This will be the first Nationwide Series race since the story of the discrimination lawsuit hit the news. ESPN has a full crew on-hand, with Dr. Jerry Punch and Dale Jarrett having the weekend off.
It will be Allen Bestwick hosting NASCAR Countdown at 8PM. This thirty minute pre-race show will originate from the Infield Pit Studio and Bestwick will be joined by Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty. As mentioned in earlier posts, Daugherty is the co-founder of NASCAR's Diversity Council and should be able to speak to the lawsuit issue.
With Punch on vacation, it will be TV veteran Marty Reid calling the action from the booth. Joining Reid will be Wallace and Andy Petree. Those three will be joined by pit road reporters Vince Welch, Mike Massaro, Shannon Spake and Jamie Little.
The news from Kentucky is that the race is a sell-out, but the track has been struggling with "weepers" all day long and that moisture may be a problem for the race. NASCAR has been actively involved in trying to fix the situation.
This post will serve to host your TV-related comments about the Nationwide Series race on ESPN2. To add your opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are on the right side of the main page. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
At the end of qualifying, Marty said they will be discussing lawsuits. I'm not sure if that means this particular lawsuit..
Nice way to mention the lawsuit and get it aside while focusing on the racing by Bestwick.
Smart start to the pre-race show.
Anyone else feel like Rusty and Brad are yelling, I'm all for emotion but this almost feels forced
Fifteen minutes into the Countdown and still no mention of the pink elephant in the room. Instead, the spotlight goes to Sprint Cup stars moonlighting again in NNS land.
Wow, someone told them to turn-up the volume.
And yakking up Vile Kyle coming from the back. Can't wait to see how many folks he tees off tonite!
Newracefan said...
Anyone else feel like Rusty and Brad are yelling, I'm all for emotion but this almost feels forced
I noticed the same thing but it hit me like they have a lot of emotion for tonights race. Which I'm liking so far. Positive, fun honest emotion is something I've missed seeing with the ESPN broadcasts. Looks and sounds like their having fun.
Moving Rusty off the set to deal with the lawsuit issue with Brad. Smart.
That was an interesting start -touch on it & move on. Smart.
As to Kyle he really has no one to blame but himself, and he'll never admit it. AB just said they are gonna have a major update about the lawsuit when they return
Nice to have two well-spoken guys on-camera to handle that topic. Typical ESPN fashion to offer the information and then let someone add commentary.
Good points by Daugherty that the perception alone hurts the sport and that the media should wait until the facts are in to put things out to the public.
What did you guys think?
The graphic was good, AB & Daugherty discussion was really well done. Quick, to the point & did make mention of the "casual fan" & the negative impression it would leave on them. Brad also mentioned we need to let this go thru the legal process not rush to conclusions.They added nothing new, covered it well, no sensationalisms, no preaching.
Almost like "Dragnet" facts just the facts.
About what I expected them to say. I still haven't heard anyone say that they have tried to get ahold of Ms Grant or her attorney. So far I'm hearing a whole lotta nothing on this. No real investigative reporting.
I thought it was short & to the pt. Appreciated the fact that AB mentioned Brad's involvement in the diversity program & also the clips of King Brian. This belongs on news programs, not race programs, imho.
Brad's response was very well said.
Just enough to let the viewers know what has happened, but not enough to discourage the viewers.
I thought they handled this perfectly. Mentioning it right at the start, moving Rusty to the booth, and then introducing Brad into the conversation, stating that he was the co-founder of the diversity program.
Excellent choices, and great comments from Brad.. wouldn't expect anything less from AB and crew.
Like I posted on the other post. I thought AB and Brad did very well in their comments in a professional manner.
Missed AB & BD instead was watching the Yanks stomp all over the Astros! Darn. I've read several earlier posts about Rusty yelling but I've also noticed that in previous races so maybe it's just Rusty and not so much the audio!
Poor Brad K. In race reporting is always bad. And he qualified 13th.
I truly dislike the in race reporter part. Leave the drivers alone! Let 'em work!
