On a day dominated by college football, ESPN2 will give some time to NASCAR on Saturday night. It will be 9:45PM when the NASCAR Countdown pre-race show begins. The only questions is, on what ESPN TV network?
The first hurdle for NASCAR may be finding a place to start the race. With a college football game beginning at 6:45PM ET on ESPN2, Allen Bestwick's pre-race show is scheduled for only three hours after the kick-off. As viewers know all too well from last season, college football has a way of affecting the Nationwide Series coverage.
ESPN Classic Network appears to be the company's only option, as all the other networks continue to have live college football in-progress. If things all go as scheduled, it will be ESPN2 where Rusty Wallace and Brad Daugherty will appear with Bestwick from the Infield Pit Studio.
This is an abbreviated pre-race show of only fifteen minutes. At 10PM, coverage of the actual race begins with ESPN's regular NASCAR team. It will be Dr. Jerry Punch, Dale Jarrett and Andy Petree calling the action. Down on pit road will be Shannon Spake, Jamie Little, Mike Massaro and Dave Burns.
Fontana is a wide track with multiple grooves that should make for great TV pictures. Look for the possibility of Draft Tracker coming out and for the great triple splits on caution flag pit stops. Fontana has some of the biggest pit boxes on the circuit.
The long pace laps should leave plenty of time to Tim Brewer and his Tech Center. Brewer was essentially put on hold last week with the sixteen second laps at Bristol. Both Brewer and the Infield Pit Center gang should see a lot of air time on the race tonight.
The challenge once again for the ESPN gang will be to deal with the race and not The Chase all the time. Keeping both these issues updated will be the toughest assignment for the TV crew. Agendas are bound to overlap and the pit reporters will once again be put on-the-spot for issues that may be uncomfortable for drivers and crew chiefs to deal with on-the-air.
This post will serve to host your comments about the ESPN2 coverage of the Nationwide Series race from Fontana. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 310 Newer› Newest»It's a shame that NBC didn't borrow the Draft Tracker for the Olympics ... I'm serious ... They could've used it for the men's 4x100 IM relay swimming race as the anchor leg on the US team literally side drafted the French swimmer in the lane next to him ...
Louisiana Tech vs Miss St ... It's a WAC team so the game probably won't run long ... Ouch, and I'm a fan of some WAC teams too ...
I wish Disney would dump Jamie, Shannon & Brad ... WHERE is John Kernan?? Put him in one of the booths & get AB on pit road ... AB's really good on pit road ...
Im actually pleased with an only 15 minute pre-race show. I dont remember the last night a network came on and the race actually started within 30 minutes of going live. Thats how it use to be in the good ole days.
Ive got my ESPN360 fired up and ready to go so I can watch the pre-race. I imagine it will be delayed. Im one of the lucky ones who has ESPN360. But I dont have ESPN3. (ESPN Classic ;) )
How is the game going from a time perspective? I know some of you are watching.
Wanna see some low ratings? Just wait and see how bad they'll be for the Fontana race. Nascar is totally stupid with a race that starts at 10pm Eastern. I'm expecting the race to start on some other channel, and we'll have to hunt for it, sad as that may be.
JD, it's 7:30 CDT, and the game is at half time.
Will be interesting to see what Espn does if the Miss. St - LA Tech game runs long.
Last night the game between Southern Methodist and Rice ran 3 hours, 27 minutes. The Michigan - Utah game today, ran 3hours 20 minutes. If you use these times for the Miss. St game the game will be over at 10:25 pm or so.
It is a wait and see thing. You would think a business like Espn would not put themselves in such a position.
So, it's 8:45 and the ESPN2 game is just wrapping up halftime? Can that be right?
oops, sorry D, did not see your comment.
