NASCAR fans have had a unique opportunity this season to watch a TV show start from scratch and begin to grow. This Week in NASCAR on SPEED took the place of the Inside Sprint Cup program franchise in February.
Steve Byrnes was named as host and the "expert panel" shrunk from three to just two. Michael Waltrip was a staple on this new show, with Greg Biffle and Chad Knaus rotating through the other chair as their schedules allowed. While Kenny Schrader left the program, he did return for one episode this season.
The challenge for the NASCAR Media Group producers was to keep the franchise alive but make some positive changes for the new program. One big change was the format. The new TWIN had a short chat with the panelists about their racing weekend and then moved-on quickly to the next production element.
The SPEED executives had decided to preview the upcoming race before Byrnes and company got the opportunity to review the action that was still fresh in the minds of the fans. It was an understandable idea, but one that did not really fly with the TV viewers.
Once Waltrip got comfortable with Byrnes, he cranked his excitement level back-up to the Mikey of old and things became fun again. Waltrip crafted a hilarious relationship with Knaus that we have been referring to as "the odd couple." The analytical Knaus is often confronted with the unorthodox Waltrip discussing things like his socks and favorite TV commercials.
Biffle has brought a driver credibility to the program of someone who still has the race-to-race intensity of a contender. His TV skills are getting better and he now finally feels free to offer his own opinions. He has mastered the art of completely avoiding Waltrip in a "Schrader like" way that also makes things fun.
Over the last six months, Daly Planet readers have added their comments in support of changing the program format. Once Byrnes got things organized and the show developed a personality, it was clear that the on-air announcers needed one little bit of help from the network. This week, they got it.
Monday night was the first show where the fresh memories and stories from the Sunday race were allowed to continue for the first half of the show. SPEED had allowed the review to pass the preview and the results were more than worthwhile. Now, Byrnes can concentrate on building-up the personalities and the features contained in the newly-formatted show.
Waltrip and Biffle ran through the Brickyard 400 issues and highlights with enthusiasm and candor. Waltrip echoed the comments of the other drivers that NASCAR managed the unfortunate situation the best way possible. As usual, Waltrip quickly went just a bit overboard in his enthusiasm.
The new format continued as Byrnes fired-off a group of email questions from viewers about the Indy race to the panelists in the middle of the show. This was a great addition, as it caught both Waltrip and Biffle off-guard and asked them to deal with the real feelings of the fans. This element will have real potential when viewers are allowed to upload a video question on the SPEEDtv.com website for the show.
One strong element continues to be the pre-produced features from The NASCAR Media Group. Elements like Scanner Chatter, highlight reviews and upcoming race previews are always outstanding. It is a shame that these features cannot appear on the same SPEEDtv.com website so viewers can replay them. Perhaps, that will happen in the future.
As expected, the Pocono preview was much more effective since the panelists were now relaxed and in a very good mood. After thirty minutes of talking about the last race, the transition to the upcoming event seemed to be very natural.
This week, the format changes continued as TWIN showed the Craftsman Truck and Nationwide Series highlights. This was a feature that never should have been eliminated and was welcomed back with enthusiasm by the panelists.
TWIN is going to benefit from increasing the viewer interactivity with the panelists. ESPN2's NASCAR Now has cemented the format of three panelists who simply take questions from the host and perhaps talk to a guest.
It will be up to SPEED and the NMG producers to take advantage of this personality-driven show and increase the ability of NASCAR fans to participate with the panelists on TWIN. There is a whole lot of potential in this program series.
In the end, we applaud SPEED for allowing the producers to change the format and open-the-gate to more fun and flowing conversation. As usual with the NASCAR TV partners, they have proven to be ultimately responsive to the views of the fans.
The Daly Planet welcomes comments from readers. Simply click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
I agree, JD, that the reorientation of the program to "review before preview" finally makes sense, especially when yesterday's race is such a news issue, and I liked the viewer interactivity. Tonight was the first time I've watched it in some time as I've found the new incarnation to be too rah-rah and not honest enough to be worth my time. Too bad it's nearly impossible to find that e-mail link on SPEEDTV.com so that more of us can be involved, but that's another story (they are apparently threatening to sue their web designer from what I heard). But as bad as Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace were yesterday, Mikey's continuing "the racing is wonderful" schtick suggests that he ought to be drug tested, because there's definitely something in his Kool-Aid. I thought Biffle did a good job in counterbalancing him, but if there were one day I wanted Chad to be in Charlotte and not testing at Road Atlanta, today was the day.
