The chaos of Dover is about to unleash itself on the 43 teams in the Sprint Cup Series. That is the known. The unknown is how that chaos will be handled by the ESPN on ABC production team.
Just as Dover calls for the drivers to be "up on the wheel" all the time, the track also calls for the TV announcers and crew to be "alert and focused" for the entire event. Which will be the bigger challenge is yet to be seen.
It will be Allen Bestwick anchoring the pre-race coverage from the Infield Pit Studio. If there was ever a track that sends Brad Daugherty completely over the edge, Dover is it. Look for the cheerleading volume to be set on high. Rusty Wallace rounds-out the infield panel and he has a great perspective on this track. Look for the Producer to try and use Wallace during the race for observations and questions to Andy Petree and Tim Brewer.
Petree will be with his broadcast partner Dale Jarrett and the face of ESPN's NASCAR coverage, Jerry Punch. This trio hosted the Nationwide Series race on Saturday and Punch struggled to even remember the names of the drivers in the cars. Often, it was Jarrett or Petree who called the action on the track or alerted Punch to a caution flag. This on-air dynamic will be key to watch as the 400 laps slowly tick away.
The pit road at Dover is completely inadequate. The four ESPN pit reporters are going to have to put in a little extra effort all day long where pit stops are concerned. Things happen quickly and there were both pit crew injuries and a pit road accident during the Nationwide race.
Unfortunately, all 200 laps of the Saturday race clicked away without ESPN being able to offer even one full-field rundown. While the ticker on the screen may carry the position of the cars and even some minimal data, only the pit reporters can fill-in the fans on the stories behind the positions on the track of the teams. Keep an eye on how often a rundown is offered, and what positions the network chooses to update.
There are two bridges over the Dover track and it is important to note how hard the Director has to work to eliminate them from the TV coverage. While they will be seen on replays and aerial shots, the ability of the cameraman to frame the shot just under the bridge on each and every lap makes for smooth coverage for the viewers at home.
Dover also lends itself to "speed shots" on the front stretch and from track level. Mixing these into the coverage helps the Director to convey to the fans the real feeling of speed as the hundreds of laps wind-down. The "speed shot" is where a small lipstick size camera is mounted in a fixed position and the cars speed by close to the lens.
Replays under green have been an issue at Dover for years. Choosing to replay a pit road incident or even a pass on the track while the race is green means flirting with disaster. Showing the replay full-screen is the big risk, but by using two video boxes on the screen and keeping the "line cut" of the race visible the Director can always switch quickly to the live box in the event of an accident.
On Saturday, pit reporter Shannon Spake moved to the Infield Medical Center and attempted to interview the drivers involved in incidents on the track. This is a crucial issue for the fans. In last week's race, ESPN was only interested in interviewing drivers if they were involved in The Chase. Anyone outside of the top 12 was suddenly not important.
What the network forgot was that NASCAR fans keep their drivers all season, and in many cases for a lifetime. Simply because that driver did not make The Chase does not change the loyalty of the fans. With all the incidents at Dover, watching to see who ESPN chooses to interview could be a big tip about the network's coverage philosophy over the final Sprint Cup events.
In the old days, the TV crew used to call this race "The 24 Hours of Dover" because of the multiple caution flags and the grinding 400 laps. Perhaps, the dynamic of The Chase will lead to more conservative racing and long green flag runs.
NASCAR Countdown hits the air at 1PM and race coverage begins at 2PM. You should be able to find both programs on your local ABC television station.
This post will serve to host your comments about the ESPN on ABC coverage of the Sprint Cup Series race from Dover. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thank you for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
1 – 200 of 325 Newer› Newest»I'm prepared to roll my eyes with all the annoying promos for Dancing With The Stars and Grey's.
Not to sound ignorant but doesn't ABC know that the NASCAR demographic is in the male dominated 18-49 bracket?
I really wish Allen was in the booth with Dale and Andy.
I caught part of an ESPN college football game with Dan Fouts and Tim Brant in the booth not too long ago.
While both are ex-players, Brant is sports director for the ABC affiliate in D.C. and yet is the "analyst."
Which is to suggest, there's no reason why Dale and/or Andy couldn't or shouldn't carry the PbB weight. Its just that I think they should acknowledge that somehow since it is what keeps happening anyway.
