It's Friday night and time for the Trucks on SPEED. This should be quite a show under the lights on a track that is getting faster and faster as the sun goes down.
Krista Voda will kick things off at 8:30PM with The Set-Up. This pre-race show will review the tight season championship standings and also deliver all the Truck Series news.
Rick Allen will be along next to call the race. He will be joined by Phil Parsons and Michael Waltrip in the announce booth. Ray Dunlap and Adam Alexander will be on pit road.
SPEED has a very old school approach to this series that consists of minimal graphics and special effects. From Krista Voda standing alone at the head of the starting grid to the focus of the race telecast being on the teams and drivers, this TV product has been solid all season long.
This post will serve to host your comments about the Craftsman Truck Series race from the Texas Motor Speedway on SPEED. To add your TV-related comment, just click on the COMMENTS button below and follow the easy instructions. The rules for posting are located on the right side of the main page. Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Daly Planet.
Spoiler alert - the truck announcers are dressed up!!! Not telling what they are though.
Wow.... that's the cutest ugly witch I've ever seen lol
Nice touch by Speed
Hahaha I love her
Just saw Krista. I bet the ESPN guys are jealous of the fun the truck guys have.
Only on SPEED.....
Did someone say fun and ESPN in the same sentence??
LMAO Ray Dunlap as Dorothy? Holy crap
Hahaha this is the best pre-race ever
this is, by far, the best setup show I've seen in a very very long time
Ray Dunlap tonight is officially the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.
As I type that, it gets funnier. Glad to see they're enjoying themselves.
I can't even type, I'm laughing too hard. GO SPEED!!!!!!!!!!1
This is why I put Speed 1st.
It's hard to type with tears in your eyes!!!!!!!!!!!
This is great!
Wonder what the ESPN gang is saying right about now in the TV compound....
Entirely inappropriate for TV having grown men in dresses.
Oh my Lord, I hope they got paid extra for this one, this is too funny.
Seriously this is utterly amazing...
I'm glad I didn't go out tonight. This is a really good setup show.
Great Set-Up show. I'm laughing so hard I can't even listen to what they are saying.
I can't see the ESPN guys doing this next year on Halloween.
Thanks SPEED for being fun as usual.
SPEED has just completely spanked ESPN...
And it was a loud spanking...
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, this is FUN ! !
The OZ gang has me in stitches.
What a delight.
I would love a job where you can have that much fun.
I am having flash backs of race coverage from like ten years ago... it's like I'm in a time warp
Speakin of which, next year they should do the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Ray can be Frank N. Furter hehe
These guys are definitely Some Where Over The Rainbow, Krista is WICKED,good that is.
I had such a crappy wk & this is just the cheering up I needed! I can barely type, I'm laughing so hard-racing is supposed to be FUN-get w/it ESPU!!! I heard Marty was on camera w/out his sports coat on-way to rebel, Marty!!
OH it hurts!!!
This is fantastic. What I like are the guys dressed up as females and doing serious, normal interviews of the drivers.
SPEED is THE best!
"I have never felt this pretty..." Jesus, these guys are gonna make me piss myself lmao
I don't know what these folks make, but it isn't nearly enough!
Very entertaining. The drivers' reactions are better than the costumes.
When we see Ray Dunlap running down pit road for interviews in a dress, that is going to be a TV moment...
Nice kiss from Adam.
I'm glad that it seems like the drivers are having fun with this too.
The look on Hornaday's face was priceless.
I needed a good laugh and this is the best.
i'm laughing so hard, it will be miraculous if i don't screw this up completely! i have no idea who came up with this concept but it is so much fun! the drivers' reactions are priceless, especially since the pit reporters are playing it straight! awesome, awesome job!
speed, if you guys weren't already my hands-down favorites, you would be now. i feel sorry for all the racing fans who are missing this tonight!!
God, i love the truck series!
"I have never felt this pretty..."
I bet Ray and Adam are back in normal clothes for the race, so that's why the interviews were before dark.
No kidding, if they stay dressed up like this the whole race.. my god this is completely epic.
