The NASCAR Countdown show begins the always interesting ESPN2 coverage of the road course race from Montreal at 2:30PM ET.
This week, it will be ESPN veteran Mike Massaro that gets the opportunity to host the one hour pre-race show. Regular host Allen Bestwick is in Pocono with his sidekick Brad Daugherty for the Sprint Cup Series coverage.
Massaro will host the show without the Infield Pit Studio, so his location should be interesting. In the past, we have seen Dave Burns handle this role from the middle of the crowd and from the starting grid. Massaro has been working very hard this season for ESPN and this is a well-deserved opportunity.
It will be Marty Reid handling the play-by-play duties with Randy LaJoie and Rusty Wallace alongside at 3:30PM. This should be an interesting mix, because LaJoie likes to push Rusty's buttons and that is not very hard to do. Wallace is an owner in this series with his son Steven driving the car. Stay-tuned to watch that relationship develop as the race progresses.
Down on pit road will be veterans Jack Arute and Vince Welch. Once Massaro finishes the pre-race show, he will join Arute and Welch to round-out the reporting corp.
The key elements in this broadcast will be Marty Reid keeping track of the driver names and positions in this very unique race. Sprint Cup drivers, Nationwide Series regulars and road-course ringers from the sports car world make this field very diverse.
The other element is the tone that Wallace and LaJoie set early in the telecast. LaJoie is a former Busch Series champion and his driver's perspective overlaps with Wallace when there are replays to describe and situations to discuss. It should be interesting to see if Wallace puts on his owner hat and speaks in this broadcast from that viewpoint.
Rain is a possibility, and these cars are ready to race in the rain. Windshield wipers, rain tires and even big red brake lights are ready to be put on the field so the race can take place. The only way the race will be delayed is if standing water on the track make race conditions dangerous.
This post will serve to host your comments about NASCAR Countdown and the Nationwide Series race. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button and follow the easy directions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
Bestwick in PA and they never used him this morning during rain delay?
They only have one infield set. Makes a big difference when he is around.
Guess they do not really have a full hour of content from Montreal.
Definetely a first for NASCAR - a pre-race show from another venue.
Its not countdown - its Nascar Now- Race Day edition.
I hate how they pander to Rusty by calling out his son as the best of the non-ringers. Guess what, Ambrose is full time in Nationwide and was full time in Trucks last year. He has an extensive road course background, but is not a one race ringer.
This is why I don't like commentators who have a dog in the hunt. Rusty should never call a race with his son in it and Ray should never call a race with a GEM car in it.
I'm pretty excited for the Montreal race. So many good road course drivers in the field mixed in with Logano should provide some drama
It is very hard to take the fact that the ARCA race is running live and ESPN is on-site promoting the Sunday race.
I'm listening to the arca race online and it's very frustrating only seeing bits of it in the background at Pocono! At least they showed a reply of Chrissie's wreck.
I agree about the ARCA race. I also am listening on-line. Would really like to see Scott Speed.
Chrissy just crashed a few minutes ago.
Ditto anon 2:47pm
Why has the Countdown show been delayed? Did I miss something?
Man, they are treating the ARCA guys like they are nothing. Showing the wideshot with the cars racing is not a good idea.
Im just sad they didn't put AB up in Canada this week. He did such a great job last year. Listening to Lajoie and that flat out, let me tell you something, ill tell you what, cat Rusty, just doesn't do it for me.
However good to see Jack down there in the pits. But I do foresee a heavy usage of the mute button today.
Boris you may be saying I'm passed it but I'm not buying it.
I got that impression too. Lap 1 ought to be exciting.
Never thought about Montreal as a payback track.
Rusty and Randy are not having the best of times. Both want to be the primary color analyst. This should be fun.
I can't believe they are asking Boris about last year, and then so many questions of the roadcourse ringers. Just show the racers and let's be on with this race.
Now I know why we were in Pocono. I just noticed that the Countdown show is on for 60 mins. Damn my old hag eyes. Can't see the guide.
