Guess what The Daly Planet is going to be doing this weekend live?
1 - There will be a special Indy 500 column, live forum and TV race review this weekend. The preview will be posted Friday night and the forum will be live during the pre-race and the race for TV-related comments. Please join us.
Finally, a race review of the ABC Broadcast team's performance will be posted for your comments shortly after the race telecast ends. This is a special one-time non-NASCAR project. Thank you to the readers who suggested it.
2 - We will not be reviewing the World of Outlaws special from The Dirt Track at Lowe's Motor Speedway on Friday night. Other websites are much more current on that series and SPEEDtv.com will also have boards on that subject. Thanks for the readers who inquired about that topic.
3 - Even though Friday is slow for NASCAR TV, Saturday is a very different story. If you have outdoor plans on Saturday, set the DVR or the VCR for what could be a fascinating day at the Lowe's Motor Speedway. I do not think we have seen the end of the Humpy Wheeler vs. Bruton Smith saga. There will be a full Saturday NASCAR preview up Friday night.
Thanks again for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet and have a great Memorial Day weekend.
I look forward to it! If I keep my plans, I'll be up in Monaco for F1, heading over to Indy and then over to Charlotte :).
Don't care about open-wheel racing, and I didn't think this site did, either. You've not covered it until now.
Anon@9:48, I think it's fine for the Daly Planet to cover the Indy 500.
Reading the online racing stories this morning, I noticed Terry Blount from ESPN, Nate Ryan from USA Today, and Dave Caldwell from the New York Times are all in Indianapolis to write about the 500 - NOT in Charlotte to write about the Coca-Cola 600. That seems signficant as Blount and Ryan are usually at the NASCAR races, and Caldwell is at a lot of them. So the Daly Planet is just making an exception like they are.
The Indy 500 is also the top story on USA Today's sports page. So whether you care about open-wheel racing or not, this race is a big deal to a lot of people.
Ahh is anyone watching "Carb Day" And having audio issues? It is like echoing!
Looking forward to the Indy coverage. Thanks.
I hope to travel the world like gymmie and catch all three races as well.
What with the merger of OW after years of divorce, I think it's totally fine for JD to speak of it here. Plus, enough people asked and he is breaking with HIS tradition on a one time deal.
I for one am thrilled.
Thanks JD and fellow OW fans.
I will not be availble for the Indy500, and will watch it later that day. But I am glad to those who post here and look forward to the comments. JD, Thank you for this again.
NASCAR was criticised by fans during the Sprint Pit Crew Challenge for having it at Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte because it was indoors, and not outdoors at the track.
NASCAR looked like a gem. It was raining that night (Thursday) in Charlotte that it led to delays Friday before truck practice, so indoors was right. The IRL canceled the McDonald's Pit Stop Challenge because of rain during Carburetion Day. That event was held at the track on final practice.
Somehow, the fans who criticised the pit stop contest indoors might just be eating crow.
If there was no Danica would we be talking about the Indy on here? Unless it is to compare and contrast the Indy broadcast with the Coca Cola 600, which will be hard to compare since the Indy will be split screen and the CC 600 will be digger cam and commercials. (yeah its been one of those days).
bill h said...
If there was no Danica would we be talking about the Indy on here?
well, i won't speak for others but i watch the irl racing for the same reason i watch nascar: the racing. yeah, those who only know about danica may watch for her. but they'll be missing some other great drivers!
as for why discuss indy on this site: seems to me folks asked about it and jd made an executive decision to add it to the blog. i know i'll be watching the indy coverage with a much more finely tuned eye (if one can finely tune eyes?) than ever before, thanks to the daly planet! i will absolutely be comparing coverage between irl and nascar on the same weekend. if you aren't interested, it can be ignored. i, for one, ignored the fryer column for that reason.
my interest in the IRL has nothing to do with Danica but I am glad she finally one since Robin Miller thought she was close to winning.
but with the merger of OW (yes I KNOW it will take years go get back to what it used to be or close) I think MANY are interested this year in Indy Racing.
I for one am also THRILLED with JD's decision. I am glad to see MORE than 16-18 cars in a race.
Also I would like to see Sarah Fisher do better and get some attention (Milka Duno does NOT belong on the track but I digress) and I would like to see Helio do well. I miss having Dario to root for.
and I gotta say, Dan Wheldon's new super white teeth look odd...I hope they become less white...anybody notice those when he was interviewed today? Not to make fun but they brought it up on the rain delayed show.
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