Back in the day, TNN had a booth of Eli Gold, Buddy Baker and Dr. Dick Bergren for a while, and ABC had Jack Arute as a booth analyst on the IRL one year. Reporters as analysts can work.
Oh, and if NewsCorp hasn't had it pulled yet, there's a clip of the final out of the T.B. - Minnesota baseball game on Youtube, Mike Joy may have the most famous call in Rays history (unless they win the World Series and Joe Buck/Tim McCarver get it)
@adam - yup I wish it were AB too. #$%^ just won't listen to us fans.
Mike Joys call has had lots of re plays here in Tampa.
An interview with Truex Jr. Isnt he NOT in the chase? So much for the notion ESPN only cares about Chase drivers.
Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, let's take a nap, boys!
Dr Jerry Punch is in the house, giving a large shout-out to all insomniacs: "Ready your Bingo cards, sleepy race fans, because I am going to call out some car numbers until you are in REM sleep!"
Truex is as close as you can get to a hometown boy for this track. He's got an eagles helmet (philly football team) and won last year. Looks like the Mummers are there again (saw them in June) think feathers, string band and New years parade, can't get any more local Philly than that.
Anon at 1:15pm: One non-Chase driver interview does not mean a thing. We look for consistency in the coverage.
Anonymous said...
Anon at 1:15pm: One non-Chase driver interview does not mean a thing. We look for consistency in the coverage.
September 21, 2008 1:21 PM
OMG..Get of your high horse!
Mark Martin makes it two....
Looks like a nice day with a very good crowd. That is certainly what The Chase needed.
Should be some nice pictures once the race starts.
Wow, still swinging at Junior. Punch questioned his fitness? That is a new one. I see Massaro did not broach that topic. Smart move.
Not to pick on ESPN this early in the show, however.....
If you have to use the audio from MRN/PRN in the opening of your show to make the finish of last weeks race EXCITING, you got problems.
Good first segment with the biff Brad asked a very good question, that led to an even better answer about why he stayed with the 16 team last year.
@adam--I watched Grey's once and was bored to tears...I don't get it. I usually watch DWTS but I'll be skipping most of it this year...not excited about any of the celbs..but I was happy to read that Lacey from SYTYCD is added. Maybe Benji will drop by to help :)
@anon 1:15--well considering that he won here and that he's a "hometown boy" being from 2ish hours away in Joisey I'm sure that played into it. But when we get into the actual race we'll see if TV only thinks there are 12 guys out there short of when Miles needs a snack and eats some of the non-chasers. Remember they've also interviewed N'wide only guys on the pre-race show but only talked about the Cup guys & J.Lo the entire race. So interviewing Racer X doesn't mean they'll talk about him or the other guys short of an accident or other issue with their car in their 4 hour braodcast. Since they did actually interview the "no names" as they came out of the care center we have a *small* very *small* hope they'll do the same today and may actually talk about the other 31 guys out there.
Quick question that I haven't been around long enough to know the answer to. Why did Nascar shift the start times to later in the day when they race on Sundays? It doesn't seem like it would be a great idea to start the race a little over an hour after the NFL starts their games and sports fans have watched them for an hour already.
Race fans are always race fans and will tune in to the race, but sports fans who like to watch all sports seem tough to convince to change from a game they've invested an hour into to simply change the channel and forget about it.
Tough slate for Nascar today, with football, baseball, and golf already in progress with major implications in each sport.
Hope nothing happens to Greg Biffle this week seems they are on his bandwagon. If he wrecks it'll be Greg Who then. I am so tired of hearing about Busch's problem last week and their lovefest with him. They haven't mentioned outside the chase drivers much either.
They're bragging about the "great" new drug testing policy. The only one who questioned anything was Rusty who questioned why there are no specific drugs. The new drug policy is useless. You can be assured there will never be a "random" drug test of a star and if someone tests positive for something, it won't be known because of the publicity it would generate (unless it is one who has had an issue with NASCAR for other reasons. There will never be an effective drug policy until it is forced on NA$CAR due to a serious wreck with death or serious injuries.
Good afternoon all - lets hope for a better broadcast today.
They mentioned the NASCAR "new" drug policy issue and they always seem to ask "Is it a good idea "?
I've yet to hear anyone say it ISN'T a good idea.