How many times are we going to see that commercial with MJ & Charlie Sheen??? Finally the race is going green I think ESPN had their broadcasts off by an hour today.
How are we going to have a NASCAR race without Kyle Busch?
Good anthems. can't wait to see Boris be "past Marcos" - he spoke w/ way to much emotion to be over it.
Please let cRusty lose his voice on lap 1
I hope the director has gotten over his driver / helicopter fetish.:-)
road courses always have a few 'payback' spots because of the corners and low speeds...
Can I just say "yeah!" to Mike Massaro for being about the only one to correctly pronouce Villeneuve? (It's not 'noove'...though Jacques never corrects anyone unless they ask him how.)
Vicki, I'm with you on the MJ ad...enough already. And how many times is Marty going to have to say be 'wedgie-free'? Yikes.
The new Rusty Wallace Drinking Game
Chug one beer or do a shot when Rusty says one of the following.
I'll tell you what.
Let me tell you something.
Flat out.
Aero loose. (Two beers if at a track under 1.5 mile. Three beers if at a 1/2 mile track)
That cat.
Bonus round.
When his son causes an accident, or wrecks, if Rusty blames it on another driver, you must drink three beers. Only valid one time per race (as he usually wrecks one driver, then crashes latter on in the race)
In just the pre race I have had 6 beers in 20 minuets.
Glenc, Randy could never say wedgie free without laughing out loud poor Marty how many more times does he have to say it. Now MM is on pit road he's very busy today. I'm tired with Rusty already.
2 quickies -
1) Rusty, during the lineup - "These guys are here to WIN!"...uh, isn't that the goal of EVERYONE who starts a race? Or are most of them just there to see the clouds and trees?
2) I haven't watched open wheel in a while, so I haven't seen Jack Arute in a while. What in the WORLD is that on his face? Though I did like his information about the 3 min competition caution if it rains...I almost hope it does to see them run it that way!
Too funny.
I know they race in rain but lightening?
Too many tight shots so far, need wider shots on this kind of course.
Anyone have any feelings on the Scene opinion piece today saying Montreal should be on the '09 Cup schedule and the delay in its release could be due in part to the PTB's figuring out which race to cut to add Canada? Written, I believe, by Mike Hembree.
I would love to see them go and bump a California weekend out of there, but we all know that will not happen.
I was just looking that up. NASCAR does not have any contingency to continue the race if there is lightning. The tires are only for rain, not thunderstorms.
If lightning was this close to a golf or tennis outdoor event, it would already have been stopped so people could find shelter.
If that lightning gets one crew member or spectator, it could be a tragedy that will be talked about longer than the Indy tires.
Not a chance. ISC and SMS aren't going to give up a date especially with the economy the way it is.
BTW - one of the first things that gets shut down in a thunderstorm is the TV camera positions. Standing with electricity on a tall tower or scissors lift is not a good idea.
Glen or somebody re: Villeneuve (sp)
WHAT is the proper pronunciation of that name?
Phonetically, please :)
In the case of lightening here in Houston, my Y closes the pool and it's indoors. Yes, those cameramen will be getting out of harm's way if ligthtening is near. How long would it take to put wipers on those cars? This is crazy.
OK...is this a complete MESS or what?
lightening. bummer
JD, not sure if it's a mess or if it's great fortune for NASCAR to get a chance to try this issue with the Nationwide at a race that it's hard to hurt ... and the promotion of this through Friday and this morning should really help ratings...
Looks like this will be a very entertaining rain. I think everyone will be safe too.
looking at the lake at whatever turn that was, we aint going to run for a bit.
Hey, I live in South Florida and there are two things you don't mess with...my GF and lightning.
One quick flash and someone is injured or worse. The weather radar says this is a thunderstorm.
Talk about living dangerously, how about being a pit reporter right now?
I wonder how much those rain tries weigh compared to the other ones. They just look heavier
If this is a 3 minute time limit ... why doesn't ESPN have a timer with 3 minutes in the corner counting down?
Rain tires and Windshield wipers. This outta be an adventure.
Craziness ahead.