Still, nice to see that SPEED finally started listening to the viewers. If they would only get rid of the idiot from Sherrill's Ford, TWIN might actually be worth watching again.
Absolutely, positively the best show of the season. Thank you Speed for changing the "Show That Runs Backward" to the "Show That Gets It Right."
OK JD. Abiding by the rules on the right side of the page. Hope you can cut me some slack on this.
I have been very critical this season of the backwards format and am willing to go to the mat defending that. Just want to repost my comments from the other column.
At approx 1135am this morning. John Roberts said it best going to commerical. It went something like this. Catch TWIN and watch the preview for the next weeks race and then backward to review this weeks race.
I doubt things will change. But I will record it just on the chance they do review Indy first.
July 27, 2008 9:12 PM
Yes, the backwards format of TWIN is so out of order. I will keep on plugging how bad is is, til my dying day. Or til JD tells me to take my comment on this elsewhere. JD knows what I mean, LOL, or maybe seriously. Between him and me.
You all at Speedvision Ooopps! sorry, LOL, SPEED need to recognize where you came from. Not where you are going.
Gee, Do we know what it is like to see a train heading to you on the same track. I watched VL Monday morning. NASCAR NOW last night could be that train. And staying on topic, you still have the NASCAR Now Monday to deal with. Which I watch each week. And only record TWIN and view based on comments on TDP. "Isn't TV fun".
July 28, 2008 2:07 PM
I agree, please keep us posted on the column for TWIN. Look forward to your column and the comments.
And SPEED, take note. I will review my recording based on the column and the comments on TDP. And more important to the sponsors. If the preview of next weeks race is first Guess what, I will fast forward to about 28 or 30 minutes into the show.
To the sponsors. If you read this blog, what part do you not understand. I am trying to be nice and abiding by the rules on the right side of this page.
One great thing about TDP is that we can express our opinions and debate them.
Yes, do not worry NASCAR Now. Look forward to watching your hour this afternoon at 5pm, even if I record it I will watch the Monday NN an hour or two later with the commericals. Thanks AB, you are the best.
July 28, 2008 3:28 PM
OMG, TWIN, INDY.. It this possible? Am I dreaming.
July 28, 2008 8:11 PM
cancel the recording. save the vcr, dvr space....
July 28, 2008 8:14 PM
More Indy at 16 after the hour, and Steve really did say Pocono later in the hour. Someone please tell me I am not sleeping.
July 28, 2008 8:17 PM
Is this a dream or is SPEED really doing this? If not a dream thanks. More comment later gotta enjoy the first 30 minutes that I have missed all season. Later all.
July 28, 2008 8:19 PM
Gotta love it SB told MW at 23 after the hour. We are not talking about pocono yet, made a believer of you.. LOL ... he was on our side. LOL Hope it sticks
July 28, 2008 8:27 PM
We actually made it to 34 after the hour. Did we make a difference or was it just the story line from Indy? Thanks SPEED.
July 28, 2008 8:35 PM
MW, good comment . Eating concreate and drinking from a straw. My how times have changed
July 28, 2008 8:52 PM
Good to see MW not dwell on his bad finish yesterday, and move on w/other issues from Indy and the race next week
July 28, 2008 8:53 PM
And we even have truck highlights with the top ten.. And a mention of the NW race. Wow, guess I can take a breath now. Now sure if I am awake yet though.
July 28, 2008 8:57 PM
Thank You SPEED for the change
I'll reserve judgement on the format change until they truly make it permanent. Mikey not only got the beverage NASCAR wanted him to drink, he got the pom-poms they wanted him to wave. Just pathetic.
Please do not do that again. Just email me if you want to do that ok?
Nice to hear from you. That SPEED Report is coming along nicely. Lots of hairspray this week. :)
By the way, this is Renata. I decided to sign up with the moniker I use on other message boards.
Anyway. Message delieved - I can't believe they stuck with Indy before talking about Pocono. Thanks SPEED, now please keep the format that way.
