TNT continues to move through the six race package that comprises the summer TV for NASCAR's Sprint Cup Series. This Sunday, the network is in Loudon, NH at the newly-named New Hampshire Motor Speedway.
After the ninety minutes of pre-race programming concludes, it will be Bill Weber leading the crew through the race. Joining Weber in the booth will be Kyle Petty and Wally Dallenbach. This trio has been effective and fun during the first portion of the TV package. Keeping Petty in the booth at Sonoma instead of having him drive in the race as a "reporter" was a great decision that resulted in a much better telecast.
Down on pit road the drivers and crews have responded quite well to TNT's Lindsay Czarniak in her pit reporter role. Surrounded by veterans Matt Yocum, Marty Snider and Ralph Shaheen, Czarniak has been using her TV skills and inquisitive nature to make-up for her continuing learning curve in the sport. These four have really been a key to the much better on-air presentation of the TNT package this season.
One of the biggest changes noticed by viewers is the outstanding TV Director handling the TNT races. We do not talk about the names of the behind-the-scenes folks, but NASCAR fans are overjoyed that they can see the battles on the track and more than just one or two cars in the camera shots being used.
From the pit stops to the final lap, the directing of this package has been exactly what the doctor ordered after the problems with the Fox telecasts. Keep an eye out for the wideshots that allow the viewer to see the difference on the track between cars and then the slow zoom to the car being discussed by the on-air team.
There were two grooves in the Saturday Nationwide Series race, so the Cup event may actually feature passing and competition despite the COT and the flat track. It should be interesting to watch the TNT crew come together for the final race before the big Daytona race and the "wide open" coverage of next week.
This post will serve to host your comments about the TNT broadcast of the Sprint Cup race from NHMS. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks again for taking the time to stop by.
1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»What a difference a year makes. Last year we could not wait for TNT's coverage to end JD.
THIS YEAR, I wish it could last the ENTIRE season and for one of the reasons you mentioned.
Thanks TNT for giving this fan a lot less to gripe about, lol.
And I have enjoyed the on air guys, too! Hope the weather lets us get a race in.
Sophia= still shocked at how much she loves TNT this year . :-)
TNT clearly bought the NASCAR package primarily as a promotional vehicle for itself.
The "Bill Engvall Cutaway Car"? Come on.
And I'm betting the pre-race Guitar Hero silliness was mandated--because it sure had nothing to do with racing.
Loved Kyle's little ditty on the guitar. Took him a while to sing the correct key but I can tell just from that little bit he is a decent guitar player.
Ok...been out of the room alot and missed the Guitar Hero deal (got sick of that on Trackside as they ruined Dario interview with that stuff)
And yes the cutaway car sponsor is annoying.
But I am like the chemistry of the guys on the pre-race!!
TNT for the rest of the season.
No ticker, no extra toys, no annoying camera work. Back to basics.
REFRESHING as iced tea on a hot summer day !
Nice to see Wally's World at Pocono....again.
Wally's World at pocono.. you've gotta be kidding.......
As for the camera work, isn't it the same group that FOX had? I thought all 3 networks shared the same crew?
If there is improved camera work I would credit it to production if that is indeed the case.
Wow, I am going to ask the TNT guys about that issue. Maybe it is just too expensive to travel the cars to the tracks. At least they could have said it right up front.
TNT needs to stop lying about where they are shooting their driving dedmo with Wally and Kyle.
They showed a wide overhead of NHMS and then the driving video was obviously shot at Pocono, which makes the whole thing pointless.
Fox and ESPN can shoot at the track each weekend, so what does TNT fake it and lie to the viewers?
Maybe it is just too expensive to travel the cars to the tracks
Then they shouldn't do it.
It is dishonest and doesn't show the viewer anything if they fake it.
Even to the casual fans, the word POCONO on the wall of the track is a bit of a give-a-way.
Between the patch on the track and the morning fog, it was tough not to notice this issue.
Bill admitted to it being Pocono when he set it up, the guys who put the clip together obviously though they were going to try and fake it again like they tried last week. I wonder how they are going to fake Daytona, this is just silly do they think we are that unobservant
At least this time Weber did mention that the piece was shot at Pocono. Still no excuse for dated footage.