Don't forget the brakelights, I kid you not.
My father and I were hanging out watching a thunders storm 3 summers ago, and lightning struck about 10 feet away from us hitting a medal fence post. The thunder bout blew our eardrums out.
Don't mess with Lightening.
I think they will be fine. the lightning portion of the storm is passing.
I remember that race in Japan JD.
I forgot about the brake lights! lol.
I'm curious about the tires. How old are they? Don't they still break down even when not used?
Stay tuned for more tire talk this week.
By the time they get back on the track the rain will be gone, I wonder if they should have put on those middle type rain tires
By the time they get going again the course will be dry.
Yeah by the time they FINALLY get back on the track, the rain will have stopped and then they'll have to come back in the pits to have the other tires put back on again and the wipers taken off. This is taking forever. I can imagine what the drivers are saying.
Two observations:
I really like the way they read the starting grid during the pace laps. Paying a bit of attention to each driver and having their name/number static on the screen was great to see and I'd like to see much more of that.
Secondly, is it just me or can I hear the director quite loudly in today's coverage?
Great minds think alike :)
Wonder if there is some miscommunication on what to do between Daytona and race control at the track
Uhhh those jet dryers put out some jet fuel... not a good combinantion with water
I guess the delay is the standing water but I wish someone would just say so
Cope already parked it
it still is raining. I think it will still be wet when the cars go out.
And I am also hearing what sound to be the director during today's broadcast.
I guess Cope wasn't buying rain tires; at least this isn't filled with the usual start and park cars
I'm sure Jeff Fuller will start and park today too although they haven't said that he has done it yet but he's laps down already.
Has this post turned more towards the weather and the race than the TV coverage?
I'm enjoying listening to Randy bust on Rusty but I would have preferred Rusty wasn't there, he appears to have won the who is going to talk more battle with Randy. bummer
I think it was mentioned earlier that the tires were produced in 2001.
Does the network have a person in race control or do they just monitor the radio for information?
NASCAR has someone in Race Control that is in constant contact with someone in the production truck.
Amen Frank Stoddart! We need more honesty on television like that :)
Thanks, seems like they're not getting much information out of them.
does anyone want to guess how long it'll take once the race gets going for the yellow to come out because of a spin or wreck? I'm saying 30 seconds.
I don't think NASCAR has a clue what they are going to do right now.
My guess is they are on the phone to Pocono right now asking WTF to do.
How long does it take to go from the Start/Finish line to Turn 1? That's the time - about 3-5 seconds?
I was being rhetorical, but thanks. Anyway, do they still work as well as 2008 tires? Chad Fletcher's on now. Can run fuel window, no word on age.
I've been listening to the announcers, but I have a question:
Will this race in the rain make history?
They haven't been very clear on that point.
Wow they are "racing" so slow.
LMBO @ anon 5:05!! Yah, Marty didn't make that really clear did he? I'm shocked no wreck yet..
Got to head out, catch the rest of the race on the Tivo
And I guess the Toyotas have the advantage with the restrictor plates today.
X Games at 7PM...that should be interesting.
So, how many car parked?
By the way, did we hear on whether teams will be allowed to be changed to slicks at their discretion? I know that Frank Stoddart said that the original competition caution was not in the plan outlined in the drivers meeting.
I'm thinking 12
So, ten cars parked out of 43 when the rain change over was needed.
Wonder how many had no pit crews?
anon 5:05...no kidding, geeeeeeeez.
Sophia, it's more like an 'nev' (short e)..never took French so it may be a sound a little more unique if you said it with their accent. Only reason I knew is years ago some reporter was discussing it with Jacques. But pronouncing foreign words in English is usually a little different so I should cut them some slack. Like Van Gogh is more like 'van gough' in Dutch, but no one says it like that cause we don't use that sound in English. On that same subject, I always though it was supposed to be 'Patr-eeeke' rather than 'Patrick' Carpentier. Marty is saying 'Quebec' right though. More like 'cay-beck'...they don't say it like 'kway'. Not an expert, just my recollection from traveling there.