Like I said on the other post - the West Coast fans get screwed on race start times most of the time so let's let them have a real night racec for once. It is just the Nationwide race that starts this late - the Cup race starts at 8 - 8:15 tomorrow night on the East Coast. So can we stop complainging about the Nationwide start time? West Coast fans don't come in and complain about the weird east coast times - let's all jsut try to get along!
That is just not true. The start times have been slowly slipping back from the traditional 1PM for the last four years.
East Coast fans are not happy because now the races run right into and often times through the dinner hour.
At least this is hopefully the last time we will have to deal with this issue on this weekend.
OK, so the 2nd half kick-off is happening at 8:52PM. That gives them a total of 53 minutes to play the second half and hit the pre-race show.
Um...has everyone located ESPN Classic Network on their cable dial?
Um...has everyone located ESPN Classic Network on their cable dial?
Um... it's no where, guess I better fire up nascar.com for MRN
@anon 8:05--I miss JK too...we need to kidnap him from NHRA :(
Yes sir...177 for me here for TWC in DFW...sorry Mr. Holyfield but we might have to interrupt you tonight :(
Yup, one hour till green flag (45min to prerace), and still 12:16 left in the 3rd quarter. They'll probably be 10-12 minutes left in the 4th when it's time to change over.
It could be worse, Michigan v. Utah was before this and when that one ended, the LT/MSU game was already started. Just imagine if they waited for TV to begin each game.
JD, what do you think the odds are that when 9:45 comes, they shift football to another network instead of Nascar? It would be easier to tell people already watching a program to change over, than to just expect people tuning in to find the program somewhere else.
Miss St. is an SEC team, but I would think there are still more nascar fans than fans of these teams.
I take that back I finally have ESPNclassic, I need to start reading those papers that come with the bill, now if I just had SpeedHD
On ESPN, the program in-progress stays and the new event moves.
We experienced this last season many times during the college football chaos.
Probably ESPN Classic and ESPN360.com for viewing unless you are a NASCAR.com veteran.
8 minutes left in the third quarter. No way will the race be on the Deuce on time.
Looks like ESPN it at it again. I will say it is only going to get worse next year with the $2 billion and 15 year contract they signed with the SEC.
Folks it is going to be a long ride with ESPN.
Can someone explain this ESPN 360? I can't find it anywhere. Is it a broadband thing on the computer???
JD - Most of the time you're right about stuff ... But ... You're showing your East Coast bias when you complain about the start time of the Nationwide race ... It's one freakin' race ...
And, so what if a race runs into dinnertime on the East Coast?? How about the people in the Mtn & Pacific time zones who don't get home in time to see the start of the majority of the Truck races when they start at 5pm pacific??
Look at how badly we get screwed with the Olympics ... Even in 2002 when they were in SLC, they were tape delayed for the Mtn & Pac time zones ... It will be the same thing in 2010 when they're in Vancouver ...
Me = don't have ESPN Classic ... Heck, there are still a LOT of people who don't even have cable or satellite ...
ESPN 360 is an online thing. I pay 160 a month to Comcast is Maryland and I do not have access to it. I think it is mostly an oasis.
ESPN360 is an online service that is offered through your cable TV company. You can look it up over on the ESPN.com website.
The reason this race is being started so late is because they chose the wrong date and it has been a disaster from the beginning.
Killing the East Coast audience for this event is just dumb after asking fans to watch all season long.
I spent a lot of time in Houston and LA, I know the Central and Pacific time zone hassles. What NBC did to the Olympic viewers in the Pacific time zone was awful.
JD- How much, if any, do you think NASCAR might be willing to delay the green flag to get it on ESPN2?
What is SPEED up to tonight? I wonder if they might try to simulcast ESPN Classic like they did once last year. For those who don't have Classic, SPEED could be the only way the see the first part of the race.
@darbar...it's something on ESPNs site that allows you to see certain sporting events and other "bonus" features. You have to pay for it and *some* providers pay ESPN for the privilege of their subscribers having it for "free". AFAIK Verizon is the only "big" one that has it, there may be some smaller ones that do. But Comcast & Time Warner did not pay for it.
what time does the green flag actually fall?