But then they just skim over the Marcia Grant issue. I can't recall anyone asking opinions on that particular subject.
Touchy issue, but I'd like to hear someone ask if the "firings" of 2 NASCAR offcials were a good or bad idea.
"Punch questioned his fitness? That is a new one."
Not really. Even some of his fans have noticed this season how red and winded Jr looks when he gets out of the car and does interviews. He looks completely different than the other Hendrick drivers - most drivers in general, really - when he finishes a race. He can barely talk sometimes, like he's struggling for breath. His fans weren't mentioning it out of criticism, they were concerned and wondering if he was neglecting his health.
I read somewhere that he was trying to improve his eating habits by having healthy meals from a NASCAR catering delivered to his house and working with a trainer, so Jr knows his cardiovascular fitness could keep him from being at his best. That was months ago, though so who knows if he kept it up.
I don't think Punch was out of line on that. Jr being out of breath is seen by anyone who watches weekly. Who knows? Tony may be able to get away with being unfit because he's unnaturally gifted, but perhaps it hurts other drivers and their potential, so it's worth mentioning for a Chase contender.
The race times have been creeping back for a while now. The networks want the races to end at 6PM so they can fill the sports block right up to the end.
We have been talking about it for two years now since the new TV contract came into play. The only trouble is when the race runs long things are a mess. It also does not allow for a post-race.
We need to keep an eye on ESPNEWS when the race is over and see if they blow-off the post-race press conferences that they have been covering all season. Last week was a poor effort.
Hey Erik, why don't you just sign-in?
Last week at Loudon I noticed that the pit reporters actually talked ON CAMERA / MIC with some of the crew chiefs.
I liked it alot. I'd much rather hear the crew chief one on one, opposed to Shannon, Jamie, etc... doing the "he said this", "he said that", "he told me this" routine.
I'm growing tired of the pit reporters leading into a segment by saying, "Earlier this weekend I spoke to so & so and he told me..."
Getting the crew cheif "off the box" for comments is a bit old school... but I prefer that.
AF base is pratically within walking distance and the flyover is late? Oops
It's been a Yankee-a-thon on ESPN since 1 PM because of the stadium closing tonight. Live coverage and taped specials about the stadium, then Baseball Tonight, then the pregame ceremonies, then the game. It will be all Yankees coverage on ESPN until at least midnight and they're not even going to the playoffs. Not too much room for NASCAR today.
JD I just noticed on tha pic you have that it totally illustrates ESPN's problem, the 3 announcers are watching TV and not looking out the window. BTW what track is that?
Bill H
Yep, the Yankee thing really tells the tale for me. I was joking with some ESPN friends months back when they cut into regular programming because Joe Torre was taking the field in LA for the first time. It wasn't a game, he was just walking into the stadium.
Did anyone hear if ESPN used Mike Joy's call of the Tampa Rays final out last night on SportsCenter?
If you click on the pic it will open full-size in your browser. Then you should be able to tell what track it is and see a lot more detail about the broadcast booth. Thanks to the ESPN PR guys for the pic.
newracefan said...
"AF base is pratically within walking distance and the flyover is late? Oops"
hey there, nrf!! not sure what happens but each time i've gone to dover, the flyover is either late OR early but never actually flying over during the anthem. i've never understood, either. you could throw a rock and hit the base pretty much!
dr punch just tried to throw the segment to truex as in race reporter but oops! time for a commercial instead.
sounds like i didn't miss anything on the espn/abc pre-race marathon. no surprise.
During the pre-race show, we had a press conference from Washington regarding Congress passing legislation to help Hurricane Ike's victims with our taxes, etc. So even though the pre-race was in one box, there was no audio. Hopefully, our phone service won't be disrupted again this afternoon like previous days. Still lots of folks in Houston without power and it's really hot and humid today.
Before things get started, also a big thanks to Jay Busbee over at Yahoo! Sports for putting TDP in the Marbles blog on the Evernham issue. Lots of email on that one.
Before we get started with the race, something else I'd like to see ESPN do is.....
With their "vault" of NASCAR Cup races, ESPN should start incorporating some NASCAR footage from 20 - 25 years ago.
There is plenty of time in the COUNTDOWN show to due a quick segment utilizing old footage.