That was about how I expected the tire dicussion was going to go. I knew it would be far less critical than NASCAR Now. Michael usually with cameras on is ultra-PC compared to if you can get his comments right after the race. He has more time to craft a response that won't get him called to the trailer for a chat before the next race. You could tell he was thinking before he spoke. Greg commented exactly how I thought he would as well, but I agree that NASCAR needs to allow more tire testing.
It was FABULOUS!! Steve & gang had fun w/the change & the viewers all nearly fainted from the sheer delight of having the MOST important news of the season (jmo) not being dumped into the next 1/2 hr! It was great!! Way to go, Speed!!
When Steve announced they would be continuing with highlights from Indianapolis my first thought was the people who read and comment here would be thrilled. Although I'm a first time commenter I've been reading for awhile now and I know *I* was ecstatic. I truly hope they continue with the new format.
Great show tonight! The guys were having fun and I loved it! It kind of reminded me of IWC/INC.
Hallelujah !!!!!!! After the mess of the race this is the best thing Speed could have given us. It wasn't the most "funny" I've seen on TWIN this year but they really didn't have much to work with from Indy. I am praying this is a permanent change and not a result of the bizarre race. Mikey was a little too pro Nascar but then I wouldn't expect anything else and I'm OK with that. It's the best Monday I've had all year. Hooray TWIN!!!!!
I completely agree the review then preview makes sense, close the old bring in the future.At the begining talking about racers going slower was really funny. MW comment "NA$CAR fans got to see a great race to the finish" made me think about koolaid, drug testing and what race were you at? Bif & Steve did a really good job on this with presenting a reality based point of view.
Later in the show when they were talking about crashes & MW mentioned a race he was taken out of in an old cadillac ambulance, it took a serious note when he said he was glad younger racers don't have those kind of memories. Viewers could tell he was relieved about it. Not a side he shows often, I believe it was because they were doing it in order old business first then new.
I was thrilled at the end when Truck & N wide got mentions. Again.
Thanks Speed for listening to us fans, tonights show was spot on.
NA$CAR should listen to the drivers about testing as good as you listened to us.
Methinks the reverse in format was a special deal tonight, just because the Indy race was such a debacle.
The proof will be next week.
Now that I've picked myself up off the floor --
You finally got it right.
I can live with Mikey's "rah-rah" approach --- Greg was truthful and concise.
Jo, I also caught that look from Mikey when he was recalling his hit at Pocono. I clearly remember "before SAFER barriers", and wish I could forget some of the wrecks.
Please keep it up, SPEED. It's so much better to close out a week before going on to the next.
1 1/2 thumbs up. <;-)
Someone in the truck should have gotten to Mikey & Steve that the great Lindsay Nelson passed away on 15 June 1995.....only 13 years ago fellas.....maybe they can make it right next week....the "movin along to further action" is always good for a laugh....but if your gonna present ND T-shirts...how about a clip from the ND archives to let everyone in on the joke....
just sayin...
Anon 10:28PM,
Took care of it for ya. Look for a tribute maybe next week. ND fans are all over the place.
Great job SPEED, this is the way the show should be!
I hope this is a change for the rest of the season. You have re-gained an old viewer if so.
Hi JD, Speed Report does seem more relaxed this year, doesn't it? Wife and I drove east 2 1/2 hours Saturday to a halfway point for a nice lunch and reunion. TWIN was a good watch tonight.
I watched TWIN tonight for the first in months. The format flip was most welcome. I still think this show manages to cram 20-mins of content into an hour. If the uncomfortable pauses were removed, it would probably come in under 28-mins. Typical with other shows produced by NMG, the set is entirely too big and looks low-budget. My guess is that the set was designed for an HD shoot by someone without HD set design experience. Additionally, consistent lighting on the guests and audio processing optimized for mumbling guests would be welcome changes.
Believe it or not, they are still in the same garage set that was used for "Inside Winston Cup Racing" back when the show was on SpeedVision.
Just like SPEED itself, NMG is going through the HD transition. Viewers will be stuck with this facility and set for at least the rest of the season.
I was up there a while back and gave them some grief about it, but the ceiling is low and the location was never meant to be used as a studio. HD just made what was bad...worse.
NMG cranks-up in a new HD studio in 2009 and SPEED should also be moving to a new HD facility by then.