Has Race Buddy started for anyone? its says 1:45pm but I've got nothing
I have to agree with Anon @ 1:54 who said its dishonest. TNT has done so good this year except for the Wally segment. Why not just be honest - they are cheap. Lying does not help, so why bother. We race fans are not illiterate we can read Pocono,& we know what the tracks look like that patch is a dead give away.
I had that RB issue last time try this like. I saved it from last week and it works this time too.
It cut off the end it's racebuddy08_live/
I've been to Loudon.
All flat former Indycar tracks are not the same. This was ridiculous.
Worst anthem of the year?
I know the guy was trying... but theres over the top to the point that it is not even a song anymore.
Kyle said...
Worst anthem of the year?
I know the guy was trying... but theres over the top to the point that it is not even a song anymore.
June 29, 2008 2:03 PM
Agreed - this was way over the top.
The problem I have with TNT is Bill Weber and his winnie voice. When he address a pit announcer - "Matt"
I guess they had to borrow someone from the NCTS singer pool for the anthem today. It sounded like a few words were left out. Maybe it's just me.
Kyle said...
Worst anthem of the year?
I know the guy was trying... but theres over the top to the point that it is not even a song anymore.
June 29, 2008 2:03 PM
Agreed - this was way over the top.
The fellow who sang the anthem today is one of the two regulars at NHMS, dating back to the Early Busch and IndyCar races. He's always like that.
What's funny is that the reason why they used him was because of his ability of sing Oh Canada! in French, with the close proximity to Quebec. However, since TNT and ABC have forced that out of the pre-race program, there's no longer any logic to it.
Though, with Carpantier on the pole, I would've done it anyway.
Is it me, or on rejoining from alot of commercials this year we hear one of the announcers giggle before Webber or Punch starts talking. Just now on that commercial Petty did it this time.
Yesterday on the nationwide race I noticed Ray do it 5 or 6 times as well.
Don't they give the guys a countdown?
RaceBuddy is online with no problems and no delay in loading according to the NASCAR.com guys.
Irony of Bill announcing the Coors Light pole award winner with a Miller Lite ad on the starting grid?
Anybody up that way got the weather radar? Are they racing to halfway because of rain?
Miss a few minutes miss a lot on this show! was outside and inside with a minor temporary emergency. Miss the POCONO filmed bit.
about the Anthem, when he held that one note towards the end and then let out a gasp/grunt whatever, that was kind of disgusting. sheesh.
I missed the start of the race but hope I have not missed anything. Getting ready to rain here but thankfully TNT does not have local breaks with you know who men.
Regarding the giggle from the booth, I would rather hear that then sniping !! lol
so, i'm finally feeling comfortable w/ racebuddy and how i want to use it. as i thought, it just took a coupla weeks to figure out what i wanted to see, when. i have no desire to investigate the chat room and i turned the audio off the first week and haven't bothered with it since. the video features are excellent and i find myself switching views to follow the action.
just some feedback for the racebuddy team.
I find myself using the in-car angle the most. Is that the same for you?
Blogger Daly Planet Editor said...
Anybody up that way got the weather radar? Are they racing to halfway because of rain?
Hey JD,
There's a developing cell outside of Keene headed northeast. Small burst by the looks of it, could go south of Loudon, but it looks more like cause for a delay than an end of race. Will advise.
JD raceweather.net is a good site to use for weather at the tracks.
hey jd! in-car angle? not so far today but certainly 2 weeks ago, yes. today (and it's early today, to be sure) i'm using the "battle" screen -- at least until pit stops.
why is the in-car your favorite? is it the driver? the immediacy of it? i enjoyed watching tony messing with the pace car a few weeks back!
I like to watch it and compare it with the TV broadcast.
THANKS for the RBuddy link! That helped a lot! I guess I tried too late to get on from NASCAR and it was taking FOREVER.
The links folks post here help a LOT for RB.
Thanks again. :-)
petty's making some interesting observations today, including this latest one about the white marks on the track. i also like that, even tho' he's in the middle of a thought, he easily stops to cover the action on the track.