They could still edit the footage in "todays" style with audio and fancy editing, but for long time / dedicated / loyal fans and ESPN followers, this would be a HUGE hit for us.
We regularly hear about the great history of NASCAR.... lets start seeing more of that history.
I forgot that Truex was the in car driver so I retract my earlier comments about ignoring him *giggle*
sorry for this diversion jd but as a phlly fan, i just gotta say: i LOVE truex's eagles helmet!
I know the feeling! Got an uncle in Pearland who needs a new house and friends in Beaumont who are still bailing.
The team painted it for him so its official. He is a huge Eagles fan.
anyone know how the tire changers for keselowski's n'wide car are today? i didn't watch the pre-show: did they mention it at all? looked nasty yesterday, to be sure.
Yeas as of right now - Biffle is Points leader!!!!!1 Yes
And Jeff Gordon is 5th in points!Wow that was a great race... what there is still a race going on?
Red missed the NW race in transit from the Outer Banks by way of Williamsburg. What happend to Brad's guys?
On PitCommand the Dale Jr. channel is just like a test pattern sound ,I was just wondering if it is me or is anyone else noticed it.Anything to do with last week and E$PN and their "Story" of scanner talk.
daly planet editor said...
The team painted it for him so its official. He is a huge Eagles fan."
yeppers: he is an "all teams philly" guy in a major way! i don't think he's ever had that helmet, tho' and it is SWEET!
Don't get me started about hubby not recording the NW race yesterday. Sorry I missed it and hope the crew members are ok today.
So once again the audio on raceview is just a high pitched hum - sigh
3bud - at the tone the time wil be, 2:22 beeeeeep
3bud, All scanners were that annoying tone but the 48 was ok before the green flag.
The Good Hands move this early?!?
Why don't they just call it good hands move of the first 5 minutes? If they're going to give out a "reward" for something from the whole race, they should do it after the race.
nrf: car fell off the jack as the tire changer's hand was pulling the tire. car dropped onto his hand and trapped it until the jackman could get it jacked back up. tire changer went to infield care and they "borrowed" a tire changer from the#5 car for the balance of the race.
broadcasters also said the other tire changer got his hand jammed as well but i didn't see that on the tv and there was no word about him going to infield care.
If KB stays near Jr all day I know what we will be seing on the TV's
Bill H
Cutting straight to the wreck? Very nice.
Thanks Red, you would think that someone would have mentioned that on one of the online articles about the race.
I guess the 99 was more important then watching the car that is actually spinning and hitting the inside wall.
Some channels on the Trackpass Scanner aren't working for me. Anybody else having this problem?
jo said...
"The Good Hands move this early?!?"
yeah, ironic, isn't it? wonder if they are regretting that now and wishing they could have given it to the #99!
hey sean. word is trackpass is having server problems. don't know if that helps but i can tell you it's probably not from your end.
Do we know who else pitted besides Biffle?
Noticed yesterday Kool Aid Man let the "Lucky Dawg" slip yesterday during the Wide race and he corrected him self with the "Lucky Pass". Wonder if he will slip again today?
Typed too soon, thanks ESPN. Wow didn't think I would ever do that
Starting to pick up it up now thanks.
After 23 laps the only time they have shown JG in the lead is on the restart. Now if it was bush.....
i have to say it: i'm missing BP and his "jamie mac mary" a ton right now.
I switched down to PitCommand - it is working
Red amen to that with Biffs win last week he has been very much on my mind.
Haha red, I agree. I loved BP's mispronunciation of McMurray.
It's funny because I was thinking along the same lines when JP said he was shot out of a cannon.. there's a YouTube video out there that has BP saying someone was shot "out of a canyon"
I guess Camping World did not buy any ABC TV commercials...
Just turn OFF the pit reporters microphones !!
They add very little - if ANYTHING at all.
I'm going to be forced to go to the radio broadcast.
Did DJ just tell us who got lapped, that's a first
Sounds like someone told Punch to throw in a few Camping World plugs.
Nice TV directing getting around the 2 bridges..
I'm still trying to figure out WHERE Marcus Lemonis and the Affinity Group found all of this money to sponsor the racecars/trucks, races, series ...
Maybe they should pick up the sponsorship for the Truck series too ...
So, 50 laps in and time for a reset. Maybe the first Bestwick cut-in perhaps?