This is the exact sort of thing that would make a Top Ten list on Sportscenter... but you know we'll never see that hehe
I am not usually into Halloween but between the guys in the booth, Dunlap and Alexander, this is HILARIOUS!! Hornaday and Bodiner were a hoot.
Krista makes a great witch voice. :)
Great theme and fun!!
I thought I was self concious about bleaching my upper lip until I saw Dunlap as "dorothy"...and you older women know what I am talking about. ;-0
The SPEED guys are without a doubt the absolute best. This is just to funny.
@matt- you are probably right. One of NASCAR's rules is to be wearing pants in the garage. So they had to do this when they weren't working on the trucks.
Ok guess not
I would love to see the back haul feed. They must be having a ball during the breaks.
Great job Frank!!!
Mike P.
I'm still laughing.
Max the macho Italian !
oh lord, it just got funnier: adam alexander sitting in max papis' truck on the introduction lap! oh. my. God!
OK JD, did Speed give you a heads up on this?
Even in the truck they are playing it straight...Papis doesn't know what to think. :) he gave adam a kiss!!! LMAO.
SPEED, this was PRICELESS. Great idea.
Wonder what the Fox guys in LA thought when they saw this one!
Don't ruin my moment!
Thanks for the David Star segment.
I like to see the drivers in real life.
And I can catch my breath. I haven't laughed this hard all year.
Poor Max, what a way to get introduced to the Big Bad truck series.
This is just to good.
Should we prepare for some different people on Trackside?
This is hands down the bestest pre-race EVAR!!
oh god the Fox guys would be great doin something like this
That was spectacular ,thank you SPEED ,I only wish my Grandson had gotten back in time to see it all.
That was KILLER! (no pun intended)
This is a great pre-race because it gets the viewers ready to enjoy themselves for the main event. I'm gonna go get a beer and have some fun watching this.
The Truck series is the only one where the pre-race is worth watching. The Nationwide pre-race only seems to talk about Cup and the Cup pre-race only seems to talk about the Chase.
I'm disappointed they changed back.
PECO must have flipped when the feed came up. I'm shocked master rolled the first break. You would have had to pick me up off the floor.
I'll have to call down south.
Max Papis must be wondering what in the world he got himself into with this NASCAR thing, LOL.
To be a little serious for two seconds amidst all the fun, very good piece on David Starr.
The Truck Series on Speed is the best thing going on TV right now, in my opinion. Bar none.
What, the booth guys aren't calling the race in costume? BOO!!!! LOL!
Lovely anthem
I noticed so far they played subtle new agey music under the voice of Ray and the boys...think the electric screaming guitar will come back after the break or same mellow music.
yea, too bad to see the booth out of the clothes but would've been HOT for 3 hours. :)
They need to give away some of THESE photos on TWIN!! I want one of everybody. :)
That was just too much fun, Speed you are the best. Could you see Rusty in a Glenda outfit, I think not.
Hahaha sorry JD.
This was great - worth staying home for
aaw man- the booth wimped out.
Sophia like the idea of a picture, can you say screensaver.
Glenda and Dorothy were having way too much fun.
dan said...
"OK JD, did Speed give you a heads up on this?"
inquiring minds want to know, jd!
@ nan s, ditto.
Ray made a much better Dorothy then Jimmy Spencer (anyone remember him as Dorothy on Raceday), the moustasche just makes it perfect.
sophia said...
"I noticed so far they played subtle new agey music under the voice of Ray and the boys.."
sophia, sophia, sophia. think halloween, m'dear! that's classic halloween music you're hearing.
@ nrf, I remember and I agree w/you. But, you have to give Jimmy props for doing it.
Wow, 73 comments and the race hasn't even started yet.
Okay. Scott Speed is officially weird.
duh. thanks for enlightenment about the music. :)
Uh OH...obnoxiously GUITAR stuff is back...maybe only women notice it....like dog ears.
(no comments from the peanut gallery ;-0 )
p.s. agreed, that is the weirdest thing YET from S. Speed !?
Mr. Nan S. just told me the story about Max this morning. How he came from a lap down (no lucky dog) to win the race in a crazy charge.
When you love what you do, it shows. Great pre-race SPEED!
What?? Little old me? No way...you know that no one tells me anything!
