RaceDay will be live at 11AM ET on SPEED as host John Roberts leads his cast of characters through a two hour pre-race program. Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace will be alongside to talk about all the news stories of the week and preview the Sprint Cup Series race.
Kyle Busch, Jimmie Johnson and Sam Hornish will be live guests on the show. Wendy Venturini's popular Real Deal feature will focus on an interview with Ryan Newman. There will be a look back at Dale Earnhardt Junior's win at MIS last season and a look at what Kyle Busch has done in the Sprint Cup Series since February.
Following the race, SPEED will return with The SPEED Report. This week Leigh Diffey and Adam Alexander host the show with live reports from Ray Dunlap at MIS and both Doug Richert and Robin Miller will be guests in the studio.
Up next at 8PM is the popular Victory Lane show that brings back Roberts, Spencer and Wallace. This program talks to the winner of the race, his crew chief and the winning owner. They also review the race highlights and let TV viewers have an inside look at the raw emotion immediately after the race.
Dave Despain comes along with his Wind Tunnel program at 9PM. He hosts a wide-ranging show with a dry sense of humor that looks at motorsports in general. Dave likes to poke NASCAR with a stick and makes no bones about his strong feelings for other forms of racing both in the US and abroad. He has several guests on each program and this week Robin Miller will be featured.
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Controversy Alert:
According to a post on the That's Racin site this AM, both of Gibbs' Nationwide teams were accused of attempting to rig the chassis dyno tests following the Michigan NW race.
Should be some interesting back & forth on both Speed,and ESPN pre-race shows today.
The RaceDay "walk on" is certainly new. This is the series responding to being earlier and losing pit road interviews and Venturini's pit walks.
With a crowd as big as the RaceDay crew has at Michigan, it is almost impossible for the crowd to hear the show.
Wow look at that crowd.. wish I was there.
In & out of the house at the moment, and not watching the show. What is this new "walk on"?
Kyle Busch on the RaceDay stage!
Looks like there has been a big change in this show. Don't know if it is sponsor-driven or they are just trying to re-define the program after being stuck between NASCAR Now and NASCAR Countdown.
All three panelists came out of the trailer and walked up to and onto the stage to start the show.
We need more crowd and fans. Less talking heads. Keep the audio going but show us the fans.
I disagree about showing more of the crowd. ESPN ruined College Gameday with so much emphasis on the crowds. What used to be a great informative show to start the day for college football turned into a mess.
Just my two cents...
The difference is that the football crowd is there for only two teams and they go to all the games.
These people drive from very far away, make homemade signs and will most probably not get to another race this season.
Taking time to acknowledge the NASCAR fans in this show would make a big difference now that it is on so early.
NASCAR Now just covered most of this info and at 1PM NASCAR Countdown is going to cover it again. RaceDay has to change and change fast.
At least they are changing somethings already in this show.
btw..adding Hermie as a second reporter was also a good idea.
Wow...lots of changes. College football and Rutledge.
I actually liked that Rutledge bit. Probably the first one I ever have.
Wow! Didn't think my analogy with college football would come into play today :)
If you knew the reality behind the college football chaos on ESPN this year you would be livid.
Disney is in charge of college football like they took over the NFL on ESPN...have you seen Musburger on the college football daily show?
Gameday is now only promoting the ESPN games and talking about the conferences that ESPN shows. It is a mess.
SPEED has been trying to re-define RaceDay after the schedule change.
I noticed the lack of covering non-Disney games at the start of last year but they had to mention them towards the end of the season.
Be a good time for Fox Sports Net or Versus to step up with a morning show.
Nice Real Deal with Newman.
Noticed Mrs. Newman's controversy was not addressed.
You mean the David Newton stuff?
Yep. It's one thing to say no comment but another to be indignant about it. Not taking ESPN's or Newton's side in it, but I'm sure the thought has occurred to everyone in the wake of the signing.
West Coast Diane said:
I thought I remembered several other RD's where the gang walked or came in on carts at beginning of show. Love Wendy, but her piece on the JGR "magnet" NW issue was the worst. Not even sure what she said it was so convoluted. Glad we can DVR some of this stuff.
Newton just said what Newman asked the media not to say until he had made his final decision. Do you think there is still an issue?
Good memory. They sure did try that before and also had a wide variety of guests and displays around the stage.
It should be interesting to see what this show becomes down the stretch.
