There have been few stories more interesting than the continuing fan reaction to Bobby Labonte pit crew member DJ Copp.
Added originally to NASCAR Now for tips on pit stops, his plain and simple style of presenting NASCAR issues to TV viewers caught-on immediately. Copp has outlasted two show hosts and one studio analyst on the ESPN2 TV series already.
Copp has worked for several teams during his career including Ultra Motorsports, Roush Racing, DEI and now Petty Racing. A recent profile on the Internet says his most memorable racing experience was winning street stock races at Canandaigua Speedway in New York. It also says he is a New England Patriot fan.
Last season on NASCAR Now saw Copp brought into the studio to add commentary. That experiment went very well. This year, fans have seen him return to add expanded features and to carry a live camera and microphone on pit road during races. Some of his conversations speaking to the fans during pit stops have been memorable.
Now, on the final week of racing before ESPN steps back into the Sprint Cup Series, Copp is getting another opportunity. On Saturday night from Gateway International Speedway near St. Louis, Copp will be filling-in for the vacationing Tim Brewer in the Tech Center.
Copp began as a fabricator with Ultra Motorsports and works in the auto body business in North Carolina during the week. His perspective on issues associated with racing at Gateway should be very interesting.
Viewers may see Copp during final practice coverage on Friday night at 7PM ET and during qualifying on Saturday at 5PM. With Allen Bestwick also on vacation, it will be Dr. Jerry Punch hosting the pre-race show from the broadcast booth. Look for Copp to contribute in that program as well.
With all of the high-priced on-air talent and big names swirling around ESPN's coverage of the sport, it is nice to know that a 30 year-old guy from Ontario, NY who just loves NASCAR can make his way onto national TV and be successful.
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Good for DJ!
I really enjoy his NN and N'wide segments :). I look forward to more DJ time this weekend.
I think he'll do a great job for Tim! Like Chocolate is the most famous gas man, DJ is working on being the most famous tire changer :).
Put me on the list of DJ's fans. Yeah! And he'll get better with time.
DJ does a great job. Nascar TV needs more like him.
I too am happy for Mr. Copp. I have enjoyed his pieces on pit stops, and his other analysis.
There's only one problem. With Dale Jarrett working for ESPN (who some time referred to as "DJ") and now DJ Copp working races, How are we going to not get confused?
I'm sure we will get through it. Just glad to see more and more talented people added to the race coverage.
DJ'C' is like a breath of fresh air! I hope that those who have clout will realize this and give him way more air time. His presentations are very interesting and he gives the sport a very 'real' feel. I think Tim is good but DJ'C' really tells it like it is with pizzazz! He's a keeper! Thanks John, as always!
DJ'C', I like that Chase. Maybe that will stick.
i'm very much looking forward to DJC (what a GREAT nickname, chase! thanks!) in the tech center. this is one time that i'm hoping there will be plenty of opportunities to go to the tech center for information! knock 'em dead, DJC!
on a side note: seems to me that the last coupla of years has seen somewhat of a "changing of the guard" in this part of our sport. there is a lot to be said for bringing fresh faces, new voices, and different experiences into the positions in various broadcasts.
but i still miss bp.
Is Brewer really just "on vacation" by his own choice, or was he told to go on vacation over his slip up last week?
Brewer, Bestwick and Daugherty are on planned vacations from the air this week.
Perhaps, you could let us in on his big slip-up?
Good for DJ. I like the guy.
A little OT, but I think you should keep the blue color on the site. Looks nice.
Going to keep it for the rest of the season for Petty.
Here's hoping DJC impresses everyone even more than he already has.
I can't stand listening to Tim Brewer, so his segments are really the only ones I FF through these days. (Well, his stuff and any interview with Kyle Busch or David Ragan)
I would love to see DJC instead of Tim on my TV on a regular basis.
And I wondered why everything is blue. I like it too, it's actually easier to read than the yellow/brown.
Love it DJC!
I enjoy DJC's enthusiasm. This should be fun!
I'm glad that DJC is getting another chance to shine. He's done well with the pit-cam.
On a side note --- JD, I must agree with all the comments about the blue. Richard is one our last links with NASCAR's past, and we need to honor that past whenever and however we can. Thank you.
And as jhd said, it is much easier on the eyes. Good choice.
Anonymous said...
Is Brewer really just "on vacation" by his own choice, or was he told to go on vacation over his slip up last week?
July 16, 2008 10:52 AM
Daly Planet Editor said...
Perhaps, you could let us in on his big slip-up?
I'm assuming anon meant when he said ass end. Big deal. It was funny.
Oh man, I thought I missed something big. I think Brewer gets a mulligan for that one.
DJC sounds like a fantastic idea, I have enjoyed his clips from the beginning even back when NN was a should miss show he was one of the bright spots.
PS Add me to the likes the blue contingent.
Since the commenters like the blue, you're not going to change it on us, are you? I'm hoping you keep it to show ESPN and SPEED you give the fans what they want.
I like the nickanme DJC also. I would like to think that since this column is all about him, he's reading it. Do you like your new nickname?
Good deal!
I have enjoyed every time I have seen him on screen. Its nice to have a "grunt" instead of a manager aka Crew Chief, give us a prospective from his angle.
I hope they keep expanding his roll over time.
Thanks for letting us know about this. I am a Bobby Labonte fan so I'm super-excited for DJ and can't wait to see his segments this weekend. This is good stuff!! :-)
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