Wasn't everyone here talking about the oh so important drug issue awhile back? Nothing could be more important but somehow that fell off the radar screen. Perhaps we should discuss that on every show along with this issue. Let's never let it rest.
Always nice to see that sellout crowd.
NASCAR is currently doing a drug policy study because of the outrage from the drivers about the current policy. The results are due in late July.
Thought the lawsuit was handled well, just the facts and Brad's view (keeping Rusty out of it was a good idea). I want to see a transcript of when BF said in Michigan before I pass judgement on his comments. It's interesting that the guy who couldn't even say more that a few words at the Championship Banquet finally figured out that he needs to be up front and visable.
Nice use of Tim to explain possible problems on the car. And a Kyle update - yikes enuff Kyle already.
You know Kyle is going to be the story until he either wrecks or wins. Did you see Grandpa almost give KB some "hands-on instruction" after the Truck race?
Happy to see and hear Marty Reid calling the race, but disappointed with the tv crew spending so much time talking and showing KB.
Tell ya what, it is amazing the job the ESPN guys have done with Rusty. He gets it now and has been actually doing a very good job in the booth. Despite the issue with his team and son, he certainly is working hard to be good at TV.
I loved it! Grandpa is gonna take young Mr Kyle and give him an education!
It's a tough call with Kyle. It is amazing what he has done. I guess we'd be hollering either way. What if they didn't cover it and then he was leading? Tough call.
If he ever gets his act together just a bit more (and chunks those horrible sunglasses) he could grow a big fan base.
Did ESPN just break out of a home depot commercial for pit stops?
Interesting...I would say that was a good choice.
If he got rid of the sunglasses he might not be able to run the truck for free. (lol)
whats wrong with the sunglasses? I mean a whole bunch of drivers wear them. and In addition to that, did you see that Nationwide official ask to see kyle's glasses during the qualifying session?
ams fan,
Even though I live in South Florida on the beach, I have never seen anyone wearing shades like that. Especially the 1980's mirror look. I hope he is making some serious cash...only way I would wear em.
They seem to be showing a lot of different drivers tonight and what a great crowd!
Yes, I thought they broke out of commerical. Then w/the dead silence in the booth for a moment, I thought someone forgot to tell the booth crew we're back.
Aw come on JD. Its the new way to go these days. all the kids are doing it like that.
I think Scott Speed has 'em all beat. Those things he wears, wow.
(sorry, off topic)
Lou, I dont think anyone forgot to tell the booth anything. It is usually just a bit of buffer time to make sure his first words are not cut off.
Yep, Mr. Speed is certainly a different kind of cat.
anonymous said...
whats wrong with the sunglasses? I mean a whole bunch of drivers wear them.
nothing wrong with the glasses themselves. the issue is that it is very rude and disrespectful to keep one's sunglasses on when one is being spoken to by another person. i don't care that "everybody does it": it is rude and i detest it with a passion.
ann 954pm, Thanks, good to know.
Marty Reid certainly seems to have a much better time on the NASCAR trail then he does with the IRL boys. Or is that just me?
What are you getting at, JD? Do you know something we don't?
I think Reid may have a bit more excitement today for whatever reason. But I usually don't notice a different between his IRL work and his NASCAR work.
Now where is the debris.....?
No, I just watched the IRL stuff and it seems to be more of a strategy and fuel race all the time. These three are having a nice broadcast.
Erik, you didn't see the Official next to the white SUV picking up the debris?
I don't think the ESPN has shown the debris on either yellows.
OK I'm old OLD - but everytime Marcos Ambrose car is shown w/ STP and the "old " R.Petty paint color I just do a double take.
Its nice to see camera work showing the Nationw. drivers who don't run in the cup. And not named Wallace.
Awww...AB ruined my big Sunday night surprise!
JD, I thought I heard them say Kenny Wallace was going to be there Monday but I wasn't sure but all the Wallace's this should be an interesting show
LOL @ JD...well that's too bad.
But I thought Kenny could only be an analysis on SPEED? whats the deal there?
Yup, all three Wallace boys on Monday night. They scheduled this before all the lawsuit stuff so I think AB will handle that with a guest, probably David Newton.