BTW - the table looks even worse in person.
I have read these comments with disbelief. Did they really do a good show? Last week was my last show. I couldn't deal with it anymore so I didn't watch tonight. The first Monday show I've missed in 2 years.
I guess I had hope it would get better, I still checked TDP to see how everyone still hated the show. Boy was I in for a surprise.
Speed folks, I said I wouldn't watch again until the format changed. I'm thankful for TDP and a replay at midnight. I'll check it out then.
Thanks in advance for the format change, I hope it's for good.
Monday night was just not the same.
Also having all these positive comments is a pleasant suprise after all the complaining of the past 24 hours.
I am too excited to read the comments first then post. So excuse any redundancies. A BIG round of applause to the makers of TWIN. Tonight's show was great. (there's that word again). SB teasing Mikey about the format was too funny.
Next week use this format again, please?
Thanks for the info JD. I figured it was the same facility. I've done contract work in places with low cielings - they have my sympathy. I just hope both entities take audio seriously in the new digs.
AMS fan,
It also re-airs at 8AM ET.
That would be the million dollar question.
However bad you think it might be, double it and you will be close.
They may have turned a corner but they are still a lap down and running on 7 cylinders. Me no watchee until Schrader is back on!
@batchief & andrew--hi :)
@dot--LOL! I know that was funny! I was like I can hear the folks on JD and the folks on the blog doing the Snoopy Dance in unison!
As one of the few who didn't mind the "backwards" format, it was fun to see the "proper" review tonight :).
I love the return to the old format! Yay! I also loved the way Steve kept making comments about staying with the review segment.
Mikey, however, made me cranky. Or crankier. Whatever. His comment (and those of Spence and Kenny on Victory Lane) missed the whole point of my complaints about the race. Sure, the last seven or eight laps were kind of exciting, but the previous 150-something were appalling. I'm getting really tired of this constant uncritical enthusiasm for anything NASCAR does. It's. Driving. Me. Crazy.
Toldja I was cranky. ;-)
That aside, this was the best TWIN of the year. The review was finally in the right place, and there were highlights from the NWide and Truck series too! I hope they keep the format the same for subsequent shows.
I was so shocked I just rewatched the rerun. I, too, got a kick out of Steve Byrnes ongoing comments to Mikey they are 'still talking about Indy' and Mikey didnt believe it! LOL
On a more serious note, I could not figure out why they showed so much crash video from Pocono but know many have happened on the big track... then I saw the one with Steve Parks and Dale Jr..and Jr running quickly over to see if his team mate was ok. That unexpectedly made me get a little choked up...perhaps because we all know what happened to Dale Sr... glad Steve and Jr walked away together.
And mikey's comments about drinking out of a straw for a week in the old days after a hard crash....It was nice to see Mikey be serious.
Maybe it was my imagination or maybe because this was only the third time I watched the ENTIRE show but Steve just seemed much more relaxed with the boys and his humor was not forced..the show's pace just seemed....more natural. But I think JD mentioned that in his article..it's late..sorry if I am repeating.
I hope they keep this up..and I like Biffle but would've liked to have seen Chad tonight.
Imagine the Odd Couple's reaction to the change in format, though Mikey's reactions were funny.
ALso seeing how ESPN is covering quals on Friday makes me miss Steve and the boys on SPEED already. :(
Let's hope this move tonight was not a bait and switch and they keep the proper sequence. It's great not having the urge to come on here and rant but to give praise.
Dittoes to all the commenters who liked the "forwards" format and nods to the NCTS & NNW events.
I don't know how some can bag on MW, Jimmy S and Kenny Wallace for being NASCAR toadies, and compliment Biffle for not toe-ing the NASCAR line. Or did I not hear the Biff state that "after all, we were all faced with the same circumstances and we all had to develop a strategy to deal with it."
As I understood a commentator from Motor Racing Network on San Diego's Lee Hamilton show, the MRN guy agreed that it wasn't a great spectator event, with a third of the laps under caution, but he didn't notice people heading for the exits before the checkered flag. And Biffle emphasized that he thought it would never happen again at Indy.
Let's face it - we've seen an occasional tire issue in the past, and they never recurred at the same track.