JD - I was just thinking the same thing concerning getting good video without getting the bridges in the shot.
I think that high camera inside of turn 3 is new, dont recall seeing that previously.
I hate a lot of these local commercials ... esp the ones that are telling me to go buy a new car (that's not a Nascar brand) ...
Well, ABC is calling it the Sprint Cup Series from Dover sponsored by the Principal Financial Group.
Apparently, Camping World did not pony up for TV ads so they get shut out by ABC.
This is what I talked about in the column. Using Bestwick and company to give Punch a breather, but doing it without putting the infield on-camera.
RE Jrs' health, does anyone really think he quit smoking in '03? I don't and I bet there are few if any other drivers. in cup at least, that still do, just a thought.
The freakin ticker is back!!
I agree JD good shots - no bridges.
AB calls the wreck & sends it to Doc
Even a couple minutes of Allen Bestwick as the PbP guy shows how much better he is than Dr. Punch - he managed to put emotion into that shot of the 78.
MRN was estimating a green flag run would be about 75-80 laps ...
That's not going to work out too well today for some people ...
Heavy contact? WTH his tire blew, I guess it's heavy contact between the right frint fender and the right tire rubber that blew off. Was JP even watching the race at all since AB called the blow out?
So far not too bad. No pre-taped garbage and focusing on more than just the Chasers. I'm disappointed that there was no Carpentier interview though. ESPN did well in that area yesterday but are 0/1 so far today. Let's hope Joe Nemechek gets interviewed (if he's behind the wall) and they don't fall to 0/2.
As the race progresses, we should be hearing a lot more of AB.
nice shot right there of the ENTIRE field coming beneath the bridge.
Disney needs to change the font they use in the ticker ...
It doesn't get clear til the name's about to go off the screen on the left ...
They just restarted and there is a TON of racing in the field, and that is the time for ESPN to keep the camera on Kenseth at the front and do a pre-taped interview with Kenseth?
hey jd? is there a reason we get the "big driver head" in the larger screen and the actual racing in the smaller screen? it seems counter-intuitive to me.
And again, a ton of racing that should be called, and instead we hear a pit road reporter talking about one driver's strategy instead of any play-by-play.
stricklinfan82 said...
So far not too bad. No pre-taped garbage and focusing on more than just the Chasers.
I apologize for jinxing it guys.
So why does the 00 have bearbond on the right rear quarterpanel? Hit the wall, another car?
Nice to see some racing!!!!
OK...spoke too soon.
dang it sfan - you had to say somethign!
dumb question I couldn't find on the tracks website.....
Do they still have the seats in the bridge?
There's another press conference on our channel and we're missing the sound for the race, but I guess that could be called a good thing.
Yesterday we got decent coverage - today bad coverage.
Doc excited w/ comm'l break & now we get bumpers leading to comm'l.
Thank heavens for MRN
A thru the field maybe?
really, really good pictures today. Jerry doesn't actually sound tired today, just mostly unenlightening and superfluous as usual. Hoping for a rundown at 100 laps.
Grover there are 2 bridges one has seats one doesn't
It looks like both bridges are now for pedestrians.
No interview with Joe I guess. Is he listed as off the track?
JD it looks like JN is back on the track.
Joe is on the track....3 laps down.
Joe is being -3 not out yet
daly planet editor said...
"It looks like both bridges are now for pedestrians."
that would be VERY surprising as those seats are corporate seats and bring in some nice $$ for the track. could be that we're seeing folks walk around on that bridges: there is room to do that up there.
it still shows on the website as being a seating area.
Thanks, this is the time of the race when the excitement starts to wear-off and the reality of 400 laps hits like a ton of bricks.
I think the 78 fixed it on pit road not the garage but am not sure. The 10 has been back for a while now not that ESPN noticed
I can't complain, ABC has gone to the Galveston press conference, it's good I have the internet up and running this afternoon - I'm checking TDP and live leaderboard.
I know this was talked about before, but if I was Camping World I would be livid with NASCAR for allowing ABC to shine Camping World. They have been doing so much for the sport in the way of sponsorship. I hope it doesn't make them want to pick up their jacks and go home. It's hard as it is to get sponsorships as it is.
Way too many drivers HAVE NOT even been mentioned today.