Pre-race starts in 21 minutes and this game has 1:30 left in 3rd qtr. It is also a close game so all of the time outs will probably be used.
Not time to panic, but it isn't looking good for a green flag being seen on the deuce.
I believe the game has already been played we heard this morning that they were moving the game up 6 hours because of Hurricane Gustav.
ESPN360 seems to favor the verizon wireless customers, as you can magically get it is you have a verizon username and password.
When I was in college we got ESPN360 because the internet provider in the campus apartments was Georgia State Board of Regents. I'm not sure exactly how it worked out, but the ESPN360 is pretty picky about who can and can't have access.
Vicky D,
You're thinking of LSU-Appalaichin State. Originally it was a 5pm Eastern kickoff, and it was moved up to 10am local time, 11am eastern. Didn't matter either way though, LSU beat App St. pretty bad.
I guess it was another game that was going to be moved up 6 hours not the current game on tv as it's dark outside, unless those are storm clouds. We were sure it was this game and thought that was perfect for the Nationwide race. There might not be a pre-race show tonight though.
End of the third quarter, and it's 8:30 central. They just ran a crawl that the pre race will be on Classic
countdown is on classic
Thanks Alex guess I thought one football game is like another one.
So, how is that new college football play clock working?
Wanna see some low ratings? Just wait and see how bad they'll be for the Fontana race. Nascar is totally stupid with a race that starts at 10pm Eastern. I'm expecting the race to start on some other channel, and we'll have to hunt for it, sad as that may be.
The time of the race begining really has nothing to do with college football. It has to do with location of track and it being a night race. The race was also run on the same time last year. So ratings most likely will be same as last season.
The 3rd quarter of the Miss. state game took 42 minutes to play.
At 9:38 the 4th quarter started.
For those looking for ESPN360 ...
Try this link -
Why doesnt ESPN just give the game more time and stop squeezing it in. Its pretty simple. There have been two games back to back today on ESPN2. All they have to do is start the first game oen hour earlier so then each game can run in a 3 hour 30 minute time slot. the other games on other networks are run in a 3:30 time slot.
That might be the funniest thing every posted. Is this the track president speaking?
JD - Try this for the game clock ...
So, how is that new college football play clock working?
It actually makes the games longer not shorter. At the current rate we are going the NAtionwide race will be taking the green on ESPN Classic.
So, the Nationwide Series pre-race show and most probably the race will begin on ESPN Classic for those just dropping by.
So I guess they'll turn off the Holyfield fight and put on the pre-race?
They sure do push that 360 stuff pretty hard considering it looks like not a lot of people can have access to it. Kinda dumb.
I think you can blame the teams for the switchage of the channels this time. The Maryland-Delaware lasted exactly 3 hours. And most of the games I've seen have been quicker than the games last year, but somehow the MSU-LTU game has decided to go slow.
This race will be on the Classic.
Daly Planet Editor wrote:
<< The challenge once again for the ESPN gang will be to deal with the race and not The Chase all the time. Keeping both these issues updated will be the toughest assignment for the TV crew. >>
I don't understand this reference in an article about the NWS race.
That might be the funniest thing every posted. Is this the track president speaking?
Excuse me? Im being serious. College football has nothing to do with it! Its a night race! They cant start at 8:00 PM ET, or it wouldnt be a night race! We arent allowed to make smart ASS remarks like that....but you can?
The new 45 second play clock is causing some problems when a play is thrown deep to a receiver and is incomplete. The receiver has to hurry back to the huddle and so far watching games he has been late and the game then stops because of a delay in game penalty. Thus making the game run as long as before or longer.
Will take the teams a bit to get use to.
BTW, the Wisconsin/Akron game ran longer than usual this afternoon. I was at the game, and it was about 17 minutes longer than last year's average.