It should be an interesting dynamic on-the-air.
I don't think Rusty & Mike will get a word in edgewise!
Kyle has crashed. Fire extinguishers in hand. Nice cut to wreck by the reporter doing the updates. Good camera work too.
Did you hear the excitment in the voice 0f AB when the 18 hit the wall?
He is really into the race tonight - they all are
I am watching the race on Nascar.com...pretty smooth feed.
joan, there ya go!
"Nice cut to wreck by the reporter doing the updates."
I dont think it is the reporter that 'cuts' to anything. I mean not offense to the reporter but, it is the director who probably saw himself or was informed by a producer that the caution was out and a wreak has taken place. Then the director calls the cut to the camera that had in incident in frame. now In that time the reporter may have been informed that the caution was out. but she did not call the cut.
Who is Kyle gonna blame? Ron ain't here LOL
Is this instant karma ?
Ok, here comes my post that's non-related to the broadcast...
Ok back to the race.. I love the excitement in AB's voice. That's what makes moments in racing classic.
by looking at that last interview, I just cant seem to see why all of you folks seem to hate kyle.
KB owned up in the interview. He did good in the interview
OK 29 laps left and they are giving the race to Lagano hopefully is not a counting your chickens kind of day
KB owned it - this time : )
I don't hate KB - some of the stuff he does and says drive me nuts. I want to like him really cuz he races for JGR. I heard him say he wouldn't be at Milw. next week
Uh oh...ESPN had a signal issue there. green static? that is interesting.
It had to originate from the track since it did not effect the ticker.
Eeeewwww. Anybody else get green disaster just then?
yes I did also
uh oh....its falling apart! the ticker is broken too.
I really hope they show final results if the ticker never comes back.
And they blow it and show no one but Logano finish. Pathetic effort for EPSN.
listen...all of you. I dont care if we didnt see anyone else cross. this is an important story!
and besides they had other technical problems to worry about.
was FOX directing that finish? I could handle the focus on dad being father's day, but i thought ESPN was finally on board with showing the whole field finish
and Nascar.com live leaderboard stopped at 6 to go too.
I guess it's Carl's mom and Joey's dad but for some reason I don't mind as much. OOPS spoke to soon I guess no one else crossed the line. Come on ESPN yes it's cool but really.....
The announce team was really into the race those last 5 laps - sounded like fans who happened to be Pros! Awesome job!
esp with the ticker down, poor choice not to show finish
If there really is an issue track or otherwise, it will be interesting to see how long final results take.
So much for keeping up posted Leffler must have lost that tire he finished the last car on the lead lap according to Racetrax.
whats the point of showing the finish when the drop down scoring wont work? ESPN will not show it with out the drop down. it was a technical difficulty.
I know we did not see the finish. I thought it might be because of the green glitch/loss of ticker problem. And it was decided since drop down finish could not be shown, we got father/team shots
Congrats to Joey and other Nationwide only racers!
exactly Lou.
Totally agree. What a great kid.
they just explained the ticker broke. I am sure we would have seen the finish if it worked.
Good job verbally addressing the finish there. That works for me.
congrats to the winner!
Overall this has been a pretty good broadcast. Good camera work, except for a few to many bumper cam shots. Everyone seemed to get along with each other.
I still got this hangup with pit reporters that won't let it go. Ask the question, get the answer and move on. I guess they just have to try to get that explosive soundbite. (maybe it's just me)
I'll give an "A" tonight.
He'll be in a Cup car before you know it.
The Tv people tell you they are having problems with the ticker. For the finish they just show you the lead car and that is it.
With the ticker problem you would have thought they would have shown the finish of all the cars so the viewer could see who finished where.
Yeah ticker. That was a good hustle!
Charlie, but thats not how it works. ESPN believes you wont be able to tell which car is which from the normal wide shot you are used to if you DO NOT have the drop down scoring. So, why show it is you can't tell who is who?
The technical problems from last week are creeping into this week. The gremlins are on the prowl.
Logano could have crossed the line, showed the crew and then the Director could have shown the field cross the line long before Logano did anything. It would have taken almost no time at all.