Petty is having a very good race. I like it when he can poke fun at himself and keep a good sense of humor. The angry Kyle is not the good TV Kyle.
hey jd? in-car switched to burton while i was out of the room. when i went to look at the in-car voting tab, it doesn't load an actual voting screen. is the in-car view still being vote driven and i'm not patient enough for that screen to load? or is the in-car being changed based on some other criteria?
Well I hate to see that happen to Dario...sigh.
Good job of catching that and quick replay.
NASCAR scanner not working...back to the SIRIUS for incar audio
leaderboard on racebuddy behind fox race trax. my recollection is that's been the case from the first race with racebuddy. jd, can you explore why that should be?
The leader board on RB is only updated every 10 laps I think. So its WAY behind what is actually going on.
Anybody notice that the ticker is swapping the positions the same way as the Fox ticker at times today, but other times it's doing the traditional swap where the positions snap into place?
in re: racebuddy leaderboard question: copy that, kyle. thanks!
@red--I've been wondering that too...when I've voted it's taken me to an error page :(
@sophia--I know :(. Poor Dario :(
@david--who were you listening to? I've had Patrick on since the beginning but have seen others posts on the other boards that they had trouble hearing several guys :(
what a GREAT comment after a period of silence: "it looks easy." nice.
They are having trouble with both the voting for the cam and the chat rooms. Not the best features of good old Race Buddy.
But you can buy a T-shirt!!
They are having trouble with both the voting for the cam and the chat rooms. Not the best features of good old Race Buddy.
But you can buy a T-shirt!!
uhhh, that would be a "no" (unless buying a t-shirt means that racebuddy will stay free for a LONG time?)
I hinted earlier that the RaceBuddy concept may expand to other NASCAR telecasts. I still think that is going to be the case for 2009.
Speaking of T shirts JD..and I griped more about those "D" t shirts that FOX/SPEED pushed..but I was on a site the other day with a cute little teddy bear stuff animal and was SHOCKED it was connected to that "camera" deal from FOX.
Gotta admit, the stuffed animal I saw was cute. Didn't look like a gopher really.
I am really enjoying the broadcast.
I forget, is next week the last week for TNT from Daytona?
and again I shock myself but I am even enjoying Bill Weber...well, minus his moments of drama/tragedy drama remarks he is famous for. He seems to be truly having FUN this year.
I am going to get off here and pay closer attention to the race. Will be back here if I have any questions. Laptop getting hot again.
RB T shirt too stereotypical redneck look for me..if it had a cute little stuffed animal and would KEEP RB free, I would buy one. Now that I said THAT I am running out of the room to pay closer attention to the tv! lol
Sophia, did you catch the last green graphic for the restart? Just remember you didn't see it last time.
I hope they expand RB! It's a great deal! Since they haven't been able to do the split screen dealio for commercials, it's nice to check in during commercials or pick what view you want to check out during the race :).
observation-- why does TNT not use FOX style triple pits and only focus on one car at a time?
Sorry. It was the turn nos. you couldn't see.
Green Flag racing great time to do a flash back
anyone else find the timing of that viagra/ DJ 2003 crash very poorly timed/random?
seemed like that "moments that changed the game" was ill-placed. might have been better to wait until a caution so that the footage would make more sense rather than just a free-standing moment right there.
ok, camera geeks: what camera were they showing in the picture during that nemechek spin?
Anonymous said...
anyone else find the timing of that viagra/ DJ 2003 crash very poorly timed/random?
June 29, 2008 3:39 PM
Yup - Heavens forbid they ummm - go thru the field? Cover the race in front of them? Nope show us junk during green flag.....
Pat Patterson on the Kyle Busch channel freaked out on the UPS crashing, thought it was live. Not a good day on HotPass - no audio options on Busch channel, lost in-car camera on Stewart channel and only one camera on the Burton channel.
While I was interested to see why DJ always gets the blame for the creation of the Lucky Dog it was very poorly placed. I guess they payed extra for during green flag runs and full screen.
Burton channel back to normal but still only one camera view on Stewart's.