I wondered the same thing about the omission of the ESPN reporter. :)
Also I do not enjoy seeing the fans waving signs and screaming on the live tv shows. If I can BARELY hear the tv guys due to the crowd, I turn OFF the tv.
This happens a lot on Trackside. either make the show for the viewers at home or the fans. but if the fans TAKE AWAY from the ability to "hear interviews" or look at tv screen without needing a dramamine, not good tv picture imo.
JD why would the producer not want Kenny to mention Macon?
I am glad somebody else noticed Wendy's 'explanation' of the magnet issue.
I thought I needed another cup of coffee as I was not following her at all..wonder if somebody was talking in her ear with updates as she spoke. :)
I think it would have been a good time to wrap up the issue, it's not like everyone suddenly has amnesia about it.
Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
Has amnesia about what?
I got distracted and thought I was watching a very long promo for Wrecked..then realized, time to turn the station, lol.
No clue nrf. Don't forget Robin Miller on SPEED Report and Wind Tunnel tonight.
Wendys explaination of the JGR issue was a mess but the follow up cleared it all up for me. Real Deal on the other hand was great and I am OK with not mentioning the Newton/Chrissy issue, Chrissy addressed it in her blog and that the only place she commented on it in the first place as far as I can tell.
I went at it pretty good with Newton. He thinks he has an obligation to report what the teams tell him. Almost all of the NASCAR media waited like Ryan asked them to until he signed the deal. Its a choice.
Has amnesia about what?
I love that! :)
The dust up with the reporting that Newman was going to Stewart-Haas and Mrs. Newman's response.
Not to get into this again but did Newman ask them not to say anything about Stewart-Haas or the whole process of deciding where to go?
Isn't Wendy's husband a Gibbs employee? I believe he is a member of the #20 team. That could explain her convoluted explanantion.
I knew about the dust up...I just couldn't resist playing the ditzy blond. :)
Course, my roots are dark.
Still, as JD said, reporters have a choice. I would rather sit on a story and keep the respect of the drivers if I worked in the biz but that's easy to say from home I guess.
West Coast Diane said:
One general comment: Can ALL the shows on ESPN, FOX, SPEED, TNT, etc., stop with the loud music when anyone is speaking and especially when doing "scanner" plays. YIKES! Do you want us to hear what is being said or are you selling a CD!! Thank you...think I'll have another cup of coffee!!!
AMEN about your loud music comment. They need to STOP doing that on TWIN as well.
sigh... ;-)
He repeatedly told the media that just because anonymous team PR folks are leaking that he is signed does not mean he has signed anything. He was flat-out in his denial.
Newton has pressure from ESPN to scoop stuff and be first. He feels that as long as he says it is from anon sources that he is OK in doing it.
When almost none of the traveling NASCAR media reports the same thing, that points to the difference between the way ESPN treats fact and the way other mainstream publications treat it.
Where ESPN is concerned, this is going to be an on-going debate as silly season plays out.
Hopefully the other "Media" will not go the same route as ESPN, I will be really disappointed if they do.
Mr. Newton will have a "gotcha" in his future. It will come when he least expects it and from a direction he least expects.
Going to be interesting. :)
@anon 1:10--yes she's married to Jason Shapiro...he's now the Car Chief but was the Engine Tuner for many years :). But she definitely has 'sperience in having to be unbiased in reporting...she reported on ARCA for many years where her brother Billy ran. And I remember when Billy got hurt that thin line.
Gymmie - sorry to say but you are wrong. Wendy is married to Jarrad Egert - not Jason Shapiro. Jarrad does work for Joe gibbs racing in the engine department.
Ray Dunlap referred to the Yates teams as "Roush Lite." That is a good one.
Hey, its Mr. E. and not Mr. S. on the Wendy deal.
I don't see a conflict of interest with her talking about the Gibbs penalty. She was straight-up as usual. That is a college educated and very experienced TV personality. She is not going to risk a credibility gap in her reporting on any NASCAR subject.
I'm tuning in late but what happened to the stage?
At several tracks, the location and size of Victory Lane make the guys sit in chairs. Sometimes, it is off to the side.
If memory serves me, the same thing is up for Bristol on Saturday night.
I don't watch every week, in fact I haven't watched since before the Saturday races. Just looks odd, they don't seem to know which camera is on and the cuts are really slow.
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