Last season the Sprint Cup Series agenda bled over onto this series almost entirely.
Even in the pre-race shows, the Sprint Cup was the focus.
ESPN is not on the air for practice or qualifying. This is their only live on-track program before Sunday's race.
Thanks for the question.
The new clock is about the same. I went to the Georgia Tech-Jacksonville State game on Thursday, and it was still a little over 3 hours. Most of the ones I've seen today have also gone long, but that is likely due to all of those games being high-scoring. The new times rules seem to have little to no effect that I've noticed.
This is the final year of this race at California anyways..... :) lol
College football has nothing to do with it? Were you here last season?
This race is starting at this time because ESPN said do it now or it will not be on live.
There is no other open slot on any ESPN network including ABC all day long.
Want to tell us your opinion, go ahead. Want to tell us facts that are totally wrong....not going to happen.
I got my ESPN360 up. But nothing yet. I think it takes a little bit to build the network feed over the internet. Its always delayed by a few minutes.
NASCAR did a good job switching those races. This place has been a disaster and my email about the mess of politics behind the scenes is amazing.
Give Lesa Kennedy credit, she hung in and is investing in this track for the future.
At least the score to the football game is 19-14. It it was a 3 or 7 point differential we would have a good shot at overtime. Although, since it's close, those last 3 or 4 minutes will drag on for about 20.
The only way this race sees a green flag on ESPN2 is if the prerace show was Cup-sized.
Well. I dont remember reading anywhere that ESPN said "The race has to start this late so we can show college football". So where do you get your facts.
I pointed out my facts. If a race started 8:00 PM ET, it still wouldnt be a night race. If it started at 9:00 PM ET your still pushing it not being a night race. Its simple thing called an Almanac and a sunset.
man, i forgot what espn in sd looks like...
ESPN is fired up about 360 after the success of the NBC online service.
Wouldn't you love to see a RaceBuddy style application for NASCAR on ESPN next season?
That is what we have been pushing for.
Look at the ESPN and ABC schedule.
And I'm curious how many "fans" will be in the stands tonight.
Keep us up to date will you? Thanks for the info.
I do feel bad for the east coasters to have to stay up late for the race. I'm already used to to night races starting at 4pm PDT at other tracks, so no big deal for me. Seven pm is such a weird time to start anyway. I can't wait until the ratings are published.
I did notice that during Cup practice that the stands only had a few people in them. Of course, they were probably just getting back from H'wood and parking their cars.
BTW, under 7 mins left in the game.
Ok JD. Here is my proof that the race starting so late has nothing to do with college football. Here is a link to the schedule from the 2006 busch series schedule. Coverage of the same California event started at 10:00 PM ET on TNT.
Hey, since we are still in pre-race. Do you guys think I should do a column and post for comments on the Tony Stewart Rolling Stone interview?
I am getting lots of email from folks who are pretty shocked about some of the things he said.
It certainly was memorable....
Rolling Stone as in the magazine? Is there an Online version that can be read for free?
Anon 9:52PM,
Not so sure what you are talking about. This timeslot today was given to NASCAR by ESPN.
As you may also know, the track petitioned NASCAR to change this date because of these problems.
Since NASCAR has been going to Cali it has been a disaster from both a scheduling and crowd standpoint.
I have no problem with you, just ask me if you want to debate something. Today's broadcast is the last time we will see this crew at this track on this weekend...thank goodness.
JD! And update from ESPN360. They are showing the ESPN2 feed and not ESPN Classic. So basiclaly we are getting the college game and not pre-race. IT says "NASCAR NAtionwide Series Live" but when you click on it, its ESPN2 college football game.
I'd LOVE Race Buddy all year long!
Yes, I'd like to chat with other about the RS article :)
Louisiana Tech got a field goal, so it's 22-14. This means that if Mississippi St. gets a Touchdown and 2-point conversion, it's tied.