Interesting that most of us are multi-tasking once again.
daly planet editor said...
Interesting that most of us are multi-tasking once again.
and, the coverage has been solid.
another comment about racebuddy: i'm seeing quite a bit of real racing today thanks to racebuddy. my impression of today's race is definitely being shaped by racebuddy. wonder if this will be written up as as interesting race or a "follow the leader" race?
What green graphic? I missed it..been dusting a bit and running vacuum during commercials.
What was the graphic about?
I must say the new TNT show promos are 1/4 size of the rt hand lower corner. Cripes on a big tv it must be the size of my honda!! TNT is ruining their station with their OVERSIZED logos. Geez
Was the green graphic something specific? or the fake tower thing?
Hate to say it but if I just watched the broadcast itself I'd probably fall asleep :)
I have to use HotPass and Fox Trax to know what's going on.
it's disappointing the green flag covered by VIDEO.
ESPN did that so much with the IRL I was back to yelling at the tv again...a LOT.
Sigh...then TNT has a promo that took up 1/2 of the rt hand screen. Wonder if they are junking up things THIS WEEK before next week..and I hope the deal next week is good...at Daytona 400.
Poor AJ :(
All of the HotPass channels have frozen up
uhh, no, kyle: "the guys" did NOT get aj out of the car. he got himself out AND got all the way to the fence entrance (at the garage entrance?) before any official approached him and made him accompany him to the ambulance for the trip to the infield care center.
That was weird, everything froze for about two minutes.
Was the green graphic something specific? or the fake tower thing?
Sophia, fake tower thing. You've seen it then.
Lots of commercials - hope this means the end will be commercial free & we won't miss the last 10 laps.
I too am multi tasking RB raceview Fox Trax & the radio & TV
At least like sophia123 I'm not screaming @tv (yet)
Red guess Kyle doesn't have racebuddy
newracefan said...
Red guess Kyle doesn't have racebuddy
now THAT'S laugh out loud funny right there!
Been looking at weather on the internet and it looks like a smaller storm is about 15 minutes away but may go North and then a bigger one is behind that but guessing I would say 45 minutes out.
wow! that was a scary good save by the #8!
wow! that was a scary good save by the #8!
Bummer the 8 car saved it the first time and lost it the next one.
Poor Michael he will be trying to qualify on time at Daytona. Hopefully no more motor explosions.
man, that was funny to hear wally and kyle hoping the #8 could hold THAT one!
(and don't know why that double post happened just then -- sorry!)
severe T-storm warning for loudon, nh until 5pm EST. This race looks like it will not go 300 laps
Wendy just said a 90% chance of hail hitting the track (she's on the Stewart channel)
no camera angle for the 9? what if it was payback from the 8?
This is going to get interesting.
How can you not have a camera shot on an oval?
Radar does not look good big green/yellow/red blob heading straight for them
Raceview to the rescue to show what might or might not have happened :p
I am SHOCKED at the camera shortage but the guys in the booth did their best to be honest and show us the animated thingie.
Still odd for a cup race to be short on an oval as mentioned.
"Weather is on the way at New Hampshire. The area is under sever thunderstorm warning."
i have to say: fullscreen racebuddy "battle" screen has been amazing today! great racing, they stay on it until it's evident the battle is resolved somehow and then go looking for another one. excellent.
Robbie Gordon just did Stewart a huge favor there... guess he wants that invite back to Eldora next year :)
Track it getting darker. rain is just a few minutes out.
RB has been a sanity saver today.
Nice that raceview was there for TNT
what an odd looking crash. Jr. didnt even signal.
Anyone notice RB is now doing replays?? that is awesome!
OUCH! What the hell happened to Jr.....WOW.
Poor Jr...ouch
And Ragan...and Jamie
Great use in this situation of the in car cam. Thanks TNT for not OVER USING those.
Thanks to the Producer !!!
This race is getting close! it will be exciting!
RB is awesome!!!!!! And its free wow great job today RB
Jr. bad luck returns.
Camera angles were good on the crash, good explanations too
"Thanks to the Producer !!!"
