As the Craftsman Truck Series makes the turn and starts down the road to the second half of the season, SPEED offers-up a mid-season recap show at 3PM ET on Saturday.
The show will feature a fast-paced look at the first half, including the perspectives of many top drivers and also the series director, NASCAR's Wayne Auton.
Rick Allen and Phil Parsons will anchor the show, which should be well worth watching or adding to the DVR/TiVo line-up. If you are unable to get things organized by the original airing, the program will also re-air at 1:00 AM Sunday morning for your recording pleasure.
The Trucks have delivered an outstanding TV product this season and there is little doubt that this mid-season recap show will not be just another generic show. If you watch this special, please feel free to post your comments right here.
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Outstanding show, if you have a chance...record the re-air at 1AM.
Really enjoyed this show!
Very well done.
JD- Thank you for your diligence in maintaining an adult ( in the best sense of the word) site. Your efforts make The Daly Planet stand head & shoulders above others. Thank you.
Yeah, what Richard said! :)
I haven't had a chance to watch my recording yet but I look forward to it. I've been impressed with the previous "recap" shows.
I agree Richard :)
Thanks folks. Always interesting in Internet land.
Missed the show again, but wondering if there are any red flags or many yellows the race will be on the same time as the Nationwide race. Funny they would schedule it like that but maybe everything will work out.
I watched my recording and agree it was really nicely done :). Very nice recap!
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