Krista Voda starts the coverage of the NCTS from Talladega on Saturday at 3:30PM. SPEED enjoys this race, but the low count of Trucks in the event may put a whammy on the excitement.
Voda handles a thirty minute preview show called The Set-Up and then turns things over to Rick Allen to call the action. Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip will be joining Allen in the booth to analyze the race.
Down on pit road will be the NCTS regulars Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander. Viewers get a positive surprise this week as SPEED has added a third pit reporter. Yep, it's Krista Voda. This high-speed race features some experienced veterans up front and some inexperienced drivers in the back.
Joey Logano is racing, as is Scott Speed and Mike Wallace. Regulars include Ron Hornaday Jr., Todd Bodine and Johnny Benson. The action at the front of the pack should be good. Keep an eye on how many trucks drop out early, there are some Nationwide Series "start and parkers" in this race. That series is off this weekend.
SPEED has presented a no-nonsense approach to this series for years. It goes "old school" with the focus on the action and the teams. The network has tried very hard to make the viewer feel that the NCTS is a family atmosphere. They work to introduce the new young drivers and also to continue the storylines concerning both the race win and the season championship.
This post will serve to host your comments about the Craftsman Truck Series on SPEED from Talladega. To add your TV-related opinion, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks again for taking the time to drop by The Daly Planet.
Is there any other way I can watch this race besides on SPEED? Im at college and dont get SPEED Channel.
SPEED is the exclusive provider of the Trucks as far as TV is concerned.
DirecTV or a sports bar is always a good option. Nothing like a hamburger and racing.
Is it just me or is Krista in front of a "green" screen with pit road in the background?
Looks kinda odd to me.
Can Michael Waltrip make it through the opening comments WITHOUT using the term "Intense" ???
He seems to use the term at EVERY track and during EVERY open from the booth.
Let's see if he uses it again.
ams fan,
She is just standing in front of that big jib cam. She is right on pit road.
Better get a calculator for that one.
there's another one Ken *giggle*
ha ha ha - thats hilarious
Something I wish the networks & producers would give thought to :
Give us the entire first lap of each race with Nat Sound only. ie; "full throttle" / "crank it up"
(except for an incident on that 1st lap)
Would any of you have problems with this? Like the idea ??
Would any of you have problems with this? Like the idea ??
Great idea.
@ Ken,
I like it.
caution already :(
Talk about a false start...geez...
Is the 53 truck the debris?
In the ARCA race, no one could pass.
Should be interesting to see if the outside line can get going.
Waltrip is in his element adding analysis to this restrictor-plate race. Speed makes the rest of the Nascar networks look like amateurs.
They are doing their best, but there is just no racing on this track.
Daly Planet Editor said...
They are doing their best, but there is just no racing on this track.
Is this a precursor for the race tomorrow? I thought the first Cup practice was pretty exciting.
@ken-michigan,I think that would be great love the crankit up in surround sound.
Detour for a moment. Was gasoline a big issue for the fans this weekend?
On the news here (northern AL), they said gas stations thought about putting a limit on how much gas one car could get because of the race this weekend. I don't think that happened, but there was concern.
Thanks Matt.
What drivers are in the 60 & 11? Where's JP when you need him?
Nevermind, they just said who they are.
33 trucks today 31 in las vegas, I sure hope Camping World or someone else can step up and keep the trucks going ,usually some of the best racing IMO .I know Kevin Harvick mentioned Camping World may not be back as their sponsor, hope this is were they land
Good broadcast even though there really isn't much "racing". All three guys are doing a super job and I always like where Phil mentions the sponsor on the truck when he talks about it. Gas issues in Atlanta finally easing up - hopefully there will be plenty when I vacation there at the end of the month.
Since the race is over @ 3:30, do we really need 30 mins of commls?
How did Setzer get in first place with a pit road penalty? Didn't he get one?
Tough to make excitement where there is none.
Sure would be nice with 42 trucks out there instead of 28.
I have totally enjoyed seeing Dega on my screen with out video over green flag, excess bumper cams, in car cams, stupid bumper music, draft crapper and the rest of the TOYS of PSPN.
Might not be THE best race but I will take what I am seeing today over what dreck we will see tomorrow.
Camera work today has been well directed and I have seen most all the race. LOVE the guys in the booth and Mikey is genuinely excited.
I noted Rick calling a bunch of numbers today w/o naming the driver...he needs a better score card as it had shades of JP to his issue!! :-)
Overall, still a good outing.
Just one question:
On some of the long shots it looks like a cloud of DUST is hanging over the cars? And it's not the sun either as sometimes its happening when the camera is not LOOKING in the sun...just wondered if some cameras were dirty...but still great pictures otherwise.
It is kind of sparse looking. The on-air group is making it exciting.
Trucks running 3 wide, with only way to tell leader by computer, is exciting to me! What not enough death for you ??!!!!