Yes, the COT made a bad situation worse, and NASCAR is talking about unlimited testing (which we can argue about in a separate discussion), but the Goodyear folks shanked this one pretty bad too.
Nevertheless, Michael isn't the only one who thought that under the circumstances they all made the best of it, and after all, you didn't know who was going to win until the last lap. Isn't that why we watch?
What it only took 22 shows to get the format right? I was in utter amazement when I switched channels into the last 30 minutes and they were (I thought) still talking about pocono.
Very very glad for changing it up.
Ill start tivoing the new Top Gears, and watching TWINS.
A big round of applause from me too for Speed for finally putting the review where it belongs! Made for a terrific show last night and I hope they continue with that format even if the races aren't as controversial as Indy was.
Even I, who is a big fan of Michael's, wasn't on the same page as him last night regarding his sales pitch that Indy was an exciting race. But I think it has to be expected that's the kind of comments that Michael is going to make because he seems to feel that he has an obligation to defend Nascar as a sport and as a governing body. In a round-about-way I think Michael did voice that he wasn't so thrilled with the tire situation just like everyone else when he suggested that there needs to be more tire testing and then brought up that race years ago when different tires were used when a problem was discovered.
The only thing I didn't really like was all the video of the big wrecks at Pocono - seems like that's what's often used to promote the Pocono race. Michael's blunt comment about drinking through a straw in the old days after a wreck and how he's glad that the young drivers don't have memories like that really highlights how far the sport has come in terms of safety.
I hope you take advantage of this opportunity to talk about TWIN and the various things in the show.
We do not call people names or tell others what to think. We do not deal with off-track issues not related to TV.
The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. If you want to offer comments that will be read directly by the folks on the show and the production staff, this is your opportunity.
This show just made SO much more sense--I do hope it wasn't just a teaser. Steve was looking at the camera like he was talking right to those of us who've been griping, lol. For once I did have a bit of sympathy for Mike & Greg in trying to make the best of a bad race--let's be honest, any insider who trashes NASCAR is going to hear about it from the PTB and they only have so much they can say and remain in NASCAR's good graces. (I have less sympathy for actual broadcasters.) But I don't see why NASCAR just can't acknowledge how upset the fans were even as they try and explain....but I digress. I missed Chad but Mike and Greg were pretty entertaining this week and seem to finally be more comfortable with each other. And Mike was more insightful (other than the 'great racing talk') than I've seen him be in a while.
I wonder if they changed Dumpster dumping time because I haven't heard it mentioned in a while. I know I always complained about how cheesy the set was back in the day, although it looks better now (though dark...)
I decided to check out TWIN during the first few minutes and could have sworn that I sensed the collective jaw drop from my fellow posters. :)
This is the first time that I have watched the entire show since the beginning of the season. I really enjoyed the show and will come back, if they keep this format.
I don’t see NASCAR as the “Big Bad Wolf” as do some fans. Mikey was being Mikey last night. He has the same attitude whether he is talking about his new shoes, his new haircut, or the latest race. Either you like Mikey or you don’t. TV personalities state their opinion. If it is a different opinion than what I hold, I see no reason for derogatory remarks.
Steve Byrnes’ penchant for “inside jokes” involving other sports is not appealing to this viewer. He seems to do this on any show in which he appears. Most of the time, I have no clue what he is talking about.
Thanks to whoever decided to right the TWIN ship last night. All these years, I have looked on the Monday night show as a time to laugh with a bit of information thrown into the mix. I hope to be able to come back and enjoy TWIN in the future.
@ dannyboy
Nevertheless, Michael isn't the only one who thought that under the circumstances they all made the best of it, and after all, you didn't know who was going to win until the last lap. Isn't that why we watch?
Well, not really. Sure, that's a big part of it, but I watch to see an entire race. If I only wanted to know who won, I'd turn on the race for the last 20 laps. I love watching the stories develop as the race progresses, to watch drivers push their cars and themselves until they finish several hundred miles. I want to see everything.
Really, that's what this blog is all about. We criticize and praise and whine and laugh about how the broadcasters cover the entire race, because that's what's important to us. We want to know everything about all the drivers. (A lofty goal, indeed.) What happened on Sunday was not a race. It was an eight-lap sprint. And Spence and Kenny and Mikey and Biff trying to tell me that 20 miles of almost-racing was a great show and I should be happy and content about it is condescending.
