Another program from the fine folks at The NASCAR Media Group hit the air on SPEED Sunday night and did two things. One, it confirmed the fact that NASCAR contains some of the most interesting TV content of any professional sport. Second, it showed the TV viewers one hour of something they had never seen before.
Produced specifically for this off-week, NASCAR Confidential was something that will help to re-focus fans on the overall excitement of the sport. In a first half of the season beset by stories away from the track, this show may help to get the attention of the sport back on "the show."
In typical NASCAR Media Group style, there was no high-profile announcer during the one hour program. It was simply TV veteran Ken Squier who provide the on-camera segments that served to open, close and transition the show between segments.
This type of unblinking look at NASCAR is exactly what the fans love to see. Everything from the safety briefing to the inner-workings of Race Control were on display. No doubt that TV viewers were seeing something new. When is the last time that happened with a NASCAR TV show?
NASCAR Confidential always leaves fans thinking about one concept. When can we get more of this type of quality programming? There are many stories that should be continued and many personalities that should be profiled after being introduced in these episodes.
This limited six episode program series has returned to the focus that first brought it to the attention of TV viewers earlier this season. The thought of seeing some quality NASCAR programming like this on a weekly basis is something fans will be thinking and talking about long after the memories of Race Control have faded.
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It's shows like this that make me wish Nascar had their own cable network. I would spend all day in front of the TV if shows this good were always on.
I'm glad they chose the Coke 600 weekend for the behind the scenes access, since it was Humpy's last race.
JD, do you know when the next episode of Nascar Confidential is scheduled to air? Thanks
I was glued to the TV. This was a fascinating program.
I always listen to Race Control on my scanner. How neat to be able to put faces to the names.
And the closing --- a mere 2 days after the 600, they are already setting up in Dover.
I may have to get up early tomorrow to see the re-air.
Excellent show.
I wish we could get more quality NASCAR TV like this.
I loved it! It was great seeing how they all work together with everyone to be "eyes" for each other.
This is definitely a "must see" and I hope those who missed it set it for the overnight or early AM replay.
The folks who run the show definitely have to be commended. The things they have to be on the ball about and paying attention to is amazing.
I'd definitely watch more shows like this :)
terrific program! many thanks to everyone involved for "lifting the curtain" just a bit for us. this is a topnotch presentation from top to bottom. like texasracelady, i may actually get up early to watch the re-air on this one.
what i appreciate most of all is the education we all received tonight: we had the opportunity to watch it all unfold thru out the longest day of racing and learned so much about what it takes to put on the show we discuss each week. THIS is what nascar confidential promised at the beginning and this is what was delivered tonight.
so many great moments but my favorite was humpy going into the stands and the fans applauding him. now, if we could just get more "humpy wheeler shows" out of him, it'd be terrific!
Good show. I enjoy learning how the machine works. All 6 shows could have been about this. It seemed like it was over to soon.
As TRL said, it's nice to put a face with a name and voice.
It was nice to have some new commercials. It appeared that the target audience was a little broader than normal. Good to see different advertisers. Hopefully that means there are more viewers.
I'm more and more amazed how all those people basically work 7 days a week for 40 or more weeks a year. I know they get a day or two off now and then, but not what I would call a vacation.
What a great show!! I, too, was glued to the TV and couldn't even get up during commercials because my husband and I were discussing what we had just seen.
Please give us more intelligent, informative programming like this! You don't need to resort to game shows and tow truck drivers. All of those facinating people we saw tonight have wonderful stories that we are dying to see. Not to mention the crew members. We are NASCAR fans and we want NASCAR content. If you film it, we will watch!
Great Show. Lets have more of this, please! Maybe a show on how a NASCAR OFFICIAL becomes a NASCAR OFFICIAL and follow one during raceday.
One thing I noticed. All the drivers, all the over-the-wall guys on pit road and all the emergency personell were wearing fire-retardent gear. There were two people on the track without it...the two gentlemen in the pace car. Why is that allowed? On the F-1 race televised earlier in the day, it was clear that the two men in the M-B safety car were firesuited. Just curious.
This program was simply excellent!
I didn't see much of the TV coverage of the CC600 as I was in attendance at the track. Earlier in the afternoon, in the Speedway Club, Mr. Wheeler walked through and everyone, including me, expressed their best wishes to him and got the response seen in this program. Later, when he gave very much the same response to the crowd in the stands that he gave in the driver's meeting, I can tell you that the crowd (the fans) were standing and applauding!
This episode was wonderful and I would hope that, in the future, a network like SPEED could give us the in-depth behind the scenes programming that fully illustrate the dymamitcs that have to happen in order for a race to occur for the fans, drivers, race teams and anyone else involved.
SPEED is trying this with "WRECKED": now do it with what goes on with races, race teams, and others involved in racing - you've got your audience from previous years, now build on it!
Tom in Dayton (just in case the blogger signon doesn't work...)
I agree with JD and others...I need spellcheck. The word is "dynamics".
So it is for a NASCAR fan living to the north od of Sophia...
This show, to quote Jeff Gordon, was "Awesome".
When we the fans start dreaming up conspiracy theories about the race, you always hear about the tough calls John Darby and his crew have to make during the race. Now, I actually saw what John Darby does during the race.
I appreciate SPEED giving me a glimpse at a side of racing I have never seen before.
Great show for those of us who love NASCAR!
Immediately reminded me of the morning many, many moons ago when my dad took me to see the circus come to town. The railroad cars being unloaded, the elephants dragging the tents, the roustabouts driving the tent stakes - controlled chaos.
Great fun to watch. Add my thanks to the producers and NASCAR - and, indeed, for any reality show producer worth their salt there was much grist for a whole bucket load of shows! Could start with the female pit official - great voice.
The show was over and I looked at the clock,couldn't believe the hour was over so quick.
Tks.JD Ron Il.
Enjoyed the show very much. We need more programs like that, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
I can only echo what everyone else has said. Give us more!
This was a fantastic show, everything promised and then some. I was glued to my seat for the entire hour and will watch it again. Seeing the inner workings of NASCAR kinds of puts it in perspective, no wonder Mike Helton calls it an event. Just keep giving us more like this and I'll be willing to wait a month but don't make us wait too long.
I really enjoy this show. The only problem I have is with Dish Network not broadcasting Speed in HD. Will this ever happen? Shows like this, not to mention NCTS races would be so much better for me if I could watch in HD!!! Any word on this, JD?
Great show,
for those that want to see it again or tape it,it comes on
FRI 7/25 at 10:30 pm or after the Truck Race from ORP.
Anon 11:37AM,
Silence has been the only response.
Now this is what reality TV should be. What else can be said? It was just straight to the point, and without all that candy coating crap you always see.
I definitely agree with the too short comments! That hour flew by!
@tom in dayton...that was great that you were there! I hope to meet Mr. Humpy one day. He seems like a fun man! I hope The Humpy Show comes back and they let him "loose". FYI--Firefox is your friend...built in spell checker...but even sometimes I "forget" to double check those red lines :). Or you can do Google toolbar and click on the spell checker :)
@ritchie--I agree. There will still be those conspiracies but it's definitely good to know more behind how those decisions are made.
I had to *giggle* at how Brett and that other man jumped each time they called the caution.
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