What about the director? thats his job. How many time do we have to tell you this? :0
RB showed that wreck with Jr a good three minutes before TNT did.
JD or anyone who knows
I forgot to add this to prev. post
will RB stay when TNT leaves or is this TNT only?
jo @ 4:53: i agree about racebuddy today.
anon 4:53: sure looked to me as if the #88 was clearly heading into pit road when the #26 nailed him. in fact, he was just about fully below the yellow line when he got hit. hard to believe he wasn't waving that he was coming in . . .
AWESOME! MW is 2nd! this will be big if they call the race for rain which could be minutes away.
"will RB stay when TNT leaves or is this TNT only?"
This is only for the TNT races.
Wendy reporting storm will hit them at 5:15 EDT, according to the 20 team's meteorologist.
WOW!! this race is heating up!! and MW is still in the top 3.
really odd crashes going on...
man, they're just wrecking everywhere now
If you have Race buddy they showed about 15 minutes ago the battle between Montoya and Kyle Busch. They were beating and banking on each other then.
Oh My now that was interesting. You think KB is annoyed. I wonder if Nascar will park the 42 for a few laps
"they're wreckin everywhere"
reminds me of DW at Daytona 500 2007. wish DW was in the booth too.
charlie: agreed! i was watching that one as well.
i'll tell you what: racebuddy has certainly improved my race watching today! great job by that team. attaboy, folks!
RAIN!!! its on RB on Tony's camera!!! MW will have a chance to finish 2nd!
Good TV coverage of the 42 snd the 18 during the caution. Will TNT follow it up?
There's rain on the RB camera's
Anonymous @ 5:04 PM,
thats just rude and uncalled for.
Cars to pit road Red Flag MW may really be 2nd WOW that would be huge
Race buddy was great last week on the road course using the in-car camera.
Plus did you see during the pre-race last week the guy flying the helicopter that race buddy showed. It was neat.
i'm thinking i'm glad stewart's helmet hook has covered the racebuddy camera b/c i'm pretty sure tony is not a happy camper right now . . .
Hey how about a top 35 update based on this finish
Newracefan said...
Hey how about a top 35 update based on this finish
June 29, 2008 5:10 PM
Um...why? its not over yet....
thats just like saying "if the race ended now" and I hate that. the race will not end now. at least not yet.
Director! I need a poem to help me remember that part.
Mea culpa. =:-0
I missed WHAT happened to Stewart? He was leading forever...what took hiim out of the lead.
Some cameras will be turned off on RB. You cant leave the camera people out in the rain so don't complain about that.
Man oh man
I agree that this announce team is the best in the sport right now.
Never thought i'd say it, but give me Webber,Kyle and Wally over Paunch....I mean Punch and company.
AND, the TNT director can actually cut a race and show us what we wanna see.
Bray Kroter
I agree I also do not like "if the race ended now" but this is different since it very well may end now and if it doesn't I would be interested to see the what if
Will TNT interview MW? I think he deserves an interview.
anonymous said...
Some cameras will be turned off on RB. You cant leave the camera people out in the rain so don't complain about that.
great point! safety comes first.
They just called the race
NASCAR has called the race! MW finished 2nd!!
Race over NASCAR called it
"Will TNT interview MW? I think he deserves an interview.
June 29, 2008 5:14 PM"
What did he do to deserve an interview? He just roe around all day.
WOW Mikey or should I say Bobby Kennedy this is hugh. The media interviews should be hugh MW and JJY
I knew they would call it soon....radar looked HORRIBLE.
Not happy but I am thrilled for MW. He needed a good finish badly. I hope they talk to Mikey.
Man that top 3 is amazing. Great boost for some teams that REALLY needed something like this to turn their years around.
Aven @ 5:16 PM
That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard all day. HE FINISHED 2nd!! Are you blind?
Now the question is will TNT stay on the air until 5:30 and interview everybody. This should be interesting
there is only 10 min until the end of the TNT time slot. so they would have to stay on the air.
OK TNT, looking forward good post race interviews. It has been a good day, keep it up
NASCAR called the race due to large hail and winds that will be coming soon. A tornado is also possible. seems like a reasonable call to me. great luck for some, terrible for others.
nice job by tnt and racebuddy today!
