Things are always just a little bit different on All-Star weekend and this one has proven to be no exception. Saturday will feature another roll-out of NASCAR TV programming in a "block" by SPEED almost all day long.
This effort is designed to lead-up to a three hour edition of the popular RaceDay program and then transition to the All-Star festivities themselves. Since SPEED does not have any Sprint Cup Series points races, this is going to be as close as the network comes to the big time on the track this season.
Off the oval, SPEED has continued to partner with the NASCAR Media Group and dominate the weekend TV programming where racing is concerned. It will be NASCAR Live at Noon Eastern Time that kicks-off the original programming on Saturday. John Roberts will be on-hand to host with Hermie Sadler and Randy Pemberton reporting.
That show will transition into a re-air of the Pit Crew Challenge originally seen on Thursday night. SPEED had some glitches originally, but this re-air should be all cleaned-up if fans want to record a good version of this special to keep.
Speaking of recording, Tradin' Paint at 2:30PM will feature a re-match of one of the oddest couples ever seen on TV. John Roberts will be trying to keep the peace between Kyle Petty and veteran writer Bob Pockrass of NASCAR Scene and scenedaily.com. Put this one on the DVR or the VCR.
These two have combined for some of the most interesting and hilarious editions of this show since the concept first started some years ago. Oil-and-water does not do the dynamic of these two justice. Pockrass will not back down from his views on the sport, which in the past have resulted in Petty blowing his stack in spectacular fashion. It should be interesting to see which topics the Producer picks to discuss.
Larry McReynolds has quietly turned NASCAR Performance into a dynamo of a show. Next up at 3PM, this program features Chad Knaus and Bootie Barker delving into all kinds of racing subjects and offering all types of topical discussions from a crew chief's perspective. Even for a mechanical novice like myself, this program has moved to the "must see" list.
NASCAR In A Hurry is an interesting little TV series hosted by Adam Alexander. The thirty minute show which airs at 3:30PM uses footage of SPEED programs both on and off the track to offer a short "wrap-up" of things at Charlotte so far. The trick is, they only use footage from the previous 48 hours. They pack all the "happenings" together and show them...in a hurry.
The "franchise" steps-out of the shadows next as RaceDay offers a "three hour tour" of all things All-Star that leads directly into the event. John Roberts hosts, with Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace alongside. Wendy Venturini provides the news and several features. Hermie Sadler offers the track description and is also a reporter on the show. Rutledge Wood continues as the "comic relief."
This program is said to contain a big surprise guest this week. SPEED is not letting anything slip, but since the show is live there might be some fun moments where this "guest" is concerned. As viewers might expect, Wendy Venturini will finally sit-down with Dale Jarrett and get his take on this final night at-speed in a sport that has dominated his life.
Live guests include Jimmie Johnson, Tony Stewart and Kurt Busch. This week, the Speedway has added a new wrinkle for All-Star day. The Pennzoil Platinum Victory Challenge is the official name for the new burnout contest.
While many fans have seen this type of event at motorcycle rallies and even local short tracks, this one is going to be new. It will be the "big boys" from NASCAR on Fox that will step-in and handle the commentary for this special event. Mike Joy, Larry McReynolds and Darrell Waltrip will do their best to see through the smoke and offer their expert analysis.
RaceDay will also dip into the NASCAR Media Group archives, and offer some brief flashbacks on the past All-Star races that have certainly featured some memorable moments. It should be fun to hear the comments from Spencer and Wallace on these sometimes controversial moments in time.
RaceDay will transition directly into the All-Star race programming at 7PM. The NASCAR on Fox crew will again call the action. This post will serve to host your comments during the pre-race programming, and a new post will be added at 6PM for the All-Star race.
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JD, Thanks for the excellent rundown..I shall be resting up all day for my second night in a row of Cajun and Dixie Land music and will tape the race.
I am happy I can rest all day with Trading Paint and NP. I am HOOKED on NASCAR PERFORMANCE !!! I love learning the inside scoop of inside the car.
Three hours of RACE DAY! Oy vey~
Look forward to reading the comments on here as I watch the race on tape when I get home.