What did you see as we missed the field cross the line? Nothing but a car slowing down.
Nice job by Reid explaining the ticker and graphic problems. The announce crew had a good race.
Remember, until Fox came along we always say the lead lap cars finish the races in NASCAR.
Very impressed by those interviews by Shannon.
We could have at least been able to tell Leffler was backing up or what ever happened. I don't look at the ticker as they cross the line I look at it right after so I would have appreciated the shots, who knows maybe some cars were racing each other crossing the line and that would have been fun to watch
Let me see if I understand this. The ticker breaks so ESPN can't show the finish line. I wonder what the guys on radio do every week.Face it folks emotion still trumps everything in todays sports coverage.I call it garbage, but for better or worse we are stuck with it.
WOW, did Mike even take a breath? Jamie asked, and Mike sure did answer. (lol)
Wow, Massaro always seems to be the reporter who they make ask just one too many questions.
Thanks for stopping by, a new column about Sunday's pre-race shows will be up shortly.
See you back here tomorrow for the race!
JD, If you meant the interview w/Mom and Sister, I agree.
Shades of Dale Jr. and Massaro last season.
Sometimes, you have to know when to say when. This kid has been winning since he was driving. They know the drill.
Daly Planet Editor said...
Wow, Massaro always seems to be the reporter who they make ask just one too many questions.
He is one of three on this network. Yep he did go the extra mile.
"the issue is that it is very rude and disrespectful to keep one's sunglasses on when one is being spoken to by another person"
i dunno 'bout that. here in florida, people wear sunglasses all the time. it doesn't bother me at all.
I think what we were talking about was wearing sunglasses on TV interviews regardless of being outdoors or indoors.
Well, coming home tonight MRN radio was carrying the NW race !! That's new...glad to hear Lagano won and somebody spun out.
BUT VERY DISAPPOINTED with the FOX DIRECTOR Copy Cat of the finish...even with ticker broken, they couldve shown more cars across the line. This smelled like major HYPE all over the place. Glad I ff to my favorite laps!! Now I can watch a DVD.
I HATE THESE ONE CAR finishe...geez.
Bad call ESPN and the cameras are not connected to the ticker last I heard.
I don't care if it was Father's Day or history making or not...plenty of time and camera to show other cars...or did all the cameras break when the ticker broke.
Wow, what a terrible letdown at the end of the Nationwide race. Mike Wallace was passing cars left and right to climb all the way to 3rd in those final few laps and Jason Leffler lost a third place finish after blowing a tire on the last lap.... and all we saw on TV those final few laps was a split-screen of Joey Logano running by himself and his dad.
I can live with the scoring crawl breaking down in the final few laps, technical glitches like that happen. But unless that glitch also broke down the ability for the director to show anything else but 'leader cam' and 'dad cam' that doesn't excuse the poor handling of the finish of the race.
If this was a case of the A-team production truck taking the week off on this stand-alone race then the B-team needs a major adjustment to their finish of the race camera work philosophy. If this was the A-Team this is certainly a very bad sign that ESPN is digressing back into old habits as their return to the Cup Series at Indianapolis nears.
Regardless of whether Junior is ending his winless drought, Tony Stewart is winning again at Indianapolis, Kyle Petty is ending his winless drought to score a very popular victory, or some young driver is winning his first race, there is no excuse for ignoring the rest of the field racing for positions in the final few laps when the leader is running by himself, and there is absolutely no excuse for ignoring the rest of the field crossing the finish line at the end of the race.
On the bright side I caught the go-or-go-home portion of Nationwide qualifying on ESPN2 and was stunned at what I saw. Marty Reid and the announcers kept the focus on what was going on on the track and ESPN FINALLY added an innovation that was actually worthwhile - using the lap tracker to track the current driver's lap against the driver on the bubble to make the race instead of against the pole-sitter. I didn't catch the rest of qualifying because of the ARCA race so maybe the rest of the coverage was terrible I don't know, but I was very impressed with what I saw (other than the clutter all over the screen and the on-track action still being in a tiny box).
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