(and can SOMEONE get that smiling nationwide girl OUT of the winner's interview shot? she's really beginning to skeeve me out . . . )
JPM cracks me up!
COME ON TNT!! interview MW!!
jpm just made a fan outta me.
and ytoung mr busch has "no idea"? hmmmmm.
and now he's invoking nascar to deal with it? please.
oh please! Kyle wrecks people all the time in ALL THREE SERIES (i will wreck anybody if I have to he once said)
JPM, you go boy!!
Ok...Mikey deserves an interview.
This is insulting with all the bad luck Mikey has had...give the boy a short interview.
Red said (and can SOMEONE get that smiling nationwide girl OUT of the winner's interview shot? she's really beginning to skeeve me out . . . )
I thought they interviewed the TOP FIVE.
What's the excuse for NOT speaking to Mikey????? thumbs down for that
You have got to be kidding me NO TOP 35 NO Mikey no JJ this is just poor
whats wrong with the nationwide girl? I dont understand why you dont like her there...
They failed to interview the top 5 which they usually do...I am disappointed.
Hey guys that Nextel girl's cute. She's one of the reasons why I watch the victory lane celebration
Good broadcast by TNT today. Looking forward to how they handle the Wide-Open coverage next weekend
What can Mikey say other than he rode around all day playing follow the leader and it rained?
Wow no top 35 and no MW interview. Man thats a shame. They had a real good race today, shame to drop the ball at the end.
MW hasent had a top 10 in what a year? JJ finishes third and no love for him either.
newracefan said...
You have got to be kidding me NO TOP 35 NO Mikey no JJ this is just poor
well, i'm guessing with the limited time that was remaining, getting montoya and busch on camera seemd a better piece of tv.
not saying i agree with that decision, just surmising it may have been the reason.
and it DID make good tv!
(of course, the top 35 or GOGHers could have been run as a screen shot . . . )
they go to a depressed Tony who finished fricking THIRTEENTH...gotta keep hammering on his rotten luck. I hope they are happy with skipping the top 5.
"MW hasent had a top 10 in what a year"
I think he had one this earlier year.
Will TNT interview MW on NASCAR.com??
NASCAR.com will carry post race interviews with the top 3.
How funny and good job for the TNT crew to set up a quick post race set that fast...
TNT is live on NASCAR.com right now.
anonymous said...
whats wrong with the nationwide girl? I dont understand why you dont like her there...
jd: feel free to delete if you choose to!)
anon: can you say "stepford wife"?
And they went off the air early, next show started 3 minutes early. Maybe time for more of MW.
People should stop complaining that Waltrip didn't get interviewed. You know you will hear from him in the next day and he didn't deserve to finish second anyways.
TNT did a very good job covering the race. To have rain ruin the ending and throw everyone into chaos shouldn't be a reason to say they dropped the ball or did a poor job.
Finally, the Top 35 standings...doesn't Scott Riggs have a 164 point lead over JJ Yeley (who finished 3rd) AFTER this race? Are you really dying for an update on the Top 35 standings at this point? Joe Nemechek is in 37th and is 259 points back and it gets worse after that.
TWIN will be fun JD do you now who is there this week?
Thanks for stopping by everyone. Weird finish to a very boring race.
00 may be out but I don't know for sure hence the need for a top 35 update. Plus where does that put 55, 44, 41, 7 you know they guys that are close to falling out.
OH great now I have nascar.com post race interview issues. We may never see MW and JJY
MW best finish this year has been 23 (twice) His last top 10 was last year at Lowes. I had to go look it up to make sure.
"he didn't deserve to finish second anyways."
OH so you are going to talk that way now? in that case any driver who won based on fuel millage and rain doesn't deserve the win. Can you say, Danica? What a ridiculous statement by you.
Imagine baseball cancelling a game because of rain 5 minutes after it rains? Soccer plays in torrential downpours? Football...yeah right. I understand not driving in rain, considering NO ONE EVER drives in rain in real life and the best drivers in the world couldn't handle it and all, but couldn't Nascar at least try to give us a real finish to a race.