Did you notice the music Sophia? I think you scared the heck out of Ray the other day!
oops! I mean Rick...I must still be having Dorothy moments!
So are some of these guys start and parkers ?
dang i thought cale might be able to save it for a split second after the spin
can i just say . . . what a GREAT call of the start of the race! the excitement just demands attention! wonderful.
This just sucks for these guys.
wonder if that was a jab at espn... "We don't have to speculate what caused that, we'll find out!"
Big difference between SPEED and ESPN? If a driver is slow getting out of a wreck, ESPN blasts rock music and replays the wreck over and over again. SPEED waits until the driver gets out of the vehicle. That's class right there.
Is that Ryan Newman on the box with Harvick? I too wanted Cale Gale to do well (Harvick tends to dump drivers pretty quick) with a name like that he belongs in Nascar.
Nan S said...
So are some of these guys start and parkers ?
October 31, 2008 9:21 PM
Another multi-truck wreck on the next restart and Norm Benning might get his best career finish!
@ Alex, I caught that too.
Great camera work showing the exact sequence of events.
OK I'm seriously over this DIrect TV commercial, guess Christy needed some cash after she paid off the divorce lawyers.
Speed always does such a great job explaining the what and why of a crash, and usually has the pictures to back it up.
Enough of the Clark Grizwald DirecTV commercials. That is about the 10th time. Its just about as bad as a Go-Daddy one.
Start and parkers should be:
0: Butch Miller
36: JC Stout
57: Norm Benning
40: Jeff Green (possibly)
And if they started:
89: Mark Harmon
41: Ryan Matthews
I'm upset. I ate at Zaxby's just yesterday and there wasn't a pit crew to refill my drink.
False advertising!
The Speed Truck commentators remind me a bit of the Speed F1 commentators. They have a great knowledge and love of the event they are covering and they try to convey that to the fans in a fun and informative way.
RC truck just in time for Xmas season. Actually, 1 hour on a single charge is pretty impressive. When I was a kid it seemed the batteries died on those cars after 10 minutes.
Thanks for the info on possible S&P ers. Why is this issue never discussed in Truck or Nationwide broadcasts?
I think they ignore it because it reflects negatively on nascar that there isn't a full field of cars to go to the distance.
nan s. -
It wasn't discussed. Just going from past history and who had to qualify on time. Looks like Jeff Green is actually racing.
Too bad for Max. I met him at Road Atlanta a few years ago, and he's one of the nicest guys in racing.
I love it too. It is such a shame that ESPN cannot do the racing justice like they used to do and this just gives credence to what some of us have been saying all year long that Sppeed should be doing all of the races.
Too much fun and racing should be all about having fun.
Why does it always take 10 seconds to go to commercial under green? Just cut away and get it over with it.
Is anyone out there wishing right about now that we could get some zoomed isolated shots of the points contenders running around by themselves while this great racing is going on? Maybe some pre-taped driver comments, full-screen video packages, and shots of a guy in an infield studio illustrating what a "break pad" is as well? How about a full screen display of "points as of now" 30 laps into the race? Maybe a full-screen NFL promo under green?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
There are more than 10 cars in the race. I would have liked a futher run down.
@ Strick, you forgot the bumper cams.
I'm glad we're watching SPEED, where they realize the racing is good enough that they don't need a bunch of artificial stuff to fit their agenda of a "good race".
Anyone else notice that? All of the chase hype that ESPN talks about during the race, SPEED just did that in a 30 second commercial for Phoenix. They are able to let the only drama be from the race itself.
One reader emailed me and asked why there were only a few comments when the race was in-progress.
I said because....we were actually watching the race! What a concept.
Anonymous said...
Why does it always take 10 seconds to go to commercial under green? Just cut away and get it over with it.
To put it in simple terms if that is possible, The site (TMS)of the event is in contact with Master Control.(LA) Master rolls the breaks. The producer at the site calls for the break within time window. The director then needs to setup for the break. Once that is settled. The Assoc. Director at the site tells master to get ready for the break. Then comes the 10 second count to master to roll the break. The 10 count is sometimes a "soft" count. Master has to try not to clip the end of any talking etc. from the site.