Interesting comments from Frankie--and managed to get the sponsor in there.
...there's the answer. What a poor call by NASCAR to take all of the strategy out of rain racing. To relate this to television coverage - lots of discussion can be sparked from the debates on strategy.
Thanks Glen
i also thought it should be pronounced Patreeek.
I have a musician friend that teaches French all day long to little kids...I should ask him about my pronunciations..but he is a new friend and would be horrified I am into car racing..he drives a Prius! LOL
I have only heard one commentator over the months call Carpentier Patreek as opposed to Patrick..but can't remember.
They keep talking about the HISTORY making aspect of today's race. What do they mean?? I was out talking to a new neighbor and came in for the green flag after rain delay. Marty said "Watching history in the making"?? what..the wipers?? rain tires?
Just saw the tires. I guess age doesn't matter.
Nascar is having two tough weeks in a row. ESPN's B team is dropping the ball like crazy. They should be giving a much better run down of the racing going on in the field. On 3 or 4 replays in a row now, they cut them short, or didn't show what the announcer was talking about. Wish they carried the nationwide races on the radio here.....
Sophia, this is the first EVER race on rain tires in NASCAR.
In years past, when watching CART and F1 broadcasts, the names were pronounced 'Patreek Carpahntiay' and 'Zhaks Villenew'. But in 1991 when Villeneuve raced at Trois Riviere in the Toyota Atlantic race the track announcer, in French, distinctly pronounced it Villenewv all race long. (He won.)
PC told the American TV announcers a while back that they could stop butchering his name and just call him Patrick. Wendy Venturini made fun of that on pit road. It was DW that first had the problem.
This is the first points race, NASCAR ran off-season races in other coutries for a while and one in Japan was in the rain just like this one. It too...was a mess.
Unless there has been a change, the NASCAR rule book states that you cannot put a car on the track without a pit crew.
Morgan Shepard caused this rule years ago when as a “sponsor attracting stunt” he announced that he would not only drive the car, he would act as his own pit crew.
I’m sure someone will correct me if I am wrong. :)
JD said,
"and one in Japan was in the rain just like this one."
JD, i thought that japan race was dry and they just had to practice and qualify in rain. Maybe i don't remember correctly.
heh...and you guys said the track would be dry.
this should be interesting. does this track have lights?
No lights there.
bevo said
Does the network have a person in race control or do they just monitor the radio for information?
In NASCAR confidential we leaned that ace control coordinates with TV - at least Fox during 600.
Does anyone think NASCAR will call this race with Montreal running 2 and 3?
stupid r - its my laptop - sorry
The new crews for those cars are relatives and friends. At least they put on a good show.
As I said to you earlier, X Games at 7PM. Decisions have to be made...should be fun if there is another extended caution.
Can you say ESPN Classic?
JD, no offense but, why are you trying to start a fire here?
I believe ESPN always tries to finish live sports on the network they have been on.
Does anyone believe in conspiracies? Some may think that Nascar will call the race after a Canadian driver gets by Marcos.
ref to pit crews
its Dale Quarterly that I don't get - he's either full time or close to it and no crew?
Vicky D,
I think they should let the Canadians and Ambrose battle to the end.
OK VickyD,
Anytime now. Great minds...
Think JD is just trying to bring up a fact, ESPN has dumped TONS of money into coverage of the XGames and promotion's is extraordinary large.
Think they have been running promos for the Xgames for the past 2 or 3 months.
There we go.....
So? I believe the marketing department has no say in these down-to-the-wire decisions.
Rain sneakers?
The pit crews are really working hard today. Good camera shot selection showing pit work today
Well Nascar can call the race now as Marcos has to have a pass through.
I see the problem anons have arrived.
signed friendly anon
Anonymous said...
I see the problem anons have arrived.
signed friendly anon
August 2, 2008 6:22 PM
So have your sign in name as some variation of freindly anon so we know its you! LOL
A few times last year, they dumped nation wide races to ESPN Classic. Heck this year FOX moved Yankees Red Socks game to FX to start NASCAR.