In all honesty, I feel like I wasted 3 hours of my day to watch back of the pack drivers luck into a win with no effort to even wait to finish it.
jd, i have to disagree with you here. i don't think it was boring at all. if i'd just been watching tv -- perhaps. but i watched racebuddy and listened to petty and dallenbach so i saw some awesome side by side racing deep in the pack and heard some interesting and intelligent commentary.
Thanks TNT for not interviewing Mikey... or heck even J.J. Yeley, you guys SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to rely on good reliable SPEED Channel.
OMG!!! your second ridiculous comment today! keep it going will you??? ugh... THERE WAS HAIL AND HIGH WINDS COMING!! And tornadoes possible! any sport would have been put on hold due to that. And the storm was set to continue through the night. If you don't like it, watch something else.
"he didn't deserve to finish second anyways."
OH so you are going to talk that way now? in that case any driver who won based on fuel millage and rain doesn't deserve the win. Can you say, Danica? What a ridiculous statement by you.
I disagree. I can understand someone who is in the Top 10 who tries a different pit strategy but still keeps themselves in contention. But to see someone almost fall a lap down (and I think he did at one point...Waltrip) or to see an underachieving driver who couldn't keep himself in the Top 20 all season get lucky and then celebrate like he is doing a great job at the end of the day just wastes my time.
I could have skipped watching, watched Germany-Spain, got ready for Cubs-Sox, and just looked up the results later and I wouldn't have missed anything.
Why even bother watching Nascar at this point?
WOW, a good day of coverage and no top 35. HELLO! Gotta love it w/the interview of the 42. It takes courage right or wrong. And that is a case of announcer and driver comfortable w/the question and answer and maybe just knowing how the driver may answer
I cant believe the NASCAR.com post show crew are insulting MW like that. They are saying Micky will probably never get finish this good for the rest of his life. how rude! Micky said he could have passed Kurt for the win.
anon 5:45 said (in part):
Micky said he could have passed Kurt for the win.
and did waltrip explain why he chose not to do that?
Sound cutting in and out on NASCAR.com TNT post show..the guys hosting the show seem like smart alecks with digs at Jr and MW. Be nice if it was the TV crew.
I don't enjoy these hosts AT ALL. Mikey and JJ know the reality...things happen folks..let them ENJOY their day.
Some folks just have to show their disdain no matter what. REPEATEDLY and if I HOSTED a race I would try to keep editorials out of it.
SOUND cutting out something fierce but Mikey is SERIOUS and grateful for the finish. JJ sound cutting out badly on my computer.
Look forward to SPEED Report and VL and Twin.
DJ on ESPNNews. MW sand JJ on nascar.com. Thank goodness for a DVR
Put on hold...not called immediately. If Nascar wants to EXPECT weather, maybe they would be better off shortening the race to let everyone know when the end is and not just come to an end of the race without any warning.
Do we know of any other sport that just ends because of weather? Baseball even goes back to the previous inning or continues the game later. Football, with lightning, would likely postpone or delay action...not just finish without letting the competitors decide the end of the race.
And I know I could watch other things...luckily today I had soccer on until the end of the game and Nascar on the other TV but I got to see one competition come to a real conclusion.
"and did waltrip explain why he chose not to do that?"
Um...because of RAIN!!! ANd I cant believe this guy on NASCAR.com keep mocking MW like that. this is ridiculous.
Ok...JD I know there is no post for this post race but I truly DO NOT LIKE these guys hosting? DO they HATE NASCAR ???????????????
I should just start my chicken and dumplings dinner but wanted to hear what Mikey and JJ had to say..JJ's mic is worse than MW. Will have to watch twin for a change to hear from Mikey.
Thanks for the posting board JD but I am shocked at the snarky comments from the Jack Daniels "hosts" with the leastest.
Anon 5.48
Agree about the guy on the post race show MOCKING MW...who are these cretins hosting this show? Too bad it's not TNT's tv guys.