Thank to all fellow bloggers, anons and JD for this great site.
so, i'm looking at the all star logo and wondering: what is the fascination in sports with using roman numerals for their "premier" events? is there a belief that it lends gravitas to the event? does it make the "special" event even more special? and how many people can even read roman numerals any more? i mean, there are kids who are only comfortable with a digital watch! what happens when the event gets up into the 50 and 60 year range? how many of us will still be able to read THOSE roman numerals?
yet another thing that makes me go "hmmmm."
I cannot understand why SPEED doesnt stand up and produce the race themselves, with their trucks group of announcers?
The Fox dolts will just make this "one more Fox race" instead of allowing it to be differetiated from all of the other over-hyped excuses they pass off as race coverage. What a sham. Fox sports arrogance and entitlement even extends within the company
Maybe someday David Hill will realize DW's last name is Waltrip and not Wallace
Anon 11:32AM,
If it says "Cup" anywhere on it, you can bet the Fox guys will be there. That is the franchise.
What happened to "Nascar Live"? We went right from "Wind Tunnel" to the pit crew challenge.
What gives? Is that the "surprise"? :-)
The Pit Crew Challenge ran over the other night and therefore Speed decided to keep it and move it up into the spot where NASSCAR Live! was.
Does anyone know anything about DW appearing on Nascar Performance??? He and Larry Mac were talking about it during the Cup practice, but I wasn't sure if they were joking or not.
You are correct, CUP is Fox franchise. I submit this is not Cup per se.
Its a non points all star race with different rules and different format.
I'm surprised you don't agree
Anon 2:21PM,
I absolutely am open to SPEED "branding" this a bit more as their own. The NASCAR on Fox announcers appear on SPEED almost every weekend during the Fox portion of the Cup schedule.
Since SPEED is owned by the Fox Cable Networks group, I do not see anything changing soon. I thought maybe Steve Byrnes of Krista in the Hollywood Hotel, but that did not happen.
Sorry, but since it was shown today I have a quick thought on the pit crew challenge....I thought the crowd, announcer,
band and dancers were all great. It made you feel like you were at a LIVE event. Do the networks produce some events to "feel" more as being at a live event vs watching a "canned" live event on your couch.
Ok quick question - how can Kenny Wallace, a St. Louis native and a Cardinals fan, wear a cubs hat?
Other than that - pretty cool opening!
RaceDay: There have not been too may times where I was speechless, but that opening had my jaw on the ground.
Ok, it was a different opening for Race Day. Looks like they spent some time to produce it.
Yes, it did bring a lighter moment and I was OK with it. I am sure they enjoyed doing it also.
I can't decide if that was hysterical or ridiculous. I wonder how many have no clue who the Ateam was, I'm afraid to admit I actually recognized the music.
JD-I am w/you!! Bet they had a ball doing it tho..:)
Hey, my kid is 15 and he knows the A-Team and the music. It used to air on TVLand. Our cat is named "Mr. T."
JD - can you elaborate on your reaction?
I like this piece with the FOX News Anchors helping out the SPEED crew.
Ric Flair = Awesome.
Great show so far
I certainly hope this isn't the "suprise".
Geez I'm thinking this is the surprise, Kenny obviously didn't know. Not a big deal for me either but to each his own
But what's w/the cameraperson NOT focusing on the "original" strut & showing Kenny instead? Very poor camera work.
I guess this is a surprise, but I was hoping it was somehow race or driver related...oh well.
I guess this is a side bar comment. But I do like it when they let their guard down. It seems more sincere. I understand how how hard it it to be on air. And how things change so fast.
I liked the opening, I thought it was cute! JR is not right! The guys looked like they had a blast!
Jimmy Spencer in lipstick....I am so glad I have my therapist on speed dial!
Come on JD, get a grip. You gotta admit it was funny and out of place for them. I thought it was ok. But not on a weekly basis. Yes, my jaw fell also. But it was so unexpected that it caught me off guard and got a laugh of it.
I didn't say I didn't like it, but is sure did take me by surprise.
Yes, JD I agree, thanks
Very nice interview w/Dale Jarrett by Wendy V. She sure has the touch for those type of interviews.
I wish SPEED would just broadcast the support races. That flip was crazy
@JD--LOL! Yes, that shot of Jimmy in lipstick will definitely keep therapists busy!
It was great to see Doocy and Alisyn from FNC!
@lou--I agree! Wendy does a GREAT job with her interviews!
A Petty Car, a flag and a passenger. As Larry Mac said, "I don't have a good feeling about this."