There are 6 minutes left and Miss St. has the ball.
Hey guys,
I just posted the Tony Stewart Rolling Stone interview link on the main page. Just click on it and you can read the entire story.
Not for everyone, bear that in mind.
If you wouldn't mind doing a column, your recent comment is the first I've heard of a Tony interview, so I have no idea what was said. Does anyone have a link to an online transcript?
Ok ... so the pre-race show being pumped through nascar.com from espn 360 has NO SOUND. The Jack Daniels commercial had sound, but when the picture came up for the pre-race, there was no sound and it has been without for about 10 minutes. Any suggestions?
I have an email and I will drop them a line. Needless to say, I am sure they know about it.
Yes, JD. Do a RS/TS column.
Thanks for the article link. I've only read page 1 of 8, but it seems like most of the "brashness" of that article is from the author more than Stewart. I'm not trying to downplay Tony's emotions, but many articles I've read in Rolling Stone are a little over the top in terms of unneccesary language and it can seem to exaggerate things a little.
Three mins left for football. Read, 13.
Thet are working on it!!
Thanks for the vote Dot, I try to avoid most stories but what he said really shook-up some fans, especially his adult female fans.
Who knew that LT would put up such a fight against MSU ... screwing up the Nationwide race?!?!
KRKO not playing MRN tonight in Seattle ... Aquasox on instead ...
The football game on ESPN2 only has 3 minutes left. Miss. St is punting the ball to LA Tech. Since LA Tech has the lead, they will probably try to run the ball and kill the clock. we may see a green flag after all.
Reminder for everyone without ESPN360 and ESPN Classic.....Tune to NASCAR.Com for the broadcast.
Aquasox...that is my fav.
That is a classic NASCAR moment for all times................
OUCH on the show title. Tell me that guy wasn't trying to cue a teleprompter operator?
Hey guys,
Just a heads-up. There are supposed to be several "start and park" cars tonight.
Keep an eye on the ticker and see who is suddenly out of the race before the first gas stop.
Cox Comm in LV does not get ESPN360 :(.
OH MY LAND! He forgot the name of Ron's show! Heck I only found out 2 hours ago (when he was on HH) and I knew what it was! How embarrassing!
The NASCAR.com broadcast has no SOUND!!!!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO if i dont have classic????
We'll have to watch the ticker, because we certainly won't hear anything about it from the booth.
I just had a thought - I wonder if JP will be able to stay up and call the end of the race. Hope DJ & AP stand close to him to elbow if/when he nods off! Also, Ron Perlman's call was great!
During commercial on ESPN Classic, they are doing a segment on ESPN2 telling people to wait a minute for the race.
Ron P. was on SPEED earlier today and Larry Mac gave him a lesson on how to start the field.
He had never been to a race and could not name one driver or team other than Junior.
Nice guy, but I bet he is probably in the golf cart headed for his car right now.
There has not been sound for about 20 minutes ... JD said they are working on it.
I have tried everything and the NASCAR.com broadcast still has no sound!!! its defiantly not on my end!
thanks for the sound info. this is bad...
There is no audio on the NASCAR.com feed from the track.
ESPN Classic is the only place to view the race.
ESPN360 still has college football.
Tough start for ESPN tonight.
Hearing a lot of comments about the cup guys and Joey Logano/Brad Keselowski in the race tonight. Are there any Nationwide full time drivers going to be mentioned. And both Clint Bowyer & Jimmie Johnson said they like driving the Nationwide race for fun!
Green Flag and 1:49 left in the football game. They will probably switch to ESPN2 the 1st or 2nd commercial break.
Found ESPN classic, TW Tampa changed the channel line up. Yipee.
(tongue planted in cheek)
Its so good to see NA$CAR is still a high priority for espn. Yup our TV partner.
ESPN has been in business for 25+ years & still they can't figure out how long a football game takes to be played? wow
If this is a night race, why is still light? lol
The football game on ESPN2 is almost over. We should switch over any minute.