A full field for the truck series is 36 I thought, nor 42.
for you bored by this race, the ending was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved it
Go Todd!!!!!!!!!!!!!What a finish.
I enjoyed this race ....totally.
The ending was sucha blast!
Think Kyle B will be sullen and sucking his thumb again in interview?
Real amateur act not throwing a yellow...NASCAR tempting fate again...Just make sure to do the same in the other series.
What a finish! w00t!
Congratulations to the Onion :)
Very surprised at SPEED not updating or replaying the backstrecth crash on the last lap.
This isn't normal for SPEED.
I'm sure they will "get to it", but there should have been a replay already.
Anon6:09 Probally no caution b/c 2.66 mile track and wreck is behind them,kindof like Daytona in 07
The truck series never throws a caution as much as Cup. That's what I like about these races, though admit, that looked like a heckuva mess back there.
Hope they give us a better look.
Ron Hornaday looking good tonight...has he lost weight or just looks well rested. Funny about his new tach colors being confusing.
What a difference in after the race interviews. More relaxed for sure.
sophia, Hornaday's looking like he is having fun, rested and enjoying life , I enjoyed the race too.The trucks are just fun to watch
Nice one, just needed more teams and more passing. Cup should be fun on Sunday.
Someone needs to teach Mikey that "brevity is a good thing" ...
I know it's a big track, but geez ... He needs to take a deep breath and chill sometimes ...
He gets on a roll and starts sounding like one of the Chipmunks ... LOL
I really enjoyed how Speed showed as much of the field as they could. It was very exciting to get to watch all of the trucks weaving around, speeding up, passing, etc., etc.
I agree Mikey can get wound up and I love the guy....can the guys get offered a glass of wine while on air? LOL
I am happy to see Hornaday looking so well rested and Happy...I swear he looked years younger than a couple weeks ago when he was under the microscope. Looking good!
I was actually surprised by Kyle's post-race interview ...
Is this the new "oh, well" Kyle ?? or was he replaced by a robot??
Good to see Grampa & Bodine have buried the hatchet ... Wish Germain would come to the dark side with Chevy ...
Very nice to have Krista as the third leg on pit road ... Why can't we have her out there every week??
Great job by the SPEED crew. Having 3 pit reporters was a wonderful suprise and they all worked great covering the action from the pits. Michael Waltrip does need to take a breath once in a while, but that is just Mikey for you. Phil Parsons was solid as usual and Rick again seemed a little overwhelmed with all the action on the track. Rick usual does a great job at larger tracks, where the field is a little more spread out. The action on track wasn't as great as last year, but Speed madde the best of it and had an outstanding broadcast.
Love Speeds coverage of the truck races. They know how to get it done. You at least get to see the racing.I sure could do without Mikey. but I guess I can put up with 1 bad feature, compared to all the bad ones over on the other channel.
I wish SPEED would use different filters for nighttime races for Lemans.
That HORRIBLE "Starburst" effect all over the screen is most distracting and annoying. Can't watch it. Very annoying..they need to open the aperture or whatever they do for moving cams as opposed to still photography...allow more light in the scene...sheesh
Glad NASCAR doesn't have headlights like this...wouldn't be able to watch the race..its a huge eye piercing YELLOW GLOW...don't know HOW you folks with GIANT tv's in HD look at that.
What I saw of the truck race this afternoon was most enjoyable. They may not have had as many trucks as they would have liked, but it was Talladega and there was plenty of action. I enjoy the way that Speed does their telecasts and wish that the four letter network would take some lessons fromthem.
Greetings from Talladega. Regarding the gasoline supply here, I've only noticed one station near the track that was out of both mid-grade and premium but had regular. Diesel is more difficult to find but then not every station carries it anyway. Local news reports say the fans camping filled their spare gas cans before they left home just in case. There ought to be plenty of fuel nearby all those wood burning fires in the campgrounds. Yikes!
I was listening to Kyle Busch on his radio as he crossed the finish line. He and Richie Waters, his crew chief, were livid a caution wasn't thrown for the accident on the backstretch. Guess they wanted another chance at winning.
I have my fingers crossed the Cup drivers put on a good race tomorrow. Do not want another 160 lap parade with a few laps of racing like what happened last October.
norcalfan - kyle busch and richie waters were mad that a caution didn't fly because they would have been the winners. on the last lap of a race you can't have a green white checker. once the caution would have come out, the field is frozen and they go back to the last loop of scoring on the track. kyle was clearly the leader when the wreck happened.
I also was wondering about that backstretch crash, but I saw speed showed replays in their last segment of the show.
GREAT JOB BY SPEED!!!! hey JD..why does SPEED's broadcast team get it so better then the rest?
Anon at 3:21 - I feel for you. My child at Va Tech (home to an engineering degree specializing in motor sports, with several graduates who work in NASCAR) doesn't get Speed either. Just down the road, at a small women's liberal arts college my other child attends, guess what? Speed is available on their cable system.
It ain't fair, as my child as Tech tells me all the time.
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