So its not unheard of to move a live event in progress.
Marketing might not have a say in down to the wire type of situations, but who ever is in charge of it has marketing on his mind before pushing the button.
In TV land, you always just have to keep looking at all the possible scenarios all the time.
Right now, the race is only a bit long. One big red flag or extended caution...new scenario.
Vicky D,
I think this is going all the way.
Excuse me?? "problem anon"??
I am just stating the facts. You seem to be the trying to cause problems here.
JD - by my calculations of 2 min laps and 30 laps to go we have at least one hour of green flag racing and that with no yellow/red flags.
X-Games looming in 30 minutes.
In TV, its the programming dept and live guidelines are done on Friday in a meeting that goes over all the scenarios for the live events of the weekend.
No Marketing folks..thankfully.
Vicky D,
Our boy's in 3rd!!!
I need to fix dinner...are they gonna call this race? a while ago they claimed it was getting dark??
I guess I should put in a tape? There is a tv in the kitchen but geez...this is odd...oh, no....heavy rain again.
Time to mix the pizza dough.
WOW..lots of rain during the commercial. sigh
"No Marketing folks..thankfully."
Very true. we all should be thankful.
You guys raise some good point. What happens is the network had guidelines that talk about short and long scenarios.
The short scenarios have standby programming and what commercials have to be moved-up and run in the actual program.
The long conditions talk about 15, 30 and one hour long scenarios. They have bonus commercial breaks and also talk about what spots can be moved up into the live event that is running long.
Its a phone call to the Programmer on-duty or often a Coordinating Producer that the Network Operations folks interact with to make the transitions between programs.
Thanks for brining that stuff up.
I bet that doesn't mean marketing is not on the phone offering helpful suggestions.
Kiss this race goodbye, by the time they get rid of the standing water it will be dark (OBTW Canadians 1 2)
I love watching them drive & do windows. The water is starting to pond on parts of the track - they just showed it. How deep can they water get till the rain tires don't work?
Racing is done. Too late for a restart before 4pm.
k, according to the interweb montreal sunset doesn't occur until 8:20? So why all the fuss about it getting dark? heck pocono last june went till near 8pm east coast?
Anonymous said...
k, according to the interweb montreal sunset doesn't occur until 8:20? So why all the fuss about it getting dark? heck pocono last june went till near 8pm east coast?
August 2, 2008 6:31 PM
Could it be another heavy storm moving into area maybe?
What's the time difference between Montreal and the east coast?
Quit stalling and go green. Let Ambrose race for it against the Canadians. I'm not a crew chief and I don't have a vested interest.
Oh well, JV won't be competition anymore.
Montreal is just north of New York. They go by eastern time so it is 6:37 there right now
WOW serious damage under caution. Thats not normal. Its JV - wow tough end to his day
Do those camera guys get a bonus for working in this, wow talked about soaked.
Montreal is in the Eastern Time Zone.
well now even the drivers and crew are saying it may be too wet to race even with rain tires. So if the race is called it wont be due to some conspiracy.
Thanks anon that's what I thought but I wasn't totally sure, I can be geographically challenged at times.
The cameramen (persons) need hazard pay like our guys who have to go offshore or overseas in war zones.
The drivers and crew have a vested interest in protecting their positions on the track.
pt, all I can say is that is what Jacques said--this was maybe 3 or 4 years ago. Perhaps it would be said differently if you speaking English & pronouncing it or speaking French, I don't know--or depending on the dialect of where you are. The only foreign language I took was Latin so it's not my area of expertise, lol. But if you hear Mike say it, that's how Jacques did.
Oddly enough, so many of the the announcers have had more trouble with Blickensderfer and Gilliland (can you say 'Jimmy Spencer') than the foreign guys...
And look at all the fans who are sticking around!
and hits the fan, 2 big names crashing under yellow, race over
Wow, they need to throw the red flag. Logano out now, too.
Logano hydroplaned. Looks like it a trophy for Fellows.
WOW!! look at this outbreak of issues
3 cars wrecked under caution - call the race!
