30 minutes could be about the headlines, and the previous race. Steve is the right host, and given the right material, and people on the show it will be a success. If we had the same NN as last year we would probably welcome TWIN, just for information on NASCAR.
I am watching the west coast re-air. More good information from Waltrip. I did not know how the situation in his team would work after DJ left the 44 and Michael just explained what he knew about the situation.
SophiaZ123 said...
"Well, I turned on this show and SUDDENLY, I get MOTION SICKNESS due to guys sitting in front of MOVING VIDEO as background ???"
Sophia, ESPN also had a screen with motion behind AB and Rusty on NASCAR Now. Why do you complain about SPEED, but not the same thing on ESPN? I sense bias.
@anon 12:42--I agree. Yes it's not the "old" show but I still enjoy it. But of course Steve could host a show on watching paint dry and I'd watch. I still have my Monday Night date with the boyz and plan to continue doing so :)
Last nights TWIN was one of its better ones,but the show is still 'flat' with a rehash of info shown on other shows. Schrader is no loss. Many times last year, he just sat there and joked around adding nothing to the show. Host drivers like Vickers have added a lot in the past
Thanks for the comments, but I am still looking for some more suggestions about what you would like to see, as opposed to what you do not like.
Since this is a new show, how about suggesting some program elements that you would like to see included?
In this Internet age, I would like to see the fan questions be submitted on video format. That way the fan can ask the question in exactly the way they intended.
What might some of your suggestions be?
If SPEED wants to promote the next race, perhaps that should be the focus of the show. The panel could certainly give their driver and crew chief insights into each track. There could be video of past highlights, and discussion of anything that has changed since the last race at the track. They could do lighter side stories about the track location, owners, and any oddities that may be related to the track. Since there are so many other shows doing race wrap-ups from the previous weekend's race, losing that aspect of the show wouldn't be all that bad. I can see possible viewer interest in that format, if the show was moved to later in the week.
John, with all due respect, I have been saying since Daytona what I want to see, and that is a different panel. Steve is ok as host, the pre-recorded pieces are great, but I for one think the weak part of the show is the panel.
With regards to the panel, Greg Biffle gives good commentary and I liked Chad Knaus commenting from a crew chief perspective. What would be nice is to have someone who works in the front office of a major team. Someone with the inside scoop of how a race team really works. The Rowdy Racing podcast does this and it is great!
The root cause of why this show not taking off this year is the producer's inability to make a single decision. That is whether the show is Waltrip's show, or if the show really is an inside look at the inner workings of NASCAR. They need to go one way or the other as soon as possible or otherwise they won't have a show.
Great show, miss Kenney alot, so does Mikey, come on speed, "get er done" and get him back on. Format is still alittle off for me with discussion of next race first. I really like the drivers being able to talk more and they all seemed respectfull of each other, have to have alittle humor in there and got just a tad with Mikey telling Steve is shorts were riding up, with the great interview with DJ. After a long Monday at work I look forward to watching a show that gives me fun, facts and great discussions. Suggestion: Maybe a live interview each week with a person of interest, crew chief, owner, rookie, wife, girlfriend, older kids of drivers, mothers/fathers,pit crews, hauler drivers, RV drivers or a fan panel talking about how expensive it is for them to come to a race and how can Nascar help. it can be done from another location since many can't be at the studio, and all of the panel would take turns asking the questions.
Everyone has been saying what they want to see happen with this show, week after week. I feel like it's almost pointless to keep repeating the same things over and over again but for the record - 20 minutes to preview the upcoming race at the top of the show particularly this week when the next Cup race isn't for two weeks is ridiculous. At the very least they could have spent some of that time previewing the Nationwide race in Nashville. I'd like to see the first 20-30 minutes of the show be a discussion of the race weekend just past and the news in the sport since the last show. I have no need to see the review of what just aired on Speed or promos for what they will be airing and I have no use for the taped feature pieces either. I would like the majority of the show to be a discussion between whoever is on the panel as the driver (or crew chief) insights are why I watch the show. Michael and Greg were great last night but I'd like to see them add a third panel member, preferably Ken Schrader for an additional perspective. I agree with the person above me that adding some live interviews with guests similar to the old hot seat guest they used to have would be a good addition.
They almost did it! They talked about the race that had just been completed first for about 1 minute to get Mike & Greg into the conversation immmediatly but then moved to the next race. Come on Speed your getting close. Steve does great, but a 3rd panalist is needed and the reason being with 2 they seem to always agree, but with 3 you see 2 against 1 more, which is fun to watch.