These guys are plain rude and seem to detest NASCAR...ouch :(
Agree about the hosts on nascar.com they need to not be so, oh I don't know how about disrespectful. I'd like to see them drive one of these cars. Opinion is one thing but this is just nasty. They are not slamming KB and he was in the back too.
If you dont like it dont watch. Your comparisons make a moot point. NASCAR just cannot be compared to Stick-and-ball sports. Its just not the same at all. So many reasons why NASCAR cannot do any of the things you mentioned.
Finishes like this can happen anytime. again, if you dont like, dont watch it. go watch your stick and ball sports.
JD, maybe you should do a story about the Online NASCAR post show. they seem to think they are outside the lines of media criticism. I think you should put them in their place, JD.
I have already mentioned soccer so that should give you point one that I dont stick to stick-and-ball sports like you so easily throw out.
I gave several examples of sports that ALL come to an actual ending instead of just calling the race off and letting things finish as they are.
You tell me...why couldnt Nascar say the race should go 275 laps because of weather? We would have at least seen Stewart and Johnson race for the win and actually viewed a finish?
Also, please get off your high horse to tell me what I should and shouldnt watch.
Ok I'm muting the Nascar.com guys until I see a interview this is awful
Blogger Newracefan said...
Ok I'm muting the Nascar.com guys until I see a interview this is awful
June 29, 2008 5:59 PM
DITTOS to your comments. These guys are horrible. Their egos are larger than their interest in NASCAR and it's quite clear.
anonymous said...
"and did waltrip explain why he chose not to do that?"
Um...because of RAIN!!! ANd I cant believe this guy on NASCAR.com keep mocking MW like that. this is ridiculous.
sorry. i assumed for some reason he meant BEFORE the rain came. thanks for the clarification.
Why did TNT start the program Black Gold at 5: 27 PM instead of 5:30 PM? Surely there are some folks who want to see or record that program and they're going to find it started three minutes earlier than scheduled when they play it back.
What is up with TNT rushing off the air before the intended finish time????
The TNT post-show people are Beau Estes, Mike Bell and Nikki Alexander.
I have no idea who they are either...
"I have already mentioned soccer so that should give you point one that I dont stick to stick-and-ball sports like you so easily throw out. "
Um...WOW. now tell me. what does soccer use? a ball, just maybe? That must make it...oh, look at that. that makes soccer, a stick and ball sport!
"You tell me...why couldnt Nascar say the race should go 275 laps because of weather? We would have at least seen Stewart and Johnson race for the win and actually viewed a finish?"
when do you want NASCAR to set that? No one knew EXACTLY when the rain would come or if it would come for that matter until deep into the race. now do you want NASCAR to say "we will end it at 175" during the race? Thats the only way your idea could possible work. But, There are so many negative implications to that. Everyone came to the race today expecting a 301 mile race. No one knew rain would DEFINATLY be a problem until we were deep into the race. See where your idea causes problems?
Who the heck are these, how shall I say, -----'s on NASCAR.com???
To borrow a comment from TDP " Isn,t TV fun." Thank You JD. And all you do to let us express our opinons on TV coverage.
Look at this guy continuing to mock drivers. Now he is mocking JPM. This is ridiculous. JD, you really need to do something about this. Thanks for the site.
Ok, I DID enjoy JPM's interview repeated! :-)
Ky bush whining NASCAR should take care of it?! **** Kyle has BRAGGED of wrecking truck series and NW guys and winning at all costs! How about a dose of your own medicine Kyle? The ARROGANCE. I still can't get over KYLE has forgotten Hornadays comments from a couple weeks ago.
TWIN will be Waltrip and Biffle. A full column about the Monday shows will be up in a bit.
It took me a few minutes but I think I figured out your blanks! LOL.
Totally agree..these guys are insulting to NASCAR. Should be fired.
This is one reason that I chose not to include the NASCAR.com video hosts or their content in TDP this season.
I find them to be Turner employees based in Atlanta who are not plugged into the sport and are often biting and disrespectful of the drivers and team members.
When you bring the level of professionalism from TV over to the video on NASCAR.com, you are going to be very dissapointed.
OMG...this guy continues to mock MW!! He need to be fired NOW! Im done with the Piece of S**T of a show.
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