This persistent problem really needs to change.
Even if and when a car is being lapped is at least an opportunity to mention that driver and team.
Why do they think Robby should roll over for the leader ... that just happens to be a Chaser??
Aric Almirola won the Camping World race this weekend and Matt Kobyluck (sp?) won the championship.
I wish RaceDay or NASCAR Countdown had at least mentioned it.
Debris caution any lap now.
Anon @ 3:15 PM - I think Marcus Lemonis & Camping World (aka Affinity Group) are in for the long haul ... as Marcus is now on the board to save the Milwaukie Mile ...
The networks have been selling the "broadcast" for awhile ... whilst Nascar sells the "race" ...
Ken-Michigan said...
Way too many drivers HAVE NOT even been mentioned today.
This persistent problem really needs to change.
Even if and when a car is being lapped is at least an opportunity to mention that driver and team.
September 21, 2008 3:16 PM
Agreed Ken - that said they haven't even mentioned the real name of the race.
No wonder sponsors are leaving in a tight economy. Why stay if you get no mention for your $$$
Dot I guess you noticed Jr is in danger of getting lapped too
OK, time for the full field rundown please.....
Right on, nrf.
jd, we may get the top 15 if we're lucky. too much unimportant information being jammed into the reports.
JD, ask and you will receive.
Up to Speed featuring all the drivers, not just the Chasers. Another improvement over last week. If I jinx this too like I did with the "thanks for no pre-taped garbage" comment I promise I will stop praising ESPN, LOL.
huh. top 10 and right to a commercial. why am i not too surprised?
Could we have any more comm'ls?
Only the top 10 and to a commercial. Perhaps 11 on after. Please Please Please
JD - Maybe NRD and/or Countdown would've covered the East results IF the real driver (Jeffrey Earnhardt) of that car had won the race ... instead of the guy (Aric) who got thrown into at the last moment ...
Yes, it's Kobyluck ... I saw one story that had it spelled "Kobyluck" for part of the article and then the last half had it as "Kotyluck" ...
nrf - you are being optimistic aren't you?
3 wide with the 48 and we're at commercial and now he's blowing up??
Split Screen PLEASE for green flag stops !!
Stay in touch with the leader at all times.
Need a caution? Be the caution.
Guess JJ notices the 18 was blowing up, I like that idea much better. Jr did a great job keeping it off the wall.
Another driver proves that you can't go a full fuel run without problems ...
dot said...
Need a caution? Be the caution.
you make me laugh!
wonder if they'll actually send the #18 back out that way?
Galveston press conference completed. Bet there was a big sigh of relief that JR didn't hit the wall. Poor KB.
Kobyluck is a rather interesting story actually. Now that he's actually competitive in the Camping World East series, he should move up quickly since he can be a cough . . . pay driver . . . cough cough.
He's a member of the Mohegan Tribe, operators of the Mohegan Sun casino that sponsor his car.
Nice save by Jr. Kyle is blown up -
What will happen to the script?
Um, Kyle, when you've got smoke pouring out of your exhaust it might be a good idea to stay in the pit.
I think the guy who called into Wind Tunnel last week predicting Kyle Busch would "implode" might have been spot on based on those radio comments that just aired. Sarcastic celebration and flashing back to his '06 Chase meltdown.... uh oh. I'd hate to be the ESPN reporter that has to interview him.
Tony on radio said he smells oil burning from 18 . maybe KB should have stayed on pit road?
Is it bad to say that I'm smiling at the 18?
They should've stayed out to lead a lap, and then pit.. but that's just me.
As far as the coverage goes, it's been decent.
@ Jo,
The script will be revised to how KyB could've been the Champ. If he didn't have 2 mulligans.
Should we actually expect Kyle Busch to grant ESPN an interview ??
We'll see very soon.
Hi all. Late to the party.
Anon @ 3:30 PM - Kobyluck has tried his hand at the Busch series ... But, didn't have any luck ... unfortunately ...
@ Strick, What interview? KyB's planning his escape.
So, Tim, is that bad? What a wonderfully uninformative answer.
Oh Lord the dreaded blown piston. Oil in the cockpit, perhaps Nascar should black flag him cause it probably on the track too. Hopefully no one will find it.
LOL ( drama alert) but who will replace him? what could have been for shrubby?