I have the race going on espn360 with audio fine.
I was hoping the same Vicky...that he got his nap in today and does the same tomorrow.
That's the way it is, they usually only "know" Jr. or Jeff and *sometimes* Jimmie...unless they're pimping a movie that a driver has on their car...and then it's hit or miss if they get the drivers name right...and we get introduced to new drivers like Jeff Johnson from a few years ago *giggle*
Just watch them make this play, get a TD+2, and send it to OT...
Still no audio on the nascar.com feed.
Game over on ESPN2
Dot said...
If this is a night race, why is still light? lol
Because ESPN owns the broadcast rights to the sun :-)
I'm another guy who wasn't happy with a race this late, but am now even unhappier since my cable carrier doesn't see fit to carry ESPN Classic. Where do I go to complain...
dmo, you're killing me. Race is on espn now.
Did they tell us to go back to ESPN2 so we can get the HD or were we suppose to guess based on JP's welcome
10:23PM for the switch, I think I had 10:15PM in the office pool.
Keep me up to date on the NASCAR.com audio stream please.
Now that you've found Classic Jo, football is over & it's on the Deuce now
ESPN360 working fine for me, too bad HotPass doesn't do NW races
Anon 10:23PM,
That is one of the reasons we started this site! Complain away.
38 minutes late on the switch. And the football teams haven't even started their conference schedules yet. Ouch
At 9:26 pm CDT, there is still no audio on the nascar.com feed.
When did the race come on ESPN360? Before the network switch?
JD, was there a really an office pool? How can we get in on this in the future?
Go over to Topix to the Tony Stewart forum and read just some of the comments made by the female fans. I would say it's at least 80% against Tony. The story is awful and puts Tony in a very bad light. The way he refers to women is not only juvenile but embarrassing and insulting. For someone who's trying to get millions of dollars for his new race team, this was a completely stupid move on Tony's part.
Tony was asked by USA Today how he felt about the reaction to this story and his comment was, "if they don't like it, don't read it". How stupid is that?? Unless one reads the article, how does one know how truly terrible it is?
JD why was my comment deleted? it was good wasn't it??
Holy smokes! 98 comments and the race has not begun. Cant believe the guy at the start of the race forgot the name of the starter's tv show....I found that humorous. I love true reality tv.
HEY.WHEN DID THEY CUT THE RACE OFF OF CLASSIC?? Was I too busy reading here to catach it.
MY GOODNESS. And on CLASSIC the race had NO BOTTOM TICKER...now it does. :( Sucks that CLASSIC turned off the ticker but E2 can not???
All it takes is a blown engine for a start and park car to get mentioned.
ESPN360 is usually about 2 minutes behind the tv. It was on when I opened it around 9.
Three parked before lap 20 and another blown up....
My cable company doesn't offer ESPN360. Did I have any other alternative to see the race before it started on ESPN2?
anon 10:27PM,
We got your point. Join in the conversation about the telecast please.
NASCAR.com had it streamed, but the audio still is not working.
ESPN Classic Network had it live, but the network is on limited distribution.
ESPN360 might've been nice ...
Had it NOT froze up my computer ... Twice !!!
As glad as I am to see a WAC team win ... That coach is on my foofoo list for calling a TO with 8 seconds left & an 8 pt lead ...
ESPN took too long to switch over ...
It's your typical start and park guys---Sauter, Davis, and guys you've never heard of.
The NASCAR.com guys are just freaking out. Imagine only doing two races this weekend and losing audio totally on one of them?
JD it looks like 6 cars are out already on lap 28.
Here we go again Brewer on one side and incar camera on the other and now the crew chief. I guess there is no racing going on. Come on guys cut me a break will you
The S&Ps are already out.
8 cars already off the track.
Brenda - ESPN360 is a website ... Some ISPs carry it & some don't ... It's not a tv channel ...