I'll SECOND all the postitive comments made previously in this post. After waiting 22 weeks for a format change I'm not convinced this is a permanent deal.
The good thing is that it finally gave the SPEED executives a look at the program flipped in format.
The positives far outweighed the negatives in my book and the transition to the preview of Pocono seemed very natural.
If Byrnes can work in some more regular features, like the surprising mid-program emails, the show will continue to change and evolve.
I would like to think that your comments over the past six months played a role in these changes. Please keep them coming.
JD @ 11:16am
The positives far outweighed the negatives in my book and the transition to the preview of Pocono seemed very natural.
Sorry, in all my kvetching about the on-air personalities, I really am not giving the SPEED production staff enough kudos for what they did with TWIN this week. Compared to earlier versions of this show, this week's TWIN was amazing. The review/preview segments were in the right order, I thought and email question segment was awesome, and giving some love to NWide and Trucks was heartily welcomed.
Sorry to be such a grump. I wouldn't make a very good critic; I'm too critical. :-)
JD, thanks for the heads up that TWIN was worth watching again. I thought it was a good show. I was glad that Michael Waltrip didn't use the typical "Goodyear is great, it's just the teams that do bad things to the tires" line that Dave Despain poked fun at when previewing TWIN on Wind Tunnel Sunday night. While he didn't throw Goodyear under the bus, he still made the points that they should have done more tire testing and that NASCAR bailed them out with the competition yellows.
While I applaud Speed's revamping of this show I have to give them a major thumbs down to them if it is accurate that they will not be televising the ARCA race at Pocono this Saturday. As of Tuesday afternoon, ARCA's site does not list any TV coverage for the race and my program guide lists Speed airing multiple episodes of "Hot Rod TV" during the time that the ARCA race will be run, with no tape-delayed airings of the race to be seen either. SpeedTV's program schedule has a strange blank space in that spot so maybe something's in the works to change that, but if this Pocono ARCA race is not televised like it has been by Speed the last several years I will be extrememly disappointed. This isn't a stand-alone race where Speed would have to spend the money to travel a ton of people and equipment thousands of miles to a track to cover the race. The people and equipment needed to cover the race are already there, so to see Speed not cover this companion race would be a major disappointment.
JD, can you confirm or deny that Speed is going to leave the Pocono ARCA race with no TV coverage at all?
The ARCA race from Pocono has never been on the SPEED schedule for this season. The ARCA.com site will have live audio and scoring.
Daly Planet Editor said...
The ARCA race from Pocono has never been on the SPEED schedule for this season. The ARCA.com site will have live audio and scoring.
Thanks for the update JD. Huge letdown from Speed Channel that's for sure. It sure would be nice to see someone like Versus step up and televise the entire series. The sporadic Speed Channel coverage mixed in with tape-delayed broadcasts by some obscure network called MavTV certainly aren't doing ARCA justice in my opinion.
I have no real idea, but perhaps ARCA thought ESPN would pick it up because they are doing the N'wide and Cup races.
SPEED is outside at the SPEED Stage.
YIPPEE!!! They finally got it right! Hopefully the format will be the same next week. I thoroughly enjoyed last night's show.
Loved the format last night. Makes more sense! I'm sad that Chad couldn't make this show especially after the win.
Lisa Hogan said...
I decided to check out TWIN during the first few minutes and could have sworn that I sensed the collective jaw drop from my fellow posters. :)
Your sense was spot on. This poster almost fell out of her seat with her mouth wide open. Could not believe it.
Speaking of adding back "surprises" I'd love to see them bring back the "Hot Seat" guest! It was fun when Mr. Helton would drop by and Schrader and Mikey did their annual "so how much are you bringing down?" :).
I'd also love to see "Where's Schrader" especially if they're not going to have him as a panelist every week :(. The segments he's done for TSR & TWIN were great :).
Well, as I promised, I wasn't watching due to previously recorded complaints but now, I guess I'll have to give it a look. Maybe they finally got it together, though I do like more panelists than less.
I also missed Chad on TWIN the other night but he and Jimmie mentioned on NASCAR Victory Lane the 48 team was testing on Monday and Tuesday.
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