There are other factors such as local breaks from your cable system or DTV that also come into play but that is a whole other story.
I'm multi-tasking with chats, but am not chatting as much as I usually do.
I wonder what happened to X truck? Let's go look. Here's the tape. Oh! That's what happened. And that truck isn't even running for a top 10 in points. Amazing!
Keep up the good work!
cncspd, thank you for that explanation. Now the delay makes sense.
They have to get all their ducks in a row.
my thanks as well, cncspd! when there's something that we, as fans, think is screwed up, an explanation goes a long way to keeping everything in perspective.
one of the reasons i enjoy TDP is that we are often provided with solid information that helps make us more intelligent consumers of the broadcast.
now, if we could just get each network to assign a someone to answer our questions and offer explanations each week, it'd be a "more wonderfuller" world (as one of our saughters used to say!)
I like how they're doing the spotter chatter live, such as "3 wide". On ESPN it seems they usually play spotter audio during a replay.
They are making good use of the scanner talk.
I like that they show different trucks and have an idea what's going on with each one.
I think it's great that we don't even know KyB is out front as they keep showing what else is going on. They even show the odd wads of this series. Even if they are laps down and racing Ron & Johnny. Take a lesson ESPN.
what an amazing piece of driving right there by donny lia to avoid slamming into the pit road wall! AND he didn't lose a lap AND there was NO caution thrown!
have i mentioned how much i love truck races?!?
This has been a fast 2 hours.
Amazing that a RACE could keep my attention so much that I lost track of time.
I wish that could happen on Saturday and Sunday.
For Speed to be a lower budget network could they have had any more angles for the 81?
That will wake em up on pit road, nice job with the camera on Lia the whole time good job.
ok, so they did actually throw a caution on the lia spin but still . . . just amazing.
and i second 3bud in re: the great camerta work on that as well.
Man the excitement in thier voices,from The Set-Up, to the production truck to the booth you know they love what they do.
This has been a fast 2 hours! Almost sad to see it end. If there's a late caution, should be an exciting finish
If there was racing like this on Sundays and the TV crew would show it, Ratings and sponsors would never be a problem.
This is definitely the best show on TV!
@ams fan
There is racing like this on Sundays. The networks choose not to show it because it is for 15th, 20th, or 25th place, not for the lead.
I watch some good racing on Race View almost every week.
It's sad. The sponsor problem leads to low car counts and people losing their jobs. Better TV coverage of the whole field could reverse and repair that situation.
Rick and Phil usually on HotPass 796 Jr.'s channel bring the same. Kind of night and day from other tv options,but all of HotPass is that way.Just real good coverage.SPEED DirecTv Fox?
awesome job to show everyone crossing the line, since the field was so spread out.
Thanks All,
There will be a full column up about the Truck race for your comments.
Fantastic --- seeing the field cross the finish line.
Take note, ESPeeN--- that's how it's done.
Alright Hornaday! Excellent job SPEED thanks. From The Set-up through the races you guys are the best, and the fans truly appreciate it.
wow! what a great call and fantastic camera work on those last ten laps! unlike espn, speed's director and producer stayed with where the racing was happening instead of just showing the leader snapping off laps with no competition!
and we saw 20+ cars cross the finish line: thank you for that.
as has become the norm for speed and truck series: another excellent job. this is one time i wish the race had lasted about 50 laps more so i could enjoy the broadcast.
from a wonderfully imaginative pre-race show right thru the checkers, a real treat with no tricks tonight! thanks, speed!!
Jeff Green isnt a start and park team, someone mentioned that earlier. They are full-time dedicated to this series.
Good race. Great points race.
Didn't see the set-up show, got confused asto when this race was supposed to go green and caught it midway through the first caution.
Pretty good interview by Kyle Busch =0
My bad on the Jeff Green and start and park. I was going from memory and didn't look at past races.
Great race! Great camera work and finish!!
and I loved Dorothy skipping down pit road and Glenda the Good Witch stepping over the wall in her dress! LMAO!!
Many youtube moments of FUN from tonight's show. :)
There is a new post up for your comments on the Truck Series race from Texas.
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