Does it sound like JP's voice is about to give out to anyone else
How long does it take seconds wise to get around this track? At the rate it's going there's going to be 12 cars on the lead lap.
IF the ratings are down ...
It's NOT solely because of the time or the channel ...
But ...
JGR & Toyota domination ...
I'm about ready to turn it off and watch something lamer ...
It's about 40-42 second laps.
Regarding the TS article - I found it very dull and nothing really new or surprising. It is always disconcerting when someone who knows nothing about NASCAR (as this guy obviously doesn't) tries to write like an "insider" about NASCAR.
Dear Lord, racing on these tracks is boring. I don't suppose anyone would have an idea on crowd size there tonight?
Pole time was over 41 seconds ...
Thanks Alex.
Full screen graphics 2 screens worth - while green flag racing happening..
They really do not give a crap about the race
39 laps and about 23 cars on lead lap ... That's soooo NOT good ...
anon 10:41, I couldn't agree with you more. The domination of the JGR team in Nationwide series, even with all the tinkering of Nascar to cut their horsepower, makes for very boring racing.
This is the kind of track where the Director should use lots of in-car angles with audio.
TNT uses a lot of the speed shots, where the camera is fixed and the cars run through very fast. It is easy to lose the feeling of speed even though they are going soo fast.
Is Toyota that good or is something else going on? I can't buy the theory that it's all because Busch is trying to stick it to Hendrick for firing him.
Something is just not right with Doc.
Great shot of the Crown Prince Logano messing up in the pits.
darbar said...
Is Toyota that good or is something else going on? I can't buy the theory that it's all because Busch is trying to stick it to Hendrick for firing him.
Joe Gibbs Racing is that good this year. Couple that with Kyle Busch focusing on nothing but winning, and the results speak for themselves. At least IMO.
Anyone know the air temps and the track temps at the start of the race? Everyone has complained in the past that it's just too darn hot in Calif to race at this time of year.
To all the HMS fans who are ticked about the Toyotas this year - now you know how all the rest of us felt last year. Welcome
Toyotas are using the new engine which NA$CAR APPROVED, NA$CAR has NoT approved the new CHEVY RO7 ( Ithink thats its name) YET so blame NA$CAR.
Notice they're not showing lap times? Is it due to GF stops?
Now over the wall cam during GREEN
Random thought from commercial:
I wonder how Leffler keeps his mohawk up with the race helmet on.
The crew-cam bit leading into commercial was kinda cool.
Anon 10:51, track temp earlier before the race started was about 108.
Dot said...
Notice they're not showing lap times? Is it due to GF stops?
August 30, 2008 10:51 PM
-- No its because that would be something called race coverage - which espn refuses to do
bevo / JD - I don't think it's JP ... There's been sound issues out of Fontana all weekend ... Plus, there's storms in the San Gabriel Mtns that sometimes interfere with tv & radio transmissions ...
Officially 1 hour without audio on the nascar.com feed.
Is there any flippin' reason why they have to run the scores at the bottom during a race? There's already too many graphics on the screen. Dump the stupid football scores. If I want to know what Western Illinois did, I'll flip to SportsCenter.
Still no lap times. Or, laps down info.
55 laps in and KB has lapped the 14th place car. Ouch..
This is where I go for lap down info:
Dang...almost 20 seconds back to third...maybe the caution will make it a race again :(
How did that deserve a caution??
Now Carl with his car in a little box so we miss the caution. So is anyone else in the race besides Kyle, Carl, Brad, and Jimmie?
Should have had a thru the field after those green flag stops.
Just a reminder, I posted a link to the Tony Stewart story in Rolling Stone that folks are talking about.
Just go to the front page and click on the link.
It is rather adult reading....
I think i am going to bed...with all of the commercials and other stuff espn puts into the broadcast, i think i will see about as much of the race in the highlights tomorrow morning as I will actually watching the race.