Jr needs to get away from 18 car
brotherflounder said...
" So, Tim, is that bad? What a wonderfully uninformative answer"
ok, folks: looks as if TDP comedy tour may be back on!
wonder if JGR will pay the teams that the #18 wrecks when he blows up and drops oil.
Imagine the grief if KB drops oil and Jr wipes out as a result...
MRN vs ESPN difference...
Brewer smugly tells us the EXACT reason that he "thinks" Busch has a problem. Only he has had problems in the past with his credibility and it would be hard for him to tell us right now EXACTLY if that is the problem.
Meanwhile, MRN goes the opposite route, as they say it's hard to tell EXACTLY what the problem is and they don't want to speculate.
Back to mute for ESPN.
why are they letting KB run around the track?
How did the 45 get 7 laps down?
All Kyle Busch all the time for ESPN. Let's keep the camera and analysis on him the whole race ESPN.
How about focusing on the rest of the field...the good and bad?
NRF, we will never ever find out why the 45 is 7 laps down. He's not in the chase!
Vicky D said...
why are they letting KB run around the track?
September 21, 2008 3:38 PM
Because he's in the CHASE & that makes him important !!
Because hes Kyle?
Because no one is paying attention?
And I hate how ESON has a chance to reset the field at a caution like this, since a lot has changed since the last restart, but instead they always run to commercial, don't update anything, and come back right in time for the green flag.
How does anyone that follows the race only by using the TV know what's happening 3/4 of the time?
"Since the leaders aren't pitting, we'll take this opportunity to not show anyone."
I have not seen a real reason given for this caution.
84 smoking was the reason ??
Further reason to have a NASCAR official IN THE ESPN BOOTH to explain.
@Anon 341
Thats why we multi task!!!
Foxtrax, MRN Pit command & TV & Blog so we know whats going on!!
MRN said that the 18 team thinks it's a valve issue ...
But, the color of the smoke & smell look like what I've seen on blown head gaskets ...
I sure wish Jerry would call the restarts and add some excitement into the telecast like Rick Allen.
wait, i'm confused: they threw a caution when the #84 was smoking b/c of rubbing with the #9 but not when the #18 was pluming smoke? hmmm.
"Want to" run into the side of him? He just did!
red said...
wait, i'm confused: they threw a caution when the #84 was smoking b/c of rubbing with the #9 but not when the #18 was pluming smoke? hmmm.
September 21, 2008 3:44 PM
Who benefited from the caution?
Amen on Rick Allen's call on the restarts. His voice is a bit to "broadcaster" IMO, but he really doese a great job on the truck races.
Jamie not happy with Robby :(
Poor Jamie, looks like Robby was being Robby and someone else got screwed. Have heard couple of comments on the scanner that he was being difficult even though he was lapped as usual
anonymous said...
"MRN said that the 18 team thinks it's a valve issue ...
But, the color of the smoke & smell look like what I've seen on blown head gaskets ..."
my first thought as well especially when the #18 reported he had oil in the cockpit and the #20 said he could smell the burning oil.
Where's the other camera shot?? From before they come into that one camera's view?? Show us what really happened ...
Maybe Kyle's dropped oil on the track ...
A few yrs ago, someone had engine problems and dropped oil ... Nascar didn't "see" it and Kasey Kahne hit it & then the wall ...
11 car's leaking oil/grease out of the right rear
THANK YOU.... finally some real audio with a crew chief.
MRN reports Hamlin with oil leaking. Will ESPN mention this? Because they come back for the restart and the focus is STILL on Kyle Busch.
No update on McMurray. Just an interview with Busch's crew chief. C;mon espn.
Looks like the 18 is gonna run till it drops blown valve or gasket ( I thinks its the head gasket) - why no black flag???
11 leaking ? oil/grease? & no black flag????
Safety is supposed to be a priority?
nice shot of that bumper panel flying off the #77.
Call it curiosity, but what adjustments is the 88 crew making on Jr? You'd think that question would be of interest to probably 40% of the tv audience...
There's seriously got to be oil on the track
I guess when the chasers have issues and are dropping oil or whathaveyou, safety is not a problem.
How about some sound from Mcmurray.
Fastest car of the race and he's in the garage.
Go get em Shannon !!
anonymous said...