Everyone has been saying what they want to see happen with this show, week after week. I feel like it's almost pointless to keep repeating the same things over and over again but for the record - 20 minutes to preview the upcoming race at the top of the show particularly this week when the next Cup race isn't for two weeks is ridiculous.
This says it in a nutshell. If they're not willing to change this part of the show- which is almost universally disliked - what's the point in giving them even more ideas of what we want to see? We've told them. They haven't listened. So telling them more would obviously confuse them and be a waste of our time.
Alright, JD, I'll tell you what I'd like to see. Let's say there are 7 segments in the show.
Seg. 1 - Intro/News of the day. I think something concrete in the beginning might focus the show.
Seg. 2-4 - Weekend racing recap with the driver/guest panel. Throw a (short) pre-produced feature or two in here.
Seg. 5 - Topic of the week: Pre-produced feature, with panel discussion after.
Seg. 6 - NOW, preview next week's race.
Seg. 7 - Miscellaneous items/ Wrap-up.
This is a logical progression, as opposed to the cattywampus style that TWIN has now. The main reason I can't watch the show is the lack of flow, it just wanders aimlessly.
Until the producers focus the show, it's going to be a mess.
Minor suggestion:
Start the intro of the show with some more 'up-beat' music or they'll be using that funeral home music they now use to bury the show with when it's cancelled.
Like the others, I'd like to see the recap of the race at the beginning and end with the upcoming race. Or end with a prepackaged special, like this week's Dale Jarrett goodbye (which was excellent, by the way.)
I'd also like to see a third panelist. I really think it would help with the dynamics of the group...and perhaps curb Michael Waltrip just a bit. Steve Byrnes is a great host, but he can't carry the whole show by himself.
I realize that we can't go back and we're never going to get IWC again, but they can make this show better.
Shawnna in OKC
Shooting for the moon here:
Rotating panelists: Kyle Busch/ Franchetti/Elliot Sadler/Casey Mears/Montoya/Truex Jr. Mix it up. Let them get outrageous. I'd love to see Montoya and Mike go head to head. Throw out a controversy and let them have at it.
Do some shows on the Nationwide series exclusively. Bring in Harvick/Scott Zipidelli (sp?)/Kertus Davis. Top to bottom of the field with a newer crew chief for flavor. Didn't Davis have the first woman crew chief last NW race? Bring her on! Talk about the future of young racers. Try the same thing with the truck series. Jon Wood/Hornaday/a crew chief. Young v. Older drivers/crew chief. Discuss drug use and why it happens and what should be done to catch it before it gets someone killed.(I've forgotten the name of the suspended driver in the truck series, but there've been a couple I can think of in the Nationwide series who'd been banned.) What's an older driver's greatest fear? The new drivers?
You all are going to die laughing, but I'd like to see a panel with just women talking about a race and the state of racing. Wife/an employee/Shannon Spake, for example. Ken Shrader's wife, for Pete's sake!
Lose the ugly set. Dark. Depressing. I think they were aiming for dramatic, but. . . .
I'll stop wishing now. Hit my limit for the day.
earl06 segments work for me and I agree about the music. My son came in the room during the DJ piece (which I really enjoyed) wanting to know what was up with the music. Other suggestions have already been stated some not. 3rd panelist, change the order around. I like the replay of the old stuff, JG last week and DJ this week, I never saw them the first time so really new for me. They can make a regular feature out of them as far as I am concerned. Use wider camera shots so we can see Greg and Mike in the same shot. The camera moves off the person talking to get a reaction shot but they usually miss it. Show them both in the shot and we can see it just fine. I actually like the set I am guessing it is suppose to look like someones home with the bigger chairs and coffee table but I am sure the guys can move closer together to put in a 4th chair. This way Greg can physically get to Mikey when he starts to go off or interrupt, people tend to interrupt less when the other person is closer. Closer would help with those wider shots too. With the new Speed show on Sunday the recap piece from Speed NOT necessary unless they are considering it as a giant commercial for Speed, if so make it a commercial and give more time for the guys to talk. JD, thanks for giving us the chance to make our recommendations and I will give Speed time to improve just like I gave NN
Amy in FL said...
One thing that just struck me is that if it is "This Week In Nascar", then there should be a show next Monday since there is a Nationwide race on Saturday. Since there is no show next Monday, then it is basically a Sprint Cup show and nothing else. Why not go back to Inside Sprint Cup?
I agree with Deborah in that alot of us keep saying the same things over and over and it appears that Speed is not listening or wanting to listen. The flow seems wierd.
My suggestions-
1. Start with the greetings and then move to the news of the weekend or headlines.
2. Review the previous weekend's races (plural) and point out insider's viewpoints. Let us know something that we might not have known otherwise because the drivers were actually in the cars and racing.