This isn't going well... at least the guys in the booth aren't taking it seriously.
JD, it could get worse, KB still has to go out. And since JJ broke all the rules and got a 20 second penalty. What do we have to lose as long as it is a good show win or lose. Even though that was not the intent of the event. You are right.
This is hysterical, a bunch of very driven drivers just out to have fun
See what I mean, Kevin H. did a different deal against the wall. RULES. what rules. I still enjoy it though.
OK...the flags are ridiculous.
I find it interesting that the "vanilla" driver is the one who went out intending to break all the rules and just have fun. That's the guy who surfed the golf cart.
Yes, NRF, was that good or what. I enjoyed the burnout competition, rules or not. Nice TV coverage I thought.
Okay, what was the "surprise"? I didn't see Raceday except for the burnout "competition".
I was skeptical when I read about this latest "Humpy Hype", but I thought it worked, probably because most of the drivers made their own rules as they went.
I thought the opening of RaceDay was hysterical. I mean, buttoned up John Roberts with a gold grill and dancin to rap music? Go against type just a little bit? I didn't get the whole Hello Kitty coloring book by Kenny, but it was funny. Spenser in drag? I'm not so sure about that one, but it had me laughing. I did wonder why Wendy wasn't really included in the caricatures.
Loved the Dale Jarrett interview. Wendy has a knack for doing great stuff like that.
JD, could you possibly find something out for us? When the Trackside guys have on a driver as a guest, they are asked to autograph something. What do they do with those items? I don't think I've ever heard any of them comment on what's done. I've seen them sign collector cars, helmets and other things. I'm wondering if they auction them off for charity, or whatever.
did not see anybody mention this...maybe I am one of the few who watches but
I did NOT ENJOY N Performance this week. Larry mac spent the whole show interview KB Crew Chief??????????? While Chad and bootie sat quiet and frankly, useless.
I hope they are NOT ruining this show by turning it into 'trackside light'.
The whole POINT of the show is to ENJOY the tech info from Chad and Bootie who do an outstanding job.
Major disappointment on this show if it is going to be like this from now on. Until yesterday, this had become MUST SEE TV...after the ALL Star version, it will become MUST MISS TV.
And I skipped the race. I was thrilled to hear a certain engine blew and KK won.
I enjoyed my music night out and realized I missed little after all the hype.
oh, I did watch RDay but found the opening odd..amusing but not hilarious...I got the music and it being the A team and all but guess I missed the POINT of the running bit.
P.S. while watching RDay AGAIN their logos ran way off the right side of my screen when they showed the years or previous All star races.
They really need to get somebody to pay attention to that BASIC ELEMENT. no other station does this.
Meant to say LEFT SIDE of screen
Sophia, I totally agree with you about Nascar Performance. I Tivo the show and I totally tuned it out when they did nothing but interview Shrubbie's crew chief. What are they doing, planning on getting rid of Bootie or Chad and auditioning a new guy? I just couldn't see the reason for changing the format for what is a successful show.
Thanks for you comment!! I totally have become hooked on this show and was totally blown away by the CHANGE in format?
If it was a one time deal, Larry Mac should have clearly stated they were dismissing the usual format...but still...it left a bad taste of disappointment in my mouth.
Pretty soon, all the talk shows on SPEED will be the same thing :( :(
Please dont post the winners of the race except in that race's specific blogs. I always TiVo the races and read The Daly Planet for each show while I'm catching up with the TV. Imagine my disappointment when I'm reading and watching Raceday and someone spoils the outcome of the All-Star race before I even start watching it!! I know its my fault for being behind, but still...
Larry Mac DID explain the change on Nascar Performance--he said that they rarely have a chance to interview a 'hot' team's crew chief live on the show, so they took advantage of the opportunity. Personally, I loathe Kyle Busch, but I don't hold that against Steve Addington and I found what he had to say pretty interesting. I didn't know much about his history and they did talk about technical elements of the racing. It's one show, geez!
I missed the opening of Raceday (but I can assure you I'd have recognized the music...) The Ric Flair thing was funny if only for the shock on Kenny's face, but I wouldn't have had a clue who he was. TP was funny as well, with them getting into it about possible ideas for the All Star race (ironically, a caller on Wind Tunnel had the same thought about voting someone OFF.) Speaking of which, WT was pretty good too.
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