Sure would be nice to see that 50 year old guy running in 4th beat alot of these "road course ringers".
Oil and water do not mix..... This thing is as good as over.
There's been more wrecks under caution. Good grief. Put us out of our misery.
Conspiracy theorists please. let NASCAR call the race without the theories. its unsafe now.
BTW, I've been puzzled by the 'getting dark' comments too. But the radar looks like there's more rain and I think it's just a rain issue--if it's not going to stop the heavy rain...it will still be dangerous. as Jacques just proved. Guess it doesn't matter how we say it now!
I hadn't head of that call from Patrick to say his name as American pronunciation instead of the proper way. It's really not that difficult to say but I've always known him with the French pronunciation so I'm use to it. It was funny, I went to finally meet a friend from one of my online forums (they're nice and other folks I've known/met have met them and came back alive) and he's a French teacher and his name is Patrick and without thinking anytime I call his name it's the automatic French pronunciation.
Poor Jacques & J.Lo :(...wonder if they'll call it a day now :(
Montreal just north (50 miles) of Plattsburgh NY - Eastern Daylight Time Zone.
Jacques Villeneuve says its safe to go and race again. the 20 crew chief is still complaining.
Head for home folks. Ron's got this one.
Allow me to go slightly off topic regarding the broadcast ... remembering back to Allen Bestwick and Randy LaJoie calling this race last year and hearing how it is being called this year simply re-enforces how good AB is.
I'm not sure it's all Marty's fault - I think he's done OK under the circumstances, aside from getting a little excited about the "first time in history"...but Rusty has been a big hindrance on this broadcast.
Anyway, AB's calling of a race and his ability to keep everyone involved and put together a great broadcast is unsurpassed. It is simply criminal that he is not the PBP man for any NASCAR series. Marty Reid is good, Jerry Punch is OK, but AB is the best and should be rewarded as such!!!
edwards says it over
well its over. thats too bad. I think they could have went for it.
How nice. Called the race just before 7 pm.
Finally over they called it.
was looking forward to see how ESPN was going to handle an extended race time.
Look 656pm just it time for X games and Canadians 1 2. Conspiracy theorists will have a field day.
OK, the x-games conspiracy won over the Canadian driver conspiracy;)
Like someone said before, we are finally out of our misery. Congrats to Ron.
"Conspiracy theorists will have a field day."
Thats just sad, dont ya think? I mean the race had to be called for safety in some cases. What do the theorists want NASCAR to do?
gymmie--that cracked me up. I have met a number of online buds and 'come back alive' too, lol.
Overall, I'd have to say, it was a wacky day--and the broadcasting was okay considering the weirdness of it all. Bet they can't wait to get to the X Games now.
Anon 6:59 said: "What do the theorists want NASCAR to do?"
My bidding, of course.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by, there is a new story up about the Nationwide Series race from Montreal for your comments.
See you tomorrow for Pocono!
X Games announcer Sal M.:
"it might be raining down in NASCAR"
I don't know how to take that.
Nice interview of Marcos and Ron.
Sure would have been nice if they started the race around 1. If they did they could have got the thing in before the rains hit. It is pretty silly to start these races this late in the afternoon.
Frank in Sebring
I think that is going to be a huge issue coming down the stretch for both the Nationwide and Cup Series.
Great point.
Interesting about the start times of the race.
i have also heard from many long time fans the LATE START of NASCAR races adds to declining ratings. Families can't revolve around the race for many folks and races don't end until after dinner how for much of the country.
Earlier times would be nice and make sense. ESPECIALLY tracks with no lights.
Just in case y'all didn't know it, there are human beings living West of the Mississippi. We watch NASCAR too.
Kenny - inconveniently alive and well in the Pacific Time Zone in Alameda, California
Forget it, Kenn, nobody West of the Mississippi matters to a NASCAR fan in the south. LOL
I wish NASCAR would put those brake lights on the cars all the time. They might help avoid some accidents if they see the car in front of them on the brakes. Hey, it works in our street cars.
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