3. Move to a pre-produced piece and have discussion about it.
4. Maybe have a "hot seat" type of guest for the panel to question.
5. Answer emails and show the points positions heading into the next weekend in all three series.
6. Wrap it up allowing 1-2 minutes to let the panelists say bye and maybe something personal.
The above are my suggestions. Hopefully Speed will listen soon so that they will not lose any more viewers.
As a side note, I would love to see more Nascar themed shows produced by Speed. I loved the Nascar 360 program and other behind the scenes programs that Speed did a couple of years ago. I also loved NBS 24/7. Just some suggestions for Speed. Speed needs to decide if they are a lifestyle/entertainment network or a motorsports network. I would like to see them add more Nascar themed programming.
Thank you, John, for allowing us a place to discuss the television aspect of Nascar. This blog/forum is great. A must read.
Winter Haven, FL
Tracy said...You all are going to die laughing, but I'd like to see a panel with just women talking about a race and the state of racing. Wife/an employee/Shannon Spake, for example. Ken Shrader's wife, for Pete's sake!
If TWIN went to a rotating panel, I think that would be a wonderful idea for one week. The woman crew chief you mentioned, Kelly Earnhardt Elledge, a driver's wife, the tire specialist for Hendrick named Lisa. (Isn't she on maternity leave? How does that work in racing? Does she get her job back?)
If they keep the show with the same panel every week, I'd like to see it go the way earl06 or amy wrote it.
(BTW, Ryan newman's wife Krissie is writing a blog on That's racin.com and she answered a very long list of reader- submitted questions the other day about their life at the track, and away from the track. Very cool, she seems like a very nice person.)
An all women panel discussing their view of racing...
I really like that idea. That would be very fresh and creative.
How much money do they pay people at SPEED and they couldn't think of that?
I love Byrnes, and I think Biffle does a good job too. I used to like Mikey, but I'm sorry, without Schrader there to keep him in line, he gets too full of himself. Bring back Kenny!
I'd like to see Schrader on Nascar Now with Allen, JB and Andy Petree.
And ESPN put Nicole Manske on almost the next day after hiring her away from Speed. Only question is can they talk Schrader into wearing a suit?
IWC was a great show, this show can become great, i'd tape it as it is now but move it to Friday night mixed in with the current Speed programming, i think Monday's are "Break Night" to get away from NASCAR.
With the coverage starting Thursday thru Sunday, you need a break.
I also believe having the highlights before the start of the next event will make a viewer more excited to catch the upcoming race(s).
Saturation can kill a sport and it's ratings.
"How much money do they pay people at SPEED and they couldn't think of that?"
I was just thinking that JD should charge the networks for the free focus group he's running here.
I will leave personnel choices to others, although a little less Mikey would not go amiss. A bit more Wendy and Krista would be good too.
Do you know what I thought reading all this lot? What is wanted is hour 2 of Monday Nascar Now.
To try that would be a big mistake. TBH, who needs highlights again. They have already been on Nascar Now, Sportscenter, and who knows how many other places already. If this is worth an hour of my time, then how about some of these ideas:
1. In a weekend with a rules issue, get Nascar on to talk about them.
2. In a weekend with a tyre issue, get GoodYear on to talk about them.
3. In a weekend with a track issue (like lifting concrete or lots of crashes off turn 4), get the track owners or operators on to talk about them. (You get the idea).
Give us something no-one else does. Direct comment from interested parties on events that happen in the weekend, in detail, and after things have cooled down/had a day to think. I have no desire to hear the winner from Victory Lane again. That's what "Victory Lane" is about.
Take Jeff Gordon's crash into the jaws of the track access point a couple of weeks ago. I know Rusty drew some diagrams that were part of an excellent piece, and were all the time Nascar Now had, but a focussed show could show how many tracks are affected? What could be done? They could ask track owners why the safer barrier is not on the inside wall. etc. etc.
There are so many issues that could be used. How about lack of sponsorship, retaining Nationwide entries, why Nascar refuse to remove bump stops. The list is endless, and their use of pre-recorded piece could be good here.
Then finish with a preview of the next race. I don't even mind the Speed highlights under the titles.
How can it be called "This Week In Nascar" if half the show is about next week, eh?
Finally, and one thing that will probably get me shot - I love the music for this show. Best thing about it.
Yes, this show's format seems backwards to me showing the upcoming race instead of the one that was just run. Like you said JD, the Martinsville race is 2 weeks away. They really need Kenny Schrader there too when he is returning. Speed needs to tweak the show a bit and, hopefully, it'll get better.