"There's seriously got to be oil on the track"
you would think so, wouldn't you. but, nascar's allowing 2 cars to continue to run who have reported oil issues so apparently not (said with just the right amount of sarcasm.) wonder if espn will give us info on the #11 car anytime soon?
(and al at racingmetal.com is gonna be THRILLED to get that #77 bumper cover for his site, i bet!)
I'm off to the pool. Read you guys later. Have fun. Only 6 or 7 more cautions until Jr's back on the lead lap.
This is going to be a key interview with Kyle.
Broken tie rods and toe issues on Jamie's car
I feel so much smarter after Brewer's explanation!
If that's what on pitroad I wonder what's on the track. I bet the 26 and the 99 teams are PO'd and the 26 was already not happy. Guess Kyle's not in the mood to talk, can't really blame him. Perhaps Jamie can put her time to good use and find McMurray
No Kyle for you, Jamie!
Oil in pit stalls & crews on hands and knees cleaning it up!
Nice shots of pit road.
Kyle & Denny both leaking oil & Sam wrecks.
Remember Safety is #1 - thats why we are watching IROCstyle cars, and subpar racing!
But let a CHASER or 2 leak oil & NA$CAR ignores it!
WOW... Jamie Little is right there and ESPN wont throw it to her ??
Poor Jamie Little.. the pit reporters must've drawn straws to see who would get the honor of interviewing KB.
That is if he graces us with his intelligent words.. maybe he'll upgrade from duh to "derrr" this time.
Why didn't Jamie Little "grab" Kyle like she did to Dan Wheldon at Texas in 06 to get the interview?? LOL
daly planet editor said...
This is going to be a key interview with Kyle.
you really think jamie's gonna get that interview, jd? she's hanging around at the hauler but i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she gets blown off by young mr busch. he's got to be unbelievably disappointed and, as much as he annoys me, i say leave him be.
(and i'll deny i ever said that!)
I am very happy that ESPN has decided to let the pit reporters interview the crew chiefs on the box as they did in the old day. Like Randy on SPEED is sticking the mic back in the driver window on the grid during quals.
I think that there is no doubt that when there is a good race the coverage is better, and it is not just our perspective that changes.
I think the biggest improvement over the last few races has been in the pits. Also the use of the infield studio but not on camera.
The consistant lack of full field rundowns is the most glareing thing that ESPN could fix over the next eight races to drasticly improve coverage. Along with the consistant mention of who has gone a lap down and why and the lucy dog.
How does she even allow Busch to just walk by ??
I'M OUTTA HERE..... i'm watching NFL !
Kyle's letting Jamie cool her heels for awhile til he grants her an interview. Not fair for Carl's pit crew having to be on their hands and knees cleaning the oil up in their pit stall.
So, what ESPN should be doing right now is setting up the big halfway recap. That should be the full field rundown from top to bottom. Even if they started with tenth it would be fine.
After the pit stops and out of the commercials, it should almost be time for the big "scene set."
JD or anyone who knows for sure
question??? Do the drivers have their handlers head off reporters (like Jamie just now) so the reporter stays away?
@rick--EXACTLY! When Wendy was explaining Schrader & Bobby having to share stall and she said something about "when you see Schrader pitting you'll see the 43 crew pitting the car". I was thinking, "Well I know you do the HotPass so don't see this but short of a major incident or a glimpse because a "name" drives by for some odd reason we aren't going to see it happening"
Poor Sammy :(
Tony up to 9th no mention
JD did you start Happy Hour early?
MRN interviewing Marcus Lemonis about Camping World sponsorship ...
They're doing at-track market research ... looking at their options for the future of their sponsorships ... to see which markets work best for them ...
JD are playing the drinking game w/o me??? or us???
A one mile track ... and another missed shot ... Instead of seeing Hornish, we see the tops of the haulers ...
Has ESPN shown us if Bobby Labonte and Kenny Schrader moved their pit stall? I haven't heard any mention of it yet.
Addington thinks it might valve springs or lifter issues on the 18
anonymous said...
A one mile track ... and another missed shot ... Instead of seeing Hornish, we see the tops of the haulers ..
yeah, but i'm guessing they were CHASE haulers so that would make it all OK, right?
(off to get a boddington's ale during this commercial: be right back.)
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