I can't believe I am going to say this, but the audio has finally arrived to the nascar.com feed. YEAH!!!
Thanks again Alex. BTW, it's Rancho Cucamonga. Thirteen cars on the lead lap. I was close w/my earlier post. Caution to get the field closer and a lucky dog. And to think, CA gets 2 races a year.
I'm only halfway paying attention, but I didn't see a wreck. Was that one of the famous "bunch up the field" cautions, or did they actually have debris?
Now the entire NASCAR.com feed is down. What a mess.
Anon @ 10:51pm - Temp at 7:45pm pac was 84 degrees at Fontana
As if things couldn't get any worse we have Cashew Girl. I have such a head ache. I may DVR the rest and go to bed.
I am watching and listening to the nascar.com feed.
yep definitely going to bed...the stupid planters commercial came on
JD, I'm planning to read the RS article after the race. I'm having too much fun here.
Why didn't they throw this caution 25 laps ago?
Got the NASCAR.com back. Wow, tough night for the media guys.
I got some serious grief over the peanut vs. cashew issue.
All kinds of official nut folks sent me nut stuff.
That was quite a bit different than the normal nuts I usually deal with.....
They are 3 wide 6+ deep and we get the incar shot. WTH
The Rolling Stone article would've been better had it been written by Mikhal Gilmore (He's the brother of the infamous Gary Gilmore) ...
Mike Guy's writing style is horrible ...
Nascar has got to figure out a way to level the playing field, or else they will see not only TV ratings decline, but also attendance. I'm not a fan of any one particular team or driver, as I cheer for Jr, Kenseth, Bowyer, and others, but something needs to be done so we're not seeing one driver lap the entire field. YAWN, this race is boring. Is it a function of a too strong JGR team or the cookie-cutter tracks?????
We need some in-cars and some speed or blimp shots....badly.
newracefan said...
I take that back I finally have ESPNclassic, I need to start reading those papers that come with the bill, now if I just had SpeedHD
August 30, 2008 9:03 PM
hey nrf? am i remembering correctly and you have comcast here in the philly area? if so, is espnclassic part of the basic package or the premium package? what channel?
sorry i'm joining late, gang: laptop was being borrowed by oldest daughter b/c hers is "in repair." needless to say, i watched it take over 20 minutes to play the last 4 minutes of the football game before joining the race at lap 9 -- which recapped the top 5 then immediately went to commercial. sigh.
Can someone please tell me how KyB is still running as well as he has? I think there's more to magnet gate. Logano running 10th?
Hey, they're showing laps down info.
They've played two different Metallica songs going to commercial tonight. I approve.
This is the result of NA$CAR "leveling the playing field"
instead of raising the bar & letting in the new Chey engines like they did in Cup.
Parity in football or racing is another word for mediocrity IMHO
hey d,
Remember this one. Next season, the Nationwide Series is going to make the teams race a new COT that is different from the Sprint Cup COT.
All of these cars tonight are going to be junk when the season is over. Guys like Junior are ripped about it because no one is making money in this series.
NASCAR is being very quiet about how many teams have expressed an interest in getting the N'wide COT and running the season.
How did it post twice? So I deleted the repeat
Red my cable comes from Sellersville's Comcast it's 265. If that's not it check out the TV listings on comcast.net that's how if found out I actually had it now.
Halfway through the race and a field recap. See how far they go.
Well, that's it. I'm done for tonight. I'm switching over to watch the Harley Davidson 105th Anniversary stuff on local TV. Springsteen is kicking major butt entertaining over 100,000 Harley riders in Veteran's Park. This race is too boring to put up with. I sure hope tomorrow's race will have at least two cars racing each other.
see ya dar.
You and Jo can both be comedians. That nut comment was too funny.
I am so sick of KyB coverage. As someone posted earlier, is anyone else racing. Wait...they're going thru the field. Lead lappers I'm sure. Almost.
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