This show is not the show I used to watch.
The show I used to watch can be found on Monday on ESPN2 but without Mikey and the crew.
I just can't get into the new format. WAY too much video packages. I don't like the preview before the review. Steve Byrnes does a good job but I think that this show has lost the magic. Kinda like MacGyver when he began to focus on the Teen Challenge club instead of bad guys. I deleted the series link from my DVR and choose to watch (can't believe I'm saying this especially after last year's mess) the MUCH improved NASCAR Now on ESPN2
Here's what I'd like to see on TWIN
1. A comprehensive race recap of the previous race at the beginning of the show. They can continue to show their taped bits of the race, but how about explanations of the on track happenings, ie., Skinner's fire, Kyle Busch saying his car wouldn't turn,....basically things the on air announcers missed during the broadcast.
2. Rotate bringing in different drivers and crew chiefs. I would love to hear race perspectives from newbies and oldsters.
3. How would a live call-in segment work? Could be interesting especially if a certain someone is hopped up more than usual.
4. Continue to turn down the background music. I don't mind taped segments, but keep that music to a minimum.
5. Save the discussion about the upcoming race to the last 20 or so minutes. It's just a more logical approach to keep some kind of timeline that makes sense.
I also believe the show is done in the wrong order. I am still hungover from the last race and I would prefer to have a recap of the race with any info or opinions from the panel. I don't mind spending 20 minutes on the next race but not at the beginning of the show. I actually changed the channel and waited about 25 minutes before I changed it back to TWIN. Just throws me off too much.
I think the panel is great. Steve B. has been a great addition. I also agree that there should be a 3rd panelist and I do like the idea of rotating panelists to get different viewpoints.
I think TWIN is pretty good but the way it is presented is not the greatest.
Anon 7:09PM,
Come on back and re-phrase that last comment please. Thanks.
Don't give up guys, things in TV land take time when format changes and set design are concerned.
A little gentle pressure can steer the boat a lot better than heavy-handed sharp turning.
The message is being received loud and clear, and that is the point of this blog. We care, we like NASCAR, and we want the TV to be good. Thanks again for the comments.
Things I'd change:
1. Move the preview of the upcoming race to the end of the show and limit it to 5 or 10 minutes.
3. Get rid of the SPEED highlights from the weekend. I don't need to see someone making a goofy face at a camera.
4. Stop playing loud music along with the highlights, especially when the panelists are trying to discuss what is happening on the screen.
I will add that I am a Mikey fan and would love to see him stay. I also like Greg Biffle and was surprised that I even liked Chad Knaus. Steve does a decent job.
Keep the panel just make sure that you cover Nascar every week that there is a Nascar sanctioned race in the top 3 series. That means that if there is a Nationwide race when the cup and trucks are off. Thus the title makes sense.
Thanks, John, for the forum and "focus group".
I like the panel of females idea. Interesting thought.
Random thoughts again by me.
Winter Haven, FL
Mary 10.19
If SPEED does what you suggest PLUS adds round table type discussion as the focus of this show, let me know and I will watch again.
The few minutes of my fave Mikey, in front of moving video set off my vertigo and usually my health issues do not INTERFERE with talk shows! (yes, I close my eyes alot during the race with digger and zoom cams!)
But your suggestions are great and of course, where is KENNY?
Seems many also feel strongly on EVERY MESSAGE board this show is backasswards and we don't want ENDLESS promos of the next race and SPEED hype (videos of Raceday,etc) I mean seriously, I use to love RaceDay but two hours is just TOO MUCH before a long, caution filled cup race.
so far from all I read, last nights TWIN was the same as the others. :(
Thanks for the place to type and share our angst, JD.
I do enjoy the show, but it has to compete both with Allen B. on N-NOW and the ghost of Inside Winston Cup. I think it shows promise, but will take time.
Ken S. always added to the show and made Mikey better. If Ken S can't be in studio, maybe they could have a "Where's Kenny" segment.
Besides Ken S. (and Allen B), what I miss most from the old show was the guest on the hot seat - especially people you don't see everywhere else, like Mike Helton.
Also maybe some periodic reports on how the Hall of Fame is coming.
SPEED needs to have a preview show separate from this show. Monday should be used for a review show due to the "freshness" of the event. However, the review show needs to be a "loose" recap, to include drivers, maybe even crew members, to provide a different perspective of the race. I believe that most fans have either already watched the race or Victory Lane for a "structured" recap. Then, later in the week, they can then package a preview show with original content such as Tradin' Paint, Go or Go Home and NASCAR Performance. Just a thought.
LOVE the "Where's Kenny?" idea that would be fantastic.
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